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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

JJKab said:
As soon as they stopped, Lena took a breath in, looking at the base
"Y-Yeah... as you mention that.... I... Am pretty nervwracked right now..." She exclaimed, smiling nervously, her hand twitching a little
Vis took her hand gently with a smile and began guiding her inside. "Relax! This is your special day." She said as she took her towards the courtyard, where Shuu was waiting ever so patiently... Then he started to feel strange. He felt like his humanity was draining from him. What truly made him the person he is disappeared as a long smirk played across his lips now. One of his eyes was a blood red now, which he kept shut while he kept his other yellow eye open.
TheDragoon said:
Vis took her hand gently with a smile and began guiding her inside. "Relax! This is your special day." She said as she took her towards the courtyard, where Shuu was waiting ever so patiently... Then he started to feel strange. He felt like his humanity was draining from him. What truly made him the person he is disappeared as a long smirk played across his lips now. One of his eyes was a blood red now, which he kept shut while he kept his other yellow eye open.
Lena noticed Shuu, and smiled widely, approaching him. Soon, however, she stopped, realising his eyes were... a bit mismatched

"S----Shuuie? Y---Your eyes are a bit... mismatched..." She exclaimed, looking worriedly at him

"Are you okay?"
"Under the tree. It's better to be in the shade" he replied.

CERBERUS177 said:
"Alright let's go!" she said cheerfully, "Where do you want to have the cake? Under a tree or at a table?" she asked, him, since the tables might be in the sun, and the ground under the tree might be cooler.
"I have to!" she glides back avoiding Roy's attack. Her vision started to deteriorate. "Not now " she mummered. She takes a dream breath. She drains the water out plants and the grass surrounding her. A tornado of Water starts to spin toward Roy.

[QUOTE="Storm Guardian]((Sometimes Grammarly gets me super annoyed))
Roy's purple eyes glow with a sparkle of humor. He summons a shield, then realizes the fire is all around him, which smashes him into his own shield. He steps back, shaking his head "Heh." The sparkle disappears, but even in the dark atmosphere, his glow of the eyes is visible, "I never see why you want to beat me so much." He faces Kagami, and looking behind her, does a quick swipe, creating a hammer behind her which attempt to bonk her head.









...Haruo looked around at the duplicates of Lance, his purple irises constantly shifting between the combatants. He grinned just after Lance spoke, his powers soon exploding outwards into a violent whirlwind which sent the duplicates spiralling away from him and into multiple nearby trees. His grin remained as he replied to Lance, the whirlwind continuing to spin around him≭...

Let's step it up a notch.

no slide no slide no slide no slide no slide no slide no slide no slide no slide no slide no slide no slide no slide no slide

The group of Lances smirked before suddenly vanishing, leaving only the original Lance standing before Haruo. Smiling coldly, Lance sreatched out his arm and caught his rifle which had finally fell back to earth before immediately bringing it up to his shoulder and aimed it at Haruo's head bore calling out,

"Let's see just how good your resistance really is..."
He shrugged "I don't know that much of the kingdom. They do have a huge Volcano that they used to sacrifice humans to."he replied.

CERBERUS177 said:
"Great choice." she said, smiling at Jack, "What's the best thing in your kingdom any like, monuments?" she asked him
Kisaki said:
He shrugged "I don't know that much of the kingdom. They do have a huge Volcano that they used to sacrifice humans to."he replied.
She giggled, "Sound's fun." she said with a devious smile. She knew he was kidding, so she went with it and made it darker for it.
Kisaki said:
"I have to!" she glides back avoiding Roy's attack. Her vision started to deteriorate. "Not now " she mummered. She takes a dream breath. She drains the water out plants and the grass surrounding her. A tornado of Water starts to spin toward Roy.
"Nature abuse!" Roy said. The logical thing to do here was make a wall, so Roy made a wall, ducking behind it. He kept feeding dark magic slowly to the wall to avoid having the wall crumble. The water sizzles. Why does she have to beat me? He wondered Threats by someone? Money? Self-confidence? Well, I'm not backing down, even if I am getting tired!
"Yes ,very fun". Jack felt the sun on his skin when he reached the outside.

"It's certainly is hot outside" . The sunlight made his eyes look like the shinning sea.

CERBERUS177 said:
She giggled, "Sound's fun." she said with a devious smile. She knew he was kidding, so she went with it and made it darker for it.
Kisaki said:
"Yes ,very fun". Jack felt the sun on his skin when he reached the outside.
"It's certainly is hot outside" . The sunlight made his eyes look like the shinning sea.
Serena caught his eyes, again, very nice looking and handsome, she blushed when she caught her self, "I-I guess it's a bit late to take the car, since that has A/C..." she said, her car, like Cody's, had A/C vents going through out the inside of the car, cooling the inside faster than just having them built into the dash.
She bent down and tried to catch her breath. "I can barely see now". Her vision was out of whack. The blood loss contributed to this.

Kagami ran toward the wall , jumping over it and swinging her scythe down towards Roy.

[QUOTE="Storm Guardian]"Nature abuse!" Roy said. The logical thing to do here was make a wall, so Roy made a wall, ducking behind it. He kept feeding dark magic slowly to the wall to avoid having the wall crumble. The water sizzles. Why does she have to beat me? He wondered Threats by someone? Money? Self-confidence? Well, I'm not backing down, even if I am getting tired!

He looked over to her.

"It won't too bad walking. At least the walk to the bakery is short."He's pratically an AC himself.

"The sun won't effect me, I'm pretty much a walking cooler".

CERBERUS177 said:
Serena caught his eyes, again, very nice looking and handsome, she blushed when she caught her self, "I-I guess it's a bit late to take the car, since that has A/C..." she said, her car, like Cody's, had A/C vents going through out the inside of the car, cooling the inside faster than just having them built into the dash.
Kisaki said:
He looked over to her.
"It won't too bad walking. At least the walk to the bakery is short."He's pratically an AC himself.

"The sun won't effect me, I'm pretty much a walking cooler".
Serena giggled at the thought of asking to hug him while they walked, since it was pretty hot, "Lucky! I can't get cold until I get some of the cake, or walk into my dorm room." she said, though she wore a tank top and shorts, she was still hot.
Jack hooked an arm around Serena.

"There. Now we're both cold."He looked at her ,giving her a small smile.

CERBERUS177 said:
Serena giggled at the thought of asking to hug him while they walked, since it was pretty hot, "Lucky! I can't get cold until I get some of the cake, or walk into my dorm room." she said, though she wore a tank top and shorts, she was still hot.
Kisaki said:
Jack hooked an arm around Serena.
"There. Now we're both cold."He looked at her ,giving her a small smile.
Serena's face lit red a tad, "T-Thank you Jack.." she said with a slight embarrassed smile, she started to cool down now, "T-That's better..." she said, "I-Is it possible for you to get sun burned?" she asked him.
TheDragoon said:
Hiro nodded. "Yes, let's of ice cream." He said in a way to get her excited so that she would try and forget what they were doing earlier.
Lillith smiled and nodded. "Okay! Let's go! Come on come on come onnnnnn" she says trying to rush them
"Yep, but I don't spend that much time in the sun so it never happens."he replied.

CERBERUS177 said:
Serena's face lit red a tad, "T-Thank you Jack.." she said with a slight embarrassed smile, she started to cool down now, "T-That's better..." she said, "I-Is it possible for you to get sun burned?" she asked him.
Kisaki said:
"Yep, but I don't spend that much time in the sun so it never happens."he replied.
Serena giggled "Isn't that a bit strange? Since you're always cold and stuff... " she said, seeing that yes he's pale, but he's also cold. But Serena is a bit weird at times...
"To human standards it is. I mean you humans are always warm , so I don't see the difference. ". His skin is naturally pale and cold. He does belong to a family of ice demons.

CERBERUS177 said:
Serena giggled "Isn't that a bit strange? Since you're always cold and stuff... " she said, seeing that yes he's pale, but he's also cold. But Serena is a bit weird at times...
Kisaki said:
"To human standards it is. I mean you humans are always warm , so I don't see the difference. ". His skin is naturally pale and cold. He does belong to a family of ice demons.
"I wish I was cold all the time... " she said, she absolutely hated the heat, never will she accept it, let alone deal with it without a few complaints. "You're so lucky. I wish I could have some sort of elemental power. " she said, since she knows 2 people who can do stuff with fire and water. But is happy with her teleportation powers.

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