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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Jack made it back to his room. He put the Ice cream inside the freezer. He placed the items that he bought in the closet and the candy on the counter. Kagami will find the candy later when she returns. He looked at the mirror on the wall. "I'll have to trim hair ."he said as he brushed the hair back from his face. Jack looked closer to the mirror. He could of swore he saw a flash of red eyes. "I must be tired " he said , walking to his bed to lay down.

"I really have a bad feeling...it's probably just me".
charleen said:
"Sounds pretty.. hot!!"
She said, jokingly. Nico giggled softly to her.

"Get it?! Cause like fire and it's actually burning hot if you touch or something.."

She kept giggling. Nico clapped when she saw the flame on his hand. She felt giddy and amazed even though it was probably a simple ability to Drako.


She almost wanted to touch the fire, but she stopped herself before she got too closed.

"You can control the wind too..?"

She sighed. Nico didn't want to say her abilities now. It was a joke compared to his.

"That's so cool,"

She looked to side of her, trying to avoid eye contact with him.
Drakon sighed. "But it doesn't matter to me anyway. The other power I have... Is more of a curse. I can't even control it... And if I told you what it was you might..." He said as he looked to the side as well. "Not want to be my friend..."
CERBERUS177 said:
"I dead set on military service. No changing that unless something pops up." he said, leaning back in his seat, "I think we should be getting back, it's getting late, you want a ride?" he asked Saki, seeing that they both live in the same dorm housing area, and school.
"Sure thing man." He gets out of his seat, with intention to get to Cody's car. "Let's not waste anytime or anything."
Angelostar4 said:
"Sure thing man." He gets out of his seat, with intention to get to Cody's car. "Let's not waste anytime or anything."
Cody followed heel, getting outside unlocking the car with a nice beep. He was happy about his car, that was his real pride and joy, he hopes to get a truck sooner or later, he's getting too tall for the supra, "Alright, back to the school." he said, pulling out of the parking lot, and making their way to the school.
TheDragoon said:
Drakon sighed. "But it doesn't matter to me anyway. The other power I have... Is more of a curse. I can't even control it... And if I told you what it was you might..." He said as he looked to the side as well. "Not want to be my friend..."
"But it sounds like you do want to tell me, so just tell me Drakon,"

She sai, slightly annoyed. Nico has encountered different types of people from really nice and safe to really dark and kinda dangerous so at this point she has nothing to lose.

"I would judge for who you are,"

She placed a hand on her chest, and smiled softly at him.
CERBERUS177 said:
Cody followed heel, getting outside unlocking the car with a nice beep. He was happy about his car, that was his real pride and joy, he hopes to get a truck sooner or later, he's getting too tall for the supra, "Alright, back to the school." he said, pulling out of the parking lot, and making their way to the school.
Saki just lounges about in the boy's car. Occasionally looking out the window for any strange creatures, or another. "Nope... nothing" He thought in his head.
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TheDragoon said:
Nexus saw she had already let her guard down and he frowned a little. "I'm glad your happy and all, but remember that Akuma took control of me once. You should be on guard at all times even if we're near you... Because what I'm guessing is that we're faced with an extremely powerful being. First order of business, we figure out a way of protecting us from him... Most demons are not aloud to enter salt circles right? We can salt circle the cabin if it helps... But we have to do something to safeguard our minds as well." He explained.
Ilaani frowned gently and nodded "Right" she was calm, bit she hadn't let her guard down. She was thankful for the advice though, since she didn't know anything about demons really. What. She didn't listen in class back in FHS, she was having other issues with health back then so learning about the super natural fell to the wayside. Because of that she was glad Nexus knew some stuff about keeping them safe. "Okay, so...salt circles. What if he's more powerful than that though..." She said as she looked around. "As for safeguarding our minds, I may have a friend who can help with that..."
@Fukushima Akira[/URL]








...Haruo heard a female voice emit from infront of him, and as a result, he looked up to see it's origin. As his purple irises met their target, he was greeted by a rather curvaceous female bowing infront of him in a maid outfit. Propping one of his eyebrows upward, he spoke≭...

Hm? Who are you?

no slide no slide no slide



...ΨKenji thought for a few moments regarding Lumina's question, his red irises shifting between the sparring sessions ahead of them. He soon nodded and reached into his back pocket, shortly before pulling out a laminated piece of paper, on which was his timetable for each class. He read over the paper for a few moments, shortly before holding it over towards Lumina. He spoke as he looked ahead of him to the sparring sessions as they slowly began stopping, revealing the winners and the losers of the fights. As he finished talking, he looked back towards Lumina and smiledΨ...

We could just wait until class is over? From the looks of things, most of the sparring sessions are ending, so this will most likely be the end of the class. Akira's probably just gauging every students' abilities, so that he can accurately begin teaching them the next time we have this class. And from the looks of my timetable, next period is our last class for today. After that, we're free to do whatever we like~

no slide no slide no slide

@Wicked Jester[/URL].[/Column]








...ΨKenji thought for a few moments regarding Lumina's question, his red irises shifting between the sparring sessions ahead of them. He soon nodded and reached into his back pocket, shortly before pulling out a laminated piece of paper, on which was his timetable for each class. He read over the paper for a few moments, shortly before holding it over towards Lumina. He spoke as he looked ahead of him to the sparring sessions as they slowly began stopping, revealing the winners and the losers of the fights. As he finished talking, he looked back towards Lumina and smiledΨ...

We could just wait until class is over? From the looks of things, most of the sparring sessions are ending, so this will most likely be the end of the class. Akira's probably just gauging every students' abilities, so that he can accurately begin teaching them the next time we have this class. And from the looks of my timetable, next period is our last class for today. After that, we're free to do whatever we like~

no slide no slide no slide no slide no slide no slide

Lance was giggling like mad on the inside. The brat didn't recognize her? well she supposed that was how it should be considering she was in the guise of a young male, but she at least thought he would connect the dots. Leaning forward, she crossed he arms and pushed out her bosom slightly while putting on a pouting face. "You dont recognize me master? Even after all you've done to get me in this dress does it not please you?" Giggling like mad in her head, Lance resisted the urge to laugh out loud and break character.

(bosom is a really fun word to say XDDD )
charleen said:
"But it sounds like you do want to tell me, so just tell me Drakon,"
She sai, slightly annoyed. Nico has encountered different types of people from really nice and safe to really dark and kinda dangerous so at this point she has nothing to lose.

"I would judge for who you are,"

She placed a hand on her chest, and smiled softly at him.
Drakon rolled his eyes and nodded. "Alright, not like I'll be able to hide it anyway... Okay, my other power has to do with my willpower." He said as he looked up. "My Flames of Fate is so strong, it can force people around me to break their intended role in the timeline at any given point. However, my ability does NOT make people stronger or weaker. What it does is make people make choices that they originally did not intend to make." He explained. He then laughed a little nervously. "Now ya gotta tell me your powers! I told mine, even my secret power." He said, kinda excited to hear what her power was.
Nona said:
Ilaani frowned gently and nodded "Right" she was calm, bit she hadn't let her guard down. She was thankful for the advice though, since she didn't know anything about demons really. What. She didn't listen in class back in FHS, she was having other issues with health back then so learning about the super natural fell to the wayside. Because of that she was glad Nexus knew some stuff about keeping them safe. "Okay, so...salt circles. What if he's more powerful than that though..." She said as she looked around. "As for safeguarding our minds, I may have a friend who can help with that..."
Nexus rolled his eyes and laughed a little. "If your worried it won't be enough we can use iron bars as a second wall, their supposed to even more harmful to demons than salt... Well... Actually anything iron. Can't cross or touch it. I did a lot of research into supernatural health so I know a lot..." He said.
TheDragoon said:
Drakon rolled his eyes and nodded. "Alright, not like I'll be able to hide it anyway... Okay, my other power has to do with my willpower." He said as he looked up. "My Flames of Fate is so strong, it can force people around me to break their intended role in the timeline at any given point. However, my ability does NOT make people stronger or weaker. What it does is make people make choices that they originally did not intend to make." He explained. He then laughed a little nervously. "Now ya gotta tell me your powers! I told mine, even my secret power." He said, kinda excited to hear what her power was.
"Compared to yours, mine is pretty lame.."

She sighed softly.

"But I'll tell you it since you told me yours,"

Nico shrugged, nodding her head.

"Ok ok, so I have healing abilities since I am an animal fairy and I can also turn into an actual fairy if I really wanted to,"

She rolled her eyes slightly, but smiled right after.
@Wicked Jester[/URL].[/Column]





Lance smirked inwardly and maintained the pouting face, "So then master is displeased with me?" At this point Lance was laughing her ass off internally yet maintained a calm exterior. She couldn't believe Haruo would be that dense. If she could easily turn into him, then he might realize she had more than one appearance in her repertoire.
TheDragoon said:
Nexus rolled his eyes and laughed a little. "If your worried it won't be enough we can use iron bars as a second wall, their supposed to even more harmful to demons than salt... Well... Actually anything iron. Can't cross or touch it. I did a lot of research into supernatural health so I know a lot..." He said.
Ilaani nodded "Alright, I'm glad you did since I didn't retain much of what I learned about demons at FHS" she admitted "After all, I didn't really think I'd be in a situation where I'd need to keep one away from me, now I feel a little dumb..." She said, rubbing the side of her face with her hand. "I'm glad at least one of us knows all this stuff..."
charleen said:
"Compared to yours, mine is pretty lame.."
She sighed softly.

"But I'll tell you it since you told me yours,"

Nico shrugged, nodding her head.

"Ok ok, so I have healing abilities since I am an animal fairy and I can also turn into an actual fairy if I really wanted to,"

She rolled her eyes slightly, but smiled right after.
Drakon then thought about her choice of words for a second before shaking his head. "Your right... And wrong at the same time." He told her. "While it kind of is a basic ability, I haven't met somebody with healing abilities, much less a fairy. Us Agni users also don't develop any sort of healing powers or healing properties so any injury we sustain can't be healed very easily... So in a way if we fought together you'd make the perfect partner for me if things got scrappy. In other words, it makes you very unique." He said happily before he realized he was being too nice. "I-I mean- Ugh... Alright that's probably the only nice thing I'll ever say to you."
Nona said:
Ilaani nodded "Alright, I'm glad you did since I didn't retain much of what I learned about demons at FHS" she admitted "After all, I didn't really think I'd be in a situation where I'd need to keep one away from me, now I feel a little dumb..." She said, rubbing the side of her face with her hand. "I'm glad at least one of us knows all this stuff..."
Nexus laughed lightly. "Did ya forget I was a doctor? I'm trying to be somebody who can cure any type of being of any disease, so it's very important for me to study the supernatural." He said. "Let's get the salt circle set up and then we can leave."
TheDragoon said:
Nexus laughed lightly. "Did ya forget I was a doctor? I'm trying to be somebody who can cure any type of being of any disease, so it's very important for me to study the supernatural." He said. "Let's get the salt circle set up and then we can leave."
Ilaani smiled "I know, I know" she said in response "I just didn't think you treated ailments in other beings too" she said with a nod "Anyways, yes, salt circle. Let's get that done"
Nona said:
Ilaani smiled "I know, I know" she said in response "I just didn't think you treated ailments in other beings too" she said with a nod "Anyways, yes, salt circle. Let's get that done"
Nexus had already started adding salt around the edge of the cabin. Once they were finished he put up a sign that read- 'DO NOT BY ANY MEANS BREAK THE CIRCLE'. This was a reminder because if the circle was broken then the circle would serve a no means of protection for them. He also had begun to set up a series of iron steps around the cabin so that there was no way Akuma could get in.
Mayyflower said:
Sam closed her eyes and curled in a ball.
Marcus walked outside and stretched. After a while of walking he was in a area he didn't recognize "Wait what...? I was just.....I was by the school....How did I get here......? Where is here...?" He said looking around before his eyes widened "Gods......No........." He recognized the area he'd not seen for so long. The Legion's armies were preparing for an assault. "10 years ago...I destroyed them....So how....? How did this happen....? Samantha.....My family...I have things I must protect. This will be different."

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