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Realistic or Modern The Blood Wars-Reboot

Edamus smiled, pulling off his hood and exposing his face. He was not intending to startle the man, but seeing someone with snake like features (like the scales around his eyes and the fangs protruding from his mouth) were a little disconcerting, so he was expecting a startled reaction. "Ssso, you're the new vampire whose name isssss Dracula?" He said, his tongue flicking in and out much like a snake's. "Are you sssomehow related to the original Dracula? Or a descendant of his perhapsss?" He took another swig of his Bloodier Mary, watching the steam rising from the other man's cup of tea.
@femjapanriceball @Kylesar1 @Sinister Clown

Anya giggled at Justins reactions to what Lucifer and her had told him. "Ooh what project? You gotta show me later." She told him, curious. She frowned when Vani said he had to go almost as quick as he had arrived and waved at him. Soon after Marlin walked in, Anya was curious as to why he was here but excited nontheless. Sitting, or rather slamming her glass down just shy of shattering it, she ran over to Marlin excitedly and hugged him. "Hey dad!" She told him excitedly. Even if he wasn't her real father she still saw him as her father, normally she'd shy away from him when he was in a bad mood, but he didn't seem to be in one right now so she was happy. "Meet Justin Dracula." She told him, breaking the hug and turning to point to Justin. "He's kinda crazy." She added, whispering to Marlin.

The elevator door opened and Elysa stepped out imediently, not wanting to be near the guy that was in the elevator. He really needs to take a shower. How can someone like that get into a luxurious hotel like this? She shook her head then breath in the better smelling air. Stupid nose, she thought, why must you pick up every smell? "I have lost my appetite," she sighed then stepped out of the hotel. She could strongly smell the blood, humans blood, from close by and a smile graced her face. She started wondering down the busy street of New York with no destination. Several centuries has passed since she last came to New York. This city, in her eyes, hasn't change much at all.

Elysa suddenly stopped at the entrance of an alleyway as she could strongly smell the blood from inside the alley. There was a presence in the alleyway and, out of curiosity, she entered. Blood was spattered all over the wall.
"My my, what a beautiful painting," she said out loud. As she looked further into the alley way, she could she a person holding a woman. That person was a supernatural. Her eyes wondered from them to a small light on the ground. It was a phone which seems to be on a call to someone. She ignored it, since it wasn't hers. "You must like painting," she said to the mask person, who was still holding the woman, with a smile.

@Sinister Clown
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His body did not move, not even granting the bold young woman not even as so much as an impulsive reaction out of it. The man simply stood still, letting cold yet soft hands cover his vision, obscuring the sky he felt ever so fond of. Who was she to disrupt his peace? A rather cheeky individual, no doubt. No doubt he would have immediately restrain her from even so much as touching him, if not for her surprising words of all things. Was she attempting to be poetic? They had a certain charm to it despite its simplicity, something that came as pleasant for a man of simple tastes like himself. Her voice, however, was perhaps something to be disappointed by. He would expect a cryptic tint to it, mysterious. But he was only greeted with nonchalance, which in return sparked a somewhat curiosity from his part…

The moment her hands abandoned his skin, he slowly turned around, now facing the one who had pulled him back to reality. What was a female of her kind doing in a place like this? Was she even aware of the activities taking place in the club? Or had she naively stumbled upon such a paradise of lust and pleasure? The latter did not seem to be the case, given the nature of her behavior. No, she was…different. A creature of the night, no doubt. He could tell from her scent alone, along with her impeccable beauty. Now, the question was…a Purist or just another vampire? It was still too soon to get a clear answer.

“…The darkness is not as horrible as you make it sound.” Zen allowed the corners of his mouth to twist, eyeing the stranger with his golden eye. “Ignorance is a bliss, as they say. But you don’t seem to hold thoughts of such nature within you. Not from what I can tell. Then again, I might just be a terrible judge of character.” He rambled, leaning against the railing as he did so. Why would she be in the balcony instead of feasting upon the blood of those inside? Why come here? Lost in doubt he found himself once again.

Lucifer mused at the scene, nodding his head at Anya confirming her request "Of course, I'll show you whenever you have free time." suddenly it seemed that a man with a lisp in his speech walked in. The man was none other than the nature freak show of the family, Lucifer often liked recalling him as 'Snape'. For some odd reason he always reminded Lucifer of that man from the books he read. Another man walked in, someone that Anya referred to as 'Father' looking over to the man he tilted his head, confused for a moment 'Father? That doesn't look like her father to me..' he thought to himself in his head, however he ended up coming to the conclusion she saw him as a fatherly figure and that blood relations had nothing to do with it. Looking back to Justin he bowed his head slightly taking his head and rubbing his cheek against it "It's lovely to meet you." leaning back he took another sip from his glass, he couldn't help but feel a little thrown off by what Anya said. 'Father?' what a curious thought..Lucifer wasn't normally the one to wonder what it would be like to have a father but with Anya mentioning it Lucifer couldn't help but wondering. "So Justin, do you have anywhere to stay tonight?"


@Kylesar1 (Mentioned)


Tremki was mid way throught tearing into the flesh of the woman and feasting away, his mask and clothes now being completely covered in blood. He heard footsteps in the distance, looking over he saw a woman walk out. She spoke with confidence and from the looks she really liked the color red, instantly thinking in his head 'Blue & red~' referring his thoughts to the both of them he raised his head up slowly. Slipping his mask back down before standing back up, slowly nodding at the woman's response. He kept both of his arms hanging down by his sides, barely gripping his short blades. "Tremki likes your hair.." he said softly, his mask muffling his voice slightly he swayed back and forth slowly.

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Vani scoffed again, this time at Takashi. "You know I always come when business calls. I stay on top of the game." Vani was no joke when it came to business. Takashi was a very respectable person. Werewolves in general were nowhere near as classy as vampires. They were nature's jocks. "As you know, I'm here to seal a deal. I suppose I could hang around for a bit, since I haven't had my share of wine this evening. I've been getting more and more deals lately. the tensions between you guys and the Blackbloods are getting worse and worse by the day. A double-edged sword."

Elysa's eyes flickered to the blades that he was carrying then back at him. He was covered in blood, from top to bottom, but his hair, somehow, kept its blue colour. She tucked her unnaturally red hair behind her ears then smiled. "You like it? Oh, I can dye that pretty blue hair of yours red, if you like," she said in a slightly playful tone, "is your hair naturally blue?" She walked around him then bend down to pick up the phone but stopped. She didn't have her gloves with her, which means that she might leave some finger prints on that device. She stood up again, leaving the phone where it was. "I'm Lysa, pleasure to meet you," she said, as she extended one of her hands towards him, "you're Tremki...correct?"

@Sinister Clown
Lucifer had drunk down the rest of his glass almost at the same time the Head of the Blackbloods had asked who he was. His eyes motioning towards the man however his posture stayed the same. Lifting his hand up after placing down his glass as a sign to get him another drink he gave the man a warm smile "My name is Lucifer Marlin, funny don't you think?" he examined the man quickly, he seemed to be younger than Lucifer was "I've been apart of the blackbloods for nearly over five hundred years now." his eyes dimmed for a moment as he mentioned the last part, seeming some what insulted that the new head of the family didn't notice who he was.





Tremki tilted his head, the woman didn't seem to fazed by what had just happened so it was safe to presume she was on the same side. Lifting his mask up and shifting up on top of his head, his hair fell beside his eyes like bangs. Taking a step forward, his expression seemed to be in awe. Glaring down towards the woman's hand, he wasn't very familiar with the gesture but in the way she held it felt as if he were meant to do the same. Reaching to her hand and grasping it fairly tightly before letting go and nodding "Tremki likes his hair but thankyou..And yes for some reason Tremki has always had this color!" he didn't feel the need to address who he was, the way he spoke said it all.

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Tristan wandered about after picking up the scents of his fellow pack members and trying to find them. "Always running off, hmm..." he smelt the familiar scent of a caramel latte and sighed, it was Takashi's. "My oh my," he hummed to himself as he continued walking, attempting to find them all again.

"Kino, Takashi, Vani!" Tristan shouted out as he joined the other white haired wolves, impeccable posture and perfect teeth. "Now now young one, what's the matter?" He asked smiling as the man readjusted his gloves and gave a kind sweet smile to them all.


"Where is he?! Jeeze! I'll be bored before the nights even started! " she moaned as Avalin then smiled to herself. "I could go find Lysa? Considering Zen is..." she caught the scent of the vampire hybrid and chuckled as she saw the vampire girl standing with him. "Trying to get his game on," Avalin laughed before walking across the street and following the scent, only to be overloaded with the stench of blood. Running at full speed she came across a man biting into the woman and who had just dropped her phone. Grabbing the phone she chuckled into it, acting was a particular specialty of hers. "Lennie girl! That was so good! Our acting career is going to go through the roof! Wait?! Who is this? Lennie you actually dialed the police? Oh I'm sorry officers we were just rehearsing! I'm so sorry," she ended the call before turning to the man and seeing Lysa there too. "Two birds with one stone, Lysa, Tremki, " she nodded as the girl then crushed the phone in her hand. Avalin looked at her mixed blood members with a sigh, playing with her galaxy hair.
Elysa watched as Avalin, a hybrid, entered the scene. She stayed quiet as Avalin talked to the phone to the police. "Hi Avalin!" She greeted her fellow hybrid, "it's been so long!" Elysa threw herself at Avalin and gave her a hug. She forgot how long it's been since she last saw Avalin and those who are in The Mix. She let go of Avalin then she caught the sight of two figures turning into the alleyway. They were a couple, giggling like a couple of stupid children. Elysa turned back to Tremki and Avalin. "Well, shall we leave them or kill them?" A strange smile appeared on her face, "I don't mind which one. I do want a drink though."

@Sinister Clown @LaDyGrEy
Kino jumped a little when he heard Tristan's footsteps and then relaxed just a ttad when he realized who it was. "Hello Tristan." He said quietly. "I just.... Um...." He stood on tiptoe to reach the older Werewolf's ear. "I heard some screams, and I smell blood." He whispered, then went back down to his flat-footed position. He smiled at Vani. "A double-edged sword?" His ears perked up.
"Let's not go down that road." Vani said, not wanting to spoil the twisted but friendly mood that seemed to have set in. Vani was visually uncomfortable with the whole blood thing going on here. He had his hand in his robe, fiddling with his gun, which didn't come with a safety setting. The wind blew and it was slightly chilly out there. Then came a carnage as some innocents were slaughtered. These kind of deaths gained news attention. "You guys should really do something about the bodies after you do your killing. The news is getting more and more on it with these kind of deaths." It seemed like these guys didn't think before they acted, typical of werwolves. Vani had to do the thinking when out with the wolves on multiple occasions, like a grandfather. "I'll take care of the bodies."

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Takashi grinned, slightly amused. "Of course. My apologies, how could I ever have expected any less. Please, come inside." He insisted. As he saw Tristan arrive he nodded a greeting. "Welcome Tristan. Care to join us?" Even though I was just heading out...where was I planning to go again?

He shook the thought off as he had one of the hosts hold the door open. When the mention of blood came out of Kino's mouth and Vani's comment entered his ears his eyes narrowed, but he let out a calm voice, "You think we are rather careless yeah? We simply cannot be bothered with such trivial matters. I'm sure we can make an extra deal involving clean up issues." He added the last bit concerning to Vani's message about being able to take care of it. Normally he wouldn't have the younger ones involved with such matters but he gave Kino a look of approval to accompany them inside the building. Kino had been trough death before, it was no secret, and it might be a good opportunity to allow him to see how business was conducted. Tristan had come from a wealthy off family, just as Takashi had. Although he seemed to have a much more grandeur atmosphere, while Takashi refrained from the luxurious entrances and style. However Takashi respected Tristan, and often worked with him to carry out duties, so he was one of the wolves that Takashi didn't feel like killing.

@sitanomoto @Kylesar1 @LaDyGrEy
@femjapanriceball @Sinister Clown

Anya giggled to herself at the exchange between Lucifer and Marlin, rather amused by Lucifers hurt expression. Other than that she stayed mostly silent while the two talked until Marlin asked about Vani. "Um. He left shortly before you got here, he said something about having to leave for business after getting a phone call." She told him, shrugging before walking back over to where she was sitting and sitting down facing Marlin. "I'm not really sure what it was, but it seemed important and stuff." She added.

She was slightly dissapointed that Vani had left almost as soon as he came, she might've tried to follow him and see where he went if Marlin hadn'tve walked in. Oh well, too late now.

Luna stared at the man that turned to face her, her eyes, or rather her eye- as one was covered by her bangs- pierced into his.

A few seconds passed by like so; an unchanging moment in time, with the music now soft and seemingly distant upon the balcony. Finally, offering a small mysterious grin she spoke, "Ah, I suppose you are correct. Yet as the darkness illuminates one's true desires, the mask people often hide by in daylight melts away. So we are forced to face our true selves." She tilted her head, examining the guy a little more thoroughly. He's trying to figure me out. Narrowing her eyes slightly, "But I suppose you could say I'm blind." Her voice remained rather emotionless even if her eyes betrayed that.

Watching him lean against the railing she stepped closer. "I'm looking for someone." The man in front of her was quite tall compared to herself, yet she didn't hesitate in pulling on the collar of his shirt to draw his face closer to hers. Most figured a move like this might be daring on a first meeting, but Luna found life too short to bother with the little rules society had built. She focused on his eyes. I'm older...but not by an extreme amount.

A sudden breeze blew through the warm environment, causing her bangs to swish sideways, revealing her heterochromia eyes. In Luna's golden eye a swirl of black wisps encircled her pupil. It had been that way ever sine she had been turned. It gave her the ability to tell someone's age as well as heal. It seemed to be the ultimate root of her powers as a creature of the night. Flinching she released her grip on the man and stepped back. She absently brushed the hair back with her right hand, her fingers lingering a bit before falling down her face to reside at her side. For some reason when people saw her golden eye clearly it made her feel a tad bit vulnerable and shy. So keeping it covered insured her confidence in doing whatever she was doing.

"Since you are already gracing me with your presence, perhaps you'll offer me a name?" A hint of curiosity was laced in her voice...and...something else; seemingly sadistic? Fearful? Challenging? One couldn't tell. @Mine
Kino's fluffy white tail wagged slightly as he followed Vani, Tristan, and Takashi inside, his ears flat in a position of respect for the much older Werewolves and Vani. He took out a small cylindrical piece of wood and his pocketknife and began to whittle a shape into it, the shavings of wood falling to the ground like snowflakes.
Lucifer mused over the boy, he was definitely interesting. Not expecting the whole formal apology he giggled to himself and waved his hand in a 'shoo' gesture. "Oh no it's fine" musing at his statement he bit on the end of his thumbs nail for a moment "You'll give me a big head from doing that." having a slight blush on his face which faded a moment after it appeared. After his next glass came and Lucifer took a swig from the glass, he focused back on the Head of the Blackbloods "Well while I have you here, is there anything that good ole' me could do for you?" a warm smile climbed his face as he switched his attention between the three. (Anya, Dracula dude I think his name was & Marlin)




Tremki wasn't too sure what had just happened, another woman approached the scene. Seeming to take the phone from the lady he had just finished with earlier, putting on some innocent act before hanging up. Tremki wasn't completely sure what she just did or who she was talking to, even more or why? Deciding to dimiss the idea he focused on the current situation at hand. Elysa offering them to feast on a helpless couple who also unfortunately entered the intercrossing of Alleyways. With a wide grin Tremki shifted his mask down over his face, his blue hair falling in place he gripped on to his short blades. One second after the other Tremki appeared in different locations, each time seeming to be appearing closer & closer to the couple. A childish giggle emitting from the boys once he reached the both of them. He came in with one foul swoop, striking their stomachs and landing a critical strike towards them. If they hadn't died by other means from the other two women. Than it would be from their insides falling out from their stomachs. Tremki gives them a hollow look "Don't worry, Tremki's made you free." giggling still even after, the two civilians would had screamed..If they could.

@EverlastingLife @LaDyGrEy

(It's so weird seeing a character in the Rp have my RL name....Whoever has the character named 'Tristan' let me know where you got the idea for the name from :P )
sitanomoto said:
Edamus smiled, pulling off his hood and exposing his face. He was not intending to startle the man, but seeing someone with snake like features (like the scales around his eyes and the fangs protruding from his mouth) were a little disconcerting, so he was expecting a startled reaction. "Ssso, you're the new vampire whose name isssss Dracula?" He said, his tongue flicking in and out much like a snake's. "Are you sssomehow related to the original Dracula? Or a descendant of his perhapsss?" He took another swig of his Bloodier Mary, watching the steam rising from the other man's cup of tea.
"The original Dracula?" Justin chuckled. "Yes, you could say that we're very, VERY close. Almost the same person," he added, hinting a bit.

Mitchs98 said:
@femjapanriceball @Kylesar1 @Sinister Clown
Anya giggled at Justins reactions to what Lucifer and her had told him. "Ooh what project? You gotta show me later." She told him, curious. She frowned when Vani said he had to go almost as quick as he had arrived and waved at him. Soon after Marlin walked in, Anya was curious as to why he was here but excited nontheless. Sitting, or rather slamming her glass down just shy of shattering it, she ran over to Marlin excitedly and hugged him. "Hey dad!" She told him excitedly. Even if he wasn't her real father she still saw him as her father, normally she'd shy away from him when he was in a bad mood, but he didn't seem to be in one right now so she was happy. "Meet Justin Dracula." She told him, breaking the hug and turning to point to Justin. "He's kinda crazy." She added, whispering to Marlin.
@Mitchs98[/URL] (Mentioned)


@Kylesar1 (Mentioned)


Tremki was mid way throught tearing into the flesh of the woman and feasting away, his mask and clothes now being completely covered in blood. He heard footsteps in the distance, looking over he saw a woman walk out. She spoke with confidence and from the looks she really liked the color red, instantly thinking in his head 'Blue & red~' referring his thoughts to the both of them he raised his head up slowly. Slipping his mask back down before standing back up, slowly nodding at the woman's response. He kept both of his arms hanging down by his sides, barely gripping his short blades. "Tremki likes your hair.." he said softly, his mask muffling his voice slightly he swayed back and forth slowly.

"Ah, no, I don't," Justin said, replying to what Lucifer had said. "I just arrived here and I don't really know anybody here."

Kylesar1 said:
Vani scoffed again, this time at Takashi. "You know I always come when business calls. I stay on top of the game." Vani was no joke when it came to business. Takashi was a very respectable person. Werewolves in general were nowhere near as classy as vampires. They were nature's jocks. "As you know, I'm here to seal a deal. I suppose I could hang around for a bit, since I haven't had my share of wine this evening. I've been getting more and more deals lately. the tensions between you guys and the Blackbloods are getting worse and worse by the day. A double-edged sword."


Marlin hugged Anya back, then looked to Justin and held out his hand to shake. "Nice to see you again, Dracula. I suppose you're not just here in the states for a vacation, so what brings you out to my humble bar?" His choice in destination was awfully specific, so he wasn't here for no reason. Marlin retained a mutual respect with the Dracula family. Mostly business and nothing else. They were a high-class family. The snobby type he didn't like to deal with at length. Another guy was there. He nodded to Lucifer. The same nod of respect that men seemed to give each other. "And who might you be?" While he was the head of the Blackbloods, in no way could he know every member of them. "My name is Marlin Sandrow, the owner of this bar."


@Sinister Clown

"What brings me here?" Justin repeated. "Several things. A wish for change, a desire for adventure, and of course, duty as a cousin to the Blackbloods. I have come to represent the Draculas and help with what is going on. Word certainly spreads fast, you know." He lifted his teacup and took a sip from it.
femjapanriceball said:
"The original Dracula?" Justin chuckled. "Yes, you could say that we're very, VERY close. Almost the same person," he added, hinting a bit.
"Ah, no, I don't," Justin said, replying to what Lucifer had said. "I just arrived here and I don't really know anybody here."

"What brings me here?" Justin repeated. "Several things. A wish for change, a desire for adventure, and of course, duty as a cousin to the Blackbloods. I have come to represent the Draculas and help with what is going on. Word certainly spreads fast, you know." He lifted his teacup and took a sip from it.
Edamus laughed, taking the hint. "Sssounds like you and he mussst have had some good conversationsss." He grinned, showing off his fangs in the light of the Zone. "How long have you heard about the war?" He asked, his tongue doing its snake like thing again.
Avalin was graced by a hug which she did not respond, yes it was nice and all that and she didn't mind but it was so sudden she practically ignored the act. "Great to see you too," she replied instead. Then Avalin also saw the couple, she wasn't hungry but the others seemed to be very into it and the girl always liked to prove her worth. She was about to reply before Tremki had disembodied the 2.

That was my kill. Avalin thought and rolled her eyes in annoyance. "Go ahead you two, I couldn't care less, I need a real challenge," she muttered standing there watching the blood and their insides become their outsides.


Tristan smiled as he listened to Vani with a nod, true he was an immortal human but even so, Tristan still felt like a grandson to the man like he was a wolf himself. "I do apologize although it it's much trouble at all to move the bodies Sir, days have been busy, we can pass them off as animal attacks, it simply isn't a problem, " his posh accent sounded as he followed the others, fiddling with his white gloves as the man looked at Kino, leaving the shavings on the floor.

"Master Kino, do ensure that you pick those up, we wouldn't want guests to think we are untidy," he gave a warm loving smile to the boy before tuning his attention back to to the man. "We are more than capable to deal with our business," the white haired wolf smiled before looking to Takashi with a smile, acknowledging the other wolf.

"I would love to, sir," Tristan patted down his suit and followed onwards.

((It was me! @Sinister Clown I don't actually remember where I heard it! I think it was a show or a film maybe? Maybe a book!))
Vani sighed. Of course. He'd just insulted their intelligence, so a hostile response was reasonable. Still though, not bothering with a cleanup was the definition of careless, which dropped the ball a bit. "I'll leave cleanup to you then."

Vani walked into the building, keeping behind the group. The werewolves had a pack mentality, which was a no shit assumption. The host had to lead while the guests had to take the back. It was an alpha wolf type deal. Him taking the lead would be offensive.


This place was incredible. It was much louder than The Zone, but it was still quieter than most bars and was definitely a go-to place for Vani if he wanted a social drink, whereas a solitude drink at The Zone

Marlin thought for a moment. Lucifer was a master of chaos, and had a smooth tongue. He kept his guard up while talking and draining a glass. "Nothing as of now. You're free to just enjoy yourself. I was here on business." The business with Silvermoon has gotten nothing but worse recently on account of the recent deaths from both families. An all out war may be imminent. The Silvermoon are not only denying responsibility for the deaths, but they're blaming THEM for the Silvermoon deaths.

Oh, so the riddles would not stop here, hm? Well, it couldn't exactly call them so, as her words still felt clear as they resonated within him, as well as his own. But even Zen could not deny the crypticness of the exchange. If onlookers were to gaze upon them, they would assume it would just be a casual conversation, perhaps even a subtle attempt at seduction. Velvet Pleasure was no cafe to speak of but it did have its class. He had always make sure of it. Her words held a somewhat beauty to them, however, as well as truth. Could she be talking out of experience...? Or not...? In spite of her voice devoid of any clear emotions, her eyes, seemingly observing him with curiosity, showed she was not entirely lacking in interest. If such was not the case, why wouldn't she simply walk away? The vampire wished something from him. But what exactly? Zen was feigned ignorance regarding this detail.

"...I have a hard time believing that." He spoke up at last, his arms resting upon the railing as a wry chuckle escaped his lips. But he did not question her for it. He believed she had her own reasons to say such a thing. And it was not his place to intrude. He was not particularly interested either. If there was one thing Zen knew about vampires, it was that no good would come from growing close to one. Not that he believed that he had high prospects for this interaction. He was somewhat caught by surprise by her action. But his face did not betray him, keeping intact his calm, serene expression. Daring, bold, if he did not know any better, Zen would condemn this little girl for her foolishness. But he knew better. This female was no ordinary creature. He dared even say that she was...stronger, no, older than she appeared to be. Perhaps he was being delusional, of course. But when had his instinct betrayed him after all these centuries? "...Name?" There was no need to beat around the Bush, not anymore. Zen was not scared, far from it. The prospect of his deduction being correct was...enticing, exciting. He loved danger, he always did. Her eyes told him what he wanted to hear just by staring intensely at them. Such sincerity could be captured by them, in contrast to the girl's own mannerisms and expressions. A faint smirk dominated his handsome features. And not just that, so it seemed. They held something more to them. When she released him at last, he could not help but feel bemused by her earnest reaction, far more entertaining than seeing her do her best to intimidate him. A pity it came as a rarity, oh well. Zen once again let his body lean upon the railing, folding his arms.

"An introduction?" After all that display, she requested his name...? What a bizarre little thing she was. "...Zen. Zen Williams." He spoke up after sighing, brushing his dark blue locks with his long, slender fingers. "And you...?" He questioned her, tilting his head ever so lightly to the side. "Do you wish to keep that uncanny act of yours a bit longer or shall we face each other properly in this fine night?"

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Kino nodded to Tristan and stooped to pick up the shavings from the ground, gently holding them in his palm. He opened a little pouch that he held at his waist and brushed the wood shavings into it. He put the cylinder away but kept out his pocketknife. He ran his thumb over the word "Kit" engraved in it, his ears twitching in remembrance.

A sleek grin crossed the vampire's face. Uncanny act he says. He must be quite the observant one. Luna's eyes glowed, after seeing the male made no effort to smite her after her actions she giggled a bit insidiously. "If anyone's uncanny it is you, Mr. Zen." Her eyes glistened with mischief and her voice dropped the emotionless vibe; flowing into a soft and velvety texture. "Luna Levette. You could say I'm a black rabbit of the city." Black rabbit was a term commonly used to categorize individuals that didn't pledge loyalty to any particular faction. Hence, being an outcast or a loner.

How much she wanted to deeply slice through his flesh now, being a rather impatient individual. Yet based off of his stature and aura it would be more difficult than the average kidnapping. It appeared as though she would have to tread lightly, something she despised. That is, if he had not already figured her out. I'm sure he has. So does it really matter now? There is not any use to hide behind such suspiciously alluring language.

Luna looked up at Zen for a few seconds, studying him, before speaking, "I want to play with you." There was something unnatural hidden in her eyes; as if she was still not speaking her mind completely. Letting a thin blade slip from her sleeve she reached up and drew it over the side of his neck, a small trickle of blood dripped onto the silver weapon. Bringing it to her lips, there seemed to be a hint of uncertainty flash in her eyes before she licked it off gingerly. "Mm...tangible for once." So my body isn't rejecting it. That fact thrilled her, for often she went a week or two without feeding; as she required particular hosts otherwise it would make her sick. Another reason she tried to avoid blood bars, it made her nauseus at times, unfortunately an obscure weakness of hers. Most hybrid blood wasn't edible to her, so even though playing with them was entertaining, she wouldn't be getting a meal out of it. However, there was a part of her that doubted, no, knew she wouldn't get as much of a reaction from Zen as she would others. At least, not the same typical one. The knife was pure silver, something neither species was particularly fond of. Not that it was devastatingly harmful, but rather an irritating sensation. "Zen, as alluring as midnight itself and with eyes that observe and judge my every breath, won't you remove your mask as well?" Her voice was not seductive, but cryptic, almost as if she were reading a line from a horror story from which she already had anticipated a particular ending. She dared to keep her distance short from his, her unwavering stance remained and she didn't take her eyes off him. Intimidating? No. Yet getting hurt was simply not one of her fears, rather quite the opposite. @Mine

(I'll reply for Takashi after work today has been busy for me)
Takashi went through the doors leading the way. The atmosphere was busy as usual, yet classy to maintain a sophisticated atmosphere. With werewolves things were much more flexible, and if it appeared careless to others, so be it. They managed to get things done, just as Tristan had mentioned. Little problems ocurred within the building.

His expression reverted back to its original seriousness with a nonchalant attitude.

He lead them into a VIP room sideways from the bar, it had glass windows with views from the city as well as the bar.

The room contained a souple black couch with a small coffee table beside a larger table with chairs around it. The windows, or walls rather, could be tinted at will of a switch on the side glass wall. There was also a mini drinks bar inside, with a personal bar tender. "Please, enjoy this setting tonight, normally I wouldn't mind discussing deals in the open of the bar, yet some situations could call for privacy." Or maybe Takashi just wanted an excuse to use the fancy room, who knew. He sat down in one of the chairs and crossed his fingers together, waiting for them to get situation so they could discuss things. The whole clean up talk didn't phase him much, if anything it was slightly an annoying topic. Yet he was thankful Tristan dealt with that.

However this particular meeting pertained to weaponry, a topic that piqued Takashi's interest greatly. @sitanomoto @LaDyGrEy @Kylesar1

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