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Realistic or Modern The Blood Wars-Reboot

Tristan walked in and simply smiled to passersby. He didn't mind this place, it seemed ok if you were to use the private rooms, he wasn't one for drinking and so these types of scenes weren't really his thing. "Pleasant," he sat down, not slumped against the couch but with a straight back, legs in line with his shoulders and his white gloved hands resting on each knee, ensuring his height was higher than most. "So the weapons inquiry yes? That has certainly taken my interest as I'm sure it has done with Takashi, do continue," he said and with his accent made him sound very much like a business man wanting to set up something across seas. Tristan sighed.
Vani took his drink and took a seat. "Aye," he said. "I got a call to come here to discuss a weaponry deal. It seems that your problem with the Blackbloods have gotten worse recently."

He pulled out his pistol from his robe and turned his business side on, a confident smile, alluring words, and keepable promises. "I have a fine selection of weaponry, from combat knives to rocket launchers, all that have a specialty. In the case of the Silvermoon, the best bet would be my Anti-Vampire weaponry. Take this pistol for example..........."


He put the pistol on the table to pass around. "This pistol here features Incendiary Hallow Point ammo, filled with Garlic Holy Water. 1 shot could completely disable the average vampire wherever it hits, and a shot anywhere near the heart is insta-death. The gun is incredibly light-weight, making for accurate snap-kills and will never jam. It's smaller than the average pistol, which makes it far more concealable. The small stature overall makes it easy to operate against a vampire's really high speed. The bullet itself doesn't cause much damage. It relies purely on the Incendiary to burn and the Garlic Holy Water to destroy." The pistol was made for the Anti-Vamp bullets, and was relatively useless with normal bullets, though it could still fire them



“A rather bold accusation of you to make. Then again…you have so far proven to be most keen to it.” Zen merely shifted his position before her statement, comfortably confronting this woman who seemed to hold herself above all others. Most of his kin would most likely found such an attitude to be unnerving…but the man before her own eyes was a special case, so to say. Far from it, he dare say. Satisfaction was clear in his expression as she abandoned the forced apathy in her voice, reminding him of how he dreaded those who attempted to build up an image foreign to their own. A black rabbit, huh? Was she even be telling him the truth? Seeing how out of the ordinary she was, it could just be. Plus, it explained the vibe she gave him, one he was far too used to by now… “Charmed.”

Oh, how much truth did that word carry within itself! And here he just thought the night would just be like any other. This uncanny creature seemed to have brought something new to Zen. Something he found most pleasant. Her eyes told him everything. She wanted blood to be spilled, chaos to corrupt the atmosphere of the club. Now, she would not so foolish to do so, would she…? He would be very disappointed to have this little rabbit ruined his amusement. Most foul, indeed. Such as prospect seemed to anger her, despise her. And that would only drive Zen to a wider smirk.

So, so enticing, to see the rawest of emotions flourish before his own eyes.

But was she not “looking for someone”? Why, it seemed her target had changed entirely. Unless there was no target to speak for in the first place and Luna was simply mocking him with his own ignorance. It lacked substance to it but it could be possible. And once again, she launched at him. And once again, Zen did not even so much as grace her with a proper reaction, so to speak. She coud have expected a flinch, his body jerking away in terror or disgust. But no. Zen was far too used to the sight of a blade, as well as of a woman attacking him. The contact with silver was unplesant, of course, but the human blood crawling through his veins stun the pain from harming him any further. He was however rather unsettled by her reaction. Tangible? What could she mean by that...? No matter, he had his fair share of experience to know that the chances of disappointing someone who crave for his blood were low at best.

Cryptic words reached his ears once more. A mask? And here he thought he was much like water, transparent, clear. It seems such was not the case, at least for this irresistable creature.
"...Do show me how, then. As you can see, I lack the instructions to do so." He smiled, a smile most women would find most seductive, alluring. But Luna was no ordinary women, was she not?...

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Motioning to a nearby servant, Takashi whispered something to him, in which he soon left and returned a few minutes later with a pot of tea; more so specifically for Kino and Tristan. He knew Tristan wasn't all so keen on alcoholic beverages. He had a servant pour Vani a drink of his choice, while Takashi himself poured some vodka into a half cup of black tea. Sounded disgusting, and it wasn't as though he preferred such. But it was more a result of not being able to decide which one he wanted, and didn't want to show his indecisiveness by pouring two separate cups. Although he wasn't aware of it, Tristan would definitely catch onto his attempt at hiding that trait of his. As Vani brought out the first weapon, he tilted his head slightly. The design was breath taking, and proved beneficial. Taking the weapon to hold within his hand he turned it around before handing it to Tristan to examine. Looking back to Vani, his eyes still rather void of emotion he asked, "It intrigues me, much like everything you have offered in the past has not failed to do. What is the shooting range if I may ask? Money isn't a problem, but I assume without the bullets the weapon is such like any other. Therefor a continuous payment towards receiving them is expected in the deal correct?"

A part of Takashi always wondered what would happen if there was no medium between the clans. Vani kept himself alive easily by his ability to construct such weapons. Such a shady yet clever man he is.

"What do you two think?" Blinking slowly, Takashi looked over at the other wolves. @Kylesar1 @sitanomoto @LaDyGrEy

(Posting for Luna later)
Tristan's eyes noticed the fact that Takashi had yet again not been able to make a decision on his drinks...A trait he'd noticed. "Just choose one," he muttered before coughing and taking the gun in hand. "It's rather well made, but there is..." he lifted the gun and shot the bullet straight into the sofa. "Hmm, very little recoil isn't there? It's loud, powerful and strong, decently sized," Tristan placed the gun back down and with one arm crossed and the other on his chin, he nodded.

"Ye so course money isn't the problem but, who else have you spoke to? Do the vampires know you're building weapons against them, and for a matter of fact, have you offered them against us?" Tristan continued standing with a raised eyebrow.

"Sir, I do prefer getting close and personal and ripping the beating heart or heads from their bodies myself, although this may be beneficial for children, " he grabbed his tea and took a few sips.
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Vani smiled at his question, continuing his flawless sales pitch. "Vampires have high strength. However, it doesn't compare to werewolf strength. As such, vampires must rely on speed and split-second decisions to defeat their opponents. You werewolves however, have much higher strength and enough speed to keep track, as well as the sync of a pack. You possess incredible endurance and stamina. Because of that, this gun is made to do the most damage at close-mid range, since your own raw strength can do the work in arms length. One would think a shotgun would be a better option. However, a shotgun is much heavier, making it unreliable against vampires. With a compact weapon, mixed with your high strength, you'll be handling it like a toy. Just aim for the torso and the bullet will stop them in their tracks." Vani knew the game, and he was talking it down. Takashi's emotionless-ness made it plenty much easier. A poker-face was harder to talk down to a deal, but easier to talk to.


He pulled out a single bullet from his robe and stood it up on the table. A werewolf's sensitive smell could smell the garlic emanating from the copper tip of the bullet, a sign of the truth in his words. "As for the bullets, it's what makes the weapon that functional. They compliment each other perfectly. You're free to buy as much ammo as you want. I prefer to let my clients decide what it is they want. The bullets can function in normal weaponry, but it runs a higher risk of jamming and those weapons are heavier. Normal bullets can function in these pistols, but vampires can shrug off any bullet not in a vital place unless it has Holy Water or Garlic in it. The key word here is efficiency." Vani was crafty in making his weaponry. He made sure everything pointed to killing his enemy in the most efficient way possible. The bullet and the gun were 2 halves of a whole.

Vani never solidly planned a deal. By setting a concrete deal with rigidity, he risked losing the entire deal if a client didn't like one of the terms. His flexibility sealed him many many deals. It was better to not get the full amount intended than to lose the whole thing. He'd throw some numbers and his sales pitch, and let his client work out what they wanted. It served him well for over 500 years


Then came Tristian's question. "It's a strict policy of mine to never give out the info of my clients." He pulled out another pistol. A heavy magnum. Anti-Wolf would be assumed. "My weaponry aims to serve me. When you're a human involved with both Vampires and Werewolves, it goes without saying that you must protect yourself from both. Whoever buys them is their personal choice. Money is neither Blackblood nor Silvermoon."

Tristian mentioned getting close and ripping heads off. "It seems that you lack in hardened battle against them. Vampires are much quicker than wolves. They possess the ability to strike and get out. This is far from a child's weapon. It's a case of Brains vs. Brawn. If a wolf gets to a vampire, the wolf wins, but if a vampire is too quick to get caught, who wins then? Take it from someone who's been in this for over 450 years. I've seen every battle. How do you think I knew what to look for when making them?" Vani was an expert in Vampire and Werewolf battle tactics. He knew better than either of them the weaknesses of the other. A wolf or a vampire would have a biased viewpoint of battle in their favor. It was a pride thing to not admit a weakness, and not just for them. A wolf would never admit that they couldn't match a vampire's quickness without the Full Moon, and a vampire would never admit that they couldn't win in a strength competition against a wolf. "You must look beyond your own personal viewpoint and think about what's best for the pack."


His whole demeanor made Luna tremble with excitement. I want him. He will prove to be the most fun yet! Ah, how interesting this one is. Who would've known this find would have resulted from walking into one of these places I often avoid. It was almost overwhelming, and the urge to spill blood arose again. Of course massacres were her specialty, yet, that stood for humans alone. Picking a fight with everyone in the entire bar was, well, ludicrous. Something she was used to although, she simply had no immediate desire to allow for any openings that this lovely creature in front of her could escape. Given that he had remained this long lead her to believe he was indeed intrigued, amused, or curious about her motives. Even though any hybrid would be wary of a full fledged vampire, Luna doubted he was all that intimidated. If anything he seemed to be used to the attention. His smile confirmed that.

Luna answered his question with another one. "Do you always seduce women with that alluring smile of yours?" She chuckled lightly, her eyes becoming darker. "You seem like a man that doesn't disappoint even the ground he walks on. Always knowing what to say." She hid the blade once again.

"Since we are being honest here, I admit you are quite the charming individual Zen, but it isn't what attracts me."

Leaning up on her tip toes she placed her left hand on the back of his neck. Without hesitating Luna pressed her lips against his, which were rather warm compared to the rest of her body. However, at the same time she had injected a sleeping agent into the other side of his neck using a syringe she carried in her right sleeve of tricks. Anything could be found in there from poisons to gummy bears. The kiss was unnecessary to carry out the injection, as her speed was well above average and her target still. Sure thing, she harbored feelings of love for nobody. The purpose behind it then? Would not be revealed here.

Parting, she licked her lips. She had resisted the urge to harm him further. I want to make him last a long time. An insidious grin crept onto her face.

She finally commented on his original question about showing him how to remove his mask.

"You won't have any objections if we use a change of scenery first?" He would be losing consciousness about now. "I mentioned I was looking for someone earlier." She laced her fingers together. "I found him." With that the last thing he would see is her piercing eyes and hear her insane laughter.

-Inner Luna-

There were several ways for Luna to transport the body of Zen Williams. Realistically, even though being a vampire offered her strength beyond normal means, she transferred that extra energy into exceeding her agility bar for the average vampire. Strength was simply not her...well, strong point.

I could always drag him but damn that takes effort. Usually It's easy to lure them closer to my humble,- maybe not so humble hahaha!- abode for easier transportation. Of course calling for help is out of the question…can’t chop him up and carry him in a bag, not yet anyways. Ah! I also better heal the wound I inflicted onto him earlier so he doesn’t leave any blood trails.


In the end she called for a cab, passing him off as a drunkard she was delivering home.

-End of Inner Luna-


When Zen awoke, his limbs would be tied to the smooth marble-like floor. These particular chains had actually come from Vani. A long time ago she had bought a few off him, they would burn into the skin of any supernatural that wore them if pressure was applied. Virtually unbreakable, he would not be escaping that way. Yet it wasn’t so constricting, as he was given room to sit upright. But she had the ability to tighten them as the chains were hooked onto gears below the ground that loosened and tightened by a remote control she kept in a special place. Surrounding him were walls with multiple sketches such as proxy symbols and words sprawled across; some in ink while others in blood. A single door was visible, or more rather a never-ending shadow that appeared if walked into, the subject would be eaten up without any return. Where it led? Who knows.

The room seemed to branch off into another that was connected by a thin walk way lit up on the edges. Without any doors the other room and its contents could be seen. It was smaller, with sturdier walls and a surveillance camera.


Luna sat in a chair across from him, waiting patiently, well, as patient as she could be.

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[QUOTE="Lucinda Darkhive](That moment you don't get any notifications from one of the rp's you're in.. Someone mind catching me up?)

(Lucifer, Justin, Anya, Marlin, and Edamus are in The Zone, Tristan, Takashi, Kino, and Vani are at a wolf bar, Luna and Zen are in some room, Tremki, Elysa, and Avalin are on teh streets. Nothing beyond minor interaction has happened yet.)
Mitchs98 said:
(Lucifer, Justin, Anya, Marlin, and Edamus are in The Zone, Tristan, Takashi, Kino, and Vani are at a wolf bar, Luna and Zen are in some room, Tremki, Elysa, and Avalin are on teh streets. Nothing beyond minor interaction has happened yet.)
(Awesome, thanks. I'll post in a bit going to grab a bite)
Kino took his cup of tea and blew on it, taking a sip as he watched the older wolves talk business. He flinched a little when the gun was fired and his hand began to shake as he remembered what happened on Ebony Street four years ago....

He shook his head to clear it and then took a shaky sip of his tea.

Orange tea, his favorite.

His brother's favorite, too.

His ears perked up in interest as he listened to Vani talk about the weaponry he sold. "How much would an anti-wolf go for on the market?" Kino asked softly.

Takashi didn't show it, but was a bit irked by Tristan's words. I hate when he does that. Almost as if he knows more about me than myself...

He listened to Vani's words as well as Tristan's questions; and, he brought up a fair point about selling to each clan. Yet Takashi had already anticipated the answer. Vani was clever, and most likely prepared for any question thrown at him.

"You bring a fine point. The pack comes first." His eyes shifted to Kino, and for a brief moment he saw him shudder. Kino...you'll grow into a strong wolf one day.

Bringing his attention back he commented to Tristan, "It would be most beneficial, if not for us, but for members of the pack that are not quite...into the blood shed. Especially with the increased activity, we might have to introduce this to the pups early on. Not a toy by any means, yet, how unsafe they become if one were to wander off from our guards? It's something we shouldn't risk." Even though he said this, Takashi didn't particularly want to introduce blood shed to the young ones. He wanted to save them from it, yet, knew that was impossible. As Kino voiced a question he raised his eyebrows, not entirely expecting him to say much during the meeting, so it was surprising and interesting. Everything Vani had provided them with had ultimately proven good for the pack. He just wanted to make sure the terms ended in their favor.

@LaDyGrEy @Kylesar1 @sitanomoto
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Yuno.jpg.39205bff8b7986131358469eae020cef.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="94112" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Yuno.jpg.39205bff8b7986131358469eae020cef.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Athena sat in a park, Time square park to be precise. Her hazel eyes bounced between the many different people that shuffled and scurried to their destinations, "So many blood bags.. What are they going? What are they hurrying for?" The pinkette mumbled as she watched them eagerly, a small smirk playing across her ageless face whilst she listened to her counter part speak on taking each one of them and tearing them apart piece by piece. "Minerva, be nice.. We could possibly run into a mutt, and I'm not in the mood to get my hands dirty." Athena sighed and looked at her phone, the buzzing of the object finally reached her ears.

~Get your butt down here. It's gotten crazy.~ The raspy voice of her father hissed out through the phone, the girl rolled her eyes and sighed softly. "Yes, daddy."



  • Yuno.jpg
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Lucifer Marlin

Lucifer mused, he read the thoughts of the Blackbloods leader and knew exactly what he thought about him and that he didn't trust him, at least not yet. 'Well at least he's cautious.' he thought to himself looking over to Justin he smirked, he seemed to have an interest in this one. Whether this was a even a 'good' thing was still unclear at this point, tilting his head to the side slightly he mused before speaking "Well if you want Mr. Dracula if you like you could stay at mine..And..." he only whispered the next part quietly, with all the commotion inside the bar only Justin would have heard unless Anya chose to listen in on it too.


His eyes widened, his crimson red eyes seeming to gloom slightly as he tilts his head slightly across. Winking after with an uncanny grin, he took another sip from his glass and responded to the leader's last words
"If you ever need..'Help' in that business I'd be glad to join." he gave off a gracious smile, his sudden creepy persona returned back to his normal warm hearted one. His eyes gently closing as he smiled he yet again took another swig from his glass, turning back to Justin he waited for his response.


Vani stroked his beard in thought. "It's a case of supply and demand. As of now, Anti-Wolf is a higher price because I've had more Anti-Wolf weaponry being sold recently. Differing states, differing countries, and internationally, my activity has been non-stop. I can't tell you who's been buying it, but the market isn't black and white." That last sentence was a subtle warning to not assume that the Blackbloods have been buying it all, as it may or may not really be the case. A war on faulty information is both unnecessary and shameful. Far more customers buy weapons from him than the Blackbloods and the Silvermoon "I don't believe in showing favoritism. All sides of the circle give me the same money." The circle referring to the multiple multiple parties all turning to him for reliable weaponry.

"Think long term, with different weaponry. Is there a wolf who has great eye-sight? Give him a sniper for cover fire. Is there one who wants to mow down as many vampires as quickly as possible? A minigun speaks to him. Is there someone who doesn't like the taste of vampire blood? Give him a shotgun. Being overrun? End them all with a Rocket Launcher. You want to pin them down with bullets while you close the gap (suppressive fire)? Use an assault rifle. That pistol isn't the only Anti-Vamp weapon in the arsenal. You'll want to have as little casualties as possible, and expanding your arsenal is the best way of doing so."



Tristan nodded, he wasn't the eldest and so it would be unfair for him to make the decision. "Of course Sir," he said to Vani before turning to Takashi.

"Master Takashi it's your decision, but I do believe the children will be able to handle them without a problem, we can start them off with training, before they even hold a weapon," Tristan smiled before sipping more of hid tea and then placing it down to pull his gloves up a bit.

"Kino," he knelt down beside him and held his hand to stop the shaking. "Be careful now Young Master," he gave a warm smile.
Kino nodded and thoughtfully sipped his tea, and then smiled at Tristan. "Thank you," he said quietly.

Others were out there hunting down the Wolves and Vamps other than the Wolves and Vamps themselves, he knew that.

"If the supply and demand of anti-wolf and anti-vamp is rising, does that mean we should be seeing more or less of you?"

Takashi let out a soft sigh. I have a feeling...a sense of deja vu. He waved the thought off as he entwined his fingers together.

"It's decided then. We're interested. I trust a shipment can be prepared within a few days for 500 guns, bullets encased. If it bodes well I'll be sure to have Tristan set up a proper constant for receiving ammo and more guns." Everything mentioned had been true; as they must act for the good of the pack, and, this was it with war raging. However he would be starting off with a mere few hundred to test out how effectively they truly proved to be before purchasing a large load. He had no doubts, but had to seem at least a little logical. Of course they had no shortage of money, so Takashi pulled out his fancy check book with a leather cover and prompted, 'How much would be sufficient for the time being?" His voice came out edgy and slightly impatient, as if he suddenly remembered something there was he had to attend to, but in fact, there was not. Why bother making such deals anyways, the ending is more or less the sa- His thoughts were interrupted by Kino's voice. Why, even as clever a business man such as Vani knows it can be just as dangerous not to sell as it is to sell. Yet his ability to create such weapons is what insures his safety. His weaponry is top notch, one shouldn't doubt its excellence head on. But everyone is simply trying to survive,a s we are all part of one huge game. If he had favorites I'm sure a species more or less would be eliminated by now.

Takashi simply focused on what Vani would reply to the young wolf, if he did. He kept his own thoughts to himself, as he preferred not to speak unless he had to. @LaDyGrEy @sitanomoto @Kylesar1


It was as if she had become a predator, eyeing its prey with desire, a gaze so intense that he fest a certain nostalgia just to witness it. Yes, he had seen this gaze, more than once too. Not fuelled by attraction or hatred, but of sheer carnage. The devotion of one's actions to please their innermost needs, those which they hid under false smiles and irresistible charms. Indeed, Zen was quite familiar with this gaze. He was well-aware she was stronger than him. At best, he could caught her by surprise and knock her down before she could do anything. But why would I do that? Zen had never been the kind of guy to shy away from danger. Rather, he would gravitate around it constantly. It was not only part of his job. It was a way of life. Something he could never stray way from. Would he disappoint her by expecting an attack on her part? To not resist? To Zen, Luna was a challenge, something he would discover with the utmost pleasure. There was no need to fight it, he just had to let things unfold at its pace...

No fear, no hesitation. Always.

A wry chuckle his lips once again, it seems this little game would continue for a while...
"Or perhaps I am but a fool and you simply enjoy mocking me." That was all he said. There was no need to extended this any longer. Thee moment she spoke her body moved, Zen was filled with a sense of understanding. The true nature of creatures like her would only arise when it came to violence. Manipulation would grow tiresome after a while, that much he knew. And her last words before that proved him right. No, what this woman craved was not something that could be obtained as easily as that. She was ambitious, cunning. Truly something Zen found much amusing, enticing. A danger he earned for more than anything in this exact moment. Her lips were pressed against his, the moment was sealed. His eyes widened ever so slightly at her action, not expecting a kiss to be a mean to her ends. Interesting. He did not corresponded it, he did not reject it, he solely stood there, closing his eyes for a moment, as the agent crawled within his body, corrupting him.

In contrast to her somewhat sensual action after the kiss, Zen brought a finger to his bottom lip, wiping it gently. A habit of sorts, as his lovers would occasionally bite it to taste him, even for just a bit. He sighed, allowing his fingers to mess with his dark locks of hair. Pain? Heat? Cold? What would happen to him as of now? He showed no qualms in expressing his lack of anger or shock, glancing at the creature before him with a tranquile, reserved look.
"...I don't have much of a choice now, do I?" Ah, there it was. Slowly, his vision flickered, her soft voice fading away as she spoke. So it was...him? Now that was surprising. Could he call it a lie? No matter, why give a damn. Zen succumbed to the effect of the agent, driven to uncousciousness without any sign of struggle.

His awakening could be described as slow, as his senses would little by little grow more and more sensitive. The burnt sensation around his wrists was enough to force his eyes to open, allowing his vision to become clearer and consequently his mind to assimilate his surroundings. The first thought that came to him was of a sex dungeon, given the shackles, his position...but perhaps in this kind of scenario it was unwise to jest with her. The room itself seemed to be more of a madman's reclusive chamber. It shed some light onto what kind of vampire Luna was. Zen turned around his head, now facing her head on with his intense gaze.
"...Even for a vamp, you seem to be into some truly bizarre stuff."


Apologies for the delayed reply!
"Whether or not you should see me isn't my decision. I have weapons when you need them. I'm pretty in the dark myself, but I'll tell you this........and these aren't words from a businessman: Something big is gonna happen, I can feel it. Not just here, but internationally. These are my best Anti-weapons. Weapons I don't usually carry with me, and ammo I don't usually use. The death toll is increasing by the day, and all the families and gangs are on edge. We're talking paranoia, not caution." Vani was the main salesman, but that didn't mean he knew everything

Takashi caved in and accepted the deal. "Ah yes. Excellent. I'll split things: 100 each of Pistols, Shotguns, Assault Rifles, SMGs, and Heavy weaponry, with features 25 each of Snipers, Rocket Launchers, Miniguns, and Flamethrowers. Since you're buying so many, I won't charge you the specialty price. You'll be charged like you're buying normal weaponry and ammo." He pulled out a calculator and started doing a bit of math

Prices of each:

Flamethrower-$1,650.00 (x25) with $160/Fuel Unit ($41,250 for Flamethrower and $12,000 for Ammo)

RPG-$2,000 (x25) with $500 per Round ($50,000 for Rocket Launchers and $37,500 for rounds)

Minigun- $400,000 (x25) with $260 Ammo [same as AK] ($10,000,000 for Minigun and $19,500 for Ammo)

Barrett M99 .50 Cal Rifle- $5,600 (x25) with $250 Ammo ($140,000 for Snipers and $18,750 for Ammo)

10 mm Colt 1991- $1,100 (x100) with $32 Ammo ($110,000 for gun and $9,600 for Ammo)

Benelli 828U O/U Shotgun- 2,300 (x100) with $140 Ammo ($230,000 for Shotguns and $42,000 for Ammo)

AK47- $17,000 (x100) with $260 Ammo ($1,700,000 for Assault Rifles and $78,000 for ammo)

UMP .45 SMG- $5,000 with $315 Ammo ($500,000 for SMG and $94,500 for Ammo)

His calculations lasted about a good 10 minutes. After getting the price, he sighed. "Finally." He wrote down the number on a piece of paper and passed it across the table. "If you buy tonight, you'll get the merchandise by noon tomorrow, assuming no delays."




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Waiting for Zen to awaken, Luna's thoughts swam wildly in her mind. Her hands trembled slightly, and she continued to shift one leg over the other. This waiting would drive me insane if I wasn't already...She dug her nails into her palms, almost spilling blood.

One, two, there's me and you.

Three, four, let's close the door.

Five, six, I'm playing tricks.

Seven, eight, check mate.

Nine, ten, over and over again.

Eleven, twelve, your head on a shelve.

Thirteen, fourteen, your on the big screen.


Her inner song as she hummed aloud was interrupted as movement took hold of her vision. Her eyes seemed to brighten at his sudden consciousness.

Arising from the chair she walked over to peer over him. "I was getting impatient. Are you comfortable? I didn't make the wrist constraints too tight; I wanted you to be awake before you felt any serious pain." She spoke softly as her bewitching eyes scanned him. His comment about her being into bizarre stuff caused her to let out a somewhat corrupt laugh. "Bizarre? Why, it's quite cozy in here I think. Yet, they all disagree." Shrugging, she mentioned they, referring to the previous people who had been chained down here. Luna crouched to eye level so she could stare into his eyes. Yes, those intense spheres that tempted and cut through her body, sending shivers up and down her spine. Isolated like this, the scent of his blood filled her senses; and it drove her further into madness. How she loved it dearly; the gnawing emotion of insanity tearing at her flesh and the self-restraint melting away like a popsicle on a hot summer afternoon. Yet, she found herself hesitating in the slightest around Zen. Perhaps she wanted to savor each moment? As this was a rare opportunity.

As hungry as she was, she would wait. By the looks of it, the man before her was not showing any signs of struggle, almost, as if he wanted to be here; a man plagued with boredom and giving into such an abstruse event that presented itself on a warm evening. There was no way to tell for sure. It was very possible he simply reserved himself for the time being. I want him to offer his blood. Taking it would be too easy. Ah, now to remove his mask and unlock his heart to show me what he's really like, his inner darkness. The part that is either suppressed or flourished in. I want him to lose it completely. Only then can true beauty be witnessed. Isn't that so or is it not? I suppose I'll find out.

"Tell me Zen, what is it you desire most in this world?" As she said the words she took hold of his wrist chains by wrapping them around her own wrists for sturdy support and pulled, stinging not only him, but herself. "What do you truly desire?" Her voice seemed to slither out, mystic and seemingly viperous.


No problem!


Waiting for the calculations to end were tedious at best, and Takashi zoned out for a good six out of ten minutes it took. Thinking about nothing in particular but the caramel latte he had absently abandoned upon the table in his personal room as well as the tea/vodka he neglected to sip from. Was it all merely a set up? An act he played so well. What was it he yearned for in life? Something seemed to be empty, missing. Yet he could not place his finger upon it. Ah, its time. Vani had calculated the total amount. However the ramble about a flame thrower did happen to catch his interest, even it not immediately.

"Deal. Much appreciated Vani." signing the check in front of him he mentally added one flame thrower to the equation and slid it over to the older man.

"Throw in a flame thrower. It sounds...fun." Even though his personal thought about it was excited, his outer appearance was much disappointed. His usual reserved exterior exposed nothing of the sort involving happiness. A shame too, as it was noted a smiling Takashi was quite to charmer. However few came to witness such expressions. Kino as well as a few other younger wolves had received at times his looser side and a half smile.

However, Vani's words returned to haunt him momentarily. An increasing death toll huh? It pains me to say...but surely there wouldn't be casualties soaring from the inside? We always think of the good of the pack here in Silvermoon...over half of the population of werewolves in the city belong to this organization for the support benefits. It is something that might need looking into.

Takashi looked over at Tristan and Kino to see if they had anything else they wanted to ask. A shadow seemed to cast over his eyes, as if a little lost in further thought. @Kylesar1 @sitanomoto @LaDyGrEy
Justin nodded upon hearing Lucifer's offer. "That would be nice. Thank you!" His eyes widened slightly at the comment on cannibalism, but he didn't completely freak out. He was kind of weirded out by the wink. Where he was from, he did that all the time to the ladies, which was apparently a "disgrace". He mentally rolled his eyes. That was only another reason why he had left Transylvania, but the number-one reason was simply due to never having privacy.

@Sinister Clown

"Duuuuude," the annoying fat human took yet another bite of his Cheese Curls (whatever that was) and snapped a picture of Justin's house. "This is so awesome. Imagine, the real Count Dracula used to live here."

Used to? Justin begged to differ. He spent half of his time in his castle, sleeping, eating, and drinking. Which was apparently not normal. A teenage girl pushed her spectacles up the bridge of her nose, looking terrified.

"Can we go home now?"

God, he hoped the fat lump would say yes.

"No! We just went past a humongous forest to get here!" the fat man said, his Cheese Curls falling on Justin's recently mopped floor. Justin tried not to say anything offensive, but his nose scrunched up slightly.

"Gross," Justin muttered.

"Didja hear that?! He's still here!" the fat human said. The bespectacled one shrieked, upsetting her soft drink all over the floor. Justin's eye twitched in annoyance.


What the hell was that supposed to mean? Justin groaned. He had a major headache. He stepped out from the pillar he was hiding behind. The two people screamed.

"What?" Justin snarled. More screams. He sighed in annoyance and went for the kill. "That'll teach them. Maurice! You'll have to clean up again!"

Justin sniggered at the memory. Okay, so maybe it was a little funny that people always flocked around his house.

Vani took the check and put it into his pocket folded. "I'll have this cashed tonight, and you'll have your merchandise tomorrow at noon. I already know the shipping address." He stood up. "If there's anything else you need, or need to know, you're free to ask now. Otherwise, I have to take my leave."



Kino kept quiet, staring at the steam rising out of his teacup in intricate patterns that he would have loved to sketch out right then.

He didn't, knowing that Takashi and Tristan, were counting on him to pay attention. He looked at Vani and he smiled warmly. His question could wait until the next time he saw the man.


Brief glances here and there showed Zen a clear understanding of what appeared to be the gist of this uncanny scenario : Luna had the delicacy to await for him to wake up on his own to set her plan from here on out in notion, enduring her visible impatience as a result. How kind of her to do so...But then again, being chained on a lethal position was not particularly something he felt comfortable in the least. Well, against his will, that is.

It was endearing to see her shed finally some light into not only her intentions but her emotions too. Zen was satisfied to find tints of mystery throughout his life wherever he went but even he had his limits. Sometime it was best to get something over and done with to just keep extending its existence. As much delightful as this woman's existence near him was, she needed to stop playing games and just be clear with her intentions concerning him. After being chained up with burning shackles, it was difficult to keep this one's smile. A torture chamber would come to mind in this certain situation. Perhaps that would be her objective? To extract information? Or just for her personal amusement? Whatever it was, Zen did not let his disapproval be reflected through his body in any form, instead facing the one who kept him captive head on.
"Why thank you for your consideration...I guess it makes this whole situation more tolerable." The sarcasm was clear in his voice, yet subtle all the same. "It could be worse, I'd think that this the best way to describe how I feel as of the moment. Thanks for asking." He had to resist the urge to not raise an eyebrow at her definition of 'cozy', instead taking focus on the 'they'. "May I ask if these 'they' survived...whatever happens in this place?" A pertinent question, was it not? As he grew impatient, it seems his speech seemed to grow more vulgar. Stressful scenarios truly did brought the worst out of others, huh? Hell, even her laugh felt unsettling now. Then again, Zen appreciated her showing her true colors for once. It seems his own odd tastes surprised himself the most. Just gazing at her eye-to-eye was enough to let him craving for more. Do something, anything! The darkness within would consume her little by little but she still hesitated, driving him to frustration. He would bite his bottom lip, containing his excitement, his impatience.

But Zen did not expressed such empty, primal feelings. Why would he...? What was the fun in that, after all? Even Luna seemed to be caught in a mental struggle. What could she be thinking about? The curiosity would drive him more over the edge...He wanted to do so many things to her, so many that he would lose count of over the time. He craved for her. Perhaps it was the agent corrupting him, perhaps the pain in his wrists, perhaps his own tumultous thoughts. But Zen craved for Luna, anything that she could give to him. Answers, emotions, anything! He felt cornered by her question, trapped within the depths of his own mind. Doubt would only build up, excitement would only dominate him further.
"...I desire power over those who drive me mad." And that would probably be the first time he had been honest with her. To her alone. Now they were the same, chained together, fighting back their instincts, their desires, their emotions, was that it? "And if we are making this fair, le me ask you something too..." He paused, taking in the moment. "...Why the unnecessary kiss?"


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