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Realistic or Modern The Blood Wars-Reboot


Takashi bit his lip as he picked up an empty glass and poured some wine into it. The red liquid fell delicately into the glass. "You ask a lot of questions, don't you?" He poured a glass for her and set it on the table in front of her, whether she drank or not was up to her. It was mere courtesy. Yet his annoyance grew as her questions did. An abundance of questions he did not handle well. But she was new to the area, he would allow them without any harsh repercussions. "You seek knowledge is it? You've wandered into the right place. Impeccable timing you have, really." Of course although he sounded sincere, his last sentence bordered on sarcasm. Right in the midst of all the killings the last thing I need is a wandering wolf. Takashi sat in a chair in front of her. For a few moments it went by like this; silence apart from a few sips he took from his glass, staring at this new woman, seeming to anaylize her entire being. But of course, that was impossible. For him anyways.

"I can tell by your scent you are that of a wolf. It also appears that you are a loner, in need of a pack I presume?" Takashi let out a sigh, as if the conversation were already taking too much energy. "You're on Silvermoon territory, my territory. Now, newcomers are not often invited up into, eh, the closest to an alpha's den if you will. As one of my underlings runs a large manor specifically for pack members. I assume, that is your end goal here?"

If the woman agreed to joining, he would begin the process of her acceptance.

A slight smile creapt upon Takashi's face. "Ah, but I suppose I should introduce myself. My name is Takashi Cassius, the current immediate leader of Silvermoon. Of course, we try to operate as a family, yet some of the more important and some call tedious decisions are made by me and my underlings. What may I call you?" @Frostine
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Yuno.jpg.ebcdd3941f6d69bdd431d445a40f2af2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="95261" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Yuno.jpg.ebcdd3941f6d69bdd431d445a40f2af2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> "But of course, I wouldn't dream of it. Besides, what fun would it be if the enemy knew our every move? Then we'd be in quite the predicament.. Now wouldn't we." She spoke, a gentle chuckle leaving her as she looked to Marlin her hazel eyes dancing with false glee. Athena then looked over at Anya, shaking her head a bit. "You need more training before you can even think about going to enemy territory by yourself." Athena, you shouldn't talk.. You were in her same boat a few years ago. Maybe, but I've trained my ass off for the past two years. True.

@Kylesar1 @Mitchs98



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Titan had managed to disappear without a trace, which was to be expected. It was a part of his training after all. Such a skill was invaluable for a profession such as his. He had to be able to move without being seen and this was not the first occasion it had saved him on. Part of his task had been complete, his mysterious appearance and disappearance would have the paranormal underworld talking and they would know that the human race was no longer defenseless. Now, he just had to move onto the next part of his orders. Intel gathering then...."discouraging" the paranormal to attack humans. He might end up having to kill a few of them before they'll truly begin to fear him but that was a part of the job. Now as he moved, he suddenly received a message from his commander. The messages appeared in his field of vision like a cell phone would,

You'll be staying on the North end of the city in warehouse 22. Your weapons drops will be found there as well. Proceed with your mission

He began heading that direction. There was not much more he could do tonight without ruining the aura of mystery he had already put about himself. Now it was time to allow the paranormal to run their imaginations wild.
Vani had gone home, putting in the order to start packing weapons.

Marlin scoffed. "Quite right. We can't have the enemy knowing our moves. As of now, we're not leaving anyone out from suspicion, except of course you all and my Circle.......... and absolutely no knocking on the enemy's door. I'll never be in the mood to hear about my daughter being slaughtered and probably eaten by the Silvermoon. Hell, I don't want anyone going into enemy territory alone. I would hate to have to whip out Masamune." Anya wasn't his biological daughter, but he damn sure treated her as one


@Lucinda Darkhive
A laugh, a rueful one at that, threatened to escape her lips. Of course. Out of all the members in the pack she could have met, Alexandra stumbeld upon, who she assumed, was the alpha or someone closely related to the alpha. Stretching to take the glass of wine, she nodded her thanks before crossing her legs while glancing at him every now and then from the rim of the glass. At his presumption, her eyes widened by a slight margin. A pack. Somewhere she could belong. It would be a nice change from her adventures that often lead to being in the posters, and not the good kinds.

Setting her drink down, she folded her hands on her laps before sporting the neutral expression she had acquired over the years. "Joining your pack would be a pleasure indeed," She said, adding a small nod and a smirk. A calm demeanour would be advisable at a time like this; she would not want to recklessly throw away her, possibly, only chance of settling. The way Takashi, as he liked to be called, talked about his pack did more than convince her. "I'm Alexandra Redenia - an honour to meet you," She said, offering a small nod and a wave of her hand. "Hopefully my plan of joining your pack would not be a hastle. I wish to do so with little to no trouble and contribute as many times as possible." She was saying goodbye to more freedom and welcoming the possible new lifestyle. It pained her slightly but she was sure that once she had adapted to their ways, she would be able to ease in a few of her requests. "I would understand fully if you are not able to accept any... Lone wolves as of now." But I really don't understand why you wouldn't want someone like me. She scoffed mentally - so maybe she had a big ego. "Although, I won't be much help considering the fact that I have not lived my life for as long as you have. My knowledge of certain things are quite... Limited, shall I say. Thus why I am here." @NyxNightmare
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The Hybrid girl sighed. "Isn't that a shame? He gotta away, but I'll find that mysterious man," her voice being sultry like it always was which she had picked up from her club, she wandered away. Jumping up to the rooftop, the woman sighed, yet again. "I need some new clothes and so, shopping it is," Avalin ran across the rooftops and jumped into the centre street where the shops were, closed? Yes. Problem? No.

Avalin approached and using her nails, which she had willed into wolf claws, quickly scary he'd the glass in a circular motion and popped it out opening the door, she walked in. "They are only humans, I'm only taking what I need," she sighed as she walking in and headed for the closest clothes rack.

"Tight shiny black leggings, yes please, leather jacket is mine, cropped galaxy top to match my hair and ill keep my own shoes, she changed from her clothes that she didn't like any more and placed them on the counter. Placing money on the counter for her clothes she sighed. "I've only paid for half of each and I have given them my clothes, it'll do," she sighed before the woman transferred her belongs and exited. Posting a note over the hole with the words, hi.

"Magic," the Hybrid jumped back onto the rooftops as she walked like a cat towards her next...where? Where does she want to go? She wanted to find the mysterious man but well...really mysterious she sighed before continuing her walk across the tops of buildings looking for some fun.


Tristan pulled out his phone and messaged Takashi. -taking Kino to the mansion, anyone else there or you coming along?- he asked because he knew some of the other adults left to go to the club at night and never found their way back. "We'll wait for Takashi's reply young master and then we'll go,"

Titan went out of his way, taking the long way around, dashing from one place to the next. This was something he had been trained to do. It would shake anyone following him. Finally, he felt that he had satisfied the training parameters and made for the warehouse. He walked to the door, raising a hand, the reader scanned his hand and his eye. Confirming his identity, the door opened only long enough to admit him before slamming shut behind him. Accessing the program on his suit, he triggered the removal process.

Taking off the armor, placed it in a standby position.

Removing his weapons, he checked their condition and placed them back in their designated spots. Walking to a computer, he activated the high powered security system that would detect any intruders, mortal or paranormal regardless of their powers.

Before she could react, Luna felt firm hands around her neck; and, suddenly the tables had been turned. Literally. Her hands met his wrists instinctively, the sudden action that she did not foresee; but welcomed as she gave up on seeking freedom from his grasp. An uncanny, yet alluring laugh echoed through the dark room; seeming to creep over her skin. Looking up she saw what she had desired, an unmasked Zen. A smile spread across her face to match his. Haha! He's beautiful. My loss he says...although it appears my hunches were correct. This one won't fail to surprise me.

The grip around her neck loosened as his hands traveled over her skin. He loves danger...will it be harder to extract any screams? The gasps emitted previously were the best she figured she would be getting out of him. Yet, this, this was something to play around with. How his every movement, every gaze sent shivers through her body. How beautiful.

Zen graced her with a kiss, most surprising. Never had someone else stolen her lips; even if only a brief moment. It had always been her with the upper hand. Someone like him? A masochist?? Will I be giving him pleasure by torturing him? Surely this won't do, unless this be a cycle of pleasure between us. Somehow Luna knew from the very start that this would not turn out in her favor; had she hoped for such? A challenge? Had she gotten bored with the average victim, intentionally searching for someone like Zen? No, unconsciously searching. As she felt his body leave hers, she wasn't sure whether it was disappointment or anger that fueled her next actions. She couldn't help but desire more. Ah yes, she was a greedy one. Slowly standing up, she licked her lips, the taste of his still lingering, just as his words did. Over and over in her mind, scraping her skull. He wins? He wins? HAHAHA How dare he!

Taking from underneath her sleeve of wonders she pulled out a small cylinder like handle. My judgement? Pressing a button on the cylinder a long sliver of light appeared from an opening at the top. A light whip, electrified. My vision is always skewed. Raising her arm she slashed across his chest, breaking through the fabric of his shirt and cutting into his skin. He enjoys this. Slashing more, breaking more skin, the fury in her eyes would sting more. Halting the "punishment" she let a series of laughter escape her lips. Not fearing the result? The look in his eyes and the way he held himself told her he wasn't lying. He was letting her do as she pleased? She wanted to refrain from hurting him to drive him further into insanity, yet she would give into all of her desires.

"And what was the point of that kiss? You sicken me. Just die already." That was an obvious lie. yet her voice was laced with venom. Stepping over to him she drew her finger over one of the wounds on his chest, catching some of the blood and licking it off. The sweet taste was enough to ease her frustration. Pressing herself against him she leaned up and, without hesitation this time, sank her fangs into his neck. As the blood slid down her throat, warm and sweet like honey, her own body grew hot. It's been too long. Drinking from a supernatural was different than drinking blood from a human. Humans weakened easily, yet with Zen she could steal his blood longer without him passing out. However, she wondered if she could really call it stealing, as she figured this was what he yearned for. Parting from his skin to catch her breath, she shuddered. She had underestimated her hunger over the weeks.

Keeping where she was, Luna breathed a little heavily. Taking so much at one time when she hadn't fed in a long time dazed her slightly. She should have known better. "You are an interesting one, Zen Williams." Luna breathed. @Mine

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Alexandra Redenia.
Takashi tasted the name in his mind, sweet yet edgy like the wine they were having. Of course there was plenty to worry about when taking in a new member, and normally they would be required to prove themselves before stepping into the manor. Yet, being across from her, somehow he knew she was serious with her intentions. "Very well, Redenia." Even though he himself preferred to be addressed by his first name, until her position was solid he would be addressing her by her last. His words were firm, and he moved over to a cabinet to retrieve a slender black box from one of the many drawers. Returning, he opened the box to reveal multiple forms of jewelry. "Please, choose one. It signifies your allegiance to Silvermoon." He narrowed his eyes slightly. "Please also do well to remember treason is punishable by death, even for a vixen such as yourself. Be sure to hold your loyalty above all else won't you Redenia?" Once in the pack, he would not be light on her. His goal was to protect his pack after all. Her alluring appearance tugged at his collar, and any man, supernatural or not would definitely be seduced, at least to an extent. Something could be used to our advantage, she'll make a deadly weapon if she chooses. He would go over roles within the pack after she chose a piece of jewelry. Yet Takashi could feel something beneath her exterior that went against her outer presentation of herself. Were her actions forced? Perhaps. No matter. He could care less what type of person she used to be or was this instant. Her acceptance into the pack would be like starting over again, a rebirth of sorts. @Frostine

His phone vibrated, and he looked at the message, Tristan. Always considerate. Messaging back he replied with "Await me, for we have a new scent to introduce to the rest of the pack." @LaDyGrEy
Tristan looked at his phone with a small sigh. "Young Master, it appears we have a new pack member joining us, Alpha has told us to wait before we proceed home," he smiled at the boy.
A small smirk of satisfaction tugged at her lips. Alexandra was more than delighted at the result. A pack to call her home. It would be different, to say the least, but she thought it would be well worth it. Hovering her hand over the small lake of jewellery, she took the silver chain that had caught her eye. How peculiar. It was nothing grand, only simple yet elegant. The anklet held a charm of what appeared to be a crescent with a few diamonds dotting the chain, making it look like a night sky of her own. It would be concealed easily, making it convenient for encounters with certain people. Leaning down, she attached the accessory to her ankle.

Upon hearing his warning, she let out a small sigh. It was difficult to tell, even for her, if she would plan to remain loyal or not. What if she grew bored of a settled life? Although she doubted her capabilites of betraying her new pack, she knew to expect the unexpected. Thoughts like these sometimes scared the female werewolf, but she decided not to dwell on it for now. "I'll keep that in mind," she replied as she examined the anklet against her skin with a smile, "Besides, I'm not one to betray something I genuinely like." With that said, she stood up, her smile broadening to a grin. That was a promise to Takashi and to herself. "Is there anything else I must do? A blood oath, perhaps? A sacrifice of some sort?" She joked, shaking her leg at the unfamiliar feeling. Her joking manner was surprising herself but the elation she felt at the moment must have caused this new persona - she didn't mind. In fact, she knew to savour the moment. Moments like these were scarce and must be treasured. @NyxNightmare
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Gasai.Yuno.full.853064.jpg.629717e3604df0c87398898be9181f50.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="95755" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Gasai.Yuno.full.853064.jpg.629717e3604df0c87398898be9181f50.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"But of course, no father wishes to hear about their baby girls death. Even that would prick their heart and flatten their ego. Besides, what good would it do? Surely none."
Athena had finished her drink and was now just inspecting the glass out of boredom, she sighed and rose from her seat. "I'm going out for something that actually satisfies me..I'll be back, well, maybe." Since when were you the one that stayed out all night? She shrugged a bit and grabbed her bag, her kitchen knife safely stored away inside the small thing. "I'll see you later." The young woman then headed towards the door, softly humming a tune. @Kylesar1 @Mitchs98



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@Kylesar1[/URL] @Mitchs98
Kylesar1 said:
Vani had gone home, putting in the order to start packing weapons.
Marlin scoffed. "Quite right. We can't have the enemy knowing our moves. As of now, we're not leaving anyone out from suspicion, except of course you all and my Circle.......... and absolutely no knocking on the enemy's door. I'll never be in the mood to hear about my daughter being slaughtered and probably eaten by the Silvermoon. Hell, I don't want anyone going into enemy territory alone. I would hate to have to whip out Masamune." Anya wasn't his biological daughter, but he damn sure treated her as one


@Lucinda Darkhive
@Kylesar1[/URL] @Mitchs98
Anya sighed, she hated to admit it but Athena was right. While she was pretty skilled in her *ahem* 'field of work' it would be suicide to go to them alone, and it would be a surefire way to start a war if she got captured or killed. "Yeah, you're right. Guess it was a kinda dumb idea. But I figured I'd offer to do something." She told them, shrugging. "Plus I wanna be around to help you guys if a war does start, even if I can't do much." She added, sighing. She really hoped a war didn't start, that maybe they could find out who was really causing problems before it did, but she also knew everyone wasn't as level headed as Marlin so there was a good chance of it happening.

Watching Alexandra with curious eyes as she picked through the jewelry, Takashi said nothing. He couldn't be sure how much younger she really was from him, but the difference was there. It seems she had chosen the ankle bracelet. How fitting. She graced him with a smile and sweet words. As his eyes rested on that very smile, he nodded respectfully as he closed the box and placed it away until the next time he would be using it. Her mention of a blood oath made him chuckle shortly. At the sudden laugh he covered his mouth with his hands, slightly embarrassed, averting her gaze. Did I just? I must be sure to keep this one as far from me as possible, cannot have her ruining my image that's for sure. Takashi was glad nobody else was around to hear his laughter. He didn't laugh in front of anyone. The fact that this mere young wolf caused him to upset him greatly.

"N-Not necessary. It's not the 18th century. We can go through roles later yes? Once you get settled in, you can refer to Tristan. Consider him to be a mentor of sorts." He began ushering her out the door. "He's awaiting us at the bottom to lead you to the manor." Before they headed down the stairs, Takashi placed his hands on Alexandra's shoulders, leaning his head down over her shoulders, whispering, "I don't forget a single scent of anyone in my pack, you'll do your best to remember at least mine won't you? It seems to be a weakness of yours, differentiating between scents." His voice was soft, but in a sense he was reminding her he knew this pack up and down, and he would know if she tried something reckless. Releasing her he left down the stairs to introduce her to Tristan. There were a few different roles spread throughout the pack, medics, spies, guards, scouts, and simple members of the pack that lived to be protected. But lately there had been more of a demand for guards, to be on the offence as well as defense. As guards could be upgraded to the role of an assassin or fighter in major missions. Tristan could explain everything to her. As they reached the bottom, Tristan was waiting alongside Kino.

"Greetings again Tristan, Kino." His heart always warmed at seeing Kino. "I assume you'll take good care of her?" He motioned to Alexandra. Suddenly he remembered something he wanted to check out. "I must be off, some things...I should attend to." And, like that, he disappeared off into the night. He was certainly planning to gather info on Titan, some character he was indeed. But, not without the help of a certain someone...

@LaDyGrEy @sitanomoto @Frostine
Tristan smiled at the young girl and eyed her, then bowed down to her. "My name is Tristan and this here is Kino, 'Tis a pleasure to meet you Miss, do please follow me, one would not liked to be caught by others prowling around at this time," Tristan talked and walked with a posh aura and certainty completely giving off of where he came from, he was British too. "Are you Hungry? Young Miss, Young Master? I can prepare you something for when we reach home," he smiled as Tristan kept his guard up, listening to the sounds as well as storing the girls scent in the back of his mind.

"Anything you enquire about?"
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Kino wagged his fluffy tail, his ears perking up at the thought of food. "Yes, please, Tristan!" When the girl approached he hid behind Tristan, peeking out from behind the gentleman... Er.... Gentlewolf. "Hi...." He said softly.

Kino was on edge. Moreso because of his encounter with Titan than anything else. How odd that on the four year anniversary of Kolby's death, a person from a human-based center comes, threatening to kill all of them.

Coincidence? Kino wasn't sure. He hoped so.
The whisper of the alpha's laugh was engraved into Alexandra's mind. Surprising, considering the fact that she had not heard him laugh upon their encounter and she doubted he would have done that before too. Hearing his request, Alexandra took a deep breath before doing a quick nod of her head, shivering at the feeling of his breath against her skin but she knew she would have to train her sense of smell.

With a wave and a smirk of her own, she greeted two more white-haired people who, she assumed, were also werewolves. Could it be a genetic attribute that all werewolves had? Or was it just mere coincidence? It was definitely amusing, to say the least. "Alexandra Redenia," she said the second time that night. "A pleasure to meet you too. I must say, you both look very dashing in your matching hair colours. Please, do tell if it's a werewolf thing or not; I'm not quite sure if I'm ready to lose my brown locks," she joked with an amused smirk. The thought of just replacing her current brown waves with white ones petrified her. At the mention of hunger, her stomach rumbled in response and her cheeks reddened; she hoped no one had heard that. "Yes, a small snack or meal would be delightful." She especially perked up at the accent he possessed. Quite fitting for a person like him.

Her eyes landed on the smaller one behind Tristan. The urge to release a small 'aww' was quite strong, but she resisted like many urges she had to fight. That did not stop the softening of her eyes or the small smile that replaced her smirk. "Hello," she said just as softly, holding out her hand. "What's your name?" She inquired, hoping that she didn't sound intimidating or scary or even creepy. Anything but creepy. Her flirtatious personality would come again later when she was more settled; for now, she had to gain everyone's trust. Starting with the two werewolves in front of her. @LaDyGrEy @sitanomoto
Kino looked at Tristan, and then at Alexandra. He shyly stepped out from behind the older Werewolf, scuffing his foot. "Kino...." He said quietly, taking her hand, gently but firmly. He grew a little more confident and his tail wagged slightly. He smiled at her hair comment and shook his head. "Just coincidence," he said in his quiet manner. "I think you should keep your hair like that, it's nice." He looked at his shoes, turning slightly pink.
Tristan chuckled as he nodded in agreement with Kino, yes my dear it is just coincidence," he chuckled before turning gracefully on his heel and calling along. "Come along now young master, we must be late," Tristan rubbed his gloves as he did so, she seemed ok and to be honest if the Alpha let her in then she must of been a good to go in his book. He didn't care either way, a wolf is a wolf.

"So where do you come from?" He asked with a kind a smile as he relaxed his arms and continued walking ever so gracefully.
The adorable, young werewolf had already wiggled his way into Alexandra's heart. It was inevitable anyway. Who wouldn't be charmed by his shy yet charming demeanour? "Thank you. I don't think I could ever bring myself to changing it anyway," she said, gesturing to her hair. Clearing her throat, she stood up and followed Tristan to wherever they were bound to go. Her hands remained folded behind her as she held her chin up with confidence. It was an addictive feeling - to have basically everyone's eyes on them. Upon hearing his question, Alexandra offered a shrug, allowing a small smirk to flit on her face for the people to see. "Who knows? I myself don't remember where I come from. It has been years since I did." But she was lying. She knew full well that she had come from another state in America, yet she couldn't bring herself to tell them. At least, not yet. @LaDyGrEy @sitanomoto
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Tristan nodded, he sensed a slight change in her body as she said this but didn't worry at all. The only thing is that she was here now. "Brilliant, anything else you wish to enquire about?" The man smiled at passersby as he saw the large mansion up ahead with it'd perfect grounds and well lit structure.

"This is the Packs House, everyone who does not have a place lives here and o run for it and care for it, everyone pulls their weight and we have staff, I wash, clean, tidy, dust and keep the mansion manicured, I also look after younger wolves like the Young Master here," entering a code he walked into the large dark wooden doors and came into a wide space. Two staircases went up either side leading to a balcony which veered of both left and right, numerous amounts of doors on the second floor and around the ground floor also accompanied the lavish setting. A variety of flowers and furniture was pushed to the side so as to not clutter the entrance. "There is a...common room, so to speak where you can gather and talk, rooms are on the many floors above and as long as you have enough beds then you can always have a roommate, sleep with whoever because I don't care, there's a large kitchen, gym and sporting area as well as lots of other places to suit your needs, I'm sure you'd like to explore them and Kino here can show you, I'll be in the kitchen preparing your meals if you need me, Miss, Young Master," he bowed slightly before walking away, a few ohers wolves appearing at the new scent of the girl, staring at the new member.

The shock she graced him with upon the kiss was truly a sight to lo and behold. It seemed her emotions changing ever so often had unconsciously became a delight for him to gain, as his grin would grow wider at how beautiful it was to see her in such a fashion. It almost tempts me to do it over and over... Ahah, how laughable. To have such thoughts of his own, how badly had this scenario affected him...? Each of her reactions matched his, as if they had engaged in in a mutual exchange. Interesting. So was she in a way similar to him? As difficult as it was for him to even so much as consiser such a possibility, he could not deny the existence of a lingering satisfaction between the two of them. Or perhaps could it be just his delusions at last taking a toll on him. Uncertain as he was, Zen's grin would not fade away as his eyes stared into those of his kidnapper. Not for a second.

Seeing her licks her lips brought doubt, that which would manifest itself in the form of an eyebrow raising ever so slightly. She had not given a single sign that she was at all pleased with the kiss so why the sensual reaction? Well, wasn't she full of surprises...Needless to say, he was positively thrilled to discover what she planned to do with him....

To lump him within those who found pleasure in pain was a mistake. No, he was not particularly fond of pain, he felt rather repulsed by it if nothing. To him, it was a cheap trick to carry out tasks. No, no, Zen's methods were far more durable, far more scarring...He broke those who dared to wrong him, leaving them to become a foul fabric of what they once were. No proof left in sight, only a shell of a man or a woman who did not know any better. A whistle escaped his lips as the whip made its appearance. Fancy. He had assumed she would be relying on more conventional means, but given the location she had chosen to carry out the torture of her victims, he shouldn't be surprised. He could only imagine where she had acquired such an object... She raised her arm and he closed his eyes, awaiting the impact that would ultimately be the first of many. Gasps would erupt from his throat from time to time, gracing her with the pleasure of seeing him in pain. Would it be enough for her, however? No matter. Just the thought of being driven towards the inevitability of his body giving in to her was enough. Ecstasy consumed him, his eyes opening to stare at his attacker despite the ruthless slashes across his skin, a smile across his face that said it all. His body would shook, a strained chuckle attempting to come out. It was all so amusing, so laughable. Luna herself was a feast for the eyes, her own desires consuming her, insanity dominating her to the last grasp she had on reality. Truly beautiful. He remained silent as she posed him the dreadful question, ordering him to repent for what he had done to her. Why would he dare to interrupt a performance as blissful as this? Just her voice alone was enough to broaden his smile.

But the end would eventually come forth. Zen was left drawing his ragged breath, albeit not enough to have one consider his condition. Pleasure had taken its toll on him, just as pain had. His fingers brushed his dark coloured locks, slicking his hair and revealing the eye which remain hidden from the eyes of strangers, as if now allowed to be shown to the vampire hovering over him. The moment her fangs sank into his skin was just as he had predicted. Relieving, brought upon him with a mescle of sensation he was all but familiar with. At long last, Luna would indulge herself in his nectar, giving into what she was truly meant to be. A monster who fed on the essence of her victims. Beautiful, truly beautiful. But the twist was Zen himself, a hybrid who would not shy away from what would eventually end his existence. And so he would cup her neck, bringing her closer, allowing her fangs to sink more and more into his skin. A moan hissed through lips tightly pressed together. That was as far as she could get from it. The first of any other women who had the privilege to taste him had witnessed the most one could afford to get of a reaction from the Capo of The Mix. As Luna finished draining him, their breaths seemed to synch perfectly. Silence. There were no need for words. Her compliment was returned with a smirk from his part as his hand reached towards her bottom lip, wiping the blood still dripping from it. His gaze did not falter, not for a second. He did not wish to part from such an erotic view as the one in front of him.

And besides, wasn't he still at her mercy even now...?


I apologize, turns out my reply was not posted by the time I intented to do so...
Kino followed the new girl and Tristan to the common room. He noticed several other pack members sniffing around her, voicing amongst themselves as to who she was and what she was doing here. He scowled and flattened his ears at them, feeling protective of her even though he didn't know why. His ears then perked up when he got an idea. "It's cool, guys, she's with me." He said, looking at her and winking. He beckoned her over to the couch and patted a seat next to him.
Alexandra waved at Tristan before diverting her attention towards the grand designing of the Pack House. It certainly was a sight to behold. She wondered how many pack members there would have to be to fit such a mansion like this. Her reverie was broken by the murmurs of the werewolves around her. Immediately, she had stood up straighter, emmiting an aura of confidence. It was how she dealt with things after all... Although, her still grumbling stomach would hopefully go unnoticed otherwise, she would emanating an air of embarrasment instead.

Upon hearing the younger wolf's words, a smirk of amusement curled on her lips while she did as he asked. "They don't literally bite now, do they?" She whispered, her eyes roaming the slowly growing, staring crowd in front of them. "If so, I'm counting on you to protect me," she joked, but it held slight truth. She wasn't exactly petrified of them - maybe just intimidated. She could defend herself, but she only knew about that when it came to humans. She wasn't quite sure how well she would fare against beings like herself. But the look on his face had said enough. The sudden perk of his ears and the slight wag of his tail (adorable if she must say so herself) allowed Alexandra to realise that Kino had a plan and she hoped would be able to play along well enough. @sitanomoto

Luna had been slightly surprised by the pressure against her neck that drove her fangs to sink deeper. Why...why does such a person long for this sensation? Pleasure...pain...such a sweet scent. Yes, this blood that is quite divine, how I've missed you so. This liquid that spreads bliss over my soul and vitalizes my body. Stray from me not? Won't you...stay awhile? The moan that escaped from the creature's lips was amusing and....satisfying? It was an odd feeling for Luna. How strange this, Zen was making her feel. Yet she couldn't help but wonder how many others had drank from this fountain of youth.

No matter...he's m.i.n.e. now. Whether he likes it or not. If indeed Zen was unafraid to face death, it was something to ponder why death hadn't taken him by now. Not that she was complaining, for it allowed her to take hold of his fate, or so she would believe so. The feed had left her in a bit of a blood high.

Blinking, Luna was brought back to reality by the touch of skin against her lips. Zen. Seeing as he had wiped off some of the blood she quickly grabbed hold of his wrist with her hands and sucked the blood off his finger. She didn't want to waste any of it. Although at the action her cheeks reddened; especially given the way he kept staring at her. Those intense eyes that seemed to skin her alive to the core; exposing her true self. Just what is this guy? His perplexing yet simple demeanor amazed and frustrated her at the same time. After feeding, a part of her wanted to doze off, right in this man's arms. The blood within him warmed his body as opposed to her own gelid temperature. Eh...I'm an ice cube...maybe a slushie sounds cuter? She giggled a bit at her own thoughts. Distracted. Snapping back, once again into reality she shoved Zen back lightly. The wounds on his chest, she wouldn't be healing. At least, not immediately. The sight of him bleeding in any way drove shivers through her. "W-why do you keep staring into me like that?" Her voice wavered between annoyance and nervousness, her eyes dropping their guard. She was not accustomed to someone pressing her to, inviting her to drink. Everyone had been afraid of dying, whether they admitted it or not. How should she react to such personality as Zen's? Once again, a mental battle that plagued her mind. What should she do? To a man that welcomed the ending. Would he escape if given the chance?

Biting her own bottom lip, her fang pierced into the soft flesh, drawing a bit of blood. If she could inflict some pain upon herself, it would distract her from thinking too deeply; or so she hoped. More...there's not enough. Picking up the light whip once again she slung it around Zen's neck and brought him close once again. One would wonder whether she was being indecisive on being near this man or not. Almost as if her frustration of being close pushed her away, and the anxiety of being away brought her close again. Every prisoner until now, their fates had been decided from the start. Yet with this particular creature Luna could not foresee the perfect ending. Was there even one? The electricity from the whip was dialed down enough to sting, but not enough to cause a harsh shock. The neck was a sensitive area after all, and her intention was not to cause him much pain from this action. Rather, she wanted the opposite. As much as he drove her mind in circles, she wanted this. Luna unwrapped the whip around the man's neck and switched it off, tossing it to him. Removing her uniform top, she revealed a black silk tank top with red lace lined around the edges. Looking up at him, there appeared to be a longing, though clearly illuminated by a challenge. Whether he harmed her or not, as long as she could stare into those eyes of his, for once she didn't want to gouge them out. She would leave those eyes alone. @Mine

(It's quite alright, when does life go as planned haha xD )


Takashi roamed through the wet streets. It seemed it had just rained, which was a bit of a nuisance, as it screwed up the scent tracks. On his way to talk to someone about this Titan character, dark figures pooled around him. What a bother. Takashi unleashed his kusarigamas just as one of the figures leaped at him, dodging, Takashi drew his arm over the neck of the figure, the blade cutting deep and clean across. Vampires. Rogue? None would be as so daring to attack me. No matter, he would deal with as many as he needed to. Slashing, quick gurgles were released as he stabbed into and across their throats, beheading them all. By the time his battle ceased, a mere scratch lay across his cheek, his breathing interupted slightly. Wiping the blood off his blades with a hankerchief he continued on his way. Where to might you ask? To a little uncanny creature, by the name of Tremki. Just what he needed to deal with someone like Titan. "Kaguya, where might you be on this fine night?" He hummed to himself.

@Sinister Clown

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