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Fantasy ☯-⊕The Age of Kemonomimi⊕-☯

Zareh said:
Horatio looks at Inutsuki with a bit of suspicion as he continued to repair and examine himself more carefully. "Why don't you take a shower? It might help you relax since you seemed really flustered. Once you are done with your shower, it will help you sleep much better." he said calmly as he begins to re-attaching his leg back to his body to conclude the hardware examination. Suddenly Horatio remembers something that the lady told him "you see, the 'memories' if that's what she wants to call them won't 'stick' with her... hence the amnesia" the thought of her losing everything in a single night bothered him very much. "In a few moments...she'll forget all of this....like a timer being reset over and over again..." he thought to himself. As he continued to repair himself, he finishes putting himself back together. Moving his arms and legs to make sure that they are completely functional and properly robust.
Horatio began to ponder...there was no way for Inutsuki to remember the people that she met...and if he was to stay around her, she would simply forgot about him hence causing her to be frighten by such a mysterious and metallic being. Inutsuki's suffering will not end....and when it won't end...her suffering will soon spread to others around her if she was to "awaken"...he couldn't let that happen. Horatio thought of a logical and rational idea, he checks his system to make sure he has enough energy to perform the task that he must do.

*Horatio's HUD*




He takes a further look at his systems and prepares for the worst.


It is almost time to end the suffering....once and for all.... Horatio look at Inutsuki and mentally frowns...it is the most logical solution yet...something didn't feel right inside of him.


Inutsuki nodded slowly, going into the bathroom and taking her clothes off, turning the shower on and stepping inside with a sigh as she looked down at her stomach 'I look so fat!~' she thought, poking it once causing her tail too wrap around her again.

After a moment she felt the familiar throb in her head
'It hurts...' she thought weakly, tears mixing in with the water as she squatted down 'It hurts... for... me to forget... but the one thing my words don't do.. they can't!-... save them...' she thought uselessly, slowly she began to open and close her mouth "Don't... forget them... don't... forget... your friends... don't!-..." she cut off from the pain before starting again "Don't...forget... Horatio..." her words were stuttered and the sound of sobbing was easy to hear through the door as she frantically rubbed her eyes.


'...Does it hurt?...'



'...Do you want the pain to stop?...'


'...I can make it stop...'


A voice echoed in her head, Inutsuki frantically shook her head 'no... this pain... it's the only thing... that has ever felt-... real to me...' she thought aimlessly, getting out of the shower blankly all of a sudden, turning it off and wrapping a towel around herself, quickly drying off and looking around with an almost dazed expression 'where?...' she began thinking 'who?...' an image flashed in her mind and her eyes widened, with just the two wrapped around her she suddenly rushed out, jumping on Horatio into a hug, going up to his ear "Hora-...t- io... I remember.... you..." she whispered, stuttering.

Ciel quietly shook his head at Casper's reaction was very disappointing, though he couldn't blame Casper for not wanting to lose his job. Hopefully, not many people saw the guardian second in command act in such a way. Clearly Casper needed additional training in how a guardian should act on duty, but that matter will have to wait till after the group meets with the king.

"Right away your highness." Ciel turned around as he spoke and started walking back towards the palace. "I apologize for Casper's display my prince I will." He said while the group advanced down the street. Unsurprisingly their group drew the attention of many Kemonomimi who were enjoying the holiday; it wasn't everyday that they saw their prince marching through the town after all. Then it suddenly dawned on Ciel that it was Mate Day, with all the chaos going around in the palace he had forgotten about the holiday entirely. Guilt filled Ciel as he thought about how the prince must be missing out on the holiday over the incident at the palace.

"If you want prince Caius we can take some time to explore around the city." The repairs were already underway at the palace and they had plenty of time to meet with the king, so there was no need to rush back to the palace. "After all today is a holiday and you shouldn't have to spend it with such troublesome things because of my mistake."

@Pretzel Heart @wizard nibblers @JessBeth @Lotusy
Once the place went dark and the stars came out clear into the sky, Alois liked looking at the stars and sometimes he'd even try jump up to grab them, of course this never 'actually worked' but a boy could only wish. At this time Alois wasn't too sure where he was, he went out exploring and never thought about what would happen when it get's dark, and looking to the sky Alois realized his situation "Awwh...WHY!!!" shouting in frustration he simply couldn't believe he forgot to leave a trail or something "I'm gonna get in so much trouble.." His head lumping down as he dragged his feet on the ground and continued walking while wondering how he would be scolded this time.

After a while of walking, in the distance Alois noticed something a little strange; Along with a bundle of voices from the distance Alois couldn't help but faintly hear music in the distance, and when looking in the direction through the few bushes and trees in the way he noticed lights also, instantly being fascinated in the lights Alois pounced over a small river stream that stood between him in the Village filled with lights, when arriving Alois was quickly lost in the crowd of people that were there, little did he realize that today was also Mates Day.
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The party seemed that it could go on all night, this might very well be the very first city to be able to truly go all night thanks to the lights that kept the dark at bay. This of course meant that there would be problems the next morning as to many would have had to much to drink. No matter what the villagers were celebrating the fortune they had been blessed with barely even noticing the traveler who wandered into their mist.

That was except for a guard who had started their ”shift” and was armed with one one their queen’s weapons. The large ant like man went to the small cat boy and quickly grabbed him by the collar. Now normally visitors were great but today was a celebration so wanders someone coming this late was odd.

I haven’t seen you here boy what are you doing?” He asked with an air of authority
Alois was shocked when he was picked up by the collar, but didn't like it one bit looking back to the man who picked him up his legs dangled in the air as he thought to himself Aww I can't hit this guy, I'll get in even more trouble dammit...What do I dooooo~ sighing before giving the guard his answer "Well meany...I was lost in the big dark bush back there!!!" he wasn't too sure the guard would buy it despite what he said being true, Alois hated the dark it wasn't exactly a fear but for some reason he just couldn't stand it hence, the fact of being in a Village with lights it was a surprise Alois didn't think he were in a dream, then again that was most likely because he was being scolded...That doesn't happen in his dreams. "Now let gooo! You big fatty!" trying to fight back from the grip he started kicking like crazy however in this position there wasn't much he could do unless showing his Aura; His teachers had taught him to only use his skills in desperate times of need or for his duty and over time after being punished enough for misusing it Alois learned better than to disobey.

The guard looked the boy over for a little bit then after seeming to decide the boy wasn’t some kind of threat he had been warned about even if his mouth was foul and he hurled untrue insults as he was no fatty he let the boy down.

Very well you can go but don’t make any trouble the sleeping queen has given us weapons that could defeat an army” He bragged showing of the very strange weapon he held, one of the laser rifles, that no doubt would be unknown to all but the knowledgeable of scholars and even then they would have never seen a working one or understood what the gun did.
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Once he was let down he patted himself off from the little dust he had on his body, snickering at the guard he turned towards him and tried puffing his chest out despite the man completely towering over him, wanting to call the man a fatty again just because (He knew he wasn't fat but he doesn't know many insults) he stopped before saying anything when seeing the guard pull out something he had never seen before, He couldn't exactly figure out how it would do anything and for a moment found it hard to believe the guard was telling the truth "Oh reaaaally? Well I want to see for myself!" he exclaimed to the guard, a cheeky smirk appearing on his face as he crouched down and pounced at the guard, scratching him across the face with his finger nails that had been sharp much like a cats, if the guard was hit by the strike he would use that to gain the upper hand and take the Rifle from the man's hands then pouncing back enough to check it out with his own eyes "Woah, nice...thingy! Well now that I have it doesn't that mean I can 'feat an army'??" despite not knowing the first thing to do with the rifle, he kept it held out to intimidate the guard as he kept that grim smirk painted on his face.

Moments after the boy took the guards weapons people noticed as attacking someone while not unheard of was a big thing when a stranger attacked a guard who was warning them to behave and then stole from the guard. The boy had just marked himself as a thief and not just any thief but one who had just taken what was almost a holy relic to them, or some kind of great gift at the least. So while normally this would be a guards job the entire village turned on this boy one bull man grabbing one of his arms in a vice grip while another went to brutally punch the boy in the gut.
After being grabbed by the large man, Alois had almost no clue what was going on as the Villagers turned against him he was actually surprised people still went after him a weapon that can feat an army and they still attack..That's guts an ironic thought for a kid who was just about to get punched in the gut, as the man rammed his fist in his stomach there wasn't much the boy could do to stop it, still refusing to use his aura he took the hit clear, from the force and his small body Alois was stunned for a moment and couldn't breathe, partially coughing as he winced in pain on the ground from the hit he stayed on his knees and dropped the Rifle beside him, looking up at the two Villagers "Is beating a kid the best thing you guys have to do?" he slightly mumbled, still trying to catch his breath it was hard for him to talk.
When you attack them they have every right to defend themselves, when you steal from someone they deserve to have their property regained by any means, if you take a weapon and have attacked it is right to assume your intent is to kill and they have the right to kill you.” EI said as she approached having seen the event from a distance she did not believe the boy had wanted to kill anyone but he had done everything to show he did want to kill others short of actually killing someone. “ By the laws of this land if you are just beaten you are lucky the removal of a thief’s hand is a punishment as you lack the resources and advancement to properly maintain jails that could rehabilitate law breakers.” She said and the villagers parted in front of her letting her right to the boy, their reverence for her or at least her gifts was obvious “ Now why have you come and attacked my children?” She asked bluntly for once calling this place hers.
Alois gave a smile to a woman who appeared to have strange gloves on that shined brightly as if it were metal, at first Alois thought it might have been gauntlets however it seemed a little off to him however not paying much mind to it besides the fact it was Shiny.. was the main thought running in his mind as it spoke, not paying too much attention to what she had to say Alois gave his personal opinion "So you're saying I showed the intent to kill..Let me ask you something, if I were to have that intent I'd like you to explain why that man only has a scratch on his face, if I wanted someone dead I'd make sure I finished the job..Just saying." he realized this probably wouldn't help his position but he continued, after all he felt it polite to answer another person's questions "I never 'attacked' anyone, meany over there showed me his weapon that could 'Feat an army', I wanted to take a look; and it's not like if I asked nicely he'd give it to me?" he couldn't help but notice her appearance was slightly odd also, though he couldn't exactly place his finger on it there was something about her that just didn't seem normal.

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You attacked and stole a weapon, only two kinds do that those who wish to use the weapon and idiots” EI said not even acknowledging the argument about intent but going into the facts of what had happened. “ If you had asked you may have been directed to me to ask about it as I am the only who understands the weapons they have just been trained to use them.” She said with tone that said she did not currently care to share such information with the boy. “ I will out of charity assume you are an idiot and not a threat” She said before looking to the crowd “ You can all go he will be released, for now go back to your party if you wish” She said and despite a few obviously not wanting to their friends drew them away yes people listened to EI but her rule wasn’t absolute and forgiving someone that had attacked and stolen from a member of the village was an offense not easily forgiven.

I am the Sleeping Queen, the last human I welcome you to my nameless village” She said her voice not at all welcoming.
Alois sighed She's so annoying.. a thought that was running through his mind as the woman spoke, he didn't seem to pay much attention or care to what she had to say before hearing her mention herself being a human, his cat ears perking up as he faced his attention back to the 'Sleeping queen' he tilted his head and smile "Are you trying to trick me? You're funny lady but I'm not that silly!" laughing after making his comment he looked over to the crowds of people, many of the men and woman sitting and drinking were still giving him death stares from all around, not saying much but quickly poking out his tongue towards them before focusing back on the Queen "I don't know what those weapons are...But I know that humans are dead." he glared at the lady A human...

you are the first to doubt me, and the first to not have a negative reaction” EI stated as a matter of fact she thought others would react similar to how the village had “ Those are STC pattern laser rifles they are a light based weapon” She explained she figured that this boy was just an idiot from some other village. “ As to how silly you are you are a complete idiot you attacked an armed man, and yes jumping up and scratching a man’s face does count as an attack and then stole his weapon because you didn’t think he would give it to you, then you are surprised when people don’t just let you do as you please. I know you children live a sheltered life coddled by the environment and given crutches so you do not have to work as hard as humans but even that doesn’t mean assault is tolerated. So your opinion on what I say I am is obviously questionable” EI explained debating simply leaving the boy to get himself killed “ Violate a law again and you will not get a second reprieve.
Alois sighed not really caring about the weapons name, why should he know about something he's never going to use and instead payed more attention to what she said "Yeah I attacked him, put a few scratches in his face but oh well he wasn't that good looking to begin with anyway..I never tried escaping, the man could have taken it back if he chose I was just making a point. And if I was a child with shelter, I wouldn't be here in the first place..." the lady agitated him, he was use to being called an idiot so he didn't care much about that however the fact she called herself a human was just absurd, if a human existed he would have known by now wouldn't he? That sort of thing wouldn't be taken lightly at all. Noticing the woman was leaving he decided to continue following her and rushed to her side "So! Miss "Human" why let me live hm? You were telling me earlier that I should be dead by now so why didn't you just kill me? And if you think I'm an idiot that should just be more reason to have me dead, idiots don't last long."
You are all children, children do not receive the death penalty, at least in most civilized countries of humanity, I am trying to properly educate you children therefore I should attempt to merge the two laws. The aside it is a festival for your mating season that is enough of a holiday to give a pardon.” She said more or less showing that while she did like the villagers her opinion on a whole of the world around her was low “ And the sheltered never truly realize they are until their shelter is torn away I have seen how the environment has limited your understand of the world to baseless superstition and simply labeling what you do not understand as magic. You are sheltered and ignorant I will fix that” She said as she entered the house she borrowed and books seemed to threaten to pour out as she had made so many.
Alois didn't say much just walked and listened to the lady as she spoke, even if he still found it hard to believe she was actually human she certainly knew what she was talking about well at least in Alois' mind she did anyway as they continued he grew more curious about the lady. Alois just skipped along and listened hardly saying a word until she finished what she had to say replying to what she had to say "Well, I've had my shelter taken away before..But I was lucky so you're right." pausing for a moment he thought on how he should word his thoughts "You don't seem to like many people in this world do you? Were all humans like that." the fact remained he still didn't believe she was human, but he didn't see the harm in asking.

It is not a matter of like or dislike, I do not like ignorance and dogma, that is the thinking of children. In that fact you disappoint me if have learned what this world is now like and would my people have still been around your climate would be paradise few plagues, little completion for resources, few natural disasters, few dangerous climates, and few deadly animals. The world of humans was harsh and brutal what was needed had to be taken. If humans had this world you children have they would have reached the peak they were almost on when the disasters hit. ” She explained and to her it was truly sad that humans had died before they managed to reach that pinnacle that would have fixed their problems.
Alois smiled graciously Well if she really is human, I've learned one thing about them...Wise he sighed and slightly nudged himself into the lady pressing his cat ears on her side as if he was snuggling up to her "You know lady, you're actually not that bad y'know..Your a bit mean but I like your honesty" he said with a cheery tone and wide smile, after they continued walking for a bit he couldn't help but ask her "Ever think why humans died? I don't mean the basic answer like 'because they were hit by disaster' but did you ever stop to think there might be a reason?"

" There were many factors but there was no intelligent force behind it She said remembering the primitive belief system of these beings nature worshipers. " There has never been any evidence of any higher being if you are asking about your people's god Gia then no humans did not have such a system they had many competing systems all of them unproven and and can only be taken on faith and therefore able to be discounted as being real. You children have no idea the age of the world you stand on or the universe you inhabit in truth such events are bound to happen not by fate or some god but simply though chance and natural processes " she said looking though the sea of books she had made ignoring the cat boy clinging to her.[/b]
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Horatio mentally smiled at Inutsuki as he returns the hug as he pats her on the head comfortably "...of course..." he said silently as he continued to pat her on the head. "It's getting late you should get some rest, it's not healthy to stay awake." he said quietly and calmly. He quietly gets up and starts softening the bed and fluffing the pillow with his hands. As he set down the pillow, he opens the blanket while mentally smiling "Here you go, nice and comfy" he said in a warm tone. He walks over to the fire place and begins to start a warm fire using flint and steel, he accidentally gets his coat on fire which he brushes off very quickly leaving no burn marks anywhere. He pondered it must be a symbol for the upcoming event that will be unraveled.

"....It's only a matter of time...."
he thought to himself as he walked back to his chair and reads his book on Kemonomimi History.

Praise Gaia, he probably wouldn’t have to return home a shameful disappointment. He’d never broken a rule in his life (well, maybe once) but he didn’t want to start now. He stood up with a deep breath, running his hand through his hair and straightening his shirt. He left money for the bill, giving Yin an apologetic look, before following their small procession into the town.

“By the way,” He turned to face Ciel, “This is for you!” He sheepishly held out the hideous sweater he’d knitted a few days before, blinding stripes, terrible yarn embroidery and all. He hadn’t even realized how almost comically large it would be on his boss. The mismatched eyes of the ugly bird on the front looked empty and somehow in pain.

@JessBeth @Pretzel Heart @Unlucky @Lotusy
Zareh said:
Horatio mentally smiled at Inutsuki as he returns the hug as he pats her on the head comfortably "...of course..." he said silently as he continued to pat her on the head. "It's getting late you should get some rest, it's not healthy to stay awake." he said quietly and calmly. He quietly gets up and starts softening the bed and fluffing the pillow with his hands. As he set down the pillow, he opens the blanket while mentally smiling "Here you go, nice and comfy" he said in a warm tone. He walks over to the fire place and begins to start a warm fire using flint and steel, he accidentally gets his coat on fire which he brushes off very quickly leaving no burn marks anywhere. He pondered it must be a symbol for the upcoming event that will be unraveled.

"....It's only a matter of time...."
he thought to himself as he walked back to his chair and reads his book on Kemonomimi History.

Inutsuki nodded and jumped into the bed happily, snuggling into it calmly and pulling the blanket over her head, tears in her eyes. @Zareh
Alois nodded and stood back as he watched the lady look through a bundle of books, trying to make out some of the titles of the books he found human history to be pretty interesting; Assuming that she was human. He scratched his head and looked off in the distance, trying to fully process what she said and try make sense out of it he hung his head down looking at his feet "I don't like that idea..." he was referring to the thought of Gia being nothing more than what his own race made up "But, I still think everything happens for a reason. Natural cause or not." he started wondering what the lady was looking for but didn't ask since he figured he would find out eventually.

StoneyJr said:
Larentia Shikari
Larentia's smile widened at the sight of Dolerus' smile, hearing her giggle. Her eyes calmed down, the green fading back to it's normal colour, and she stopped twirling so she could speak again.

"Heheh! Guardian Dolerus, my Little-B! I have seen you smile and I hereby declare that you are no longer allowed to deprive this world of such a beautiful smile!" She pulled Doll in closer and wrapped her arms around the little Kemonomimi.

She almost didn't want to let go of her new found friend, holding on tight she could feel her warmth, her joy. It felt nice to help people.

But of course she couldn't stay forever, and so pulled back a little and looked into her Little-B's eyes.

"What's say we go somewhere and get something to eat, hm? And not as a guardian! There shall be no....guardian-ing! You're all mine today." She grinned happily, awaiting Doll's response.

Doll Agia

Doll was unable to stop her giggling, even once she was embraced by the fox. Normally Doll pulled away from hugs, or never hugged back, but this time was different. The guardian looked up at the fox with a smile and blushing cheeks from the compliment before becoming too flustered to keep eye contact. Believe it or not though, she hugged Larentia back. Unsure of how to react to the compliment, her wings flit once and she protested whilst still giggling, "You're never going to stop calling me Little, are you?" The pet name infuriatingly growing on her. She didn't want the hug to end ever, but eventually Larentia pulled away and requested that they go get something to eat. Doll's eyes widened at the request and she looked at her lance longingly. "No...guardian-ing..." she thought of what that would entail, or if she would even be capable of such a thing. Danger never rests.

"Don't you have someone else you'd rather spend today with? You're too pretty not to." To her, Larentia seemed like she'd have people clawing to be her mate. Her eyes narrowed at the lance, a symbol of her duty toward the public. Perhaps, the people could do without her watchful eye today. Doll had never been on a date before, and wasn't sure if this even counted as one. It sure sounded like one, and if it was she wanted to devote all of her attention to Larentia, and wanted Larentia to be hers as well. You crooked assholes better not choose TODAY to start fucking around.


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