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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Kisaki said:
(Gtg.Night )
Jack took the spoon from Serena.

"The cake looks delicious " he crossed his legs to get a more comfortable sitting position.

To be Continued...
Serena took a slice and set it sideways on her makeshift plate, "It smells nice." she took a small bite, and smiled, "It's very good!"
Jack also took a slice and set it on his side. It took a bite. "It is". He took another bite. "I love anything with ice cream.".

CERBERUS177 said:
Serena took a slice and set it sideways on her makeshift plate, "It smells nice." she took a small bite, and smiled, "It's very good!"
Kisaki said:
Jack also took a slice and set it on his side. It took a bite. "It is". He took another bite. "I love anything with ice cream.".
"I love anything that's sweet." she said taking another bite, "Mom always made good cakes." she said, smiling a bit, "And, her homemade ice cream is good too." she said looking at the ice cream, seeing the ice crystals and fresh cream from the cookies.
"Looks likes l'm going to have to visit the bakery daily."He took another bite of the cake. It reminded him of home. Ice cream was usually a special treat that was given on special occasions.

CERBERUS177 said:
"I love anything that's sweet." she said taking another bite, "Mom always made good cakes." she said, smiling a bit, "And, her homemade ice cream is good too." she said looking at the ice cream, seeing the ice crystals and fresh cream from the cookies.
Kisaki said:
"Looks likes l'm going to have to visit the bakery daily."He took another bite of the cake. It reminded him of home. Ice cream was usually a special treat that was given on special occasions.
Serena shrugged, "Alright then. Just, don't buy the candy. That stuff tastes like diabetes." she said, her mom adds too much sugar to the mix when she makes it, but, it does taste good at times when she, in her words, 'didn't add the right amount', even though Serena and Cody told her to cool it on adding so much. "Best thing to do, ask for the mistakes of the candy...You'll be better off in the long run." she said taking another bite of cake
"I could buy it for my sis. She will eat anything". A tiny bird landed on his head. Jack looked up. " I swear , birds love to land on my head". The bird chirped and flew away.

CERBERUS177 said:
Serena shrugged, "Alright then. Just, don't buy the candy. That stuff tastes like diabetes." she said, her mom adds too much sugar to the mix when she makes it, but, it does taste good at times when she, in her words, 'didn't add the right amount', even though Serena and Cody told her to cool it on adding so much. "Best thing to do, ask for the mistakes of the candy...You'll be better off in the long run." she said taking another bite of cake
Kisaki said:
"I could buy it for my sis. She will eat anything". A tiny bird landed on his head. Jack looked up. " I swear , birds love to land on my head". The bird chirped and flew away.
Serena giggled, "That was cute." she said, looking at his ears, "So...why do birds like your head? I can see the ears coming into play...though, that could just be me..." she said, taking a bite from the cake.
"I don't really know. Ever since I was born , nature seemed to like me. " He ate the last piece of his cake.

"I guess it is my ears. People seemed to love to touch them.". He's getting used to the constant petting.

CERBERUS177 said:
Serena giggled, "That was cute." she said, looking at his ears, "So...why do birds like your head? I can see the ears coming into play...though, that could just be me..." she said, taking a bite from the cake.
Kisaki said:
"I don't really know. Ever since I was born , nature seemed to like me. " He ate the last piece of his cake.
"I guess it is my ears. People seemed to love to touch them.". He's getting used to the constant petting.
Serena blushed a bit, "C-Can I p-pet them...?" she asked him, she had an embarrassed type face now, and hoped he wouldn't take offense, or find it strange.
@Wicked Jester[/URL].









...♅Akira had been spectating the students' battles when he felt a build up of power. His irises trailed over to where the origin was and noticed that it was in Haruo's fight against Lance. With an interested expression, Akira began to notice the faint signs of spatial distortion, and saw that there was an illusion of Lance standing infront of him. It was at that moment that the illusion vanished and Haruo appeared infront of him. With an over-exaggerated surprised expression, Akira leaned back and shouted, shortly before he leaped out of the way♅...


no slide no slide no slide



...Haruo sped passed Akira and slammed his fist into a tree, causing a medium sized explosion to occur from the impact. That wasn't the only thing that happened, as the air suddenly exploded out from the impact area. Smoke slowly poured from the demolished tree as Haruo came into view. He slowly walked forward until he walked passed Akira and Ayen, and stopped just before he got to Lance. He spoke as his form changed. His hair turned black and featured two bangs framing his face. The Euphorian Academy's crest was present on the back of his navy blue, short-sleeved shirt, which also featured a high collar. His trousers had been replaced by white shorts, and he now wore white arm warmers. He also wore a Euphorian-steeled forehead protector, which feature the capital city's insignia engraved into said steel. Haruo closed his eyes for a short moment, and began gathering his power. He slowly reopened his eyes, and revealed an incomplete Tengan, one that had two tomoe instead of the three that Akira had. The version of the immature Tengan that Haruo had awakened provided him incredible clarity of perception, enabling him to read lips or mimic something like pencil movements. In combat, this allows him to see fast-moving objects and act accordingly. He took his fighting stance and spoke to Lance, his Tengan remaining fixed on the real body of his opponent≭...

That was cheap.. Now I'll show you my powers.

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...♅Akira observed as Haruo awakened his Tengan, and with an interested expression, he spoke, shortly before a smile formed on his face♅...

So Haruo's been able to awaken the Tengan, albeit in it's premature state.. This just got interesting..

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I commend your effort on attempting that, however you must also realise something. That's the only way to beat a fully grown Sanctum. Haruo isn't fully grown, and as a result, doesn't have all of the perks a full grown Sanctum would. As for using Akira against Haruo, there are multiple problems with that. 1) Haruo is Akira's son, so Akira would never intentionally harm him, even when attacked, be it intentional or unintentional. 2) You made Haruo, who is still in training, go up against someone with literally thousands of millennia of combat training and experience. It wouldn't make sense for Akira to be hit by Haruo.

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" F-fine, you can touch them." His was a little flustered.

CERBERUS177 said:
Serena blushed a bit, "C-Can I p-pet them...?" she asked him, she had an embarrassed type face now, and hoped he wouldn't take offense, or find it strange.
Kisaki said:
" F-fine, you can touch them." His was a little flustered.
Serena slowly reached for one, it flicked a bit like a dogs when air disturbs it, then she petted it, it was soft and fluffy. She smiled now letting go of it and giggling, "T-There very soft..." she said, smiling at him.
Jack felt Serena's warm hands on his ears. "mmm.." he mumbled. He looked up at her. Jack thought she was kinda of cute. He face started to become slightly red.

CERBERUS177 said:
Serena slowly reached for one, it flicked a bit like a dogs when air disturbs it, then she petted it, it was soft and fluffy. She smiled now letting go of it and giggling, "T-There very soft..." she said, smiling at him.
Kisaki said:
Jack felt Serena's warm hands on his ears. "mmm.." he mumbled. He looked up at her. Jack thought she was kinda of cute. He face started to become slightly red.
Serena looked at him, "W-What?" she said, blushing a bit more, "I-Is there some cake stuck to my face?" she asked, fiddling around to get the piece off.
"It's N-nothing ." he looked away.

He couldn't belive it. Falling for a human. His sister is going to strangle him or worse when she finds out.

CERBERUS177 said:
Serena looked at him, "W-What?" she said, blushing a bit more, "I-Is there some cake stuck to my face?" she asked, fiddling around to get the piece off.
Kisaki said:
"It's N-nothing ." he looked away.
He couldn't belive it. Falling for a human. His sister is going to strangle him or worse when she finds out.
Serena took a bite of her cake, glancing at Jack, "So...Anything from this world, peek your interest?" she asked him, taking a small slice, one a bit smaller than her first.
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]
Jack was slightly surprised when a girl appeared from his phone, but Jack just assumed it was another of Ai's abilities. Guess she had a 3rd dimension to her after all. Smiling he shrugged,
"I don't really have any places I need to go... although I do have a few jobs I need to get done that could use your particular skills if you would be willing to help little pixy. Although these don't have the flamboyance as our message did."

Jack had probably been places Ai would never go. He had been through a number of dimensions and remote parts of the world where there was no electrical access, and judging from Ai's apparent relation with technology he imagined the two were connected. And with her help, Jack or Jackie as she called him, figured there were a few jobs he could pull off.

"Recently, the U.S. Embassy "confiscated" some of my possessions and I would rather like them back. Of course I would prefer to do it without killing anyone, so if you would be so kind as to create all the documentation and history of an official who has the clearance to retrieve such items, and fill me in on the details of said profile before we reach the embassy that would be great."

Jack smirked as he looked up ahead at an official looking building, flying an American flag outside before continuing with a smirk,

"Otherwise I'm just going to go in and shoot up the place and possibly start world war three."

Ai couldn't help but smirk at his reaction. Bet he wasn't expecting to see her real in the flesh. To emphasize it, she wrapped her arms around the arm that held the phone, making sure to squeeze them tightly, just because she knew she could. As much as her 3D form was limiting, she was well aware of the things it offered her that her digital form couldn't. She only smiled up at him as he listed his request, thinking it over. Once she had thought about it, she gave him a thumbs up, her gaze showing her excitement and enthusiasm. "Hm, seems reasonable enough. What rank would you like? Any specific people you want credentials from? Oh, I'll need to access a printer once I know what you need." Ai laughed softly before letting go of his arm, walking around a bit, her body remembering what the ground actually felt like. The physical world was strange for sure. "And you're gonna buy me ice cream after this, Jackie~"

Mei Junchi[/URL]



"Alright. Last time, I just ran around until I found it." he heads off in a direction, and stops in the middle of the street, cussing under his breath as he realizes he was walking towards Gamestop. He then turns around and goes back, heading off in a completely different direction, ending up at a supermarket's parking lot.
"Eh...I guess the food intrest me. Also the landmarks."This world wasn't so different from his.He got another piece of cake and took a bite . "I want to travel more and experience the world".

CERBERUS177 said:
Serena took a bite of her cake, glancing at Jack, "So...Anything from this world, peek your interest?" she asked him, taking a small slice, one a bit smaller than her first.
Kisaki said:
"Eh...I guess the food intrest me. Also the landmarks."This world wasn't so different from his.He got another piece of cake and took a bite . "I want to travel more and experience the world".
"First stop if you decide to look around, stop by Japan, I heard it's pretty there, only in the non-city and town areas... But, California has a forest with trees that are, pretty huge...red woods I think it's called." she said, looking in the sky.
"Sounds like a good idea. Japan reminds me of home , so I'll go there first."He finished his second piece of cake.

CERBERUS177 said:
"First stop if you decide to look around, stop by Japan, I heard it's pretty there, only in the non-city and town areas... But, California has a forest with trees that are, pretty huge...red woods I think it's called." she said, looking in the sky.
Kisaki said:
"Sounds like a good idea. Japan reminds me of home , so I'll go there first."He finished his second piece of cake.
"My god you love this cake." she said, eating her second piece, when she thought of something, "Any ideas on a cake or ice cream you'd like to have?" 'Though, I think I already know...' she thought to herself.
It was hard to choose. All the cake and ice cream he had was very good. Including this one. "I can't choose. I really like this oreo ice cream cake ..though.".

CERBERUS177 said:
"My god you love this cake." she said, eating her second piece, when she thought of something, "Any ideas on a cake or ice cream you'd like to have?" 'Though, I think I already know...' she thought to herself.
Kisaki said:
It was hard to choose. All the cake and ice cream he had was very good. Including this one. "I can't choose. I really like this oreo ice cream cake ..though.".
Serena wanted to crack a joke, but didn't know if she should, so she didn't, feeling that the joke might offend Jack, "What about...Cheese cake Oreo style?" she asked him, seeing that it was also pretty good.
"Sounds good!" he answered with enthusiasm. The only cheese cake he had was new york style.

CERBERUS177 said:
Serena wanted to crack a joke, but didn't know if she should, so she didn't, feeling that the joke might offend Jack, "What about...Cheese cake Oreo style?" she asked him, seeing that it was also pretty good.

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