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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

"That's the spirit "he said.

"You could always borrow my elemental books. They're very rare and came from very powerful Magical users. I gave your brother one." Jack pointed to hill. A tree stood on top.

"That place over there looks good "

CERBERUS177 said:
"That's true..." she said as they reached the park, "I would guess, if elemental, maybe earth or...something, I wouldn't really know. But I guess I'll test stuff when we get back to the school." she said looking for a good spot.
Kisaki said:
"That's the spirit "he said.
"You could always borrow my elemental books. They're very rare and came from very powerful Magical users. I gave your brother one." Jack pointed to hill. A tree stood on top.

"That place over there looks good "
Serena smiled at the spot he picked, it looked nice, she kinda wishes it was a cherry blossom tree, but an average one will do. As they walked up there, Serena thought about what she might have, but couldn't think about which. "This looks nice..." she said as they reached the spot, "Very nice pick..." she said as they sat down, "Oh! And the ground is nice and cold!" she said laying the box down on the ground between them and flipped it open, "Dang! No plates...Guess we can use the box lid as a plate." she said, spinning the lid towards her, letting Jack use the other part, "Here." she handed him a spoon.
(Gtg.Night )

Jack took the spoon from Serena.

"The cake looks delicious " he crossed his legs to get a more comfortable sitting position.

To be Continued...

CERBERUS177 said:
Serena smiled at the spot he picked, it looked nice, she kinda wishes it was a cherry blossom tree, but an average one will do. As they walked up there, Serena thought about what she might have, but couldn't think about which. "This looks nice..." she said as they reached the spot, "Very nice pick..." she said as they sat down, "Oh! And the ground is nice and cold!" she said laying the box down on the ground between them and flipped it open, "Dang! No plates...Guess we can use the box lid as a plate." she said, spinning the lid towards her, letting Jack use the other part, "Here." she handed him a spoon.
@Wicked Jester[/URL]


~Yuna Yelil~

Yuna smiled "Well, if you say so, I'll stay" she said in response, she was happy to hear that really, she didn't know if it was coincidence or not but nearly every person she had met and she thought she'd make friends with them they seemed to just leave as soon as they got the chance to and never hang out with her again, she never knew why, maybe she was boring or something? She didn't really try to find out either. She tilted her head some as he glanced away, curious about his action. It was then that she had noticed his face colouring up as he explained himself, his words causing a giggle to escape her lips. "Ah, yeah, I had forgotten all about that actually" she admitted as she patted her ears back down into hiding. "Any Idea where you want to go now?" she asked with a smile "After all, Its your day off, you should get to choose" she said with a nod.



TheDragoon said:
Nexus stared bursting into fits of laughter, unable to control himself. "Stop! It really does! Please!" He kept saying.










Interacting with:




~Ilaani Atlas~

Still wearing a mischevious smile on her face, Ilaani continued tickling him for a little bit before she finally stopped tickling him, giggling lightly before speaking "Alright, alright, I'll stop" she said smiling up at him "I didn't realise you were that ticklish, I guess I know your weakness huh" she joked before sighing contently, glad things were back to normal. "So, any plans on what you want to do now?" she asked looking at him "Or relaxing here is fine too" she said with a small yawn, not really minding what he chose to do, she was happy either way.








Walking to the vending machine


Grab a snack

Interacting with:



@Jofune Tsurabisu

~Rini Yelil~

Rini smiled softly "If that's the case I'm even more excited to see what it is~" she answered before looking to the arm that was now being held out for her. Tilting her head slightly she walked forward, taking the arm that was offered to her, walking along with Misafune to the vending machine that was outside the library.

JJKab said:
Lena noticed Shuu, and smiled widely, approaching him. Soon, however, she stopped, realising his eyes were... a bit mismatched
"S----Shuuie? Y---Your eyes are a bit... mismatched..." She exclaimed, looking worriedly at him

"Are you okay?"
Shuu pulled a revolver on her with wild eyes. "What are you talkin' about babe?! They've always been this way!" He cackled before a certain yellow skinned man skidded in the bullets path, shielding against it.
Mayyflower said:
Lillith smiled and nodded. "Okay! Let's go! Come on come on come onnnnnn" she says trying to rush them
Hiro looked to Harper and smiled gently. It would be fun. He began to follow Lillith.
TheDragoon said:
Shuu pulled a revolver on her with wild eyes. "What are you talkin' about babe?! They've always been this way!" He cackled before a certain yellow skinned man skidded in the bullets path, shielding against it.
Lena shrieked, ducking immidietely, covering her head when she heard the shot, but was suprised that nothing happened. Looking at Shuu, she discovered that a man was in front of her, blocking the bullet

"W----Who ar...are you?" She asked, trembling
Nona said:










Interacting with:




~Ilaani Atlas~

Still wearing a mischevious smile on her face, Ilaani continued tickling him for a little bit before she finally stopped tickling him, giggling lightly before speaking "Alright, alright, I'll stop" she said smiling up at him "I didn't realise you were that ticklish, I guess I know your weakness huh" she joked before sighing contently, glad things were back to normal. "So, any plans on what you want to do now?" she asked looking at him "Or relaxing here is fine too" she said with a small yawn, not really minding what he chose to do, she was happy either way.

As if sensing her letting her guard down, Akuma flashed in her eye briefly with a wicked smile before the entire cabin was suddenly covered in blood spatters, along with a dead Nexus and a dead Axel on the couch. "You don't think I was aware that you and your friends were responsible for me having to retreat from that town? Your utterly dense. To think I'd leave you ALONE after that." He laughed maniacally as he grabbed Nexus's fake lifeless body and slowly ripped it's head off. "You won't be able to protect him Ilaani... And he won't be able to protect YOU." He said as he crushed Nexus's head with his voice being like scratching a knife on a chalkboard. "This isn't over." He reminded before the scene vanished and everything went back to normal with Nexus rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. "If that's okay I wouldn't mind hanging out with you today..." He said.
JJKab said:
Lena shrieked, ducking immidietely, covering her head when she heard the shot, but was suprised that nothing happened. Looking at Shuu, she discovered that a man was in front of her, blocking the bullet
"W----Who ar...are you?" She asked, trembling
Rufaro didn't say anything... Then started laughing uncontrollably. "REALLY SHUU! Is that really all you have?" He asked him. "I don't know what's going on with you but I won't allow you to shoot a lady. I, Rufaro Hyperius, will stand in your way!" He said before the phantom mask appeared on his face, transforming him into Insanity Rufaro. Shuu growled at his statements. "Damn you... Getting in my way... Be ready to receive divine punishment!" He roared as he switched his bullets for grenade bullets, ones that exploded on impact. He then began firing at Rufaro before Rufaro guarded by enlarging his shield. This caused his to topple a little though.
TheDragoon said:
Rufaro didn't say anything... Then started laughing uncontrollably. "REALLY SHUU! Is that really all you have?" He asked him. "I don't know what's going on with you but I won't allow you to shoot a lady. I, Rufaro Hyperius, will stand in your way!" He said before the phantom mask appeared on his face, transforming him into Insanity Rufaro. Shuu growled at his statements. "Damn you... Getting in my way... Be ready to receive divine punishment!" He roared as he switched his bullets for grenade bullets, ones that exploded on impact. He then began firing at Rufaro before Rufaro guarded by enlarging his shield. This caused his to topple a little though.
Lena shrieked, standing up, and backing away a bit, looking frightened at Shuu

"Shuu, what the hell?! What is going on?!" She asked, clearly terrified
JJKab said:
"Alright..." Ollene nodded, following Ariel eagerly, yet a bit shyly, holding her arm with her hand.
Ariel smiled "Hey, no need to act so shy~" she said with a giggle. "C,mon, according to what I just searched o my phone, theres a dumpling stand not far from here" she said as she walked a little quicker.
Nona said:
Ariel smiled "Hey, no need to act so shy~" she said with a giggle. "C,mon, according to what I just searched o my phone, theres a dumpling stand not far from here" she said as she walked a little quicker.
"O---Okay.... " Ollene nodded, speeding up a bit, following Ariel as quickly as she could, all the while looking down at Ariel's clothes that she borrowed her.

"I... Still need to get used to... y---you know... your... c--c-c-lothes"
TheDragoon said:
As if sensing her letting her guard down, Akuma flashed in her eye briefly with a wicked smile before the entire cabin was suddenly covered in blood spatters, along with a dead Nexus and a dead Axel on the couch. "You don't think I was aware that you and your friends were responsible for me having to retreat from that town? Your utterly dense. To think I'd leave you ALONE after that." He laughed maniacally as he grabbed Nexus's fake lifeless body and slowly ripped it's head off. "You won't be able to protect him Ilaani... And he won't be able to protect YOU." He said as he crushed Nexus's head with his voice being like scratching a knife on a chalkboard. "This isn't over." He reminded before the scene vanished and everything went back to normal with Nexus rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. "If that's okay I wouldn't mind hanging out with you today..." He said.







Trying to seem calm


Trying not to worry Nexus

Interacting with:




~Ilaani Atlas~

Tensing and quickly sitting up as the image flashed in her eyes, she recognised the wicked smile before her. No. Just as she thought things were okay again this freak is back again. She looked around the blood splattered cabin in a panic, her eyes soon settling on the couch viewing the lifeless bodies settled on it causing her to gasp. She watched Akuma as he spoke, her body frozen at the horrible scene she was being shown, her powers causing her skin to turn to steel, starting from her hand in a subconscious act of defense. It was then that Akuma disappeared along with the bloodied scene... Looking straight ahead with her face drained of all colour it took her a moment to register Nexus' words. She took a breath and then quickly turned in his direction to answer his question, forcing a smile because she didn't want to worry him right this second. "O-Of course! That sounds fun!" she answered her eyes glancing to her hand which had turned to metal, she quickly shook it and turned it back to normal.

@Wicked Jester[/URL].[/Column]





(Akira. The only way to defeat a sanctum is with another sanctum of a higher caliber... well thankfully the god damn king is here XDDD also see below as to why this would work and be unaffected by their foreign shield bubble thingy.)

Lance smirked as soon as Haruo shot towards him, he knew there was likely no way for his bullet to actually do any damage, but that wasn't the plan. Waiting until the last moment Lance knew he would clearly dodge Haruo, he dove to the side and dropped the illusion he had been holding up, revealing the instructor Akira to be directly behind them in the distance. Haruo had repeatedly called Akira his father, and Akira being an instructor at the school he shouldn't be any kind of pushover, so Lance figured a student throwing a punch at him, especially his own son wouldn't fly. Compressing the space between Haruo and Akira so Haruo moved across it in the blink of an eye, ending the spacial compression with the speeding Haruo's fist a mere foot from Akira's face. Turning allies into enemies was one of Lance's greatest tools, and he was not above using his "environment" to his advantage.

(( Lance's spacial compression isn't affecting either of them, its affecting the space between them. (going to reference one of my nephew's characters because its a similar concept and I was the one who came up with the work around.) My nephew's character Des, had a book that directly copied any written text, even that written by a sanctum, because it was directly copying the words on the paper, not the action of writing them. Lance is not affecting either of them, nor using them as markers, but the space between them, like taking the ends of a sheet of paper and pushing them together so they are close together with a big bump in the middle. Plus give me credit for figuring out the only way Lance would ever defeat Haruo))
Mei Junchi[/URL]



"Not really," Wylie admitted, "I've only been here once or twice. We could always explore together." He tosses a balled up scrap of paper from his m pockets to the trash bin on their way out. "I'd also be going to the grocery store. Fresh food is better than instant noodles."
Kisaki said:
"I'm good " he replies. Hisaki bows and leaves with Kagami in his arms.
"This isn't the end. You will go down !" she gives a final glance at Roy. Her fangs were sticking out of her mouth.
Roy gives a short, stiff bow to Hisaki in return, "Once again, my dearest apologies." He raises an eyebrow to Kamai's threatening look. He'd have to prepare for the worst next time in this on-going feud. He and Sylie were going to have to talk to the one carrying Kigami.

Roy suddenly realized how fatigued he was, and decided to go to sleep for an uninterrupted 8 hours. He drags himself to his dorm, head down. Once he arrives, he finds Wylie's book of time-stopping from the library, stops time, and goes to sleep for a solid 10 hours.

Afterwards, he starts time back up again, leaving off where he was.
Roman said:

Alejandro Ishida

~ Ice Prince


Alejandro sighed limping towards the school as he did so. He had to admit, his sisters were pretty good, especially as a team. From whay he saw though, Assana didn't think too high of her fighting abilities which sort of upset him. Their father was a good fighter and they were pretty strong so it confused him. The boy's thoughts were quickly washed away by a sharp pain that shot through his ankle when he put his foot out in a weird position. "Damn..." He said as he kneeled down and wrapped his hands around his ankles. "That fall..." He said quietly to himself before he stood up, only using one foot to stand.

Now on the move again, Alejandro was closer to the main building than before. The limping was even more noticeable than before this time, but he came to a stop as he noticed someone going in the same direction. It was Astrid, and he found himself smiling a little at the sight of her, "Astrid? Seems you slipped up during combat class too." He said, joking about their injuries. He had stopped limping towards the school, waiting to see if the red headed girl would pay him any attention. He figured she would be upset still from how he acted earlier, but he remembered their assignment so he at least wanted to fix things.

More Info

Location: Schoolyard

Mood: Calm

Status: On his way into the building

Objective: Go to the nurse

Interacting with: Astrid

Tags: @Lumina

Astrid wasn't doing too well. She was holding up enough to get to the nurse's office, but the dizziness was slowly starting to creep in. Those assholes who ambushed what should have been a decent conversation knew that without a clear head, her abilities wouldn't work. Or at least they guessed it. So, when they ganged up on her, they made sure that some attacks were aimed at her head. Only now was she really feeling the effects. It wasn't too bad, nothing seriously injured, though her shoulder was feeling kind of funny and everything was slightly wobbly. Hopefully she'd be able to make it to the nurse's office in time.

The last person she had expected to see on her way to the nurse's office was Alejandro. She had decided to ditch class and just hang around, so she actually didn't know that combat class was happening. So, seeing Alejandro beat up pretty badly confused and worried the red-head. It was like when she saw him in the hospital next to Sky, hearing about how he was beaten up by bullies and such. Hearing his voice, Astrid had turned to see a battered Alejandro. Her eyes widened, wondering what had happened to him.
"Blue, wha-" Her voice was cut off as a wave of dizziness came over her, and she stumbled forward, only stopping herself from crashing into the ground by clutching onto her rifle tightly, breathing slightly heavily. Crap. Of all the times to feel like crap, it just had to be in front of him.
Hisaki dropped Kagami on her bed.

"I don't think fighting him is a great idea". He grabbed cleaning alcohol and applied to wounds. "I know you. When you get worked up... you become very violent ". He wrapped bandages around her forehead and right arm. "Your the same as me you know. "Kagami mummered.

"Yes , I know. That's why I don't fight. I don't want someone ending up dead because of me". He sat up and leaned against the wall. "Uh, I guess I will make some tea. What flavor?".

"Orange!" she replied.

Hisaki nodded and went over to the kitchen.
Lumina said:
Astrid wasn't doing too well. She was holding up enough to get to the nurse's office, but the dizziness was slowly starting to creep in. Those assholes who ambushed what should have been a decent conversation knew that without a clear head, her abilities wouldn't work. Or at least they guessed it. So, when they ganged up on her, they made sure that some attacks were aimed at her head. Only now was she really feeling the effects. It wasn't too bad, nothing seriously injured, though her shoulder was feeling kind of funny and everything was slightly wobbly. Hopefully she'd be able to make it to the nurse's office in time.
The last person she had expected to see on her way to the nurse's office was Alejandro. She had decided to ditch class and just hang around, so she actually didn't know that combat class was happening. So, seeing Alejandro beat up pretty badly confused and worried the red-head. It was like when she saw him in the hospital next to Sky, hearing about how he was beaten up by bullies and such. Hearing his voice, Astrid had turned to see a battered Alejandro. Her eyes widened, wondering what had happened to him.
"Blue, wha-" Her voice was cut off as a wave of dizziness came over her, and she stumbled forward, only stopping herself from crashing into the ground by clutching onto her rifle tightly, breathing slightly heavily. Crap. Of all the times to feel like crap, it just had to be in front of him.

Alejandro Ishida

~ Ice Prince


Still in his mind lingered the thoughts of how good of a team his sisters was. This led him to believe he could make a team as good as them with Red... If they were here, they'd be able to tell he sort of looked up to them now. Keeping this in mind, he remembered how they helped one another throughout the battle, keeping each other spirits up and healing one another. Alejandro had put what he saw from them to the test, making his way over to his partner.

He was moving at his regular limping and slowed pace, only to realize he was almost too late when Astrid almost fell to the ground. Alejandro was about to fall himself but she had caught herself, and he stopped himself also. He was planning to dive on the ground and attemp at catching her, but it seems it wasn't needed. "Red?" He asked as he took the last few painful steps toward her. "Let me help you. I was on my way to the nurse so you can join me to." He told her, holding out his free hand to Astrid as a offer of help, a smile going along with it.

More Info

Location:Outside the maim building

Mood: Calm

Status: Offering help to Astrid

Objective: Help Astrid

Interacting with: Astrid

Tags: @Lumina

TheDragoon said:
Hiro looked to Harper and smiled gently. It would be fun. He began to follow Lillith.
Harper smiled back and walked next to Hiro, she held his hand as they walked out the house.

Lillith smiled happily. "WOOO were gonna go play! At a park" she giggled

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