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Realistic or Modern The Blood Wars-Reboot

Justin put on his uniform, looking in the mirror. I look....sharp. Whoa. Is this how the human workforce dresses? Impressive. He walked out of the bathroom to see one of the workers motioning at him to take someone's order. It was a giggling teenage girl.

"How may I help you?" The girl giggled even harder; Justin hammed it up, winking at her. More giggling. "Er....what would you like, miss?"

"A kiss!" The girl said boldly. Goodness....what a scandalous young lady.....

"I'm afraid I can't do that,"
Justin chuckled. "I'm working."

"'I'm working'," the girl said, imitating Justin's accent. "You've got a hot accent."

"What?" Justin screeched, making heads turn.

"Like that! You pronounce it like, vvvvvell, how are you? Vvvvhat a lovely day! Are you, like, Dracula, or something?"

"Uh....no," Justin lied.
Avalin chuckled as she heard a voice of one of...Zen's friends? Was that right? "Well look who crawled out of the shadows today, not to mention with a lot...stolen goods? Shall I ask or leave that to my own conclusion" Avalin raised one of her brows as she finished covering up the bodies. That trance man she saw last night...that scent, it was in the air.

"Heading to find Zen to cash in?" The woman said as she flipped her galaxy hair and continued wiping the blood off of her nails, they were both very well dressed and we're definetly rather glamorous so to speak. Avalin looked at the girl with a small smile.


Avalin was one of her own, and one of the few women in the world she actually didn't mind talking to. They could be similar at times anyway. She was a beautiful woman and anytime the two were seen together, necks would snap to look at them... Among other reasons... Annalise always admired her up keep on her galaxy hair after all. "Well you know me. If a man is interested, he has to pay to even take a glance. If he wants more, then I'll take more. Some scum bag gave little Tremki a dirty look in my club last night because he was talking to me, so I had to make the guy pay for it. One doesn't simply get away with doing such a thing to one of my own without paying the price. He happened to have plenty to pay with anyway.." She laughed a bit as she gently pulled her purse strap up more on her shoulder. "I've been looking for Zen all morning and I can't find him. No one really knows where he is and I can't find his scent anywhere. Have you any idea where he could be?" She asked the girl finding herself becoming bloodthirsty just by being around the bodies. "Actually, would you like to go talk somewhere else? This blood is getting to me and someone is bound to come across them soon. We should leave the scene of this vampires' crime before we get pinned for it. How about the club?" They both worked in her strip club, which is how she seemed to get closer to her over the years. Though Annalise didn't spend time with people for recreational purposes very often.

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Lucifer Marlin

Lucifer continued down the streets, looking to the sky, for a moment he smiled at the sight and stopped for a moment, he enjoyed the current angle. Little to Lucifer's knowledge someone had been on his trail, so Lucifer just went with his day as he normally would. Walking to his studio, right across the the Blackbloods family pub. Walking in, looking across the room towards his newly finished mask "Oh my, I almost forgot about you." taking off his black wrap sweater and places it on a coat-hanger on the wall by the entrance. He left his studio door open as he always had, walking over to his mask, lifting it up and being 'face to face' with the mask. He couldn't help but feel drawn to it.

@ModernRanger (I guess you could just walk into the studio)
Kino nodded to Tristan thankfully. "If Alexandra asks where I am, will you tell her please?" Kino said to Tristan as he grabbed his lunch and put it in his backpack. "I'll call you if anything happens, Tristan. I promise." He walked out the door with a smile at his older friend and down to school. His bini and ears were taken care of, which was nice, and as he walked onto school campus he took a deep breath.

"Watch it, Squirt!" Someone said, shoving him roughly to the side.

"S-sorry...." Kino stammered.

He looked at the floor and continued to walk to class.

Titan stood, looking at the open studio door from the shadows. He knew that his target would be inside the building. He also knew, based on the crime scene that he had seen that this creature was a vicious beast. Titan checked his weapons, making sure that everything was loaded and ready to fire. Without much more thought, he entered the studio. It was dangerous but he had been trained to handle these monsters and his body had been conditioned to do so. Standing in the studio, his suit automatically adjusted to the lighting and scanned his surroundings without the slightest noise. Standing in front him, holding a mask, Titan had to assume was the beast. He knew that the monster would know he was there all too soon. However, part of who he was meant he had to follow particular rules. Monster or not, the creature needed to know why Titan had come for him.

@Sinister Clown
Mr. Mix

It was a meeting, a few individuals under Mr. Mix's lead had arised the current issue, members of their family had been dying out of strange causes. It had been this way for a while now, he always heard different rumors. Each of the major families were pointing fingers at each other. Mr Mix himself also had a suspicion of the Blackbloods for some time. They were in his office, Mr. Mix sat at his chair behind the desk, and another three human/werewolf hybrids sitting on the other side of his desk "Why don't we do something?!" one of the men shouted out of anger, the other agreeing and adding on "You're just gonna let them kill one of us without doing the same back?" one man had a different view on the killings however, one that could make much sense. "What if it isn't the other families? Why risk an all out war they might lose..What if it's someone else?" the other man looked agitated, Mr. Mix leaned back in his chair and glared off towards the man who mentioned his theory, bursting in laughter "Of course it isn't, there is something going down but I wish to wait this out. A man must have all his cards in place before making a move." he said, the constant smile which come from his mask often made his presence eerie. However he believed that his 'new' associates would get use to it in no time.

(Just so people know, purple is Mr. Mix's dialogue and the other colors are just random NPC's)
Lucifer Marlin

Lucifer was lost in a trance, glaring deep into the mask that was until he got a sixth sense someone had been watching him. Looking up and around before turning his head and setting his sights on the man in a rather advanced looking suit. "You don't look like someone who wants a custom made mask." he said rather sarcastically and with a monotoned expression, placing his hand on his neck for a moment as he continued speaking "Do you need something?"


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Titan let silence hang in the air for a moment before he decided to reply,

"Vampire, I have been to your recent feeding ground. I have seen the blood you have spilled and I am here to answer the cries of those you slaughtered. They cry for justice, they cry for vengeance, they cry for your death. I stand here as the liberator of the human race. I will free them from the oppression of those who would slaughter them. I am here to free them from you."

Titan knew that an ordinary man saying these words would sound ridiculous. However, for him to be effective, he had to be more than a man. He had to be something that these creatures would fear. Hopefully, this was the start to achieving that goal.

@Sinister Clown
Lucifer Marlin

Lucifer let off a rather eerie smile, blinking a few times at the man "Ah, too bad I thought I finally had a customer." turning back to his mask, carefully placing it back on it's mannequin "Tell me, how many times did you practice that line before coming here." musing slightly he placed his hand on his head and bent it to one side until feeling it crack a few times "Well, I guess there really is no way to talk myself out of this..Is there?" he said raising his right hand up slowly a more sadistic smirk appeared on his face, within a blur Uta appeared directly in front of the man and placing his index finger right where his forehead be on his mask "You call yourself justice?..I don't see it." he said rather casually as he glared to the man, and within another moment his image blurred again and he was back at his original position by his mask, and a safe distance from the man. "Do what you will, but don't whine when I take something from you." pointing towards his head and closing one of his eyes as a gesture to say that he was planning on taking the intruder's eye.


Titan did not so much as react to the man's words. Pulling something from a pouch on the back of his belt, he pulled something off of it and dropped it. A gas began to hiss out from it. This was one of the many tools he had designed when fighting vampires. The grenade he had dropped was a variation of a smoke grenade. However, Titan had replaced the smoke with a mixture of ground down garlic that would be released into the air by way of the smoke. The smoke quickly billowed throughout the room. The mixture was not potent enough to kill a vampire but it would distract it by putting it in excruciating pain.

@Sinister Clown
Lucifer Marlin

Lucifer let out a short sigh when the man said nothing, noticing that he took something from his pouch Lucifer had the common sense to tell it wasn't anything good. When seeing that it was something holding some sort of gas, despite not knowing what it was Lucifer felt it best to try avoid the gas substance which popped from it's container and quickly filled the room. Taking a long leap back into the back side of the room, half of his hand was caught in the gas, a large amount of pain filled the hand and felt as if it spread throughout his entire body. His eyes widened in shock as he felt his hand "Garlic? Smells like the stuff.." he mumbled under his breath rising his right hand and turning his palm to face upwards, a book seemed to be conjured from thin air and placed in Lucifer's hand. Opening the book the instant he got it, the page turning over and stopping at a specific page. Black angelic-like wings forming on his back and his feet lifting from the ground he quickly, and rather desperately flew right through his own studio's wall in order to get outside and into the open. Levitating himself in the air slightly his wings seemed to slightly change it's form and density and with another hand gesture, the grown feathers shot towards the studio in a barrage. Surprisingly the feathers pinned right into the brick walls as if a dart board, proving that the feather's weren't ordinary Lucifer also hoped he would be able to hit the man attacking him on his way outside the building.

Lucifer with rubble falling off his body after the impact.

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Suddenly, Justin smelled it. The forbidden smell. G-garlic....?! What? What is this...? He covered his nose with his hand, falling to his knees. The girl who had hit on him cocked her head curiously. "Bluh....I don't feel so good..." He struggled to his feet, clinging onto the table. "Ah....AAAAAHHH!"

"Draculaaaaa, are you okay?"

"Er....yes," Justin said, using the table to support himself as he inched his way toward the bathroom. Something must be going on...if I concentrate, I might be able to tell if whatever's going on is serious. He scrunched up his eyes. Nope. It's just a very garlicky dish. Bluh...He looked, mesmerized, into the sink, and splashed cold water all over his face. "Get a hold of yourself, Count Dracula. You can do this, and if not, you can just quit."


Getting out of the building was simple for Titan. Given his supernatural speed, even he was hard to track by even the most trained of eyes. Quite suddenly, he was standing on top of the next building over. He looked at the man hovering in the air. Titan drew his pistol and shot four bullets. One aimed for each wing, one aimed for the center of his back and one aimed at his lower back, the bullets aiming for his back were aimed at his spine. His bullets were saturated with holy water. He had allowed the bullets to sit in holy water for seven days and nights, the ammunition gradually absorbing the properties of the water. The ammunition, if it hit, would cause the blood sucker excruciating pain, if not cripple him.

@Sinister Clown
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.ceed6a6bb96a6719fc43b3835e6b5fbc.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="98544" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.ceed6a6bb96a6719fc43b3835e6b5fbc.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Upon hearing the gun shots she looked up, and tilted her head. "Such racket... This early.. Ugh."

Should we even bother with seeing what it is, Athena?

I doubt it.. But seeing as it's happening above our destination, there's a possibility we could check it out.

Or we can go back to the mansion... We never sleep there anymore.

That's because you insist on dragging our victims back to the bed room, the maids got tire of your sloppy mess on the bed sheets.

You had done it at well before.

I was 7 you imbecile, I had yet to master my technique.

Yeah, okay.

A man pasted the woman, and gave her a questionable look. Unfortunately for him, this wasn't Athena. Whipping out her knife she smoothly slid it across the mans jugular, and clean down his chest. Blood spurting from him like a fountain as she casually walked away, "Tsk.. Don't look at me like I'm crazy.." She hummed, giggling as she wiped off the blade and placed it back into her purse.



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.gif.857064b691b8e8baad53d2024ce2702c.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="98551" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.gif.857064b691b8e8baad53d2024ce2702c.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Justin sighed and dusted his uniform off. "I suppose I'd better leave, then." He walked out of the bathroom, only to get bombarded by his boss. "I'm taking a break," Justin said matter-of-factly, pulling on his cloak. "I'll be back, I promise." Then he walked outside without saying anything else. He could hear gunshots. "I wonder what I'm missing..." He muttered, before noticing the flirty girl was behind him. Justin smirked. "Oh~? I forgot my order. Follow me, miss." The girl seemed to bounce off the walls as he led her to a dark alley. "You ordered a kiss, right~?"

"Yes, I did...."

"Excellent." And the Transylvanian leaned in, tilting the girl's head upwards. Then he thrust his sword into her stomach. The girl gasped and fell over. "I'm sorry, miss, but I don't just give away such things. For you see, I've learned that everyone I truly love only ends up disappearing." His face darkened for a minute. "So, I fear that I will only kiss the one. Farewell, my lovely human."

((If anyone wants to interact, that's fine.))



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.8367e1c585c83d68388f136cd9d98e57.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="98557" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.8367e1c585c83d68388f136cd9d98e57.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Another wave of blood smacked Minerva in the face, and she growled softly. "Where's the party man? I want in on this blood bath." She grumbled, placing her hands on her hips before she noticed two people walking into an alley way. Though only one walked out, she looked rather amused the blood wasn't on him, but the scent was. "I hope you enjoyed that. Or else it would've been a waste." She called out gently as she made her way over to him. Minerva looked the man over a few times, before settling on his eyes. "Not bad.. Count Dracula.." Personally she'd never met the vampire, until now that is. @femjapanriceball



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Justin looked up; he had taken a teacup out and was now carefully purring the excess blood into it. "Good morning," he said, drinking the blood from the cup. "Yes, that was incredibly amusing, if I do say so myself. I think I've gotten better at the Flirty Vamp method." He chuckled when he heard her mention his name. "Yes, it is I, Justinian, or, preferably, Justin, Dracula. How are you, miss?" He smiled innocently; hopefully, nobody had forgotten that one of the many reasons for his fame was his polite mannerisms and elaborate cloaks. He sheathed his sword, grinning, then returned to his drink. "Ooh, B Positive....delicious...."

@Lucinda Darkhive
Avalin looked over to her hybrid friend as a small chuckled escaped her lips. "Hungry? Make sure you keep yourself undercontrol today, I fear things may happen," instead of bending back to the ground to pick up her bag, she lifted it up using her powers and placed it gently onto her shoulder.

"There's a cafรฉ somewhere I know of, or we can head to the club, or instead we can investigate these gunshots so early in the morning?" Avalin was sure Zen was still with that creepy girl but she wasn't too worried, or he was dead, hurt or in pain, not her problem, it just showed she was better at being more careful. Smirking to herself, the woman walked out of the alleyway awaiting her hybrid friend to follow and make a decision.



"Of course Young Master," the wolf took the plate from Kino and quickly washed it up, various wolves were heading downstairs and no doubt some would be flocking about the new wolves room. Heading back upstairs, Tristan coughed and the lower raked wolves parted like the sea for him. Knocking on Alex's door he coughed again. "Miss your breakfast is here for you ensure you are dressed, you have an audience," Tristan walked away and whistled, most adult wolves left but the little ones still flocked about.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.2e5320cf85b90998078a9853faaae0e6.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="98575" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.2e5320cf85b90998078a9853faaae0e6.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> "Good morning to you as well" She smiled, letting her hands drop from her sides Minerva made her way over to look at the human. Her eyes sparked with a bit of curiosity for the woman, before looking up at the man. "Justin.. Nice, easy, rolls off the tongue. I like it. Also, Flirty Vamp?" She grinned at his politeness, "I'd love to say that I'm well, but unfortunately I'm not satisfied. And you?" Minerva may have been more brutal than her counterpart, but she did indeed have manners. "Glad to see that someone's still enjoying their blood." @femjapanriceball



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"I'm doing quite well, thank you," Justin said, finishing off his blood and wiping his chin with his handkerchief. "Now, let's see....the Flirty Vamp method is one of the Draculas' invention, where the vampire seduces their victim, making the victim believe that he or she is in love with them. Quite frankly, it's my favorite method to use. More fun than the normal way, if you know what I mean." He dusted off his hands, looking at the young woman he had just killed. "Poor innocent girl. She actually believed that I had feelings for her, I almost pity her. I suppose that she learned her lesson in the end. They all do." He straightened his cloak for emphasis. "Ah, how rude of me. I forgot to ask your name."

@Lucinda Darkhive
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.a5dab6a1f5e977c5eb2a1e36d1816698.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="98590" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.a5dab6a1f5e977c5eb2a1e36d1816698.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> "Me? Or my counterpart?" She asked, chuckling at his words she inspected the girl. Walking over to her she cupped the dead girls cheek and ran her thumb over her chin, humming softly she clicked her tongue. "She's cute.. Though stupid. By now even a human should know if someone is just fucking with them." Minerva pulled away and wiped her hand with a handkerchief from her purse then shook her head. "But even one that knows this could be fooled by a face of pure beauty.." She mumbled only to fall limp for a moment, and straighten herself again.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.c47b63477097d1dabb40ef454310d9a9.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="98594" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.c47b63477097d1dabb40ef454310d9a9.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> "I apologize about her, she likes to, as many would say; beat around the bush. Athena Blackblood, Justin Dracula." Athena smiled at him, and turned extending her hand to shake his. "It's an honor to meet you by the way."

Damn you, Athena.

Shut up, we're in the presence of royalty. @femjapanriceball



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Justin jumped when the girl he was talking to fell limp. "Ma'am? MA'AM? Ma-oh, you're all right." He was a little shocked, but didn't go berserk. He shook her hand, acting as though nothing had happened. "Athena....like the Greek goddess of wisdom? That's wonderful. But who's....'her'? Wait, did you say 'counterpart'?" He chuckled. "Well, that explains it."


"So, what is your counterpart's name? I didn't hear it."

@Lucinda Darkhive
Alexandra ran her hands through her locks, her eyes staring at the door with worry. She had awoken thanks to the not so silent mutterings she had heard outside the door. Her groan filled the room as she stood up, straightening her clothes from yesterday. She did need to grab her things soon; walking around in yesterday's clothes might not be such a great impression. With a sigh, her hand gripped the metal doorknob, the sound of Tristan's footsteps already decreasing in sound. "Wait!" She yelled, abruptly opening the door and chasing after the butler, ignoring the curious looks that followed her. Releasing a frustrated huff, she crossed her arms while she fell in step with Tristan. "Do they always act like this? It's quite infuriating." She muttered. "What's for breakfast? I'm famished. Where's Kino, by the way. I miss that little wolf," she said with a small smile.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.e49a135acf23f6f83d1039af28aee169.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="98648" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.e49a135acf23f6f83d1039af28aee169.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> "Yes, just like her." She chuckled softly at his shocked reaction, and gently scratched the back of her head after shaking his hand. "Sorry, I suppose I should've had her tell you, but she was Minerva. My, less controlled version of myself." @femjapanriceball



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