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Multiple Settings The Overseer Project


I've heard that before... Miriam was a bit taken aback as Kira began reciting Scripture to her, but her expression softened as she listened. This woman was too kind to someone like her, but Miri wasn't so foolish to reject her outright. As Kira lifted a hand toward Miriam, she reached out hesitantly and gently rested hers atop the others. "I may not follow any Scripture and I may not believe it possible to help me," She met Kira's gaze and smiled, "But I will let you be my light, dearest."

Convincing herself it was because Kira was merely a reminder of someone she once cared for, Miriam gave her Overseer's hand a gentle squeeze before letting go. Not even a few moments later a long-haired man entered the room. He had a certain aura that made the hair on the back of Miriam's neck stand on end, and the second she saw his clothes she figured out why. "Executioner." She snarled, glaring at the man despite the unease she felt.

“This one is no normal man. He could easily crush any, if not all of us, if we’re not careful."

Miriam huffed, looking him up and down with a scowl, "I'm sure he could." She muttered, rolling her eyes before raising her voice, "But not with an outfit like that. Those are your work clothes? Do they hate you that much? Unless this was your decision, in which case- Do you hate yourself?" Miriam's brow was raised as she looked him over a third time. She had no idea who this man was, but she didn't appreciate the way that atrocious outfit brought back certain memories she had worked so hard to bury.

TheImmortalDeity TheImmortalDeity simj26 simj26
Kamari Todd

Her criminal shuffling her way to her gave her no comfort. How well that shackle would work was dependent on how intelligently this one could hide its effects. If there was one thing she hated to admit it was that the criminal assigned under her care was intelligent. If she really was involved with manufacturing… well they might have met on the other side of the law if not for the illegal nature of this one’s past.

As their eyes met Kamari’s narrowed. She had nothing in her sight but her Criminal ready to rip out its throat if the woman made even the slightest attempt against her even as she felt the oppressive aura begin to step to them. Clearly her criminal did not share these sentiments as the womans attention turned. She noted that, it would be an issue if her attention was lost due to fear of all things.

But the woman turning was for the best as Kamari’s hand trembled feeling as though a spectre of death itself loomed over the room. She slapped it still with her other before slowly turning her whole body to the approaching presence.

An Executionor was in the house?

Disgusting, but she supposed the fact that they were not all on the ground meant that at least for now their handler had use for them all. Orders were orders though and the quicker they received them the quicker they could leave this man behind.

“Being the first to report inevitably leaves you with less information. Listen, absorb, and when the time is right we grab our position and strike from the shadows.”

If this was to be her personal weapon she would need to train it well and teach it that strategy was always needed. Yet to tell it that she would not trust even her peers was more information that could be used as a knife against her should the tool go rogue. An extension of herself should need only the information required to fufil its task.

“When the Executioner is in the room do well to keep your voice low as a mouse. The only one you are required to communicate with is myself. Other overseers and criminals are fair game but do not speak to one above myself.”

Mistborn Mistborn TheImmortalDeity TheImmortalDeity

"It appears some of you have the energy to keep flapping your gums," the Executioner replied with a biting retort. "This will be your first and final warning," his bleak words addressed everyone in the room, "don't waste my time."

Solomon pulled on the cuffs of his robe, palming a gadget tucked away in its depths. Click. From above, one of the white panels layering the ceiling opened like a hatch, a cubical contraption lowering from its maw. Aliyah and Kamari immediately recognized it as a projector, though its wiring suggested it possessed another, more aggressive, secondary purpose. As for now, it acted as intended, a quick flicker fluctuating on its lens before sending a holographic overlay in the space between the group and the Executioner.

The image was a three-dimensional rendering of Lumani City. The map revealed the entire metropolitan area, from the rising skylines of the inland Uptown to the makeshift hovels littering Downtown's shoreline. A red circular marker encompassed most of Downtown's border, indicating a generalized area. This highlighted zone was where the team's first task would take place.

With great displeasure, Solomon forced himself to speak, pushing out one last long-winded sigh. "Today is Lumani City's Port Festival, a day that marks the cultural appreciation between the city and its subaqueous neighbor, Salta Maria," he said, his monotonous description not matching the supposedly enthusiastic pamphlet he read. "The D.P.S. has received numerous reports of civilian distress throughout Downtown." A scarred finger lazily hovered over the marker, tapping the air above it.

"Your first task is as follows: find the root cause of the disturbance and expunge it from the area." Solomon then pulled his hand away, the arm once again disappearing under his fancy garment. "Due to the situation's urgency, withhold all questions until we arrive on site," he continued, his impatience sounding more like an excuse to avoid further interaction with his charge rather than caring for the town and its residents.

"Let's go."


Solomon led the party through the Department of Public Security's headquarters. The path he chose appeared calculated, the entourage never encountering a new face as they nonsensically traversed each corridor, like ducklings blindly chasing after their mother. The lingering sensation of fear and discomfort followed after them, the archaic serpent catching Chunks' periphery as they walked. It continued to coil around the inmates, its elongated body tensing and releasing around their necks periodically, ready to strike.

Eventually, they happened across the final chamber. A single automated door separated them from their past and the long journey presented before them. For the criminals, it was their first step back into the city that abandoned them. For the Overseers, it was their first step into bearing the responsibilities the city entrusted them. It was a momentous occasion for everyone, save for Solomon.

With the Executioner pressing one last button, the door opened, and a cold gust of air rushed to meet the newly formed squad. Unlike the picturesque scenery one might think they'd see upon their first departure, the associates only saw a large, heavily fortified wall obscuring their view. This barrier — composed of advanced machinery and littered with soldiers patrolling the perimeter — gave off the air of a citadel rather than an official government building.

Along the horizon, right above where the wall ended, everyone saw the tips of Uptown's illustrious skyscrapers poking from a distance. The finest architecture that Lumani City had to offer. Their gloriousness was something to behold, reaching heights thought physically impossible, achieved so the affluent bigwigs could feel superior while looking down at the ants beneath their capitalistic foot.

Above even them, however, was a spotless starry sky. The dazzling lights of Lumani's Uptown didn't hold a candle to the celestial sphere that encapsulated the world's beauty. An untouched heaven still unmarked by the planet's corruption. The last remnant of purity in an otherwise sinful world.

Solomon, looking to this very sky, clicked his tongue in annoyance. "They're late."

On cue, a distant chatter arose near the headquarter's front gates. It began as a small back-and-forth between the border control and the driver of an unidentified vehicle. Then, it became louder. The discussion turned into yelling. The yelling turned into screams.


A large, armored truck came barreling down, crashing through the barricaded entrance effortlessly. It looked more like a tank, its outer shell coated in a sleek metallic grey sheen. Aliyah, with her extensive knowledge of the material, recognized the plate armor consisted of Crimson Tear alloy, the rare metal encasing the entirety of the vehicle's frame.

Contrary to its bulky appearance, it was fast. Its ten wheels raced across the courtyard with surprising speed. Its engine, roaring with life, showed no signs of stopping, the clamor of the machine's horn sounding more like a taunt than a safety precaution. It took little time for the group to realize the truck was heading straight for them.


With one last blow of its horn, the massive death box on wheels began to brake, each of its tires screeching as it skidded across the concrete below. Forty feet, thirty ... twenty ... ten. It barely stopped before Solomon, inches away from slamming him into a mush. Oddly enough, he looked unperturbed, if not expectant.

Loud death metal blasted from the radio as the driver seat's door slammed open. For a spell, nothing happened. Then, a small figure emerged from the confines of the truck's cab, daintily stepping down from the hulking carrier.


A cheery voice called out to them. It was a girl. She had platinum blonde hair that reached down her back, straightened to the point that it appeared synthetic. Her eyes, a dark carmine hue, joyfully scanned the crowd, looking past each individual rather than directly at them. A mischievous grin stained her otherwise pretty face, the girl knowing well what trouble she caused.

Her garments were similar to Commissioner Ryker's. However, she wore a heavily adjusted military uniform. The outfit was a single piece, where the torso hugged closely to her body, and the lower part flowed out into a skirt. Most of it was black with a red band diagonally stretching across its chest, the design starting from her right shoulder and ending at her waist. Golden shoulder guards adorned either side, the same pattern running down the backside of her military regalia. To finish her style, she wore high heels, which clicked with her every step.

She took the military cap off her head, the crest of a golden lion brazenly imprinted on the front for all to view. The girl bowed, using enough force to wonder if she'd tip over. "Sorry that I'm late! It's just that these losers here wouldn't let me through, no matter what I told them!"

Raising her head and jabbing a thumb at the increasing number of troops behind her, she rolled her eyes. "So what if I forgot my identification? Shouldn't I be, like, in the records or something?" she huffed. That was when numerous red dots appeared all over her body, multiple weapons aimed to kill.

Solomon waved his hand. There was a pause as hesitance filled the air. Then, slowly, the weapons were lowered.

"She's with me," he explained abruptly. "Let me deal with her."

They nodded without any fuss, leaving to continue their work.

Solomon's hand went to the bridge of his nose, gently massaging his scar. "Care to introduce yourself?" he then asked, stealing a tired glance at the girl.

"Oh, right! Almost forgot." She twirled on her toes, now facing the others directly. She raised her hand, holding up two fingers in a V-shape.

"My name's Conductah. Nice to meetcha!"

"It's Conductor,"
Solomon corrected.

"Yeah, that's what I said, Salami."

Silence. Then more silence. The continuous twitch in Solomon's eye made it evident that he was doing all he could to restrain himself from beating the girl into a pulp.

"Just ... " He shook his head, turning to the group. "Get in. We're leaving. Now."
KiraAs they walked behind the Executioner, Kira was quick to attempt to extol the virtues of NOT commenting on someone's choice of attire, especially someone like Executioner Solomon, to her attached Criminal, making her voice just loud enough that Solomon could hear her attempt to dissuade Miriam from further disparaging the man. She had also taken care to keep her thoughts to herself about how Miriam had spoken the truth. Sometimes, the truth just didn't need to be said.

As they stepped outside of the facility, out back into the night air, they were met by a most deafening din of an armored vehicle arriving, and their driver.

A vein popped in her temple, it felt like. It wasn’t that she had not met loud and annoying people before. Her family, now no longer, had been loud and annoying. Some of the members of the gang she followed after, they had been loud and annoying. No, what truly made her grind her teeth and almost bite her tongue was the excessive optimism that bordered on blinding that exuded from the Conductor. What did she have to be so happy about? What kind of secrets did she hold to be so irritatingly chipper? What broken psyche lay behind those eyes?

Try as she might, Kira could not keep the scowl from her face.

She rubbed her temples, and exhaled slowly. She could pray for patience. She could pray for strength and wisdom. She could know that neither of these prayers were worth anything. Her duty lay with her Criminal, and her alone. Crushing what ailed the populace was also her duty as a Panel. Neither of these involved tolerating the Conductor's attitude.

Miriam,” she turned towards her Criminal, a hand held out towards the truck. “After you.

angel doe angel doe TheImmortalDeity TheImmortalDeity

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