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Fantasy ☯-⊕The Age of Kemonomimi⊕-☯

" I would have needed to have known them to miss them" EI said as she looked over to the boy he seemed to be half asleep , it was getting late and not all could stay up without rest like she could.

" if you are feeling sleepy you can share this house as I doubt the villagers will welcome you into the inn even if I told them to be nice, they are individuals after all." She said implying that she did not care what they did when she was not there at least on a social level.
Alois sighed scratching his right ear "Well they should consider themselves lucky that I'm nicer than they are.." he said snickering at the thought before standing back up he looked outside the building's window to see the other Villagers still celebrating Mate's day; looking back at the pile of books he wanted to read but thought maybe sleep would be good and accepting EI's offer figuring it would be best to stay out of trouble "Thanks, I'll do my best to stay out of trouble~" he exclaimed before heading off to the other rooms despite having no idea where he was going he was never picky about where or how he slept, finding a room that seemed to be vacant and curling up into a ball. His eyes began closing slowly before going into slumber.

"Thank you so much Casper..." Ciel said putting on his best smile while taking the sweater from Casper. "I've never been given such an interesting "gift' before." He couldn't help but wonder if maybe this was supposed to be some cruel joke as he held the sweater out in front of him and read the bird pun on it. Casper didn't expect him to wear this around often did he? Regardless he still tried to show as much appreciation as he could muster not wanting to hurt Casper's feelings. "Don't you think it looks nice Aren?"

@JessBeth @wizard nibblers @Pretzel Heart @Lotusy
As Yin finish her last meal of her 10th plates, she signs as look at the bills. She pay all her money and some Casper money he left it and slowly get up and walk away the cafe. "I don't have much money for hotel......I guess I'm going to sleep outside.....again"

@wizard nibblers

@Pretzel Heart


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Doll Agia

Doll giggled lightly when she managed to make Larentia blush. Sweet, sweet revenge. She'd have to do it more often, the fox was downright adorable when she was shy. Relieved too know that Larentia didn't have a mate, she sighed heavily. It was actually pretty unbelievable, Larentia was beautiful, friendly, and compassionate. Even towards big weird metal men. The bee was beginning to feel an overwhelming need to protect her. Friendliness could attract the wrong kind of folk. For a moment, the little knight lost herself to a fantasy of her defeating some asshole who looked at Larentia wrong and being rewarded with a kiss. Her eyes began to sparkle and her smile began to widen.

She snapped out of it when Larentia picked up her lance. Doll made an uncomfortably nervous and incomprehensible whimper. "Eh..." As the vines grew around it, Doll was, yet again, astonished by the sheer utility of Larentia's aura. "Wow..." was all she could manage. When the lance was secured and the flower was plucked, Doll's stomach erupted with (non-cultist) butterflies as Larentia delicately placed it behind her ear. She blushed at being poked on her nose and crossed her eyes briefly to look at the finger.

As Larentia ran off, Doll yelled behind her, "F-fine! No guardian-ing!" she finally agreed and launched into the air after the fox, and when she reached her side, she came to a low hover beside the girl. Apprehensively, yet boldly, she took Larentia's hand in hers. "By the way...I um..." her face became tomato red as she pouted stubbornly, and her wings beat at light speed. "I notice you. Hmph."

Oh my god... that sweater... Aren cringed a bit inside as he saw the grisly mess of a sweater. He heard Ciel ask if he had liked it. "Y-yea... it looks... absolutely divine..." His eye twitched a bit, and his face pulled into an awkward smile. Is this some kind of inside joke that the Guardians pull? I mean, I haven't been here long, I wouldn't know. "I... uh... especially like the... um... bird pun...?" He laughed nervously. "I'm sure you'd wear that everyday, right Ciel?" He paused and thought for a moment. Are they going to make fun of me?

(@Unlucky Thanks for throwing me that line)

@wizard nibblers @Pretzel Heart @JessBeth
As Yin walked around the alley, looking for a cheap hotel to sleep in for the night. She still a jobless and she spent all her last money from her last job for the food since she is so hungry. "I have to find a job or else Mom heath won't be better....." Yin remember that Prince Caius say to her before he left,"you may come along to the palace if you'd like. Maybe go look at the garden or something." Then she have an idea, 'Oh what, if I go visit the prince....he'll will give me a job!! Oh I have to go there and asked him!!" So Yin is headed to the place, only then she get a little lost and she asked for directions and its take a while until she bump into one of the grauds she meet before. "Kyaa!!' She fell down.

@wizard nibblers



@Pretzel Heart
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"Y-yeah, I'll wear it everyday." Ciel gave an awkward laugh while looking at the sweater. "Why did you have to say that Aren..." He grumbled quietly to himself; still there was no way he could wear this everyday without feeling an overwhelming amount of shame. "Well I mean I can't actually wear it all the time look at how hot it is right now there's just no way you can wear a sweater in this weather." Hopefully, this would spare him from breaking Casper's heart and get him out of destroying his own pride by wearing that sweater daily.

The only way this situation could get worse was if the prince commented on the sweater.
Suddenly, out of the crowd the individual that Casper was talking to earlier ran into him. Seeing this as an opportunity to get out of the talk about the sweater Ciel offered the girl has hand to help her up. "Are you ok miss?"

@JessBeth @Lotusy @Pretzel Heart @wizard nibblers
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Larentia Shikari

Larentia turned to start walking with her face once again bright red. She looked down to the ground in the hopes her hair could cover the worst of it, and walked in silence for a little ways. She couldn't quite understand why Dolerus noticed her. She had no affiliations with the Guardians except for her, hell no one even really knew who she was!

So why, why did Dolerus notice her?

Closing her eyes, she tried as hard as she could to forget the comment and all the questions that came with it. But of course putting all her efforts into that meant taking out the efforts being put into being mature, and careful of her surroundings. The old Larentia came bursting out when suddenly she came to a halt. Quite a painful halt in fact.

The next thing she knew, she was on the floor with a great deal of pain shooting her head. She looked up to see a tree in her path. A TREE.

"Heh..of course..." She whispered to herself, looking around for Dolerus.

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"Oh!!' Yin see that Ciel hand in frout of her as she slowly take his hand as he help her up. 'T-Thank you....and I'm sorry I ran into you....sir...." She look down as she speak. She is a bit shy but she looked at Prince Caius. "Um.....Prince Caius.....i-is it ok if I have a moment with you?" Yin speak as she look at Casper and the other frauds who is protecting the prince.



@wizard nibblers

@Pretzel Heart
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Aine Golden, is sitting on the roof of someone else house and staring at the sky. She is wondering what is like to do something different....beside doing all the practice of her acrobatics skills. She also remember telling Mao that her parents choose a mate for her in order to have a very skilled acrobatics children's and Mao is upset about it. "She is mad that I can't do anything about it.....' Aine signs as she wondered if having a mate chosen from her parents is bad. "Maybe it is....or maybe...." As she thinking, she knock of one if the roof tile and it slide down and hit someone else head.

Dex slowly made his way into the room and approached the mysterious being ahead. As the flames from his torch reached the large form ahead of him it revealed itself as that of a machine. It was large and bulky and slumped below the bedroom window in between the desk and the bed. Dex stood in front of it and looked it up and down then kicked it in the side. It did nothing. It made no noise apart from the hollow clang of his boot against its metal body nor did it move an inch. Dex crouched down and moved his torch over the body illuminating parts of it. Upon closer inspection, he could see deep scratch marks all over it. It's head was barely held on by a couple of wires and its big, wide eyes dead and empty. The freaky thing about it was that these wounds looked recent. There was little to no rust in the wounds, Dex figured these had not been here long perhaps a few days. He chose to ignore it for now but a little realisation appeared in the back of his mind and started to slowly grow.

He continued his study of the robot, lowering his focus to its lower body where he found more marks and realized its legs had been forcibly removed causing a thick and dark liquid to seep out from the openings and soake into the carpeted floor. The troubled thought at the back of his mind grew bigger, almost making it to his consious thoughts but was put back in place by a good find. In the machines right hand was a doll and It was in sellable condition too. The machine held on to it tightly but Dex managed to wrestle it free as gently as he could. He held it up in the light and studied it. The doll had long blonde hair which surrounded a large, solid head with a smiling face printed on. It wore a pink dress. It's limbs and body were of a thick, soft material just perfect for cuddling up to, not something a machine would be interested in he thought to himself.

He stood up and placed the doll carfully in the leather satchel he wore over his right shoulder which meant it hanged over his lower left side. He took one more look at the body, taking in the aggressive looking marks again before tuning and heading over to the desk. As he paced over to it he stopped shot as he became aware of more of the same robot fluid marking the floor. He looked down at it and followed it with his eyes and the light from his torch. It seemed to lead from the machine to the desk and then to the doorway as if it had crawled its way around the room after having lost its legs. The grave thought came back again, stronger this time but again was put down when Dex noticed the desk drawer had been opened. Drawn by the prospect of more treasure, Dex approached the desk and pulled the drawer the rest of the way open. Inside was a box almost as big as the drawer itself. He removed the box with both hands. It certainly had a weight to it, there was something inside. He placed it on the desk and unclipped the simple latch then lifted up the lid. Inside was something wrapped in a protective cloth. He pulled out the bundle and placed it down next to the box before carefully unwrapping it. As it became clear as to what he had found, he decided he needed to sit down and did so in the desk chair. It was slightly broken but still did the trick.

Dex removed the two objects that had been placed on top of each other and carefully wrapped so as to preserve them no doubt. The objects were both of the same size and rectangular in shape. They were elegant and looked like they may have been expensive many years ago. But it was what was held within them that created a quiet joy within him. Each photo frame held a picture which depicted a family unit infront of a shop, this shop he realised quickly. The first photo, which seemed older judging by the quality of the picture and the ages of those in it, presented a middle aged human couple stood infront of the shop with two young human males stood smiling infront of them. The shop sign read "Bront & Sons" in large red writing. The second picture showed the same scene but contained many differences. Firstly the older couple were now a lot older. They stood smiling alongside a younger couple, one of the boys now grown up along with his wife. Between them was a small, human female child, also smiling at the camera. In the girls hand was a doll. The same doll Dex had just found stuck in the robots hand. He smiled. This was great. Human photos were very rare and hard to come by with most having been disintergrated over time. He could give these to. The guild for a nice finders fee. They would spend ages running tedious tests to prove the authenticity. He could also give the sapient brother hood. Those nut jobs would lap them up and probably spend the rest of time worshippong them. He chuckled to himself then restacked and wrapped the pictures. As he was about to place them back in the box, something grabbed his notice. Another picture layer face up in the box. It was a lot smaller and unframed. He picked it up and studied it. In the picture was the same girl again, this time somewhat older but she still carried the same doll. Also in the picture was the machine Dex had just found. It dwarfed the girl. It was an imposing creation but seemed to have an air of calm about it. Meanwhile the background of he picture looked a little worse for wear as if a war had just broken out. There was rubble and dirty everywhere. He turned the picture over out of curiosity and found some words on the back. "Madeleine and my protector Hubert" was written in thick, black ink.

Dex placed the photos back in the box then placed that in his satchel along with the doll. He got up and took one last look at the room. Only then did it dawn on him just how strangely immaculate it was as if somebody had been looking after it. He looked back at the robot. It was still there as were the trails of oil it had produced. The thought he had almost had earlier now started to speak to him. He made his way back to the landing and checked the floor there. More of the same marks. They tracked along the landing towards the room that was no longer there. "Shit", he said to himself. He was about to run back down the stairs but heard a doorway open somewhere below him. He was suddenly glad he hadn't checked the basement. "Shit" he said again, "it's a nest" ....
Caius Amadeo Fauna

Somehow things had proceeded one way or another. The little pig kemonomimi had stayed behind at the cafe, though Caius wasn't paying much attention. He had conceded to Ciel's advice that they walk around the town for a bit, enjoying the attention that he (well, the entire procession, though he fancied himself at the heart of it) was getting even on Mate Day. The attention almost made him forget the hubbub at the palace, and the thought of all the ruined portraits and the marble that would have to be shipped in to replace the floor panels and the artists who would have to reconstruct the hand-carved ceilings........no, he'd much rather not think about any of it. After the past few days he deserved a bit of sunshine and positive attention.

Things were going quite pleseantly by the prince's standards until Gaia damnit, Caspar, the ram kemonomimi pulled out the most hideous piece of cloth he had ever laid eyes on. So disgustingly ugly was the garment that Caius went into a state of complete shock as the Second, First, and guard continued to bandy about it.

"I...I really do hope you are joking, Ciel. You should do the kingdom a service and burn that thing immediately."

Caius couldn't help turning a sly, flashing eye towards Caspar. Since he didn't bother himself with the guards on a usual basis, he had never really paid the ram much attention. But there was a lot to make him hate the kemonomimi even in the past hour.

Honestly...the state of fashion among the lower classes is bad enough as it is...he's going to turn their brains around backwards if he keeps encouraging kemonomimi to wear things like that---that thing.

He couldn't even bring himself to call it a sweater, less he manage to offend any sweater knitted before it.

Just as Caius was preparing to turn on the ram once more, considering even having a raid through his personal belongings and burning any knitting materials that remained, who should show up but the girl from earlier.

"Um.....Prince Caius.....i-is it ok if I have a moment with you?"

This again?

He could fathom what business the girl had with him...unless she was trying to catch his attention for Mate Day? Well, she was cute enough, but a little on the
young end for his tastes...

"Whatever you need say to me you can say in front of everyone else," he motioned around at the three guards, "but I will listen."

@JessBeth , @Unlucky , @wizard nibblers , @Lotusy

-Wandering around Fauna Kingdom-

((I wanted to give Aren something to do but I couldn't think of anything gomen))

Whatever you need say to me you can say in front of everyone else," he motioned around at the three guards, "but I will listen."

Yin smiles a bit as she also look at three guards. "Ok....... " Then she bow her head as she speak. "I'm asked if you can give me a job....." Yin asking for his help. "Ever since I left my hometown to look for a job....so I came here where there are lots of jobs available.......but no one wants to hire me because I look so young....I'm only 15 years old....I can work hard...." She slowly look up to him. "I can cook, clean, sewing......making clothes.....I'm a hard-worker I can promise you that....so please give me a job....I beg you, Prince Caius...." She low her head again as she wait for his answers. If he refuse or can't help me...oh well.....I least I try......

@Pretzel Heart


@wizard nibblers


(She can work as a maid or servant, just to let you all know)
Doll Agia

There was an odd and awkward silence after Doll's little comment. As far as she understood, Larentia wasn't really the quiet type. It was beginning to make Doll self-conscious and insecure about what she said, but it was too late to take it back. Even then, she didn't really want to.

Doll pouted and blushed as the two walked in silence, looking away from the fox until she felt her hand slip away from hers. Knowing Doll, she immediately assumed something nefarious was afoot. Wings buzzing intensely she whipped around to find the culprit that had snatched her friend away from her. But she saw no one...just Larentia, on the ground, in front of a tree.

Doll couldn't help but giggle at the woman on the ground. She kneeled down by the woman and raised an eyebrow and smiled cheekily. "That was embarrassing." She poked Larentia's blushing cheek and laughed again. Someone with Larentia's power running into a tree was deliciously ironic. She helped the fox up and floated above her slightly to kiss Larentia's forehead. It's not like she had healing powers or anything, she just wanted to make Larentia as flustered as she was yesterday. "There, all better! Now quit harassing the trees and lets go eat! I'm staaaarving!" All those flowers Larentia had grown, including the one between her ear, had the effect of making Doll calmer than usual...but also hungry.

Caius Amadeo Fauna

Caius listened to the pig girl go on about her woes. As soon as he gathered that the conversation wouldn't be focused on himself, he found himself unable to be particularly interested in anything she had to say. However, not wanting to be discouraging when he was in a somewhat good mood (especially compared to the days preceding), he politely listened to what she had to say. Finally, when all was said and done, he made a vague gesture in the direction of the palace.

"Well, since we are all on our way to meet my brother, you might as well tag along and ask him about it. I don't really deal with hiring and that sort of thing, but I'm positive that he will be able to accommodate you. Especially if someone" here he threw a pointedly disgusted glance in Caspar's direction, "is relieved of their duty, there is sure to be some opening or another."

Of course, he of the four siblings seemed to be the one in most frequent use of the servants, but he had little to do with the process of their hiring (though sometimes with their firing). He also remembered the rumors that a servant girl running away had been the cause of the ruckus the day before, so perhaps the pig kemonomimi could take her spot.

@JessBeth , @wizard nibblers

-Wandering about Fauna Kingdom-

Yin listen to Prince Caius as she is prepare to bad news. But instant, he is willing to help her out for getting a job for her. Prince Caius said she can tag along to the palace and asked his brother about it. Yin look at him and make a big smiles. "Oh, thank you thank you thank you!!!!!" She hop up and down but quickly stop herself. "Sorry about that.....um......I'm ready to go meet you're brother......Prince Caius......" She said it politely as she follow them. "Hello again, Caspar......" She said to him.

@Pretzel Heart

@wizard nibblers

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