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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

"I'm suprised that you don't have any. Your brother has fire powers ,right?"

She is a super human ,he thought. She probably still needs to figure out her powers.

CERBERUS177 said:
"I wish I was cold all the time... " she said, she absolutely hated the heat, never will she accept it, let alone deal with it without a few complaints. "You're so lucky. I wish I could have some sort of elemental power. " she said, since she knows 2 people who can do stuff with fire and water. But is happy with her teleportation powers.
@Wicked Jester[/URL].[/Column]





Lance smirked and cycled the bolt on his rifle, catching the bullet, before it hit the ground and held it up for Haruo to see.

"Gimme a moving target. Hitting you now would be far too easy."

Then flipping the bullet through the air he waited to see how haruo would respond.
Kisaki said:
"I'm suprised that you don't have any. Your brother has fire powers ,right?"
She is a super human ,he thought. She probably still needs to figure out her powers.
"Him yes, me? I hve a gun, teleportation, and arm shields." she said, she won't summon her pistol until they're back at the school, seeing they're in public and all, and a gun would scare some people. But she held out her left arm and a blue and red shield appeared on that arm, transparent with a red/blue tint.
"Sheilds, huh. I have a double blade sword , it's more like a buster sword ". The sword wad kinda of heavy. He gotten used to it and is able to pick it up with ease."I can also manipulate the weather and the temperature , but only for a few seconds." To demonstrate , he caused the area's tempture to suddenly drop.

CERBERUS177 said:
"Him yes, me? I hve a gun, teleportation, and arm shields." she said, she won't summon her pistol until they're back at the school, seeing they're in public and all, and a gun would scare some people. But she held out her left arm and a blue and red shield appeared on that arm, transparent with a red/blue tint.
Kisaki said:
"Sheilds, huh. I have a double blade sword , it's more like a buster sword ". The sword wad kinda of heavy. He gotten used to it and is able to pick it up with ease."I can also manipulate the weather and the temperature , but only for a few seconds." To demonstrate , he caused the area's tempture to suddenly drop.
She could see her breathe, "W-Wow!" she said, shivering for the few seconds, "That's so COOL!" she said with a bright smile. "Very, lucky to do that." she said and held her hands behind her back, "I don't know if I have Cody's or something elses..." she said, wondering if there was a way to find out.
"I'm sure you'll figure it out. If practice you might find a hidden power". He breathed in the cool air. He hasn't explored all his powers and plans to do so in the future.

CERBERUS177 said:
She could see her breathe, "W-Wow!" she said, shivering for the few seconds, "That's so COOL!" she said with a bright smile. "Very, lucky to do that." she said and held her hands behind her back, "I don't know if I have Cody's or something elses..." she said, wondering if there was a way to find out.
Kisaki said:
"I'm sure you'll figure it out. If practice you might find a hidden power". He breathed in the cool air. He hasn't explored all his powers and plans to do so in the future.
(Sorry for the late reply)

"But...I don't know where to start." she said, looking at Jack, "I'm pretty sure I can't control fire..." she said, as she can't hold something and watch it burn.
Kisaki said:
She bent down and tried to catch her breath. "I can barely see now". Her vision was out of whack. The blood loss contributed to this.
Kagami ran toward the wall , jumping over it and swinging her scythe down towards Roy.
Roy coughed. Kagami seemed to have some difficulties. Roy raised his sword in a two-handed grip, blocking the scythe, then grabs on to the scythe to keep them engaged. Sweat pours off Roy's head, but he shakes it off, "Yield now, and nothing bad will happen. You seemed like your... exerting yourself."
"You might not be a fire elementalist.But , it doesn't hurt to try. You could ask your brother how he does fire magic. ". It could be possible to have different elemental magic from your family.

CERBERUS177 said:
(Sorry for the late reply)
"But...I don't know where to start." she said, looking at Jack, "I'm pretty sure I can't control fire..." she said, as she can't hold something and watch it burn.
"Tch!, I already told you. When I'm b-bleeding on the floor I will stop".The scythe glows and disappears.

"What the hell happened to my weapon."she falls to the ground .

Hisaki reappears behind Kagami and picks her up. "I did that. You won't be fighting anymore. You lost a lot of blood".

Hisaki frowned , but expected his help.

"Dog boy this isn't over!" she yelled at Roy.

[QUOTE="Storm Guardian]Roy coughed. Kagami seemed to have some difficulties. Roy raised his sword in a two-handed grip, blocking the scythe, then grabs on to the scythe to keep them engaged. Sweat pours off Roy's head, but he shakes it off, "Yield now, and nothing bad will happen. You seemed like your... exerting yourself."

Kisaki said:
"You might not be a fire elementalist.But , it doesn't hurt to try. You could ask your brother how he does fire magic. ". It could be possible to have different elemental magic from your family.
(I don't think I can explain that at all so...I'll try and figure something out for a later thing)

Serena nodded as the reached the bakery, walking in and taking the smell of fresh sweets and bread in, "Serena!" came a voice, it was Serena's and Cody's mother, "Hi mom..." she said with a slight wave, "And who's that next to you?" she asked with a nice smile.

"I'm Jack." He waved at Serena's mother.

CERBERUS177 said:
(I don't think I can explain that at all so...I'll try and figure something out for a later thing)
Serena nodded as the reached the bakery, walking in and taking the smell of fresh sweets and bread in, "Serena!" came a voice, it was Serena's and Cody's mother, "Hi mom..." she said with a slight wave, "And who's that next to you?" she asked with a nice smile.

Kisaki said:
"Tch!, I already told you. When I'm b-bleeding on the floor I will stop".The scythe glows and disappears.
"What the hell happened to my weapon."she falls to the ground .

Hisaki reappears behind Kagami and picks her up. "I did that. You won't be fighting anymore. You lost a lot of blood".

Hisaki frowned , but expected his help.

"Dog boy this isn't over!" she yelled at Roy.
Roy sighed, "Sorry 'bout that."After a moment of guilty hesitation, he asked Hisaki, "Do you need any help?"
Kisaki said:
"I'm Jack." He waved at Serena's mother.
"Hi, Jack, I'm Sarah! Serena, you didn't tell me you were bringing a-", "Shh! We just came for the cake!" she stopped her before she could go any further. "Ooh, special occasion...", "Shut up!" she said and Sarah laughed to the back room and brought out a pink box, "Here's the cake you two." she said handing Serena the box.
"I'm good " he replies. Hisaki bows and leaves with Kagami in his arms.

"This isn't the end. You will go down !" she gives a final glance at Roy. Her fangs were sticking out of her mouth.

[QUOTE="Storm Guardian]Roy sighed, "Sorry 'bout that."After a moment of guilty hesitation, he asked Hisaki, "Do you need any help?"

" Thank's for the cake." He walked over to Serena. "Your mom seems nice".

CERBERUS177 said:
"Hi, Jack, I'm Sarah! Serena, you didn't tell me you were bringing a-", "Shh! We just came for the cake!" she stopped her before she could go any further. "Ooh, special occasion...", "Shut up!" she said and Sarah laughed to the back room and brought out a pink box, "Here's the cake you two." she said handing Serena the box.
Kisaki said:
" Thank's for the cake." He walked over to Serena. "Your mom seems nice".
"You're welcome you two." Sarah said as they left, "She's very nice, but can say somethings that can embarrass me..." Serena said, "But, she's my mom, and I love her." she said as they made their way to the park.
"I wish I meet my real mom. It seems people that many people don't like talking about her". He wondered why.

"Well, I can't wait to eat some cake!" he smiled.

CERBERUS177 said:
"You're welcome you two." Sarah said as they left, "She's very nice, but can say somethings that can embarrass me..." Serena said, "But, she's my mom, and I love her." she said as they made their way to the park.
Kisaki said:
"I wish I meet my real mom. It seems people that many people don't like talking about her". He wondered why.
"Well, I can't wait to eat some cake!" he smiled.
"Park isn't that far, hang in there dude." she said with a smile, "Wait..." she said and opened the box, it had some spoons and stuff in there, "Ah! Alright good." she said, since she didn't bring plates or spoons, and the cake is pre sliced, so that's good too.
Jack looked over Serena's should.

"Your mom does this all by herself?" he asked in curiosity.

CERBERUS177 said:
"Park isn't that far, hang in there dude." she said with a smile, "Wait..." she said and opened the box, it had some spoons and stuff in there, "Ah! Alright good." she said, since she didn't bring plates or spoons, and the cake is pre sliced, so that's good too.
Kisaki said:
Jack looked over Serena's should.
"Your mom does this all by herself?" he asked in curiosity.
"Well...She uh...she can move...fast...hehe.." she said with a smile, their mom was actually the one that had the powers, "All I have to say is...the power gene pool got knocked a bit with Cody, since he only has...Fire and can summon a dog, and I have similar powers to mom, she can summon a sword, I have a gun, she can move fast, I can teleport, she can, cover herself in a shield...I get arm shields. Cody, I think he got the powers from our good for nothing father. Who was, kind of a demon...Wow, that actually explains why he might have left..." she said. "But...I don't think Cody is a demon...?" she said, now confused of her own life.
"Demon and human blood sometimes mix. I'm suprised your brother hasn't gone savage.".Half demons usually have trouble controlling their demon side. "Look on the brightside. You still have pretty cool powers".

CERBERUS177 said:
"Well...She uh...she can move...fast...hehe.." she said with a smile, their mom was actually the one that had the powers, "All I have to say is...the power gene pool got knocked a bit with Cody, since he only has...Fire and can summon a dog, and I have similar powers to mom, she can summon a sword, I have a gun, she can move fast, I can teleport, she can, cover herself in a shield...I get arm shields. Cody, I think he got the powers from our good for nothing father. Who was, kind of a demon...Wow, that actually explains why he might have left..." she said. "But...I don't think Cody is a demon...?" she said, now confused of her own life.
Kisaki said:
"Demon and human blood sometimes mix. I'm suprised your brother hasn't gone savage.".Half demons usually have trouble controlling their demon side. "Look on the brightside. You still have pretty cool powers".
"That's true..." she said as they reached the park, "I would guess, if elemental, maybe earth or...something, I wouldn't really know. But I guess I'll test stuff when we get back to the school." she said looking for a good spot.

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