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Realistic or Modern The Blood Wars-Reboot



What a usual night it had turned out to be for Annalise Vaughn. She had spent the day prowling the streets, looking for men who fit her standards she held but to no avail. To her it had felt as if no one could satisfy her the way she truly desired and after about 200 years she felt it was true. Though there were some men she had her eyes on for quite some time, them mostly being the men in her family, The Mix. Though she never pursued them and why would she? She had much more important things to do than worry about having to work for a man. She did however take pleasure in simply teasing them by flirting with them a bit too forwardly at times. Though those who knew her well know that she was harmless to them. This was true. She was a dangerous woman to most but she wouldn't dream of harming someone in her own faction. She admired them all as it may be like heroes, which they were far from. Even if they hadn't been her salvation at the end of the dark tunnel she was heading down, she still would look up to those above her. Though it was strange to do, seeing as how they were all gang members who broke all laws and murdered mercilessly whenever given the chance. Now she was no different, doing the same and making a name for herself because of it. One simple example would be that she enjoyed luring all men she could get her hands on to their doom. She was a bit of a siren in that aspect and took pride in it. It had gained her what she had in the present day. Because she had become this new criminal, she had a good amount of money, owned a main club that was created by the Mix years before she was even a part of the faction, and held a high standing. Well as high as one could be owning a strip club and being a stripper there. It was mainly created to give The Mix their own place to reign, their own turf as it may be. However most vampires and werewolves seemed to pass by here and there.

Now that she was over searching for someone to dine on for the night, which seemed to have failed miserably, she was on her way to her club where she had a shift of stripping and bartending ahead of her. Only the aura in the air as sh neared the more criminally owned streets. Something was off and that was evident, however things weren't any quieter than normal. Hopefully she would see a familiar face and one she actually would want to see. Just her luck, the unusual hair color of a man she knew too well seemed to be up ahead. Her shift could wait and besides, who was going to care? No one else above her would be working that night so she wasn't worried. She called with a silky soft voice from behind him as she waved with excitement and hurried to him. "Oh Tremki~ It's been so long!" He was always a tad bit creepy and one would even say uncomfortable for most but she never minded. His sometimes childish ways were always a nice change of pace from the dirty men of her club. Though he was one of her faction members that she admired. Whether a merciless bloodthirsty killer or not. She would never allow him to harm her and she could take care of herself for sure. Once she had gotten to him, she quickly took his hand in hers and wrapped herself around his arm, being sure to press herself against him. She gave him zero time to react as she was fast but that was her best physical skill she gained from being a vampire. That, and her bloodlust was strong quite often. Luckily she had learned to control it.. Well at least a little bit.

@Sinister Clown
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Tremki Kaguya

Skipping down the long alleyway, blood splattered all across Tremki's clothing and his mask he let out a loud and creepy chuckle that stretched out to what looked like to be his next victim. The woman screaming she was definitely a survivor, in any other situation at least. Before being able to escape the death trap in the alleyway's. Tremki quickly leaped from each side of the walls that surrounded them zig-zagging and leaping onto the girls back, slipping his blade through the flesh of the woman's back her screams quickly quietened from the agony.
"Tremki thinks.." grabbing the woman's hair and holding it up he used his right hand's palm to quickly hitting his head against his palm a few times "Little birdy should stop singing~" musing before snapping her neck. Standing up Tremki took off his mask with a cheerful smile on his face "That was fun!" suddenly vanishing from sight, he suddenly appeared in the strip club. He never worked here but this was the best place to pick out victims. Tremki often preffered killing men, he found it much more sport than a woman unless she was able to stand her own ground. Seemingly just standing there he glared around the place, the stains of blood seemed to have disappeared for a time.

Soon enough Tremki heard a voice from behind him greeting him, he recognized this voice. How couldn't he? Turning around with a light smile on his face
"Hell-" before he could say anymore she made her way under his arm and pressed herself against him. Startled for a moment Tremki wasn't very use to this sort of thing at all but went along with it anyway. Nodding in agreement "Very long.." rubbing his head slightly "Tremki can't count how many toys he's had since then.." he wondered to himself, seeming to be asking himself the question more than her. Dismissing the idea in no time he switched his attention back to her."What have you been doing lately?" he asked, curiously.

@NyxNightmare (I guess you could know he goes to the strip club often??)



The aroma of fresh human blood was practically burning her nose as she had wrapped herself around her friend Tremki but she didn't mind that either knowing that was his usual smell and one of her favorite things about him. He had obviously been on a typical killing spree and she was curious to how he hadn't put humans on the endangered species list yet. She finally pulled back from him with disdain but if she had stayed that close much longer she would have to go on her own killing spree, throwing her standards to the wind or maybe even just ripping a random woman to shreds since she never held remorse for women in the first place. "You're smelling as delicious as always aren't you? So your toys must be more fun than ever, am I right?" She giggled a bit as she teased him. She wore some black high heels and a tight red crop top that showed her chest enough to make people desire to see more. Her black skirt rested below her belly button and clung to her body just as tight as her top and barely covers what it was intended to. She was in her full uniform with her hair loose and around her shoulders which she only wore that way when at work. Her club was busy but not so busy that she was needed at the moment. "I've just been busy with my club and always doing what I must, and want, to stay happy in this business of course. Oh don't tell me! Have you returned to see me again? You've missed me on stage haven't you dear?" She giggled again, as she still kept contact with him by holding his hand in hers with their fingers intertwined. The regulars were used to seeing her act that way around men but never someone who looked so young of course. He was indeed a child or at least as close as one could get in their species but she just preferred to tease him for reactions more than anything.

@Sinister Clown
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Frostine said:
Alexandra waved at Tristan before diverting her attention towards the grand designing of the Pack House. It certainly was a sight to behold. She wondered how many pack members there would have to be to fit such a mansion like this. Her reverie was broken by the murmurs of the werewolves around her. Immediately, she had stood up straighter, emmiting an aura of confidence. It was how she dealt with things after all... Although, her still grumbling stomach would hopefully go unnoticed otherwise, she would emanating an air of embarrasment instead.
Upon hearing the younger wolf's words, a smirk of amusement curled on her lips while she did as he asked. "They don't literally bite now, do they?" She whispered, her eyes roaming the slowly growing, staring crowd in front of them. "If so, I'm counting on you to protect me," she joked, but it held slight truth. She wasn't exactly petrified of them - maybe just intimidated. She could defend herself, but she only knew about that when it came to humans. She wasn't quite sure how well she would fare against beings like herself. But the look on his face had said enough. The sudden perk of his ears and the slight wag of his tail (adorable if she must say so herself) allowed Alexandra to realise that Kino had a plan and she hoped would be able to play along well enough. @sitanomoto
Kino laughed and shook his head. "No, they don't literally bite. They're just smelling you, getting used to you. As long as they know you're with me, you'll be just fine." He smiled brightly. He was really opening up to the new girl, and he felt that she was someone he could trust. His ears, while perked up, were swiveling, catching snippets of conversation.
Tremki Kaguya

Tremki giggled, if it was one side of Annalise Tremki was interested in. Was when she could see the bloodlust deep in her eyes. Placing a finger on his lip when she mentioned the entertainment of the countless victims he dubbed his 'toys' "A toy maker never reveals his latest product~" he said it as if it were an actual quote. Tremki was much different, he never really found physical attraction towards anyone and hardly had a sex drive. He tilted his head for a moment with a slight smirk as she mentioned dancing "Tremki just wonder's how you get your legs up so high.." he exclaimed glaring off for a moment. He could tell that some other men were most likely thinking oddly about this encounter. It didn't bother Tremki in the slightest however, most found it odd enough someone who looked as young as he did was here in the first place.

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Even if Anna was simply a flirt and a tease in the moment, she was going to stick to that. The strange looks didn't bother her and her was still taller than her in the first place, childish looking or not. She had a weakness still for children, never really wishing them any harm and Tremki was not excluded. A man who wasn't too bad looking and had a nice build was giving her dear Tremki the dirtiest look of all. He seemed to be drunk and from his scent he seemed to be a hybrid with some human and werewolf which happened to be the tastiest and most fun to deceive. She had her sights set on ripping him apart that evening depending on if she found a better prospect. A turn to look at the man and a direct look into his eyes would seal his fate as the man fell under her spell. It wasn't until Tremki commented on her dancing technique and her legs was she pulled back to their conversation. The drunken man would be her own toy that night yet he wouldn't even get to touch her. Now she gave her attention to something she actually cared about. "Well it takes years of practice. I'll have to show you some time." She winked at him as she gently tapped his nose with her fingertip. She then got a bit more serious as she released his hand finally. "I was wondering.. I know it's probably a bit unlikely... But all the killings that have been happening lately... It wouldn't be you would it?" She asked quietly making sure no one who mattered would hear them. The man who owned the bar above her had been killed the week before which didn't bother her much since she only had one other person owning the bar other than her at that point. But he was a Mix she had known for quite some time and it was still a bit upsetting to see him go. The one who enjoyed death more than any other she had ever met was Tremki so she couldn't help but at least ask out of curiosity.

@Sinister Clown
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Lucifer Marlin

Lucifer seemed to be lost in the conversation, he never heard his name being mentioned much after Anya turned down her own idea. Finishing off his glass he thanks the bartender before getting up and taking a slight bow to Anya and his leader "It was lovely to spend the evening with the both of you, but I best be off now" he said with a sly smile and gently closing his eyes for a moment. Walking out of the bar he adjusted his black coat and cracked his index finger using the pressure of his thumb and he looked down both ways of the street. Normally in public Lucifer would wear sunglasses to cover his eyes which obviously seem much out of the norm. However he always found night an exception to this rule of his. Walking the streets he took in his surroundings with a slight smile on his face, unlike many other's who found this world disgusting and corrupt to it's core. Uta loved every corrupt and 'disgusting' part about the world and would rather see the world burn before letting that change.

He continued walking, he felt like it would be healthy to leave his art studio for a while.


@The leader (I forgot his username I'm sorry >.<)

A memory entered Takashi's mind as he recalled a previous encounter with the young looking creature. The strip club. Yet, not just any one. How troublesome...most troublesome. It almost sickened him to walk into such a place. How unclassy. Mustering his strength it didn't take him long to walk into the dark place. The scent of blood and alcohol mixed, and he was almost sure there was smoke and sweat in there somewhere. Revolting.

Alas, Tremki stood out like a sore thumb among the crowd of men. A thin figure hovered near him, and her looks weren't that to scoff at. Yet as he neared the couple he swallowed hard and avoided casting his eyes upon the female. Instead, addressing Tremki himself. "Kaguya. If I'm not..interrupting anything...there is something I need to discuss with you. I'm sure you'll take interest. As, my preposition falls right down your ally, and yours alone."

Takashi's voice was void of much emotion, as he slipped a card on the table. It was the address to a local human cafe. He wouldn't dare invite him to his own head quarters. It would raise too many eyebrows, and his affiliation with this creature had to remain hidden from the eye of his pack, lest his loyalty be questioned. "12:00."

He then turned to leave, however not before removing the scarf around his neck and flop it over the girl's face as an indication to cover up. "A fine cocktail dress would fit you better." There was no animosity or lightheartedness in his voice, he was serious. As he stepped out of the filthy place he headed back to his own grounds, hoping Tremki's curiosity would be sparked. @Sinister Clown @Azami

(12:00 as on the day we timeskip to whenever the night ends)
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Who in the HELL did that guy think he was? He came into HER club and had the audacity to not only disrespect her but also throw his scarf at her and disrespect her further even if it did come off as being a bit of a compliment. She wouldn't have minded at all if it wasn't for the gesture with the scarf and the look on the guys face. How many strippers had that guy ever known to 'cover up' anyway? What else could be expected as a low life werewolf who's stench was imminent the moment he walked in. Her blood startled boiling as she desired to rip him to shreds but he was gone before she had the chance to throw him out in the first place. The whole thing with Tremki had made her uneasy enough. Such a shady deal being made between a werewolf and her little Tremki couldn't lead to any good and the fact that someone of that faction even considered Tremki for anything meant someone was going to die. That was his specialty of course. She yanked the scarf from her head and gripped it in her hands, her claws digging into it and nearly ripping the fabric just like that, but she relaxed not wanting her horrid attitude to erupt in her own business especially since that guy wouldn't be there to feel the wrath of it. Besides, she knew she would probably see him again. Looking to Tremki now, she knew he would have some things to think about. Her cheerful demeanor and flirtatious tone were gone and replaced with seriousness as she began to leave him. "I have to get back to work. Enjoy yourself if you stay and be careful on your way home this evening. It was nice to see you again, so please come back soon." She bowed to him politely as she walked away with the scarf in her hand still. She had a lot to think about herself.

@Sinister Clown @NyxNightmare
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He could not help but wonder what was going on in that mind of hers, thoughts that convoluted in a mess, twisting and seducing her into giving into the desire of the beast that dwell within the depths of her being. Those eyes of hers would keep him in the dark, if not for a few glimpses of denial, hesitation. One thing felt clear to him, however, one element he could gather from her touch, her choice of approach. Dominance. Control. She thought as if she had trapped him, enraptured him, that he was within her grasp. She is no different from a fool if she holds such simplistic beliefs. His eyes would, for a moment, perform a subtle roll. Even his higher-ups thought so of him, as he being a tool for them to maneuver. But the authority would always be in the hands of the old man himself, as he was Zenโ€™s โ€˜true masterโ€™ if he were to put in the words of the man. But he could tell how much this delusion would crawl through her skin, intensifying her every action, her every stare.

But even he could not help but be taken by the sight of the vampire childishly not allowing a single drop of his blood to escape her thirst. It felt somewhat surprising, out-of-place. It was as if she would, little by little, drop down her defenses around him.
Perhaps even a little too muchโ€ฆ? If she were to do so absent-mindlessly, a blush would not save her, not in the least. She was at his mercy, if she were to think about it, albeit he still had the collar to consider, given how the whip was very much within his reach. Not only that, a lingering reaction to his gaze would only grow more and more noticeable. The silence itself proved to be effective, as there were no distractions to break his focus. But then, a giggle. Once again, Zen met confusion, left perplexed by her lack of dรฉcor when it came to herโ€ฆemotions? Would that be the correct term? It did not last long however, seeing how she quickly regain her composure, even to the point of shoving him. Shivering. What a mess this woman was in, indeed. As she finally spoke up to him, he merely graced her with a shrug and a few words of sarcasm, if anything. โ€œI wonder why, indeed, when thereโ€™s so much to look at in this desolated room.โ€ No hesitation, no trace of tension from before, her tone would not shake him. The turmoil that dwelled within her remained the object of observation for him, to which he would watch with interestโ€ฆ

Even if you keep relying on denial, it wonโ€™t change a thing. Blinking his eyes once, twice, no reaction would come from seeing her struggle. Donโ€™t be so pathetic. Once she regain control over her actions, Zen gasped slightly, the stinging sensation wrapped around his neck taking him off guard for a second. What would she do now? He awaited her next move, never losing sight of her visible scarlet eye. This is getting ridiculous. Youโ€™re well-aware of that, arenโ€™t you, Luna? As much as entertaining this overall ordeal had been, the current scenario was already drained of any kind of anticipation for him. The exchange had been made, both parties satisfied with the result, so it seemed. So why was she so keen in prolonging this? Hadnโ€™t she had enough as it is? Was her greed far more in quantity than he had imagined? The pain around his neck did not please him in the least. No danger, no threat, just a nuisance for him to endure as long as she wished soโ€ฆ And at long last, there it was. The weapon in his hand, her pale skin in sight, her gaze inviting him, enticing him... So that's how it is, huh? In the end, it all came down to this. He handed her the whip back, rising his body so the two could be facing each other with a distance of mere inches. "...It seems we have found the divergence within our common interests." He reached her ear, whispering in a cold, mocking voice, shattering her illusion.

"Did you ever think you were in control? How cute."

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Tremki Kaguya

Tremki was startled by Annalise's question about if he was the one who was committing all the recent killings. Sure Tremki would would love do something like that but even someone as mental as Tremki can tell his own limits. Whether or not Tremki liked it he couldn't commit such crimes, not without being caught out of course. Tremki wasn't the strategic type with his killings he did it out of joy and joy only, he heard a lot about the killings and knew many people would likely point fingers at him, but whoever really did kill all these people had something personal against the Families and if he still wasn't caught, it meant he always covered his tracks and didn't waste time with doing so. However before he was able to say anything more, another figure entered the pub and approached them, seeming to address Tremki by his last name, since he was hardly ever able to see anything he would often learn another by touch or the aroma they often carried around them.

This man seemed much more feminine when it came to smell, he obviously was rather hygienic at least that's how Tremki thought about it. One thing lead to another and Tremki was given a note detailing where they would meet. Remembering the time, Tremki let off a very eerie grin on his face for a moment his hair raised for a moment and revealed his bloodlusting gaze.


No one ever came to Tremki for something unless it included agony or death. There was never an in between.
"Tremki will be there." he said, his sudden sadistic and rather creepy expression quickly faded back to his more childish and somewhat innocent demeanor as he slid the note into the back of his pants. The chains which Tremki wore around his body grinding against each other, the noise being a rather disturbing one. After the man left, Annalise turned back to him and made her leave, it was clear she didn't want to bother him further and he gestured a slight wave complimented with a sweet smile.



Luna wasn't particularly surprised when he refused to deal her any damage. If he ever would, tonight would not be it. Was she disappointed? Life was filled with such. His icy words clawed at her skin. She would have to create her own pain. Now with his blood in her own veins she was well and energized. Tilting her head eerily, her bangs fell to the side to reveal both of her colored eyes, red and golden orbs staring back at him. Yet his words flickered in her mind, striking a previous memory of hers. One she had no desire to remember.

Did you ever think you were in control? How cute. A spacious room? No. A small basement. A dank area with a fetid smell. A small girl with black hair stood in this room. Is...that me?

How foolish of you to believe in such hope. How worthless. We'd be better off with you dead.

Footsteps, one pair, trudging up a staircase, cursing, leaving the girl alone. Is this....me? Why....this pain....why...I'm not healing. The girl raised her hands up to her face. Where's my left eye? Feeling the empty socket with her fingers, trembling. This is wrong....Voices spread around and tugged on her clothes, ripping her skin. A scream sounded from her lips. No...leave me alone....shut up shut up shut up!

"SHUT UP!" Luna screamed, back in reality, the scene she had remembered disappeared. Only Zen was with her. That's right, whose Zen? "Elendig sterben!" (die wretchedly). Drawing her blade she quickly slashed across his neck. Whether he had moved quickly enough would determine damage.

Standing up, Luna seemed to forget where she was. Who she was with. Her golden eye shown brightly. "We'll stop playing games won't we? Why don't you sleep for now? I wonder if you'll wake up this time. Such a beautiful face shouldn't tease others. I'll ruin it for you." Another blade was thrown from from her across his cheek. She walked over to the door and lifted her wrist to the side, as the key to escape was inside her body. The door uncharged and she slipped through, but not without pressing a button that seemed to be hidden on the wall from the other side. As her image no longer present, the room began to fill with a poisonous gas meant to cause pain in one's throat, making it difficult to breathe. However, this was a sleeping agent more than anything. Zen would be forced to submit to the invisible smoke, for now.

As or Luna, she wouldn't sleep soundlessly that night, for, these past memories haunted her more than herself. What had happened to her before her turning? Suppose that would be something to figure out another day.

The female werewolf's green pools of curiosity blinked at the younger one's gleaming orbs of happiness before she replied with a stiff nod. With a quick glance around the room and the curios pairs of eyes that followed their every move, Alexandra was beginning to think that this may not have been a great idea. Her tendency to make decisions without much thought usually ended up with her regretting everything she had done - it was infuriating. She felt threatened at the fact that they seemed to talk about her despite her own presence being in the room. Couldn't they tell that she could hear them loud and clear thanks to her genes that they also had?

Taking a deep breath, she offered a meek smile to Kino. She promised herself that she would do this. It was too late now, anyway; the anklet on her leg that seemed to weigh more than before screamed a reminder of the promises she had made earlier. Abruptly standing up then waving at Kino, Alexandra made her way up one of the sets of stairs in an attempt to escape the curious gazes, and to maybe find a room where she could rest. No. Despite the nervous feeling they had unintentionally inflicted onto Alexandra, she would live with this. She had made her bed and now she would sleep in it, no matter what she may feel about it... And thinking about sleep had made her eye-lids droop significantly lower. Finally finding an empty room, she sunk into the available bed and succumbed to the clutches of sleep.

@femjapanriceball @LaDyGrEy @Lucinda Darkhive @Lilah Tunth @EverlastingLife @VampiresRule @ModernRanger

Timeskip till 7 AM

Anya woke up with a yawn on the couch of Marlin's office in his backroom, having elected to sleep, or rather, fell asleep there the night before. Sighing she looked at the clock. Yay school.. she thought to herself, sighing. A nessacary part of being a child vampire was..unfortunately..attending school. Though of course, she had to admit it did of course change over the course of time. "Eh..maybe tommorrow. Besides..it's probably not a good idea to go today." She mumbled to herself. It's not exactly like she'd miss much by not going, maybe Marlin wouldn't notice.

Regardless she decided to wait for him to show up and tell her if he learned anything about what's been going on. She was worried that a war would start, she really didn't want it to but she knew it was possible unless Marlin came up with solid proof of who was doing the killing recently.
Kino awoke to the soft chirping of birds outside his bedside window. He opened it and took a deep breath of the cold, crisp air. It refreshed him and woke him up. His bright teal eyes were glinting in cheer, as they usually were in the mornings. He got up, stretched in his white Pajamas, changed into school clothes, and grabbed his white backpack. I don't really have to go to school today, do I? He thought to himself as he walked to the kitchen and poured himself some orange juice. His bini covered his ears and most of his white hair, and he had tucked his tail in. If people didn't look too close he knew they'd miss his tiny canine fangs that were slightly bigger than the rest of his teeth.

As he sat there, sipping his juice, he continued to think about what the day would hold if he did go to school, if he didn't go to school, and if he instead spent his day wandering Times Square like he sometimes did.




Titan had already begun his work. Over the course of a single night, he had led cops to make over fifty arrests of drug users. That number would cause the dealers to begin losing money. He doubted that they would know right away that this was because of him. It wasn't until he had led the cops to making a drug bust on one of the city's biggest night clubs that he knew the drug dealers would really start to feel the loss of money. They might be paranormal beings but Titan knew that money was a much needed commodity for them to survive in this world. Without it, even the paranormal ones would begin to struggle. That was why he had started his campaign against their wallets. Hoping the pressure would cause them to begin making mistakes.
Justin Dracula was fast asleep, like he always was during the day. In his sleep, he mumbled various things, giving anyone watching a vague idea of what he was dreaming of. ".....Ugh....someone forgot to even out the blood and the tea again....who did it? WHO DID IT?! Come out.....I dare you....you know I can tell where you are....even with my eyes.....closed....fuck you and your.....whatever.....oh, you don't know English.....that's a pity......let me tell you, then...Nu puteศ›i respinge doar o astfel de lucru important, dobitoc.....te voi primi pentru acest....sรขnge ศ™i ceai trebuie sฤƒ fie distribuitฤƒ uniform , altfel nu are gust bun . ASCULศšI? NOW DO YOU UNDERSTAND! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Justin woke up laughing, then stopped. "Oh, I seem to have done it again," he said nonchalantly.
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Lucifer Marlin

"NO PLEASE! STOP STO-" the sound of bone crushing and flesh being ripped off, Lucifer's little walk soon turned into a feast. Seeming to be in Tremki's territory at the time he didn't seem bothered by the fact he clearly knew this was where he preyed on the living. Uta sitting against the wall, a pile of bodies bundled around him. The woman he had just bit into earlier was actually still alive however unable to speak "You should be proud, I can tell you've been keeping your body healthy. I appreciate it." he said in a calm tone, the woman's eyes widening in fear only to be ripped from their sockets his expression going into a state of awe, eating the eye he closed his eyes with a pleasant expression. Hearing the sound of more footsteps, Lucfier decided to leave now "That little creature won't be happy I took his play things, oh well~" he said with a joyful tone and walked off into the city, cleaning his mouth from any blood.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.f07c6928f0b54ed8277f690b1560e85e.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="98196" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.f07c6928f0b54ed8277f690b1560e85e.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Athena, heh, actually Minvera calmly strolled down the sidewalk, occasionally glancing at the men and women of the city. "Five men, six women, eight children and I'm still not satisfied.." She sighed and huffed, an annoyed pout crawling over her face as she gently swayed her hips out of annoyance. "Is there no ones blood that can satisfy me..?"



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Titan moved quietly through the shadows, he had found the bodies of several mutilated victims and now he was tracking the killer. This was why he did what he did. The state of the victims these creatures left behind was appalling. So many innocent lives had been stamped out at the whims of these monsters. He had to begin getting justice for these victims. He was the only one powerful enough to do so. These creatures had to be held accountable for what they had done and it was up to him to make it happen.
The Hybrid girl had slept very well after her little...change of clothes, she had crawled into her apartments window and collapsed into her bed. Now, waking up was evil, not good at all.

"Oh god, Jeeze, time to act human," the woman took up and undressed out her earlier night clothes and put on a mint green skirt with a low v neck long sleeved cream top. Adding a pair of heeled cream shoes and a bag and purse to match, she headed out of her apartment...not before doing her hair and makeup.

"Ok then, let's buy some food, I'm not interested in too much blood today," she sighed before walking along a dark alley way, before seeing a few or a lot of mutilated victims. "Oh my, looks like...vampires? Hmm, well...I know who destroyed these lot," saying this part a little too loud she sighed, she knew the killer...It wasn't hard.

Avalin lowered herself to the ground and quietly used there bloody clothes to cover their faces and with a long sigh, she wiped her hands on tissue in her bag and continued doing the rest to the others.


Tristan was about to walk in with the food only to see she was gone, instead he too retired to his quarters to sleep.

Waking up early, he begun cooking breakfast, he had spoken to the wolves t accept the new child as their own and they all nodded. Tristan took the breakfast he had cooked and walked up to her room, following her noticeable scent, he knocked on the door, and left the trolley with the food on outside.

"Kino! You're up already! Great young master, be quick now, you'll be late for school, and don't forget to call me if you're...feeling ill," Tristan said as he walked back into the kitchen again and placed Kino's lunch next to him.
Justin sighed. He was thirsty for blood, thanks to that dream. He pulled on his classic vampire cloak, the kind that had made him famous, and began prowling for the blood of humans.

He paused. Wait a minute. Why should I do something I do everyday when I could explore? Do something new? Now let's see...His green eyes spotted a poster. "Job opening...for a waiter...? That sounds fun." He began walking briskly to the designated address on the poster and entered. A man stared at him.

"Nice....uh....costume, mister."

"Thank you," Justin said. "I heard you needed a waiter?"

"Oh! Yes, thank you for coming. I'll get the manager."

The manager looked him over and asked him a bunch of weird questions. Justin appeared to have passed, though, for the manager drew back, impressed. "Here's your uniform." He tossed him a fancy white suit; Justin caught it. "Ah, good catch, Mr......ah......Drake." Justin smiled goodnaturedly.

"Thank you for hiring me, sir."

"Anything for a visitor from out of country, anything!" The manager chortled.

"Yes. Thank you."

Titan leaned over the bodies of the victims. He studied their faces, twisted expressions of their last moments on earth. He observed the obvious defensive wounds, whoever this person was, they had put up a fight in their final moments. He avoided stepping in the blood, looking about the area. Footsteps soaked in blood showed the way that the individual had gone. Titan decided that it was time to follow it. Jumping to the top of the rooftops, Titan walked along the rooftops, following the trail that he could see. He would find this individual soon and show him that murder was not to be tolerated. Especially not the murder of innocent people.

@Sinister Clown


Annalise woke up in her beautiful apartment and she smirked remembering her actions the night before. the man she had picked out in her club had taken her back to his apartment. He seemed to be a bachelor, one no one would miss if not for a while at least, and that's just what she needed. As usual she waited for him to get her into his bed before she sunk her fangs into him, draining enough to be full. He didn't even have to be under her spell, since he seemed to be into it which made her want him dead even more. When she had enough, and he looked almost pale, she pretended to lean in for a kiss before slitting his throat. Finally, her truly favorite part. She raided his house for anything worth value, even finding a hidden safe with the combo on a piece of paper in his desk. "How ignorant.." She said to herself as she took plenty, putting it in a backpack of his, leaving the scene to look like a break in.

Looking over at the backpack, she smirked taking out a stack of money, playing with it a bit before she put most of the money in her purse. She got ready for the day, taking the advice of the man the night before that interrupted her talk with Tremki. A little black cocktail dress that fit her figure, did suit her well after all. She looked at the scarf he had thrown at her that sat by her purse and it was soft and would match her anyway. After taking it and wrapping it around her neck loosely, she pulled her hair up as usual when not at work and put on some red heels and makeup. Grabbing her purse full of money, she headed out the door. She needed to bring the money to the higher ups in The Mix so that meant finding Zen, whom she adored most when it came to those in charge above her.

Annalise left her apartment, and was still full from the night before, so she went straight to all of Zen's typical places, checking her club first since the Mix often had important meetings in the back rooms. Though he was no where to be found. Even the vampire and werewolf bars and clubs that were open at the time left her still to be looking. Finally she gave up her search, finding it strange he was no where to be found. Though she did come across something that caught her eye. There was a complete blood bath and the stench of vampires made it evident. But the bodies weren't the part that caught her attention, it was Avalin.
"Well look at you doing a good deed..." She smirked as she looked at the woman with a hand on her hip.

@LaDyGrEy @NyxNightmare @Mine
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.fbd47c5a28615c7b2e4f6b2fe566b9fc.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="98385" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.fbd47c5a28615c7b2e4f6b2fe566b9fc.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Minerva cocked an eyebrow at the scent of blood smacking her in her face, the pinkette stumbled a bit from the intensity. "Huh.." A psychotic grin splayed over her face before she giggled, "Looks like someone had fun last night and early this morning too." She spoke, more to herself than anything.

You can say that again.. Hopefully they're satisfied.

Yeah, but we aren't. If you hadn't noticed.

Don't get sarcastic with me. I know we aren't satisfied.

Minerva rolled her eyes and followed the scent of blood, curiosity over taking her as she grew closer and the scent grew stronger.

Holy shit, not only did they have fun. They had a mother fucking party!

Language, Minerva.

It's true though!

Athena rolled her eyes and sighed in the back of her own head,

You're hopeless.

Hehe, yet you keep me around. I am only a figment of your imagination darling.

Yeah, but you entertain me sometimes.

Sure, sure.



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