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Realistic or Modern The Blood Wars-Reboot

Tristan smiled. "Your breakfast had been left outside your room on the metal trolley like everyone else's, and the adults have gotten over their curiosity, it's the children," as he said this a small little girl with bright blue eyes with blonde, almost white hair ran past him.

"Tristan! Is she your gf! How old is she! What's she like, is she a pretty wolf?" TheN more kids came all bustling with the same question. "Delila, Williams, Eugene and Sarah, why don't you ask Miss Alexandria yourself?" He held a hand out to the lady as he bowed slightly, watching as the kids straightened up and turned to her in an orderly fashion. And proceeded with more questions.

((Don't worry you can make them up! ))

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"Like the Roman goddess of wisdom...whoever named you made a very good reference." Justin chuckled. "Anyways, about those gunshots....I wonder what's going on. Seems quite out-of-the-ordinary to me. I just hope that nobody I met last night got hurt..." His face darkened once again. "Or I'd have to kill another person."

@Lucinda Darkhive
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.3e5a3c8de8f7f946be82087e76b47c11.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="98839" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.3e5a3c8de8f7f946be82087e76b47c11.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> "It didn't smell like anyone I spoke to last night, hopefully it wasn't anyone I knew. I don't wish to get angry today.." She sighed and looked in the direction the gun shots, a small frown covering her face as she crossed her arms. "This better be worth looking in to." Athena grumbled, she didn't seem like it, but deep down she was worried. Something about this seemed..off, and she didn't like it one bit. It was too tense, the air smelled of holy water and gun powder. @femjapanriceball



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Lucifer Marlin

The first two shots were un-avoidable, Lucifer noticed the man move out of the building..However his speed was beyond the average human by far. 'Who is this man?' he wondered in his mind with eyes of awe, his wings both hit however seeming to do nothing apart from bouncing off and making a sound as if it were metal hitting metal. Noticing these small noises almost instantly, Lucifer reacted by flying up and evading the second bullet with a quick burst of speed. Levitating himself a few feet above the building which the man had been standing on; With another hand gesture the wings sent out another barrage of feather's that seemed to have the same density of steel. Sending around a dozen at once after he ripped one of the feather's off. Of course this had to all be done with one hand since his left hand was holding the book, the black feather in his right hand changed size and density to act as a sword. Something Lucifer liked to call "Feather-blade" he said in a sadistic tone as he licked his lips and came in for another swoop with his 'feather blade' attempting to hit the man a second time.

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Justin nodded silently, opening up his cloak, taking out a top hat, and putting it on his head. He was very pleased that his ability to sense movement would soon be of use. He drew his sword and began walking briskly down the streets, not bothering to look at passerby staring. He could feel the vibrations in the earth as he walked, the vibrations of which all of this was going on. He knew that this was his only ability, but it definitely proved useful in times like these. Blood pounded in the foreigner's ears. The adrenaline was already rising, he could feel it. Being practically vampire royalty didn't matter right now, and, frankly, he didn't care who he was. Someone's in the air....impressive. I wonder who it is? He hopped over a pile of dead bodies, still following the movement, humming a few keys of a song he had heard on the radio the previous night. "You don't know-oh-oh....you don't you you're beautiful....oh-oh....la la la la beautiful...." The Transylvanian stopped. Ah~, the kind man who let me stay at his home. Justin waved cheerfully, quite oblivious to....well....everything. That is, before he spotted the human. Justin blinked. "A human....attempting to overpower a vampire? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" He pointed at the human, laughing his head off. "Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha.....you.....must....must be joking!" Justin wheezed, wiping an amused tear from his eye.

@Lucinda Darkhive @Sinister Clown @ModernRanger



Titan expected this attack from the moment the creature drew its sword. This vampire was not yet fighting, he was probing. The vampire had seen Titan's speed, he knew something was different. Any vampire smart enough to survive as long as he had guessed this one had survived would proceed with caution. Titan sprung backwards, narrowing missing the edge of the blade by mere inches. Holstering his pistol, he then drew the sword from his back. The black was three feet of wickedly sharp steel. Due to its make, it would easily kill any werewolf. However, it wasn't a werewolf he was fighting today. In addition to being made of steel. The sword had been made with the method of forging a Katana. The difference in this blade's forging process was that the blade had been forged into a straight edge rather than a curve and it had been cooled repeatedly in holy water, making it also excessively deadly to vampires. He held the sword in a steady grip, his eyes focused on his target. Any veteran swordsman would be able to recognize that Titan too was an expert with a sword. The weapon wasn't so much of a weapon but more of an extension of Titan's body and his will. The sword would serve him well in any fight. Now, once again the sword would have to prove its worth to its owner. Preparing himself, Titan tensed ever so slightly and sprung forward, once again at a speed far too fast for a human, his blade slashed around in a deadly arc, aimed to slice the vampire from shoulder to hip.

Tremki Kaguya, Inside an old abandoned building

In the corner of a room, the wood creaking and the sound filling the room. However Tremki remained fairly still, his mask was on at the time and almost not one inch of his skin had been exposed. Wearing a what seemed like a business suit, underneath he wore another skin tight black layer underneath which hid the skin from his neck entirely. Asleep, in the abandoned old house Tremki had often gotten dreams of past times in his life. Tremki's unstable mind often caused him to forget most of his memories however dreams seemed to be a gateway back to his past; In a sense.

"Lucy Locket lost her pocket?

And Kitty Fisher found it.?

Not a penny was there in it,?

Only a ribbon around it.??"

These were the words Tremki often uttered to himself. The two men who stood side by side grinned at the boy as each of them took turns in kicking the boy to a pulp. They never heard nothing though, just utter silence; The buy had bright blue eyes and white hair, in fact this white hair boy was Tremki, at least what he was before being accepted into 'The mix.' Chained up and left to rot in some odd cell. It would have been easy to mistake it for prison, Tremki seen wearing an orange prison looking attire with the letters and numerals 'NO-44'. However this prison wasn't owned by any government organization, in fact Tremki may never know where he was held only that it was torturous. However even after the constant beatings, Tremki was always seen with a grin on his face..As if he were waiting for something. However before anything else could happen Tremki snapped awake from his dark dream and switched his head looking from side to side until fixating his gaze out the window
'Sunlight..I wonder what would happen if it blew up..' he thought to himself, leaning against the wall and lifting himself up straight he rubbed the back of his head and walked to the window. Glaring down at the people below, walking the streets 'Only if they all knew what I was capable of if they saw me..Their reactions are always different once they realize..' a teenager of sorts looked at him, a smoke in his hand he didn't seem like that much of a bad kid and didn't say anything. Locking sight for a moment, Tremki using a doppelman of his and sending him sprinting towards the meeting place. Tremki spent his few moments staring at this odd teenager who eventually just dozed off. Tremki shaking his head took a deep breath "Ohh, I wonder if I'm late~" he said in an eerie tone. Once his doppelganger reached the meeting point Tremki used his ability 'switch'. Vanishing from the abandoned house and appearing where the doppelman once was. He stood there at the meeting spot, unknowing whether or not he was late or early.

@ModernRanger @Sinister Clown

Anya had partially dozed off when she heard gun fire. She'd decided to hell with school, she didn't exactly need it anyway. Quickly scrawling a note for Marlin that said she'd be back she ran out of the back room and through the bar. She gasped in shock as she saw someone trying to kill Lucifer. Were they human or not? Regardless she ran and jumped to intercept Titan, it would be clear she wasn't human but that didn't matter. "Don't hurt Lucifer! Why are you attacking him!" She cried, pushing herself up off of Titan.

She was actually crying at this point. She needed to contact Marlin but she also didn't want Lucifer to be killed. She'd done exactly what Marlin told her not to do and put herself in danger but she didn't care! "
I don't know who you are but please..don't kill Lucifer.." She begged him, tears streaming down her face.
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Lucifer Marlin

The man quickly leaped back, making Lucifer miss by only a few inches this some what agitated Lucifer. The man took out a sword which was obviously specially forged 'He's far from any normal human, but his scent is the same..' Lucifer was some what still confused on how he was so fast. One moment lead to another and the man appeared in front of Lucifer slicing ferociously. Lucifer was able to manage blocking it, however Lucifer's opponent's skill gave him an advantage in this blow and despite managing to block his feather blade recoiled back and he was struck at his torso in a straight line. His wings quickly flapping once giving Lucifer distance from the man, the pain however caused him to fall mid flight back into the rubble that was made earlier. After raising his head up, he saw a fairly blurry figure which once his vision became clear he was able to recognize who it was in almost an instant "Anya!?" he said with a shocked tone "Get out of the way, idiot!" and while in a desperate position, feeling that it was his responsibility now to make sure Anya didn't have a single finger laid on her he quickly rose from the rubble. His wings were now gone, his book laying beside him it was closed, but once Lucifer picked it up and opened it he aimed his palm towards the steel-suited man that was attacking them. Opening to a page which had a picture of a chain, his eyes glowed for a short moment and a chain sprung out of his palm and quickly extended in a perfectly straight line right towards the man with the intent of impaling his right shoulder and hopefully get an better advantage in this fight. Knowing that sword-play wouldn't work against this foe due to the large difference in swordsmanship experience.





Titan heard the girl's voice and it threw him off momentarily. By the time he regained focus, the monster had thrown some type of chain at him. His mind quickly analyzed how to avoid the attack. His conclusion came out that he'd only have time to avoid a head on attack. Forcing his body to rotate in mid-air, he managed to allow himself to only be scraped by the chain, rather then hit head on. The resulting blow still sent him hurtling towards the ground.

However, Titan managed to land on his feet heavily. Hitting the ground hard so hard that the concrete actually cracked under his boots. He looked at the vampire, his mind working out a plan. Coming to a decision he dashed forward, grabbing the chain where it lay on the ground.

Once again, Titan proved his supernatural abilities. In a series of movements he combined all into one, Titan braced himself in a wide stance and rotated 180 degrees as he yanked the chain about. His arms moving in a wide arc, he aimed to pull the vampire off his feet. His strength was, if not more than, was at least equal to the strength of the vampire. The goal was to slam the vampire into something hard, heavy and preferably, made of brick. Titan had yet to see whether he'd be successful or not.

@Sinister Clown

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ModernRanger said:



Titan heard the girl's voice and it threw him off momentarily. By the time he regained focus, the monster had thrown some type of chain at him. His mind quickly analyzed how to avoid the attack. His conclusion came out that he'd only have time to avoid a head on attack. Forcing his body to rotate in mid-air, he managed to allow himself to only be scraped by the chain, rather then hit head on. The resulting blow still sent him hurtling towards the ground.

However, Titan managed to land on his feet heavily. Hitting the ground hard so hard that the concrete actually cracked under his boots. He looked at the vampire, his mind working out a plan. Coming to a decision he dashed forward, grabbing the chain where it lay on the ground.

Once again, Titan proved his supernatural abilities. In a series of movements he combined all into one, Titan braced himself in a wide stance and rotated 180 degrees as he yanked the chain about. His arms moving in a wide arc, he aimed to pull the vampire off his feet. His strength was, if not more than, was at least equal to the strength of the vampire. The goal was to slam the vampire into something hard, heavy and preferably, made of brick. Titan had yet to see whether he'd be successful or not.

@Sinister Clown

Get out of the?..Oh! She realized what he meant as soon as he launched the chain, moving out of the way just in time. That didn't really stop her crying or her panick, though. She didn't know what to do, she had to do something. She didn't know who this guy was but he seemed hellbent on killing Lucifer, she didn't want to resort to trying to kill him, namely because he'd be likely to kill them both if he tried.

After some thought, she decided what to do. It might not work, but everything shy of fighting wouldn't either probably. She ran up and hugged the man, burying her face into his armor, still crying. "Please..I'm begging you..don't kill him...." She pleaded. "I..I don't want him or anyone else to die..please.."
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.e98ae895a85fb1f9d5cd967f3cc5b010.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="99239" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.e98ae895a85fb1f9d5cd967f3cc5b010.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Oooh, Fancy Vampire King

Athena chuckled at Minerva as she followed after Justin, an amused look hinting at her eyes.

You always did like older styles, don't you, Minerva.

Mhm, indeed I do. I like this guys style, it's, old time fancy heh.

The pinkette in control rolled her eyes before hopping on to the roof after said man, noting his obliviousness to the battle at hand she went to tell him. But not before he broke out into a fit of laughter, true, it was amusing seeing a human trying to take on a Vampire. But with the battle at hand, anyone could tell that this..man..thing. Whatever the hell it was, was more than just a simple human. She felt her blood freeze at the sight of Anya, just what the hell did she think she was doing?! "Anya! Are you asking for a death?! Get away from him!" She yelled, focusing on the man and Anya, watching both their movements to see what would happen. Athena couldn't risk diving in head on right away, but like hell would she even allow the young Vampire to get herself hurt because she placed herself in a stupidly dangerous situation. @femjapanriceball @Mitchs98 @ModernRanger (Mentioned)



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[scenario:Combat///With: @Sinister Clown , @Mitchs98 , @Lucinda Darkhive ]

Titan broke the girl's grip on him. Diving forward, he rolled, coming back to his feet and turning as he did so. He managed to stand so the two...wait, three now, were all in his line of vision. He looked at them each in turn, his face hidden by his suit's mask.

Looking towards the girl that had hugged him, he gestured towards the vampire that he had been fighting,

"You want me not to kill him? I found a pile of innocent people that he had slaughtered."

His next words he addressed to all three of them.

"Who cares though right? They were just humans and you all need to eat, is that right? No, it is not right. You wonder why I have come for you all? Why I won't leave you all alone?

The answer is so simple it is almost laughable. For thousands of years, your kind has hunted my own. People have been slaughtered, families destroyed and the suffering has been off the scales. Did you really think that the human race wouldn't find a way to fight back? I am here because of your wrong doings. In a way, it is your kind and the werewolves who have created me. You all have brought about your own destruction. All must be held accountable for their actions. You are all to be held accountable for the actions of your race. For the millions whose voices cry for justice and for vengeance. Those who lives were ended at the whim of creatures like you. The human race has endured your plague long enough. Now, I have been sent as the cure. I have been sent to slaughter those who slaughter others. I am your downfall."

Justin's green eyes narrowed at the man's words. He had been watching for a while, but this was enough. His eyes flickered to Anya and he said, "Lady Athena is right, Miss Anya. You must get away from all of this, godspeed. I can tell that bad things shall happen soon if not. Sir Lucifer," And he bowed his head slightly in recognition. "I can tell that you're faring well. Will you be all right?" He looked at the human and began circling, slowly, around him, still on the ground. "Now, sir, I have to make a contradiction to what you just said. In all my life, I have never murdered INNOCENT humans. It angers me to think that you are prejudiced against us for that. No. I'll tell you what kind of people I've murdered." And, at this point, his eyes were....different. There was a sort of glint in them, a glint of anger and frustration. "I have stopped the low-life slums that steal cutlery from castles, where, I daresay, someone--ROYALTY--is still living. And it's not just cutlery. Those horrible peasants have attempted to take my own money, kill my servants, steal the clothes from my drawer--NO! I have taken the lives of shameless flirts, these flirts who disgrace their family names by courting more than one man or woman, making promises that they won't keep....and LYING! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT YOU HUMANS HAVE DONE TO US? NO! I DOUBT THAT YOU CARE, ANYWAYS! AND DO YOU KNOW HOW IT FEELS TO BE BETRAYED BY THE ONE YOU LOVE?! DO YOU?! WELL?!" Justin stopped himself. He had been rambling again. He turned away, wiping his eyes. "That's why you humans aren't innocent. You.....are a sick, lying, manipulative species. That's what you are. So don't go telling us just how horrible we are. You humans are the monsters."

@ModernRanger @Lucinda Darkhive @Mitchs98 @Sinister Clown
@femjapanriceball @ModernRanger @Kylesar1

Anya slightly ignore Athena until Titan broke her grip and started his speech. It did little to make her feel better, infact if anything she only grew more frieghtened for everyone. She'd figured out who had been doing the killings inadvertantly, that much was clear to her. Once Justin had finished speaking Anya herself chimed in. "I..I haven't killed innocent people either! I..I did when I was young but..it was an accident. I don't like killing people for no reason." She told him shakily. "But..we have family and friends too! We have just as much right to live as humans do! Sure, we might need blood to survive, but that doesn't make us monsters!" She added, wiping her eyes on her arm.

She looked between Athena, Justin, and Lucifer. "Please...be careful you guys...I don't know what I'd do if any of you got hurt." She told them. "I..I'll leave...I'm just in the way anyway." She added before walking off slowly and eventually breaking into a full run. She did a round-about so she couldn't be accurately traced to the bar before slipping in through the back door.

Walking into the back office she slumped against the door after locking it and pulled out her phone and called Marlin, she had tell him what she'd found out. Maybe he could arrive and talk things out, or something.
Athena felt bad that she'd made Anya upset, but she was out of danger now. She could apologize later, but first she'd give this wannabe "Humanity" saving bastard a piece of her mind. <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.9da22219e286b774f13af79c75e7be40.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="99349" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.9da22219e286b774f13af79c75e7be40.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> "Oh you stupid child.. I've only killed those that've deserved it, as Justin previously stated. We aren't the monsters, you are. "Innocent"? You say? Tell me, if you humans are so innocent then why do you kidnap our kind and conduct inhumane experiments on us, hm? Such experiments that leave scars so deep they can never be healed, so how dare you call us monsters. Sure our food supply is different from yours, but we do it to survive you uncultured imbecile!" Athena let out a soft, melodious yet dark laugh as she slowly let her hands fall back down to her sides. "It's not our fault that your sole race is weak and pathetic." She muttered, glaring at Titan, he was irritating her and was honestly tempted to release Minerva on him. But without her katana or chains she couldn't do much, but close ranged combat and that wasn't one of her favorite types of combat. Then again, Lucifer did look as if he was holding his own against the man named Titan, of course she wouldn't jump in without a reason. Uh, well, being attacked herself. To clarify, she had a reason.

Breathe, Athena, it's only a mortal.

I'm fine. I know it's only a mortal. @femjapanriceball @Mitchs98 (Mentioned) @ModernRanger @Sinister Clown (Mentioned)



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Titan looked at the grouping of vampires. How could they all be so stupid? Although, anyone in the wrong will always find a reason to justify their actions. It is easy to blind oneself to their crimes if one believes that the victims of their crimes are just as guilty as they are. In this case, the vampires had slaughtered far more innocents and not so innocents then anyone could keep record of. Yes, humans had found a way to kidnap and experiment on the vampires and the werewolves as well. However, that was only to find a way to survive their attacks. The vampires and the werewolves had been the ones who declared war against the humans. It was they who had struck first.

"You pretend to be the victims. You throw out these false statistics, stating that we started all of this. Just because one or two of you don't kill the innocent does not mean that there is not a problem with the rest of your kind. I am no stupid being. I spent years examining both sides and deciding whether or not I was doing the right thing. My conclusion....yes, stopping your kind is the right thing. Because all your kind has done is kill and kill and kill. We humans are not perfect but we have far less murderers than your kind. You killed this innocent people without even giving them their chance to fight back. At least when I was fighting your friend here, I was only using 10% of my power. Had I wanted to slaughter him, he would be nothing but a pile of blood and limbs right now. However, I did not slaughter him and do you know why? Because that would make me just like you. Consider this my first and only warning.......Find a new food source, otherwise I shall return and this time, I will not show mercy. I will do what I have been sent to do. Think about it....hopefully, you come back with the right answer. I'll be here, three day hence when the full moon is at its highest point in the sky.....choose wisely."

Just like that he was gone. No sign of his passing or the direction he had gone, he had simply disappeared.


@Lucinda Darkhive


@Sinister Clown [Mentioned]

Lucifer Marlin

Lucifer's eyes dimmed down slightly, as he seen what conspired between the human and the other's. Sure the guy was a little faster than Lucifer expected him to be and had a few tricks up his sleeve, but that didn't make him any greater than the rest of the other's now standing around each other. He chuckled at him and cracked his index finger "Oh boy, you talk big.." however before he was able to say anything else he got up and vanished, once everything seemed to cool down Lucifer headed back into the bar and approached Anya. "Miss Anya are you okay?" he asked with curious eyes, not seeming at all fazed by the events which just occured although the man who he just encountered was impressive...He wasn't all what the man thought he was "Justice" he said musing at the comment with disbelief "What a pathetic statement coming from a human, has he never heard of the food chain?" patting himself off from some dust, he always found humans amusing for what they believed to be 'morally right or wrong'. To a man like Lucifer these two things were just stupid reasons to make certain choices in life, human would justify their in-just actions by saying it was for survival...But once it come to a creature that preys on humans for survival? They are branded a monster's and corrupt beings. They best part about it all was the fact even if you were to explain this to their face, the naive beings they are would deny the truth anyway. "Would you like me to look into this person more? You shouldn't worry so much about me little, sweet Anya~" he said with a gracious smirk "Who knows, this man might be what's causing the random deaths at late."


@ModernRanger (Mentioned)
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"Why, you arrogant--" Justin started to say, but that damn human was already gone. He clenched his fists for a moment, but his grip eventually loosened. Lucifer was already gone, so Justin wasn't able to thank him. No matter. He would be able to do it later. He looked over where Athena was and sighed. "Well, that man was a coward. From what I could tell, he ran for the hills after he finished his sermon. I wonder why....oh, dear....I'm not taking things seriously again." Justin chuckled and turned towards the pile of bodies. Spinning the handle of his teacup around his index finger, the blonde walked over to one of the many bodies and proceeded to take any remaining blood from it. "I'll be there," he whispered darkly, lifting the teacup to his lips and sipping from it. His face brightened. "Ah, the O types always cheer me up. Would you like some?" He opened up his cloak, taking out another teacup and offering it to Athena. There was a smile on his face. It wasn't exactly genuine, but it wasn't fake either.

@Lucinda Darkhive



Titan had a plan and it was a cruel one. He knew very well what their answer would be. He knew there was no way they would surrender their food source. They enjoyed what they did far too much. He knew how to make himself their number one target, he knew what to do. Yet they would hate him far more than they already did. What choice did he have though. He had his orders, he had his belief system and he knew that these monsters would never stop. The only way to protect the innocent was to show the monsters that he was far more vicious than they were. That he would find a way to stop them, regardless of what they did. Pulling up his communication system up link that resided within his helmet, Titan sent his command a message.

Supply Drop
I need three ten gallon drums of Holy Water.


@ModernRanger (Mentioned)

(The round I'm in ended with them forfeiting so i can has post nao)

Anya didn't question how Lucifer got in, nor did she care. What mattered was he was alright. She instantly ran up and hugged him shedding tears of joy. "I'm fine! Of course I'd worry about you, you're my family after all, and family always worries about each other." She told him happily before sniffling and wiping her eyes. She was estatic that he was relatively un-harmed, she didn't know what she would of done if he ended up dead.

Dad isn't answering his phone..I was going to tell him about that Titan guy possibly being the killer like you said. It would make sense based on his speech." She told him before pulling away. She quickly texted Marlin a very angry text detailing for him to get his butt to the bar and that she had important information for him. "And no, I don't want you endangering yourself. Dad can get his council to look into the guy." She added.
Marlin was up and running. He was bustling around the house getting things done until his meeting started, when Anya called. Since he was Anya's father, she never really called him to say she loved him or talk about her college classes or whatever else, so when the call came in, he was immediately on guard.

He was busy, but never put his business over his fam. "Hello?" He tried to answer, but the call ended as he was swiping to answer it.

Not long later, not even a minute, he got an angry text from Anya. It looked to be quite urgent. Marlinmade his way to the bar, which was about 10-15 minutes. When he arrived, he crashed in. "What the hell's going on?"

Lucifer Marlin

Lucifer grit his teeth at Anya's comment "I've lived through a lot worse Anya darling..This man thinks very highly of himself but people like that often end up having quick falls, I mean I convinced the whole world that Hitler was the most evil and corrupt man living when the whole time it was all my doing..I'm sure this wouldn't be so hard." he said as he flexed his hands, glaring at the condition of his nails. About five minutes later the boss walked in and asked about the situation in a rather stressful tone "I think I may have found a suspect..Or more the suspect found me." he said with a few blinks, he didn't explain things that well but figured he'd understand the moment Lucifer uttered the words 'Suspect.'


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.699a8b4247f8f816c9503ad4a7b4edd2.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="99875" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.699a8b4247f8f816c9503ad4a7b4edd2.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Athena smiled at his gesture and nodded her head, "Thank you." She replied before looking at where the man was as she moved to stand next to Justin. "Indeed he was a coward, but I wouldn't doubt his abilities. Maybe his knowledge and intellect, but those characteristics can always be changed." She mumbled a bit, her eyes locked in on the spot. They dimmed a bit from their normal bright hazel, but this was only due to her thinking. She stayed quiet for a moment before nodding to herself, <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.gif.d0a574d2fbdf383fba107ff27633972f.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="99880" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.gif.d0a574d2fbdf383fba107ff27633972f.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> "Alright, human. If it's a war you wish to start, it is a war you'll get." She then turned to Justin and gently took the tea cup from him after he filled it with blood, and took a sip. "I need to tell, Marlin and prepare.." There was so much to evaluate and calculate, now this is what she enjoyed. Being psychotic, it was who she was, hence her dual personality. She hated having to be calm for the sake of appearances and whatnot. It annoyed her, but every once in a while someone would be just the right amount of stupid and flip her switch. That was where she belonged, it was where she thrived and was at her best.

So.. War preparation time?

Hell. Fucking. Yes.

Minerva smirked, she loved it when her counterpart got like this.




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