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Fantasy ☯-⊕The Age of Kemonomimi⊕-☯

Well, he did tell me to mee him outside. Megumi thought, not able to find Zenario inside the brotherhood. Deciding that's where he was, she quickly walked outside and caught a glimpse of him, and two others. "Are you ready to go?" She asked, running up to him, not paying attention whatsoever to the robot in front of her.


(Pumping this out quickly. Sorry if it isn't the best.)
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Caius Amadeo Fauna

Caius followed the guard through the streets of the Fauna Kingdom. He couldn't help but let his eyes wonder over all the young couples enjoying each other's presence, and he proudly turned his head away from any lonely straying eyes that tried to catch his golden own. Still, with two guards and a prince, most of the kemonomimi were doing everything in their power to stay out of their way, content enough to enjoy their loved ones' companionship. Which was fine and dandy for Caius...none of them were beautiful enough to compare to himself, anyways.

Finally the trio made it to a cafe where Casper was rumored to have been spotted. And who should have been sitting
lazily in the front, a decadent display of food all around him and cute little pig kemonomimi in tow?

"So, Casper," Caius began, stepping ahead of the guards to stand primly in front of the ram, "Glad to see you've been enjoying your Mate Day. You even have such a cute partner, too. How nice, that our citizens can spend a day in relaxation, knowing that the people in charge of guarding them," he motioned behind him to Ciel and Aren, "are not letting a palace-destroying, probably dangerous human robot invasion topple the city right under their noses."

Here he got right up close and personal to the Guard, eyes flashing.

"Because that would be a shame, wouldn't it? Certain kemonomimi could get fired for such slovenliness, couldn't they?" For the first time truly acknowledging the pig girl, Caius turned to address her. "Sorry to cut your little date short, but in case you didn't know, there is a crisis in this city. And we'll be needing to take Casper here back to, you know, actually do whatever it is he'd getting paid for."

Horatio looks at Fero "Why do you say that? If you ask me, you two seem to be a perfect match..." he said calmly as he analyzed the situation "What makes you think that she hates you?" he asked with confusion as he took out a cherry blossom petal and held it in his hand.

< @Zareh >

"I.." he hesitated. "I don't know. I love her so much, and when I made her run off... I thought I had hurt her." Fero says. Suddenly, his ears perk up a bit, and he asks "Do you really think we're a perfect match?" He asks excitedly, sitting up in the bed. "What makes you think that?"
Once EI was done and had tested her work she set up some marks on nearby rocks, she would have the guard s of this place practice, though seeing as the sun was going on and the music was still going as no longer were the people restricted to the daytime for activities with her lights they could party all night. This also meant they could practice at night instead of wasting day light.

EI soon went back to the village and after interrupting the music stopping everyone's good time and demanding that all those that guarded the town come with her thus ending their chances at reproducing this time she had about 20 men and women in various states of drunkenness. She took those that were at most just buzzed and just left those too drunk to stand to do whatever they were doing it was their loss.

She took these 15 guards out to the area she had made for them to practice. " I have made you new weapons for self defense, they are the STC pattern laser riffle" She said pointing to the boxy gun " And the MARS pattern plasma gun" She indicated the far more round gun. " These are the most advanced weapons human created for human to human combat I am not including the combat robots in this though, so as you can imagine these are quite powerful. The laser rifle fires a high energy beam of light that is capable of burning though armor and flesh a well aimed shot can and will kill a target, however reflective surfaces will scatter the beam, though the heat will remain. The plasma gun fires super heated gas that is suspended in electromagnetic shielding it will melt though any armor or being you fire it at as this is what the sun is made out of. " She said and the guards picked out their weapons some getting it faster than others. " The laser rifles use a power pack it will supply 30 shots and can be recharged by exposure to the sun, the plasma gun requires a power pack and a water canister it gets 6 shots before it is out of power and the water canister will need to be replaced then. " She explained and the guard quickly figured out where the power packs where.

" Now we will practice your shots with these new weapons" She said and there was a mumble of mixed feeling " I did not hear you " she said imitating a drill sergeant and this time the responded yes ma'am and started to take aim and fire.
Larentia Shikari

Larentia's smile widened as Dolerus lowered her lance, and without hesitation she took a big step over and grabbed her hand as Dolerus took to the air.

"Come on then!" She squealed excitedly, starting to run down the road further and further from the town.

It didn't take long before Larentia had dragged Dolerus all the way to The Spirit Tree.

"Come on, I want to show you something!" She dragged Dolerus a little further before releasing her hand and slowing to a halt about a foot from the tree. She raised her hand and placed it against the bark of the tree, feeling it's power, it's presence in the world.

As if responding to her, the bark around her hand began pulsating almost, softening until it was almost liquid in form. Larentia's eyes opened, revealing their colour to be a pure green now, much stronger than the day before.


Larentia reached into her satchel and pulled out a seed that looked like it had horns, clenched it in a fist and pushed her hand into the liquid of the tree. She kept her hand in place for about five seconds before pulling it back out, no seed in her fist now but something much more beautiful.

The stems of a flower had grown around her fingers, her hand, and even part of her wrist. Dotted around the stems were small flowers, a slightly faded pink colour that swayed from side to side as if dancing.

She turned and took a step from the tree, towards Dolerus, and held her hand up a little closer. The flowers gave off a fragrance that closely resembled roses. As the seconds passed, Larentia staring intensely into Dolerus' eyes her own still lit up brightly, the flowers started to fracture, and break apart with the wind. She waved her hand softly, giggling as some of the flowers wafted into Dolerus' face, until they'd all departed.

"Not many people appreciate the gifts we have. The beauty they can bring into the world. Thank you for coming with me, Dolerus, I appreciate it more than you know."

Horatio looks at Fero while mentally smiling and comforting him by ruffling him on the head similar to what Arona does. "Call it a gut feeling despite not having a gut, I do not know...I cannot describe it....Love cannot be described by words only by feelings...that's what I know anyways..." he said while drooping his head a little bit and virtually sighing. "I'm no expert to love but I have a good feeling about you two together....but who is the one who confessed?" he asked.

@The Mythic Dragon

Zenario Zeid

Zenario felt giddy and elated inside, like a kid on Christmas! But he couldn't hold himself in such a manner for long. Not in front of his brothers, oh no. He'd had his moment to gush, now it was time to be professional. Even Zenario, a man of control, found it hard to contain himself when Rune had called the sentient metal creature "his friend."

"Well, I think it would be rather crass not to invite your friend inside, don't you think, Brother?" Zenario said as he wrapped an arm around Rune's shoulder. He heard Rune ask for confirmation on a job well done, but he didn't answer verbally. The Leader of the Brotherhood only pulled the ram in for a tight, one armed hug before releasing him. He then gave him a knowing look that spelled, "I'm proud of you," and a warm smile before turning to Alexander.

"I'm sure our guest is quite disoriented...and I doubt the guild has done much to remedy his disposition. Alexander was it? I am known as Zenario. If you'll join us inside we--" Megumi showed up, seemingly unaware of the grand human technological achievement that stood in front of them. Now, the cat woman had merely become a minor annoyance, but Zenario, ever so patient, pretended as if she hadn't just interrupted the most important first impression of his life.

"Ah, sister," he said pleasantly, affectionately scratching her ears. "We'll have to put our little expedition on hold. We have a very special guest!" Zenario was cheerful and jubilant, but inside he could practically choke the woman here and now. The butterfly continued where he'd left off with the robot. "We have much to learn from each other. If you will," Zenario gestured to entrance of the ruin before reentering.


Doll Agia

Doll didn't appreciate being touched or grabbed by anyone. In fact, she usually countered such activity with protest in the form of a violent series of verbal and armed assault. Yet, Doll's usual instincts were overridden by her crush on the fox. Sure, she didn't want to admit it, nor did she really want to show it, but this "troublemaker" of hers was an exception. In fact, there was an almost whimsical and childlike feeling of being dragged along on Larentia's little quest. "Alright, alright!" she said through excited laughter that she could not hold in. It shocked even herself, it had seemed like such a long time since she'd had even a little bit of fun that didn't involve breaking someone's bones.

When they finally reached the tree, Dolerus landed in front of it, curious as to what Larentia wanted to show her. She dared not brandish her lance in front of the tree...and though it took more to earn Doll's trust, she was too distracted by the fox's nature to be suspicious of what the woman could possibly be doing. It turned out that her trust was not misplaced, as Larentia had chosen to show her something truly mesmerizing. Doll became lost, hypnotized almost in Larentia's eyes, only breaking direct eye contact when the flowers dancing and twirling upon the fox's palm caught her attention. It reminded Doll of what attracted her to Larentia in the first place: her domain over flowers. Doll's eyes glittered, and she giggled as the petals jumped in her face. She watched the plants with a childlike wonder, and once they were gone, she stared into Larentia's eyes.

Her typically sour and judgmental face softened into a blissful look of awe. Doll's own Aura had one purpose: it was a defensive measure. It was objectively beautiful when needed, but otherwise it was ugly, terrifying, and painful. So she had grown to accept that Aura was power, and dangerous in the wrong hands. Yet, Aura in Larentia's hands it was gorgeous, soothing, and refreshing.

The fox had rendered her speechless for the umpteenth time. "Th-thank you for bringing me..." was all Doll could manage in response initially. A small smile crept on her face, and she finally looked away from the fox's gaze. "I think I needed this."

Zareh said:
Arona still remained in a curled up position already losing energy from the stressing out situation. "Oh Inutsuki...I don't think you understand....I-I just...don't.....I-I'm not ready...I-It's so embarrassing when you hear about it...." she said in a pouting tone as she begins to whimper like a puppy.
@The Mythic Dragon
Inutsuki blinked at her before sighing and flopping down next to her 'Sorry... I don't know how to..err.. 'comfort'.. you.' she wrote, holding it up weakly and curling her legs up to her 'I'm not good at... stuff like this... I mean, I'm innocent as heck and don't understand other people... heck, I might not even remember you tomorrow... and it hurts.. you know? having made a friend.. and knowing that the very next day... you'll think your alone again...' she held up sadly 'I didn't mention this but-... ever since I met you guys...' she hesitated when writing for a moment.

'...Ever since I met you guys... something inside me has hurt... like it's not right. like... I should've stayed alone... it almost feels like my body's against it... like it wants to stay in the past... and can't... move on...' she held up, for a moment the saddened expression on Inutsuki's gentle, pale face seemed to glitch out and suddenly turn to a smirk, her eyes blood red, she shook her head and it returned to normal, she frantically looked around the room 'what.... was that? I had... a really weird thought...' she thought, her hand shook briefly before also returning to normal and she just shrugged, turning her attention back to Arona.

Arona looked at her and smiled, now her face completely empty of redness and embarassment. "Its ok, thank you for trying to cheer me up tho...that is really sweet of you." She said as Arona ruffled her hair "Sometimes you just have to keep moving forward and don't hold onto the past, we must keep looking towards the future." She said as she continued to smile warmly however her face looks confused when Inutsuki's face changed a bit "Are you alright? You seemed to be smirking about something and then your eyes turned red..." She asked.

Zareh said:
Arona looked at her and smiled, now her face completely empty of redness and embarassment. "Its ok, thank you for trying to cheer me up tho...that is really sweet of you." She said as Arona ruffled her hair "Sometimes you just have to keep moving forward and don't hold onto the past, we must keep looking towards the future." She said as she continued to smile warmly however her face looks confused when Inutsuki's face changed a bit "Are you alright? You seemed to be smirking about something and then your eyes turned red..." She asked.
Inutsuki nodded 'fine...' she wrote, wearingly a moment later it did the same thing and she suddenly got up, holding her head 'I'll.. be right back.' she wrote before going outside and taking a deep breath, leaning back against the wall and hitting her cheeks lightly with a sigh 'what the hell was that about?...' she thought before going back inside and sitting down, smiling innocently 'Sorry bout' that... feeling any worse-... better. I meant better.' she wrote, the part that said worse in a different font, the edges of her eyes red as she rubbed her eyes.

Arona looked at Inutsuki with a bit of fear and concern in her eyes. She puts her hand on her head. "Are you ok? Maybe you have fever or something?" She said while analyzing her temperature wondering why she would say something like that. She felt a bit offended but knew it must be something else.

Zareh said:
Arona looked at Inutsuki with a bit of fear and concern in her eyes. She puts her hand on her head. "Are you ok? Maybe you have fever or something?" She said while analyzing her temperature wondering why she would say something like that. She felt a bit offended but knew it must be something else.

Inutsuki shook her head
'I feel fine...' she said, the red fading away as she smiled cheerfully, suddenly seeming to remember something 'Oh, that reminds me... I asked Horatio earlier but he got all weird... what do babies eat?...' she asked innocently with a blank expression.

TheHappyPikachu said:
Inutsuki shook her head 'I feel fine...' she said, the red fading away as she smiled cheerfully, suddenly seeming to remember something 'Oh, that reminds me... I asked Horatio earlier but he got all weird... what do babies eat?...' she asked innocently with a blank expression.

Arona looked at her and laughed a bit from her question. "Um...Inutsuki, babies drink milk that you feed them and the milk comes from your-" She points to her chest area before laughing out loudly and rolling on the floor from the pain of laugther. "HAHAHA HEHEHE!!! OHHH I'M DYING...I'M DYING"

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Zareh said:
Arona looked at her and laughed a bit from her question. "Um...Inutsuki, babies drink milk that you feed them and the milk comes from your-" She points to her chest area before laughing out loudly and rolling on the floor from the pain of laugther. "HAHAHA HEHEHE!!! OHHH I'M DYING...I'M DYING"

Inutsuki just turned bright red and suddenly covered her chest, her tail wrapping protectively around her stomach 'b-but!~ how?! and why!?' she wrote frantically, completely embarrassed and confused before puffing her cheeks out childishly 'Do I have too!?~' she wrote stubbornly.

< @Zareh >

Fero nuzzles into Horatio's hand as he does with Arona, and smiles. "Perhaps... we should go see? Perhaps I should go apologize to her?" He asks, he tail wagging again as he looks at Horatio, seemingly for permission.
Megumi let out a small purr and tilted her head back as Zenario scratched her ears. Oh how she loved it when people scratched her there, and with Zen doing it, the experience was a thousand times better. Unfortunately for her, the wonderful feeling was brought to an abrupt halt, along with the rest of her excitement.

"We have to put our little expedition on hold." The light from her eyes seemed to fade quickly as he spoke those words, shooting down what would've been the best adventure in her life. "Oh, I see. We can always do it later." She said, a hint of sadness to her voice.

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Vinera woke up shivering and looked around the dark alley. 'No raven.. I guess I was dreaming.' She sighs and climbs back to her feet. Shakily, she walks towards the opening to the alley. 'Saving Milo must have really drained me.' She thought as she peeked around the corner, looking out at the sleepy town. 'Looks like most people have gone to bed.. I guess I missed most of Mate Day.' Vinny sighed as she started walking back home, wishing she'd thought to put her boots on this morning.
Arona stopped laughing as she wiped her eyes and got up from the ground "Well...either that or...I guess you could feed babies with corn" she said hilariously sarcastically.

"You look adorable when you look embarrassed" she said as she squeezed Inutsuki's cheeks with a warm smile on her face. "Adorable!" she said with happiness.

@The Mythic Dragon

< @Zareh >

Fero nods, and hugs Horatio. "Thank you. You're really like an older brother to all of us, I think." He then works his way under his covers. "I'll talk to her again tomorrow... good night, Horatio." He says, turning over and falling asleep quickly.
Horatio hugged back and mentally smiled at Fero "I guess so but I could also be your grandpa since I'm probably thousands of years old.." he said calmly while trying to hide his laughter of the situation. He calmly walked out the house while nodding to Fero as he left. Horatio made his way back to Arona's house. As he entered the room he sees Arona squeezing Inutsuki's cheeks like a baby. "How is everything here? Talked to Fero, he is fine." He asked.

"Everything is good! Just giving Inutsuki a little baby treatment...yes you are...yes you are!" She said in a cutesy voice as she continued to squeeze Inutsuki's cheeks.

Larentia Shikari

"I see alot of sadness in those pretty little eyes of yours.." Larentia whispered, raising her hand further to Dolerus' cheek, "Hidden behind fear and anger..."

Larentia's bright green eyes began to 'beat', sending out small waves of green light that dissipated the further they travelled. Her smile faded slightly as she looked up and down Dolerus, almost as if she'd 'seen' something.

"How can such a beautiful thing be so sad?" She whispered once more, seemingly talking to no one, "I simply do not understand."

Larentia's hand slid off Dolerus' cheek, down to where she could grab her hand once more. Her other hand lowered aswell and ever so softly took her lance from her hand, and placed it softly against the grass so she could take Doll's other hand in her own.

With a small giggle, she started pulling Doll in circles, spinning the pair around and around underneath the tree. She didn't know what she was doing truthfully, but couldn't let Doll be sad on such a beautiful day. She couldn't let her friend be sad.

Ciel placed his hand on Caius's shoulder and whispered "Prince Caius, it might in the kingdoms best interest not to make such a show while talking about the damage done to the palace." The people may have heard rumors about it, but openly stressing the problem might make the citizens worry more than they should. On top of that he felt bad for them interrupting Caspar on mate day like this. Surely Caspar, even if the palace had been recently damaged, deserved to enjoy this holiday as much as anyone else. Though he couldn't help but admit that the prince did have a point as the guardians failed to protect the palace and as commander and second in command it was Ciel and Casper's duty responsibility.

@Pretzel Heart @wizard nibblers @Lotusy @JessBeth
Lotusy said:
"Yes, sir. I do know the way." Aren jumped back to attention, standing straight up. "If you would follow me..." He led them out the door, and onto the streets of the kingdom.
Half an hour later, Aren finally spotted the second-in-command Casper, talking to a street vendor. "Excuse me! Casper, sir, somebody wants to talk with you." He stepped aside to show Caius was behind him.

@wizard nibblers Sorry to interrupt your interaction.

@Unlucky @Pretzel Heart
@wizard nibblers[/URL] , @Lotusy , @JessBeth , @Unlucky


As Yin enjoys a nice dinner with Casper, finish her third plates, she saw Aren and aside him is Caius wanted to talk to Casper. "Oh, are you a friends of Casper?" She look away feeling shy when she see them. As she see Caius is not happy about Casper having dinner with her instant of doing his job. "Oh, I'm so sorry.....Mr. Guardian..........sir........." Yin stand as she speaks. " I didn't mean to cause trouble for Casper.....I just wanna have some company while I'm having a good dinner.........Please don't fired him....if anyone should be punish....it should be me......please do be mad at Casper......" Yin look at Caius and Aren with such big, sad eyes and bow to them.


@Pretzel Heart


@wizard nibblers
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Zareh said:
Horatio hugged back and mentally smiled at Fero "I guess so but I could also be your grandpa since I'm probably thousands of years old.." he said calmly while trying to hide his laughter of the situation. He calmly walked out the house while nodding to Fero as he left. Horatio made his way back to Arona's house. As he entered the room he sees Arona squeezing Inutsuki's cheeks like a baby. "How is everything here? Talked to Fero, he is fine." He asked.

"Everything is good! Just giving Inutsuki a little baby treatment...yes you are...yes you are!" She said in a cutesy voice as she continued to squeeze Inutsuki's cheeks.

Inutsuki was waving her hands around frantically in the air as Arona squeezed her cheeks, 'H-Hey!~ that hurts!?~' she thought, unable to write 'I'm not a little kid! I'm 9-... 17!!' she managed to write this down and hold it up.


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