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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

charleen said:
Nico grew back to her petite human form. She was so glad that she was clean again. She stood there, looking back at Moonstone.
"What now?"

She asked, feeling bored.


"Well, we can't just skip out on class because we're bored." Moonstone groaned as they moved themself away to avoid the other students in their own fights. They kept talking to Nico, expecting her to follow them. "I assume we just keep on fighting until the teacher tells us to stop. I really hope we get a break soon" they told her, clearly annoyed with the class. They found fighting fun for only a few minutes, but after a while it became boring and it felt like they were running out of things to do. Moonstone also didn't consider their abilities to be that fun to use, since if they got really creative or did what they actually want to do they'd end up hurting a lot of people.

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Combat Class


Bored, Annoyed


Talking to Nico


Finish Combat Class

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:


" Seriously!?, you are no fun "she pouts. Her scythe disappears. She walks over to Roy and puts her hands on her hips, looking up at him.

" Your not even trying at all." she pokes him on his chest. "Fine, be that way".

[QUOTE="Storm Guardian]Roy hides behind the shield, digging his feet in the ground. The fire pushes him back, and he stumbles. The shield breaks. He gets up, something like sunburn on his face "You shouldn't have done that." He doesn't even want to fight Kagami anymore. She was just an overly determined person. There was no point in this fight.
Knowing his chaotic ways, he puts his hands up. He sighs deeply, but inside, he's smiling. He transforms back into human form, this time without difficulty or pain. He intentionally doesn't say any words of surrender.

Kisaki said:
" I see, she just like the woman who took care of me when I was younger. "he tugs on his scarf .
" So where is this bakery at again?" he asked.
"A good 5-10 minutes from here." she said opening the door to get outside. "Do you want to drop all that warm stuff off at your dorm or...? " she asked seeing that it might get hot.
Kisaki said:
" Seriously!?, you are no fun "she pouts. Her scythe disappears. She walks over to Roy and puts her hands on her hips, looking up at him.
" Your not even trying at all." she pokes him on his chest. "Fine, be that way".
Roy smiles with glee, then raises his hands and blasts a powerful shot of darkness at Kagami's chest, thrice the power to make a beam of magic. "Never be caught unaware!"
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" Sure, I guess it is getting warm" he pulled out his dorm key and head toward his room. He dropped of his scarf and Jacket and closed the door.

"Done, now we can go." he put his key back in his pocket.

CERBERUS177 said:
"A good 5-10 minutes from here." she said opening the door to get outside. "Do you want to drop all that warm stuff off at your dorm or...? " she asked seeing that it might get hot.
Kagami was felt the beam of magic hit her chest. She fell down . " Good one. " she spit up blood and rubbed her mouth.

She closed her eyes and opened them revealing glowing red eyes. "If ya want to play , I'll show how chaotic I can be !". A circle of fire surrounds them. A blast of fire flows toward Roy.


[QUOTE="Storm Guardian]Roy smiles with glee, then raises his hands and blasts a powerful shot of darkness at Kagami's chest, thrice the power to make a beam of magic. "Never be caught unaware!"




"Well, do whatever you want, but I'll stay here,"

She said softly. Nico started stretching her arms. It's been awhile since she transformed. Nico feels it's not necessary or realistic in everyday life, so she rarely does it. She focused her attention back to Moonstone. She was quite shocked that they wanted to skip class, but earlier they were scared of getting caught.

"You wanted this, but now you don't want it.."

She sighed heavily, crossing her arms.

"Come on, we barely started!!"

She said, whining.

"Forreal!! Let's fight!"
Kisaki said:
Kagami was felt the beam of magic hit her chest. She fell down . " Good one. " she spit up blood and rubbed her mouth.
She closed her eyes and opened them revealing glowing red eyes. "If ya want to play , I'll show how chaotic I can be !". A circle of fire surrounds them. A blast of fire flows toward Roy.

((Sometimes Grammarly gets me super annoyed))

Roy's purple eyes glow with a sparkle of humor. He summons a shield, then realizes the fire is all around him, which smashes him into his own shield. He steps back, shaking his head "Heh." The sparkle disappears, but even in the dark atmosphere, his glow of the eyes is visible, "I never see why you want to beat me so much." He faces Kagami, and looking behind her, does a quick swipe, creating a hammer behind her which attempt to bonk her head.
(Gtg. Feeling sick)

To be Continued...

[QUOTE="Storm Guardian]((Sometimes Grammarly gets me super annoyed))
Roy's purple eyes glow with a sparkle of humor. He summons a shield, then realizes the fire is all around him, which smashes him into his own shield. He steps back, shaking his head "Heh." The sparkle disappears, but even in the dark atmosphere, his glow of the eyes is visible, "I never see why you want to beat me so much." He faces Kagami, and looking behind her, does a quick swipe, creating a hammer behind her which attempt to bonk her head.

Kisaki said:
" Sure, I guess it is getting warm" he pulled out his dorm key and head toward his room. He dropped of his scarf and Jacket and closed the door.
"Done, now we can go." he put his key back in his pocket.
"Alright let's go!" she said cheerfully, "Where do you want to have the cake? Under a tree or at a table?" she asked, him, since the tables might be in the sun, and the ground under the tree might be cooler.
charleen said:
"Well, do whatever you want, but I'll stay here,"
She said softly. Nico started stretching her arms. It's been awhile since she transformed. Nico feels it's not necessary or realistic in everyday life, so she rarely does it. She focused her attention back to Moonstone. She was quite shocked that they wanted to skip class, but earlier they were scared of getting caught.

"You wanted this, but now you don't want it.."

She sighed heavily, crossing her arms.

"Come on, we barely started!!"

She said, whining.

"Forreal!! Let's fight!"


"I'm not saying we should skip class, and I know I wanted this but... I don't know, I get really excited and into it and I worry that I may go too far, you understand?' Moonstone explained. "But, well, if you want to continue then let's continue."

Moonstone prepared themself once more for another fight with Nico, but this time they didn't care much to hold themself back. They wanted something interesting to happen and they were determined to make something interesting happened. If that meant someone had to actually get hurt like a real fight, so be it, as long as no one got fatally hurt, actually died, or just got so hurt they had to leave class.

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Extra Information


Combat Class




Preparing to fight Nico


Fight Nico

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:


[QUOTE="Storm Guardian](( Any characters free for rp?))

((Junchi is. They're heading to town to get some food and supplies to take care of Fricka.))
[QUOTE="The Royal Keen]((Junchi is. They're heading to town to get some food and supplies to take care of Fricka.))

Wylie stares out of the window. Roy undoubtedly got himself in a lot of trouble in a fight. Things aren't good. He heads outside, ready to take a drive. Hopping into the electric BMW that he technically doesn't own because he made a loan (and still needs to pay back 10% of it), he drives to town, perhaps to get medications for when Roy comes back, bloodied and bruised. Perhaps the town is also supernatural.

((Where in the "town"?))



Nico tried bumping them and pushing them back. She wanted to trigger them. She wanted to see their potential with Moonstone's power. Obviously, it's unimaginable on what they can actually do. Nico's ability is so limited and if she can't be the powerful one, then at least her friend can be it.

"Are you just gonna stand there?"

She snickered, giggling softly.
Mei Junchi[/URL]



Wylie decides he should head to the drug store first, but he decides he has to make sure he doesn't buy any drugs with marijuana for Roy. He stops the car outside the store and gets out.
charleen said:
Nico tried bumping them and pushing them back. She wanted to trigger them. She wanted to see their potential with Moonstone's power. Obviously, it's unimaginable on what they can actually do. Nico's ability is so limited and if she can't be the powerful one, then at least her friend can be it.
"Are you just gonna stand there?"

She snickered, giggling softly.


Annoyed with Nico pushing and bumping into them, Moonstone stepped back a bit from her. They rolled their eyes and did what Nico wanted, and began to attack her. They made it obvious they were going to do it though, so this time Nico actually had a chance to shield themself or fight back. Moonstone decided to use their legs to attack, finding it the easier for them when it came to physical fighting. They always mixed fighting with dancing, and when it came to dance fighting they would usually use ballet, and at times make their fighting seem more like a violent gymnastic performance.

They aimed for Nico's side, spinning and trying to make their movements as unpredictable as possible as they came towards her. Moonstone also used their staff too to make them seem more unpredictable, finding it useful to use their staff more like a decoy than an actual weapon. They made sure to hold back their kick when it came, but also wanted it to feel like an actual fight. They wouldn't be surprised if the hit hurt, but they hoped it didn't do anything too bad to her.

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Extra Information


Combat Class


Slightly annoyed


Trying to kick Nico


Fight Nico

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:


Mei Junchi[/URL]



Wylie, after buying some severe magic treatement medicines, as well as more minor ones, and Hails Lemon drops that were actually not cough drops but Vitamin C drops. Along the way, Wylie couldn't resist but look at one person. Was that the person who he met in that... strange action? He walks up to Junchi, and taps his shoulder.
Mei Junchi[/URL]



"Roy, my friend, seemed to be getting into a bit of trouble," He pointed to the medicines, "What brings you here?" he smiles, kinda awkwardly. "I didn't expect to meet you up here... at the drug store."
TheDragoon said:
Vis began spinning the marble very fast before it started speeding off down a tunnel of light that had opened and they appeared at a large yellow castle. Some people in tuxedo's were walking around talking to each other. Some looked strange, some looked cool. Vis had taken them to the front of the base, making the ball around them vanish instantly. "So, your the one Shuu won't stop thinking about." She said with a smile at Lena. "You look great, I'm sure Shuu is going to love it."
As soon as they stopped, Lena took a breath in, looking at the base

"Y-Yeah... as you mention that.... I... Am pretty nervwracked right now..." She exclaimed, smiling nervously, her hand twitching a little

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