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Realistic or Modern The Blood Wars-Reboot

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Yuno.jpg.5c43016d08f5738fd8bde283fe4e777b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="94596" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Yuno.jpg.5c43016d08f5738fd8bde283fe4e777b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Athena arrived at The Zone a few minutes her father had asked her to arrive, but at least she got there. Hell, the girl could've gotten distracted and not come for all she cared. But that wasn't like her, not a lot like her at least. Minerva still in the back of her skull clawing and taunting her only so she could get out and reek havoc, but they were there to assist not destroy at least not at the moment. Come on, Athena.. Let me out. I'll only drain two bodies. As much as I'd enjoy watching that, we came here to help our father. Not ruin him. The pinkette retorted as she waved her way through security, and made her way towards the VIP section. She figured her father would be there along with other..blood bags as she preferred to call them.

"Well, what do you know.. You did show up. I almost though I'd have to send a few people out to search for you." Athena's hazel eyes darkened as she narrowed them at the said man.

"Do not be foolish, daddy. Have you forgotten the massacre I accomplished?" She replied calmly, plastering a fake smile upon her face as she took a seat across from him.

"That may be true but you're still my child." The girl rolled her eyes and sighed,

"What do you want, I was enjoying watching blood bags scurry and hurry from place to place. And it doesn't seem like there's any trouble here." Athena frowned as she crossed one leg over the other, her pristine white sneakers glowing in the dim light.

"Is it wrong for me to wish to spend time with my daughter who was once so fragile she couldn't step outside without assistance?"

She gave him an irritated look, a soft snarl left her mouth before she flexed her hands and breathed out to calm her nerves causing her father to chuckle.

"You're just like your mother, short-tempered but classy."

Athena gave him another look, before standing to her feet. "Look, I don't know if this is amusing you or what, but daddy.. I am not my mother." And with that she walked away, deciding to place herself at the bar for a drink. She wasn't much of a drinker, but her father was insufferable at points. "Cherry Margarita with a splash of vodka, please."



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It appeared as though Zen's frustration seemed to grow as time went on. His expression didn't betray him, yet Luna sensed a bit of a disturbance in his vibe. His sarcastic comment made her grin in amusement. Survivors. "Of course not." Her voice was rather blatant with the reply. Almost as if that was the silliest question in the world. She tightened her grip on the chains, a searing pain burned through the both of them.

Surely...I wouldn't kill such an intriguing man...well...I trust he wont become boring.
As it turned out she tired easily of her victims. It appeared to be the end of their lives once their entertainment value depleted. However, was it really all for entertainment? Not so. For Luna harbored a darkness within her that craved destruction and pain. To feed the monster inside of her...it only seemed starve more with each meal.

Zen seemed to bite his lower lip in distress, and she couldn't help but draw her eyes to them; attracted to any sudden movement. Yet, as he answered her question an uncanny laughter spilled from her mouth. Yes! Madness, the root of all truth. "Surely I'm not driving you mad?" The chains began to cut into their skin from how tight she was pulling.

"But don't worry. They only died because I let them. I won't let you die." Suddenly releasing her hold on the chains they ceased their attack on flesh. Taking his wrist she drew it up to her lips. As most would believe in this position she, being a vampire, would pierce her fangs into the soft skin of his wrist and gulp down the sweet drug. Yet instead he would be feeling a light tickle as she licked over the wounds administrated by the chains from earlier; much like a cat. Allowing his wrist to fall from her grasp, he would find his wounds healed. This one is special. Of course, that's what she always thought as she brought someone new to this "humble" abode of hers. Whether this would turn out to be the same as it did for many of the others there was no way to tell. However, this one did appear to challenge her in ways none other had. That fact was undeniable. She wanted as much time with him as possible.

Watching him closely, she sat in front of him. When he posed her a question on the kiss, her eyes flickered briefly with surprise. How odd this man was, exactly what was going on through that head of his? However, as he posed this sort of question, she was unsure how to reply.

That's right....I did kiss him. That's because...

"Nobody said this was a fair game." Luna pushed back on Zen's chest, pinning him onto the floor. Well, truthfully he could push her off easily, as her strength did not match her agility. Looking down at him her eyes burned into his. They held a slight irritation. Irritation of her self-restraint fading.

Paint the walls with his blood, maybe he'll even scream your name! Her inner self desperately wanted to drown in this man's sweet blood. The intoxicating scent mixed with the heart beat she could feel through her fingertips made her tremble. "However I'll satisfy one of your questions. You were simply radiating with a hidden darkness...a madness that was begging to be released. The kiss was unnecessary for your kidnapping."

Luna's eyes glowed brightly in the dim room. "With a kiss, its easy to feel a host's heart beat, the current of blood that's easily accessible from the lips is irresistible. It's truly a test of self control." She stared at him for a few seconds, tilting her head. Of course her answer didn't fully answer his. For why would she be looking to test her self control?

"Does that clear anything up for you? If you want to ask any more questions..." Luna pulled a black leather collar out of her pocket and snapped it around Zen's neck. Blue tribal like design glowed on it; LED. Still hovering over him she took a small remote from her shirt pocket and pressed a button, unlocking the shackles that bound Zen. For something new allowed him to move freely between the two rooms. However, the new collar was slightly degrading, even if its design was rather cool. Luna didn't believe an explanation was needed. The only door leading out into the actual cozy part of her house was lined with sensors made to detect the collar from a few feet away, automatically locking the door if he tried to get close. He wouldn't be able to take the collar off due to a magnetic-like lock that kept the collar bound. Luna, once again, held the only key to unlocking it. But this time, it wasn't on her, but rather, inside of her. Of course allowing him free range also allowed for the chance of him killing her. But like that ever happened! The collar had a few other quirks to it, but they would remain hidden for now.

"...you'll have to bleed or fight for them." She finished her sentence. Her breathing quickened, hovering over him like this. His blood...just...

Leaning down toward his neck she parted her lips slightly, her fangs peeking out. Damn. Stopping herself, she got off him; standing up. A dark aura surrounded her, and she looked at him, blood lust emitting from her body. If she was pushed over the edge now, she might end up doing a lot more damage than she intended to at the moment. Drinking his blood would send her off spiraling into pure insanity; at least for awhile. Just....a little longer...She laughed quietly to herself, as she was on the brink of losing it. It pained her to hold back. But that's what she loved about it. Causing even herself to suffer, how great indeed. Zen...what will be your course of action? She whispered inside her mind. What she used to desire, was to feel again. That is why she kept playing torture games, hoping one day she would feel differently, feel remorse. But it never came. So went her desires, transforming into a love for blood shed. But right now, she wanted to feel Zen's madness, if he let go. Her eyes tempted him, challenged him. @Mine
Alexandra Redenia was infamous for her streak of stealing and seducing petty human males. Her hundred years of existence had helped her in perfecting the art of alluring and enchanting people. What she didn't know within these hundred years was how to diffrientiate a vampire from a werewolf. Or a vampire from a human. Or even a werewolf from a human. The lack of these skills made her quite uneasy when entering bars. Especially the bars of a city like New York's. Her homeland after her transformation, but she had yet to explore it further and memorise the every alley way and every club available. Which lead to why she was currently in New York, visiting every bar with caution unlike any other.

As she entered the dim-lit building, she remembered how she had stumbled here. Upon merging with the shadows and listening to a pair's conversation, she had heard the words 'wolf bar' in the midst of their nervous chattering. Her interest sparked. Finally, she could meet other people like her, but she wasn't too sure if the pair was referring to a metaphorical wolf instead of an actual wolf. Her heart raced at the thought of meeting other wolves apart from those who instructed her jobs. So with more careful researching and stalking, she had found her destination.

Sporting the small smirk on her face, she strutted her way towards the larger than average bar, secretly noting anyone who looked at least wolf-like. "A shot of vodka, please," She greeted the bartender, adding a small wink. Alexandra hoped she would at least meet one werewolf; she was tired of having to hide away her canines.
femjapanriceball said:
Justin nodded upon hearing Lucifer's offer. "That would be nice. Thank you!" His eyes widened slightly at the comment on cannibalism, but he didn't completely freak out. He was kind of weirded out by the wink. Where he was from, he did that all the time to the ladies, which was apparently a "disgrace". He mentally rolled his eyes. That was only another reason why he had left Transylvania, but the number-one reason was simply due to never having privacy.
@Sinister Clown

"Duuuuude," the annoying fat human took yet another bite of his Cheese Curls (whatever that was) and snapped a picture of Justin's house. "This is so awesome. Imagine, the real Count Dracula used to live here."

Used to? Justin begged to differ. He spent half of his time in his castle, sleeping, eating, and drinking. Which was apparently not normal. A teenage girl pushed her spectacles up the bridge of her nose, looking terrified.

"Can we go home now?"

God, he hoped the fat lump would say yes.

"No! We just went past a humongous forest to get here!" the fat man said, his Cheese Curls falling on Justin's recently mopped floor. Justin tried not to say anything offensive, but his nose scrunched up slightly.

"Gross," Justin muttered.

"Didja hear that?! He's still here!" the fat human said. The bespectacled one shrieked, upsetting her soft drink all over the floor. Justin's eye twitched in annoyance.


What the hell was that supposed to mean? Justin groaned. He had a major headache. He stepped out from the pillar he was hiding behind. The two people screamed.

"What?" Justin snarled. More screams. He sighed in annoyance and went for the kill. "That'll teach them. Maurice! You'll have to clean up again!"

Justin sniggered at the memory. Okay, so maybe it was a little funny that people always flocked around his house.
@Kylesar1 @Lucinda Darkhive

Anya thought for a bit if she had anything Lucifer could do for her, but honestly came up blank. She was pulled out of her thoughts when Lucifer told Justin something about seeing cannibals. "C'mon don't scare Justin Lucifer, at-least, not yet. Though I guess it was sufficient payback for trying to trick us." She told Lucifer, giggling soon after and grinning over at Justin who had taken what Lucifer had said much better than what she had expected him too.

Soon after she turned to Marlin, "
On the note of deaths, you don't think the others are trying to start a war, do you dad?" She asked him. Not that she was entirely opposed to the idea, a little part of her wouldn't mind being able to kill without holding back, but she didn't want her family to get hurt. Soon after she had asked that Athena walked over and sat down nearby all of them. "Hai Athena!" She called out to her, waving excitedly, before turning her attention back to Marlin.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Yuno.jpg.fabd5ba70b31ce7daa9b71b1c09ff8eb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="94732" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Yuno.jpg.fabd5ba70b31ce7daa9b71b1c09ff8eb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The young woman looked over her shoulder and raised an eyebrow, "Anya, what a surprise to see you here." Not really, she smirked a bit at the girl before taking a small sip of her drink. The alcohol slightly burning the back of her throat while the cherry flavor drowned it out, "What's this talk of war?" Athena asked, her eyes sparking with curiosity of the situation. A war huh? Heh, sounds right up my alley. Hush, Minerva.



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"ETA to LZ, 5 minutes."

The speaker over the military airplane called to the only two passengers in the cargo bay of the plane. One man, a soldier, made obvious by the Digital ACU Desert camouflage uniform that he wore. Although, the man who sat opposite of the soldier was the one that would typically draw attention.

The man wore a suit of futuristic looking armor. The man in the armor was sitting quietly, from the direction of his head, he seemed to be looking at the solider.

After the announcement had been made the soldier looked to the armored man and began to speak,

"Alright Titan, your mission is to stop the budding war between the Vampires and Werewolves. There is believed to be hybrid presence within the city as well. Your mission parameters are as follows,

End the war

Eliminate any threats to the innocent population

Make your presence known to the enemy.

It is our hope that if the enemy is aware of your presence that they will be far more reluctant to go about committing the crimes they have been. You'll be airdropped into the city and begin work right away. Your living arrangements have already been set up and will be sent to you via the communication device within your armor. Do you understand your orders?"

The man known as Titan did not answer verbally, he merely just nodded.

"Very well."

The soldier responded as the light that had previously been red began flashing yellow, this signaled standby mode.

Titan rose to his feet and walked to the large door. Grabbing a parachute off the rack, Titan strapped it on. Suddenly the large door began to open, the wind eagerly entering the plane, causing things within to whip about. He looked out the large airplane doors, the night sky reflecting on his helmet. The flashing yellow light switched to get and without another word or so much as a glance back, Titan dropped out of the plane.

His landing went off without a hitch. Having pulled the parachute, he landed on the roof of a building. Drawing a knife, he cut the parachute off of him and removed the rest of the parachute vest off of his body. Then letting the remains of the vest drop to the ground as he sheathed the knife, Titan walked to the edge of the building and looked out over the city, knowing that this city was set to become one of the bloodiest battlegrounds in history and here he was, right in the center of all of it.
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Marlin sat down and sighed. "I really don't know. It depends on what they perceive to be the problem. If they believe that we're killing off their soldiers, then they'd definitely want revenge. I don't think even the Silvermoon would want to start a useless war. The casualties would be too great. Hostilities run far too deep for negotiations right now." Things were too bad to attempt negotiations. Marlin became the leader at the worst possible time

Athena threw herself in, as the talk of war genuinely piqued her interest. "A war is not in our favor, but I fear that it's definitely gonna happen if someone doesn't calm things down. I fear that even Vani's word won't be enough. That's probably why he's going back to primarily selling weapons.

@Lucinda Darkhive


Marlin was right. Back in the Wolf's Den, Vani was getting ready to take his leave. He stood up and nodded respectfully. "It was nice doing business with each of you." He took his leave. Walking outside, he headed towards his home, adjusting his Anti-Wolf and Anti-Vamp guns in his robe as his guard was always up at night
Kino straightened up, on high alert. He had heard a thud on the roof, one that was too heavy to be a bird of any sort. He sniffed the air, and immediately became uneasy, his hand going right to his pocketknife. He tensed up and his tail curled and slid between his legs in fear. His hand tightened around the knife.

Kino's eyes were wide as he remembered The Night but he took a deep breath, calming himself. He waved goodbye to Vani with a small smile, but he did not relax his ears.

Takashi nodded as Vani made his way off. Looking at Kino he had also heard the abnormal sound upon the roof. He walked over to the distressed werewolf and patted his head. "Shall we go investigate?" He spoke to Kino, but his words were meant for Tristan as well. Although his eyes were relaxed and calm-as they were intended to calm Kino, he was actually a bit concerned. Who would making their precence known at this hour? A vampire? No. He would have smelled them already. This scent...was like that of a human...was it not? Yet...what was this unsettling feeling he felt run through his body? Such a feeling had not been felt in a long time, and it excited him.

Takashi motioned for them to move to the roof. He got his weapon ready just in case things turned ugly. As they approached the roof, there was indeed someone there. Not a vampire, nor a werewolf. "State your presence." He demanded, his voice firm and his eyes burned into the man. His hand clutched his kusarigama. Usually when he presented this question he was greeted with a physical attack instead of a polite reply, so he expected the worst. @ModernRanger @LaDyGrEy @sitanomoto
@Kylesar1 @Lucinda Darkhive

Anya simply grinned in response to Athena's greeting, as around that time Marlin had started speaking. Anya's grin soon became a slight frown as she heard what Marlin was saying, she had expected something along those lines but then again Marlin wasn't only much older than her but he was also a leader, so he could have easily had some kind of plan up his sleeve. But upon hearing that wasn't the case her cheerful mood died down quite visibly. She didn't want a war to start at all, not only could she get killed but even worse Marlin or Lucifer could, and all the rest of her friends. Surely, there was something that could be done, some way to convince them?

It was obvious that the rest of her family wasn't killing off Silvermoon or Mix needlessly, she'd know if they were mainly due to the fact she was the main one that carried out assasinations. The only time recently that the Blackbloods had killed either side is after they decided to attack them first, of course it was a given some members of the Blackbloods that weren't as calm and collected as the rest were doing the same thing. Who wouldn't? It was quite possible that there was someone on the inside trying to start a war, but Anya really didn't want to think that way. Nonetheless, it was an option that she wasn't sure Marlin had explored.

"Well..it is possible that some members of our own are trying to kickstart a war. I wouldn't put it past Mix or Silvermoon to be having the same issues, the problem would be trying to get that point across in a non-hostile manner without them calling us liars." She told them. "I..could..go and try to speak with them? Maybe? I don't know. But we gotta do something." She added, although she was sure that Marlin most likely wouldn't let her do what was seemingly a suicide mission, they needed options.
Kino smiled at Takashi, and followed him to the rooftop. He drew his knife and held it at his side.

"D-dont make m-me use this...." He said, scowling at the thing in armor.

Truthfully.... It wasn't that much of a threat. But he had to act confident. This was his turf and no one was gonna take it from him.


Not his turf.....

But you get the point.

Lucifer Marlin

Lucifer chuckled at Anya's statement to him, rolling his eyes "Oh but he doesn't seem to be bothered~" with a slight smirk creeping up his face he took a quick glare back to Justin. However his attention was interrupted once Anya begun talking about the up-to date politics of the 'Underworld society' you could call it. Taking a few swigs from his glass he listened intently to the conversation between Anya & Marlin. Someone else also caught his attention, a mysterious girl he wasn't sure he met before across the bar who greeted Anya, taking a quick glance at her as well before looking back to Anya once she concluded what she had to say. "Miss Blacklood, I don't think walking to their front doorstep would be the smartest option..At least not by yourself." obviously he was referring to himself as an escort, but that all depended on what Marlin was planning to do.

@femjapanriceball (mentioned)

@Kylesar1 (mentioned)

@Lucinda Darkhive (mentioned)
Titan did not react as he heard the voices behind him, demanding his identity. To be honest, he had heard them coming, now he slowly turned to look at them. He stood in silence for several moments then his voice pierced the silence,

"I have a couple of names but to the likes of you, call me Titan..."

Suddenly as if he had appeared there, he was standing with his helmet less then a foot from the one who had demanded that he state his presence, then he continued his sentence,

"and I am the one chosen to protect the Human race from the likes of you and your kind."

Suddenly he was back where he had been standing before except now he was looking back out over the city. It seems he wasn't done talking though,

"Things are going to change here and now. The slaughter of the innocent by you paranormal beings is over. The time has come for the Human race, to fight back."


Kino's ears went flat against his head and he nearly dropped his knife, his hands were shaking so much. "W-we never hurt anyone without g-good reason...." He stuttered, his tail tucking between his legs. "If y-youre looking f-foor blood.... J-just g-go find the v-vamps...."
Kylesar1 said:
Athena threw herself in, as the talk of war genuinely piqued her interest. "A war is not in our favor, but I fear that it's definitely gonna happen if someone doesn't calm things down. I fear that even Vani's word won't be enough. That's probably why he's going back to primarily selling weapons.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Yuno.jpg.6136790ffc741aca716789cd7f68f7b7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="94926" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Yuno.jpg.6136790ffc741aca716789cd7f68f7b7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> "It may not be in our favor, but if it happens we might as well be prepared. But, I do agree with you that someone should find the culprit that's causing all this chaos." She replied, a soft enchanting smile on her face as thoughts of potential slaughtering and blood shed ran through her head. Her eyes drifted over to another male that had spoken before her attention was brought back to Anya, her solemn expression made her smile drop into a slight frown. "Anya, no one's going to die." Not on purpose at least. Minerva.. Sorry, I was just stating facts. The woman rolled her eyes a bit before softly clicking her tongue.


@Sinister Clown



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Vani had since gone and stood behind a building when he heard the ordeal. Looking out, he had seen the one called Titan, and a force he didn't like became known. "Oi. Hi again." Vani called as he walked forward, casually brushing off the tension, but still high on guard He addressed Takashi, but didn't look at him or use his name, for security purposes. "You know, I can't help but say I told you so when I said the deaths were getting noticeable. Now we have the Gov't to deal with. I'll have to alert Marlin about this. This is not good for any of us."

He turned to the one called Titan. There was no way Vani was known to him. He was too good at covering his tracks. Vani activated his Enhanced Senses. Titan moved fast. Against Enhanced Senses, Vani would be able to track his movement and react to it

He studied Titan's suit from a distance, but stayed ready to blast. Vani was at the ideal shooting distance, and with Enhanced Senses, he had the advantage as long as he maintained that distance. "I suppose this is where all my Tax dollars have gone over the years. Thanks Obama."




Meanwhile back in The Zone, Anya had apparently lost her mind by offering to do a suicide mission. "What better way to start a war than to kill off the leader's daughter?" He said sarcastically, then sighed. "There's a possibility that there's an external force at work here. I suppose I'll conduct an investigation with my Circle." His Circle was his most trusted group of Elite Vampires, who have been around since he was born. In that group of 10, only 1 was younger than he was, and they were highly experienced in their field. "None of this leaves this group. If there are spies or assassins amongst us, we don't need them knowing anything."


@Lucinda Darkhive
@Sinister Clown @Lucinda Darkhive @Kylesar1

Anya sighed as her idea was immediately shot down by Lucifer, of course she'd figured as much, and didn't exactly expect to live much past 'Hello' if she went but it would've been worth it. She smiled faintly as Athena attempted to comfort her, maybe she was right and no one had to die, at-least no one she particularly cared about. She hoped so, at-least. She grinned sheepishly at Marlins' obvious way of telling her 'hell no'. He had a point, war would be all but inevitable if she were killed. And her fruitless death would inevitably lead to the death of others, and possibly Marlin himself.

Sighing she pushed her rather terrible idea aside for the time being. However, as Athena said something had to be done. She listened as Marlin portrayed his idea and nodded slowly once he was done speaking. She had to admit, it was immediately better than her going alone into potentionally enemy territory to try and talk to them. He also concurred with her idea of there being someone on the outside trying to jumpstart a war. She hoped that was the case and if the true culprit were found everyone could focus their efforts into stopping them instead of murdering each other.

As much a favorite pasttime as killing was, she didn't do it needlessly, nor did she do it in obscene amounts. After all, a dead guy is relatively useless in all aspects of everything. Nodding in agreement she spoke, "Of course. Not like I'd randomly go up to someone and start a conversation on this anyway. I really hope you guys can find something out, I'd really prefer it to a war starting.." She had said, trailing off a bit at the end.
Titan looked back at the newcomer, this was not the time he would fight. He needed to scout the situation more, fighting now without enough information about his opponents could very well prove to be fatal. His gaze turned back to the small group that had gathered on the rooftop along with him.

"But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his Countenance nor on the height of his stature because I have refused him. For the Lord seeth not as man seeth for man looketh on the outward appearance but the Lord looketh on the heart... Much like Samuel was chosen by the Lord, I have been chosen as humanities weapon against those who would slaughter them. I care not for your war. If you have all decided to kill one another then that is your choice. It is the lives of the innocents that you endanger in your crossfire that I worry about and I'll do what needs to be done to protect them. Remember that and do not get in my way. With any luck and if you're smart enough, you may never have to see me again."

From Titan's hand, a small cylinder shaped device dropped onto the roof top. It looked to be some sort of grenade. Which it was, however, this particular grenade was a type of concussion grenade designed for those with enhanced sight and hearing. As the grenade left his hand, Titan fell backwards off of the roof. As he was out of range of the grenade, it went off. A loud bang erupted, one that would be vastly more effective against those on the roof. An effective distraction allowing him a chance to escape without being followed. Like a ghost he disappeared, without a trace.



Hearing the words from the newcomer did not set Takashi's heart at ease. Things will change? He noticed Kino's stutter and he shot him a glance that would silence just about any creature. He had an uneasy feeling about this guy, Titan. Protect the human race? It shouldn't be too much a werewolf problem...yet...some of us can't control ourselves in our wolf form, that is for sure. Just as Takashi was about to bring his weapon forward, Vani soon appeared, and just as quickly as Titan appeared, he disappeared. Not without however, leaving behind a small gift. Trusting Vani would get himself out of the situation, Takashi cursed under his breath and grabbed the sleeve of Kino's shirt, throwing both of them over the edge of the roof as the explosion went off. He landed on the ground on his feet, safe minus a few singed areas concerning his hair and clothes. The building had not been the tallest after all, so a fall was surely not death.

Setting Kino down he looked back up towards the roof. Then, speaking to Vani, "I'm sure we will be having another talk real soon. Oh, and you should really consider being a part time fortune teller Vani!" He said for comical effect, yet his expression showed none. I imagine the blood suckers will be receiving the highest repercussions; yet this cannot be a good thing for either clan of supernatural. Is this a result from the humans? Have they finally begun retaliating? Something tells me a lot more blood will be shed, this time, it'll be us that is hunted eh? How charming of him to deliver a warning. Takashi's eyes narrowed at the night sky. He quoted the bible...did he not? He stared back down at his own hands, recalling all the deaths he had witnessed, and in some cases caused. Only...he forgot; that there is no God in this city. If so, why remain dormant all this time and only surface now? God is merely a legend man created to explain all of the crazy, unbearable shit in this world. Only it is all of us that make this world unbearable.

Turning his attention back to reality he brought Kino into his arms. "I'm glad you are without injury. We have a busy day ahead of us tomorrow." He was referring to the new weaponry. However, he wasn't sure if the hug was meant for Kino, or himself rather. Parting from him he went back into the bar, as, he did live in the room above it, as, he owned the very bar itself; er, at least his father did. Everything his father owned practically became his. Sighing, he began to travel up the stairs along the side of the main bar. Yet as he passed he halted as a new face caught his sight. A little unsure he watched her for a moment, as she seemed to be scoping the place out. How peculiar...I wonder...Takashi stepped over to the young woman, as she happened to be looking in the opposite direction he spoke to draw her attention to him. "Miss, is there anything I can help you with?" His voice was rather devoid of charm, instead containing curiosity mixed with a bit of uncertainty. Not that Takashi minded newcomers stepping into his bar, but with all the commotion and deaths going on, who could you trust?

Being this close to her already allowed him to know she was a wolf, but lost, new, or just looking to stir up trouble he would be finding out shortly. Although his voice was disappointing, his eyes were deep and alluring; mysterious one would say. He held eyes that once peered upon closely seemed to strip someone of their identity, if only for a brief moment. Yet Takashi was not looking to woe anybody, he merely decided to scope out this newcomer, threat or no threat was his goal. @sitanomoto @ModernRanger @Frostine
Alexandra tilted her head back as she downed her shot. She had lengthened her stay for more than 2 hours and still no one struck her with... Wolfiness. Time was running out and so was her patience. Had those people been lying all along? And was she foolish enough to believe that somewhere here there would be a bar for wolves? She scoffed, slamming the glass onto the counter then scouted the floor once more. Nothing changed; bodies still dancing, the stench of alcohol still lingering in the air. Although, she did hear a bang a few minutes before and dismissed it as a pair getting it on quite roughly on the upper floors. Suddenly, a voice disrupted her from her thoughts.

Shifting her eyes towards the source of the voice, she narrowed her eyes at the stranger. Gone was the boredom that plaguec her mind and here arrived the questions and suspicions. He didn't seem to be like many of the men who had approached her with a less than impressive pick-up line and an offer for a drink. She scanned his form before tilting her head up to meet his gaze. "Perhaps, you could. I am looking for someone," A whole pack, she emphasised in her thoughts. Could he be a werewolf? What do werewolves even look like? Times like these she cursed her inexperience with differentiating scents and appearances. Alexandra wished she had spent more time studying certain things than drinking her life away in a club. But she assumed from his eyes that he held knowledge and hoped that he would lend her that without exposing too much of herself. After all, he was a stranger and she would not want to lose anything by trusting someone she didn't know. @NyxNightmare
Kino was breathing heavily and his ears, which were hidden by his hair, straightened up so that they were just peeking over the edge of his fluffy white locks.

He felt himself get dragged off of the roof...

Then he was falling.


He was on the ground in Takashi's arms. He opened an eye to check if anyone or anything around him was missing.


He bit his lip and took a deep shaky breath as the older Werewolf hugged him, nodded and followed him into the bar.

He was allowed in the bar for non-alcoholic drinks only, so he ordered a Sprite. He took a long drink and then set it down. His tail swished back and forth as he followed Takashi to the woman at the bar and he stood at the foot of the stairs, listening.

He smelled the air and then his ears pricked up in interest.

She smelled like wolf.
(@sitanomoto I'm drinking sprite now while typing this because of you! X3)


As the female turned towards him, Takashi raised an eyebrow. Her eyes were most piercing; no doubt this one usually got what she wanted. Looking for someone? He couldn't tell if this woman was fooling him or not. Was she really looking for someone? Does she know where she is? Surely this scent was that of a wolf. Had she not detected him? Even a pup was trained to detect scents. Perhaps she was a loner. No way in hell would a wolf from another pack dare set foot in a place like this, in another's territory so casually. Humans were mingled alongside some werewolves here in the bar; as werewolves did not normally attack humans unless provoked. "I'm positive if you take a closer glance, you'll find what you're looking for." Takashi spoke as he brushed his hair back to reveal one of his earrings, the engraving reading "Cassius "

He hoped she would connect the dots between Cassius being the last name of one of the leaders of Silvermoon, and, of course the full moon symbol was obvious. Yet if she really was out of the loop he would not hint any further. Each member of the Silvermoon contained some sort of binding to the pack, whether it be jewelry or a tattoo. Kino himself had earrings much like Takashi. "Care to follow me to a more private room?" He proposed as he turned and walked up the stairs and into his humble abode. His voice was less inviting and more serious than anything. After all he was more a business man than someone with social graces. Its what made him so perfect at hiding things. He had noticed Kino hiding and he blinked towards the young wolf, signaling to keep an eye on the woman.

(Inside the room)


Alexandra's eyes caught the glint of his earring upon his revealing. Cassius. Cassius. Cassius. She wracked her mind for anything she knew about the name Cassius but one thing; whilst she was drinking, her ears had picked up on a conversation that intruiged her and Cassius was mentioned in the midst. Odd, she thought, glancing around before ignoring the feeling of someone else watching her although feeling slightly vulnerable to whatever she didn't know.

Upon hearing his proposal that left no room for a spoken reply, the female narrowed her eyes ever so slightly. Clearly, he knew she would follow him if he was already making his way towards wherever they were going. What was his plan? Surely, this incoming, impromptu meeting would lead her to getting answers. Annoyance started to bubble inside her. She had been in the dark for so long and she is still here, awaiting her wishes - the possiblity of her claiming her wish, that is. If she ignored his retreating back even further, she would completely lose the chance of gaining knowledge.

Her feet padded across the floor, leaving almost silent thuds. Alexandra did not like the fact that she was not in control - the fact that she had on control - but she had to remain calm. If she were to express a more aggressive attitued, her feet would then be treading along concrete instead of wooden floor boards. The sight of the simple yet amazing room had eased her a little. Rooms like these were what she loved. "Would you like to tell me what you know, now?" She inquired, taking a seat on one of the sofas after her small inside moment of approving and complimenting the interior designing. The question was abrupt - after all, she had wasted enough time getting hit on by many people and now she was finally here to get what she wanted. "You wouldn't have brought me here if you didn't know what I was looking for, I assume." @NyxNightmare
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Of course not, indeed. Even if she attempted to deny it, Zen would still refuse to buy such a clear lie. No, this woman was not the kind of let her prey alive after satisfying her thirst. How long had it been since his last encounter with Death? He had long lost track of it, it seemed... A good thing? A bad thing? A burning sensation forced him to lose his train of thought, stirring a strained gasp out of him. Of course, why would he take her word for granted? A foolish notion, indeed. Perhaps this would be enough of a reaction for her?

He doubted it. Once a vampire set their eyes on a prey, nothing would be enough to stagnate their desire. Focus, focus. If he were to escape this crazed scenario, he had to make sure of two things : to not bore this creature and to not let his heartbeat fade away on any circumstances. To do so, no mistakes would be allowed. Each move would have to be carefully put together. Otherwise, the end would come, stripping him out of a life he had came so far to achieve what he had as of now.

One thing was clear...it would not be silenced by the whims of a vamp, no matter how irresistibly tempting she was.

"Oh, I'm afraid so..." A wry chuckle contrasted her uncanny laughter, as Zen stared into her eyes with an intense gaze of his own. "In more ways that you can imagine." And a whisper, in a velvet voice that even he was not at all used to. He spoke no lies. This woman was driving him over the edge with her little games, her captivating mannerisms, anything about her did not add up within him. And the chains would carve his skin, leaving a trail of pain in hopes of corrupting him more and more. Zen held to little strenght that he had, never allowing his expression to betray his façade. Ah yes, interesting, charming? Did she wanted to see what was under the mask? Disappointment, boredom, rejection. It would all come down at once, destroying his chances in one fell swoop. He was no fool, no coward. This woman could be far stronger than him in terms of combat or even experience. But he would not break. As ridiculous as his title was, he was loyal to it and to what it brought upon him.

A man who laughs at Death's face.

Zen Williams was his name.

Her words could not seduce him to ingenuity and relief. Never trust anyone. Truth is no more. Many, many times had the leader of The Mix told him this... And Luna was no different from those who tried to lure him so. No, what truly borough him to bafflement was her next action. To feel her caress his skin with her tongue, to feel ticklish...so, so strange. But once again, she had proven her intentions. Would this be his fate from here on out? To be trapped in a cycle of torture and healing over and over again? Releasing the tension restraining his body, Zen's gaze did not waver one bit, refusing to give in to her.

"You have a point there-Oh." His reply was cut short by her dominating action, although his reaction was not worth to speak of. They were both well-aware that this stance was frankly futile against him. But Zen gave in to her whims. Why? If she needed to feel in control, albeit falsely, in order to answer his questions, so be it. He did not need to childishly flip the table to prove his dominance on the matter. He knew such, that was enough. And so, he allowed her to act on her instinct, rather enjoying it in fact. One thing left him somewhat...distressed, if he were to put it in words. Not just her face inches away from him, as beautiful appearance-wise as she was, he was not the type to mind one's looks in the least. Not blood, which all came down to his own personal tastes. But her scent too, calling out to him for him to get closer and closer, to permit himself to do as he liked. But once again, Adam resisted, he held down his animalistic instincts, refusing to drop the mask she talked about over and over. It was fake, all fake. Even her words shared the same aspect to them, or at least appeared to, namely regarding the kiss. No, there was something else to that kiss. No, not love. Something else...something else entirely... Or perhaps that was what he wished to believe, given the uninteresting reasons she had graced him with. It did not add up, it left him even more puzzled. Then again, wasn't that why she was so very alluring?...

He remained silent this time. Why bother arguing when the one before you refused to lay bare and end a charade that she clearly enjoyed keeping up? He might as well simply let her do as she pleased for now, let the thought of control sink in to the depths of her mind. The collar wrapped around his neck was enough to faze him, though, his eyes widening ever so slightly at the sight and touch of the...perhaps not so foreign restrictive tool. A comment of sexual nature would come up naturally but strangely enough, Zen was far too curious as of what the collar held to say such an obvious thing. Would it kill him? Stun him? Drain him? What kind of affect would it have on his body exactly? It all came down to how merciful Luna could be, to which he did not held too much hopes for, given her actions so far. And while at it, what did LED stood for? Was she not a black rabbit? Or could that be another lie? Not much of surprise there. His new-found freedom was not of any substance either. This location was most likely isolated and restricted in many ways, giving him no chance to escape it without a proper plan. He was no coward either, running away had not even been an option to cross his mind until now. No, he rather enjoyed this little game, why attempt to quit it? Oh, that's right.

Patience was not one of his virtues.

It had never been.

If Luna were to keep up this game, oh, there was one thing she needed to be aware of it.

And he would be most pleased to break it down to her.

And now, just for a brief moment, it seemed as if she would listen to his silent pleas. The sight of her pearl white fangs upon him gave him a chill, filling him with an excitement he was very much positevely familiar with. His hand, free and impulsive, would reach the back of her neck, his fingers caressing her skin. But soon the bliss would end as she refused to give in to what she was meant to do. Yes, meant. But no, she would continue teasing him, lying to him, disappointing him with her childish façade if a "good girl".


Zen did not desire such a façade. He earned for the alluring, irresistible woman who would given in to her violent, savage desires that she seemed to so strongly wish to keep away from his grasp. It was the breaking point for him. To see her aura emanating bloodlust, to see her eyes glowing within depths of uncertainty and confusion,... Even he could not keep up with all of it. But not like the others, no. If he were to do something here and now, it would be on his own accord. He would whisk away the mask. Give her what she desired to see. Would she be satisfied? Would she be disappointed? Only God knew what was to come from it.

The hand already placed upon her neck was joined by its other half, clasping it strongly enough to pin her down, turning the tables of this game. It would be all over in a matter of seconds. But instead, Zen grinned, a wide, terrifyingly vicious grin that escalated little by little into a guttural laugh that would both send chills and draw those who heard it, echoing through the walls. Coming to an end, he stared down the woman, His hands slowly caressing her cold skin, gentle as none would never imagine them to be.
"If I simply give in, death. If I try to escape, death. If I try to resist, death. If I show fear, loss or anything of the sort, death." He kept listing all outcomes he could be subjected to. "Death awaits me whether I chose to given to your whims or not. I do have to wonder if you realize there is no fair result to this. Or rather that you keep cheating it in order to torturing me with your unbearable courses of action." He paused, letting his words sink in. "...But, sadly, it was your loss from the beginning, kitten." The alluring smile found its way onto his face again. "You see...it was never a fair game when your opponent never feared the result, rather he did not care for it in the slightest." Her throat was at his disposal but even so, he did not took it. "I love danger. How it crawls through my skin, driving me over the edge, whispering me pleas of self-consciousness, pulping my blood faster anf faster, quickening my heartbeat!" He froze as he paused. "I dread for the end of it all. Unlike other vampires, I do not feel thrilled by the thought of sucking humans day and night but by the prospect of being caught, of being killed. I believe there's even a name for those such as myself..." Another caress, more sweet whispers. "...So, press the button. Restrain me, end me, ravish me, enslave me, do as you like. But remember this..." He brought himself closer, pressing his lips against hers for a brief moment. "I win." His body slowly moved away from hers, the taint of his words still lingering within her or not. Zen spread his arms, his smile never leaving him. "I await your judgment, Luna Levette."


If curious as to how his laugh sounds, picture

with a hoarse voice.
Tristan yes indeed was curious about the strange thud that sounded but decided to stay behind, he heard the conversation anyway, and was not too worried about the newcomer. "Excuse me but I must take my leave now, the tea was great thank you," he bowed to the man serving them before leaving and finding Kind outside.

"Shall we go back to the Manor House now, Young Master?" He held his hand out to the small child, a slight happiness they were to return to the Home they lived in. It was exactly the Packs, grounds, home and living quarters which had been supplied by Tristan himself...He was proud to house his pack.

"Kino, who was that man on the roof, Titan? Tell me about him," he asked as he lowered himself to come face to face with the teenager.


Avalin left the 2 nutters wuth a turn of her nose before her hears caught the sounds of an explosion. "Grenades? Wait maybe a launcher? " She shrugged but, being ever curious headed towards the noise. Avalin, was weary with her step but she held her head low as she stepped onto the Wolves Pack Land. "Now where was that coming from?" She caught sight of a strange figure dash into the night and her senses kicked in. "I do love a chase," the woman took off running in attempt to catch the mysterious figure..."He looks...nice..?" She didn't know what to describe him as and at this moment of time couldn't catch his scent...yet.

"Hey!" She called out, big mistake, yes? But how else are you supposed to attract some mysterious, dark...hopefully handsome? Don't judge me. Type of guy? Avalin chuckled to herself, as her galaxy coloured hair bounced in the wind, her heels making loud clicking sounds as they hit the floor.
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