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Fantasy ☯-⊕The Age of Kemonomimi⊕-☯

Doll Agia

Little Doll flinched at Larentia's touch. "S-sadness? Me? Nooooo!" she lied unconvincingly. "I'm a Guardian, I-I'm not...I can't... I don't..." her words trailed off as she was once again mesmerized by Larentia's pulsating eyes. She tensed up understandably when Larentia took her lance away from her, but she allowed it to be set down to rest for a while. Feeling completely vulnerable without it, her face flushed bright pink as Larentia took both of her hands in hers. "Larentia, what are you...what the hell?" she became confused as the two of them slowly began to circle. Doll stumbled at first. She wasn't used to moving her legs so fast and in such a...complex way. But once she saw the fun in frolicking under the spiritual tree, laughter began to escape from her lips. Soon, she was in a full blown fit of giggles and smiles, and she began to hover above the ground as she spun around with the fox.

EI drilled the guards a little bit until they hit the target more than they missed and then let them go back to their celebrations, which made the all very happy. She of course told them to be careful she expected them to do their jobs tomorrow at the normal time. When they left she gathered up the weapons and took them to the small barracks that served to house the guards equipment, though not the guards themselves.

EI didn't even try to join in on the festivities no one even invited her to join in no matter how drunk they were, they seemed to know better or rather know that she was not going to be one of them there was an unspoken alienness to her. This was the best way for things to be there was a respect for things you knew were not the same kind of you, though that respect also easily became hate, but she had given them so much that these villagers would likely only know respect for their human queen. There was little more for her to do today she did however have plans for a wall around the village made from reinforced cement that would likely stand against anything this world threw at it.
Arona looked at her and smiled mischievously "Of course...because 9 year old teenagers are obviously not little kids" she said sarcastically as Arona looked over to Horatio and her facial expression turned a bit saddening "Oh yeah...which reminds me, how is he?....Fero isn't mad at me? Is he?" she asked with concern and regret in her voice. Horatio sat down next to Arona and mentally smiled "Don't worry, he's alright...he's not mad at you or anything like that, so don't worry about it alright?" he said with a calm voice. "I'm sure everything will be fine by tomorrow morning." he said comforting Arona. "Alright...I guess that could be said so...anyways since you are here, would you like to stay here for dinner? I am planning to make beef stew!" she said while smacking her lips as got up and headed towards the kitchen. "What do you guys say?" she asked with a warm smile.

Horatio looks at Inutsuki and tilting his head to the right to signal that it's her call to stay or leave.

Zareh said:
Arona looked at her and smiled mischievously "Of course...because 9 year old teenagers are obviously not little kids" she said sarcastically as Arona looked over to Horatio and her facial expression turned a bit saddening "Oh yeah...which reminds me, how is he?....Fero isn't mad at me? Is he?" she asked with concern and regret in her voice. Horatio sat down next to Arona and mentally smiled "Don't worry, he's alright...he's not mad at you or anything like that, so don't worry about it alright?" he said with a calm voice. "I'm sure everything will be fine by tomorrow morning." he said comforting Arona. "Alright...I guess that could be said so...anyways since you are here, would you like to stay here for dinner? I am planning to make beef stew!" she said while smacking her lips as got up and headed towards the kitchen. "What do you guys say?" she asked with a warm smile.
Horatio looks at Inutsuki and tilting his head to the right to signal that it's her call to stay or leave.


Inutsuki nodded frantically
'FOOD!!!!' she wrote, taking up the whole page, her tail wagging as she put it down and rubbed her red cheeks, poking her tongue out at Arona.

Upon hearing Caius’ voice, he stopped mid chew, grass hanging out of his mouth, stomach dropping, skin paling and eyes widening in fear. Of all the people to find him in such a position, it had to be his boss and one of the princes. Oh, Gaia. This was it. This was the end. He saw his life flashing before his eyes. He saw a weathered old farmhouse with a white picket fence. Running through fields of alfalfa with his collie, Rex. No Rex, not on the alfalfa. And there stood Mama, in a worn, but clean gingham gown- Wait. That wasn’t his life. And what’s this about a crisis? He figured he should probably grovel for his job first for good measure, though.

“It’s not what it looks like, I swear! I was on duty watching the town over there, but then I got tangled in some yarn, and then she helped me, and she asked if I could join her for dinner, and I agreed as thanks, and if we ate outside then I could still keep an eye on things and oh Gaia, please don’t fire me!”

@Unlucky @Pretzel Heart @JessBeth @Lotusy
Arona giggled at Inutsuki's response of "FOOD!!!!" as she also stuck her tongue out at Inutsuki playfully while preparing to cook the meal "Fero actually taught me how to cook this dish one time, it was really delicious...so...delicious..I wonder if I will be able to re create that dish." she said with a dreamy face while drooling before snapping back to reality. Arona grabbed a pink arpon and a pot as she begins to prepare the ingredients for cooking "This might take a while! So...please make yourselves at home!" she said while chopping the carrots and boiling the water.

Horatio looked at Inutsuki's excitement with grief in his mind, he needed answers and just know where to find them. He slowly gets up from his seat on the sofa and heads outside the front door. Horatio stood outside the door scanning the area to make sure no one is around.
"Are you here? I know you're still watching me" he said in a calm voice.

Larentia Shikari

Larentia's smile widened at the sight of Dolerus' smile, hearing her giggle. Her eyes calmed down, the green fading back to it's normal colour, and she stopped twirling so she could speak again.

"Heheh! Guardian Dolerus, my Little-B! I have seen you smile and I hereby declare that you are no longer allowed to deprive this world of such a beautiful smile!" She pulled Doll in closer and wrapped her arms around the little Kemonomimi.

She almost didn't want to let go of her new found friend, holding on tight she could feel her warmth, her joy. It felt nice to help people.

But of course she couldn't stay forever, and so pulled back a little and looked into her Little-B's eyes.

"What's say we go somewhere and get something to eat, hm? And not as a guardian! There shall be no....guardian-ing! You're all mine today." She grinned happily, awaiting Doll's response.

The interior was dark. It threatened to swallow him up even with his light. But he kept on anyway, creeping slowly through the building. The place seemed much smaller than the buildings around it. A shop perhaps by the looks of it. The owner unmoving long ago when the big builds starting happening. Shelves lined the walls. All empty. The owner likely taking as much as they could when the end of humanity was upon them but just before it was knocking at their very door. Dex continued, a little disappointed but eager to explore. He made his way around the room, checking high and low for anything, sweeping the shadows away with his torch. All he managed to find were a few small metal disks. The bods back at the guild had identified such things as probable human currency. He didn't see the appeal of collecting such things but he knew that people existed that did and so pocketed his finds.

Certain that there was nothing left in here, Dex made for a doorway at the back. On the floor nearby was a very worn a dirty piece of fabric, some sort of curtain he figured. To the right of the doorway still hung a sign 'St*f* *nly' it barely read.

Manuvering his way through Dex found himself in a small hallway. To his left was another doorway with 'storeroom' written above it. But rather than find some joy in it Dex cursed to himself. The room had completey collapsed in on itself destroying anything it once held. He turned away with frustration. To his right was a staircase going up and another going down. The one descending had 'basement' written on the wall next to it. Dex eyed it up but shook his head. Rule one of treasure hunting in these kinds of places was to always ignore the basements unless you were completey out of luck and looking to go home empty handed. It just wasn't worth the risk otherwise. Red swarmers liked to burrow underground and basements were an easy way onto the surface. Instead he eyed the ascending stairs and nodded. Rule two: always check upstairs first.

He climbed the stairs steadily, his torch held out infront of him. The shadows danced and swayed away from him giving him a clear path upwards. He steps were plain wood and creaked under his weight. Dex was ready and alert for anything, especially a collapsing staircase. Fortunately it held out and Dex reached a landing. He peered through the darkness and saw three more doorways. He approached the first one. The door stuck fast. He rattled the handle then, just like last time, kicked it. This time the door fell the right way, away from Dex, the problem was it didn't stop falling until it hit the street below. Dex stood in the doorway and looked upon and empty space where a room once stood. All that remained were a couple of walls and part of the roof, the rest was no more. Dex was getting frustrated, then a cool breeze caught him, it bellowed through his large over coat giving him a chill and threatening to extinguish his light. He pulled him self back in and gathered his coat around him before making sure his hat was firmly on his head. He then turned and walk along the landing to the second door. "And what do we have behind door number two?" He muttered to himself. This time the door swung open with no trouble revealing a small and antiquated bathroom. Dex rolled his eyes and entered. He threw light around the room but saw nothing of note until he spotted a small, open cabinet. He approached and found a couple of small bottles inside. He picked one up and rattled it. Pills he figured. Those anoraks aback at the guild would have a field day trying to figure out what the humans needed these for. He smiled slightly to himself then popped the pill bottles in his pocket along with the coins. He closed the door and found himself looking at his own reflection. He studied himself for a moment then smashed the glass with his fist. It cracked and shattered and fell in pieces to the floor. Dex stood for a moment more then, composing himself again, backed out of the room. Tuning around he approached the final door " humph, third times the charm", he grasped the handle and gently turned it. The device worked and the door became free and loose in its frame. He nudged it open and walked slowly into the room.

This looked much more promising. There was actually a room beyond the door this time. His torch picked up multiple objects. There was a large bed to the right of the room which took up nearly half the space. Along side it were small cupboards and a large wardrobe. To the left and opposite the bed was an elegant looking desk with a chair. All these things he picked up with the first sweep of his torch but he brought his gaze back to the middle of the room where a large pair of empty eyes stared back at him...
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Zareh said:
Arona giggled at Inutsuki's response of "FOOD!!!!" as she also stuck her tongue out at Inutsuki playfully while preparing to cook the meal "Fero actually taught me how to cook this dish one time, it was really delicious...so...delicious..I wonder if I will be able to re create that dish." she said with a dreamy face while drooling before snapping back to reality. Arona grabbed a pink arpon and a pot as she begins to prepare the ingredients for cooking "This might take a while! So...please make yourselves at home!" she said while chopping the carrots and boiling the water.
Horatio looked at Inutsuki's excitement with grief in his mind, he needed answers and just know where to find them. He slowly gets up from his seat on the sofa and heads outside the front door. Horatio stood outside the door scanning the area to make sure no one is around.
"Are you here? I know you're still watching me" he said in a calm voice.

The woman steppep out of the shadows, the hood back over her face, trying to hide the fact she'd been crying "What?." she asked ferociously.

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Horatio stepped forward to see the lady, he looks at her with his regular emotionless cyan eyes as he reaches into his pocket and brings out his blue handkerchief and offers it to the lady "I apologize for calling you a bit too soon than you would expect....would you like this?" he asked calmly and politely. "I have burning questions in my mind that I need answers to." he said as he took out a human book from his satchel titled "The Mind, Soul and Body" and held it in his right hand. "But before I continue any further, I never got your name." he said. "May I ask what it is?" he asked.

Zareh said:
Horatio stepped forward to see the lady, he looks at her with his regular emotionless cyan eyes as he reaches into his pocket and brings out his blue handkerchief and offers it to the lady "I apologize for calling you a bit too soon than you would expect....would you like this?" he asked calmly and politely. "I have burning questions in my mind that I need answers to." he said as he took out a human book from his satchel titled "The Mind, Soul and Body" and held it in his right hand. "But before I continue any further, I never got your name." he said. "May I ask what it is?" he asked.
The woman pushes the hankerchief away and takes the hood off her head with a sigh "it's fine." She said blankly before shaking her head "I'm sorry to disappoint you but-... I don't know my name. Inutsuki took it with her when she made me disappear..." She spoke sorrowfully before giggling as she glanced into the house through a window "now hurry up and ask these questions before Inutsukis attention is brought away from trying to catch a bug." She said smirking at Inutsuki rushing around on all fours after the small insect, her tail wagging frantically and ears twitching as she rushed after it, hitting a wall and falling over before returning to the chase. @Zareh
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Horatio looks up and mentally smile as well at Inutsuki's hilarious act but suddenly feel depressed over the fact that she is an illusion. "I need to understand more about the true Inutsuki, the one which you sealed up with an illusion." he said. "If Inutsuki ever breaks free from this Illusion, will she still have the memories of her illusion self? What triggers her to break out of her illusion state? and...what should I be prepared for if she ever breaks out?" he asked while taking a look at the book as he asked the question and taking down some notes.

As Yin enjoys a nice dinner with Casper, finish her third plates, she saw Aren and aside him is Caius wanted to talk to Casper. "Oh, are you a friends of Casper?" She look away feeling shy when she see them. As she see Caius is not happy about Casper having dinner with her instant of doing his job. "Oh, I'm so sorry.....Mr. Guardian..........sir........." Yin stand as she speaks. " I didn't mean to cause trouble for Casper.....I just wanna have some company while I'm having a good dinner.........Please don't fired him....if anyone should be punish....it should be me......please do be mad at Casper......" Yin look at Caius and Aren with such big, sad eyes and bow to them.


@Pretzel Heart


@wizard nibblers
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Zareh said:
Horatio looks up and mentally smile as well at Inutsuki's hilarious act but suddenly feel depressed over the fact that she is an illusion. "I need to understand more about the true Inutsuki, the one which you sealed up with an illusion." he said. "If Inutsuki ever breaks free from this Illusion, will she still have the memories of her illusion self? What triggers her to break out of her illusion state? and...what should I be prepared for if she ever breaks out?" he asked while taking a look at the book as he asked the question and taking down some notes.

The woman sighed
"No. it's a very simple answer yet cruel... you see, the 'memories' if that's what she wants to call them won't 'stick' with her... hence the amnesia. if she were to be away from you for a week there would be nothing of your existence left in her mind... and she knows this." she then took a step forward rather elegantly.

"Triggers... that-... you essentially have to 'break' Inutsuki. of course there are times when the Illusion needs to take a break or can't handle the strain and the real one comes out... but if she were to suffer a major loss or be frightened enough, or even recalling a memory can make it happen really... it's dangerous... just few moments ago it happened actually, it slipped out when she lowered her guard, I think the person you call 'Arona' got rather freaked out." she said before coming right up to his face.

"If she ever breaks out?... to run like hell and don't look back." she then smirked once and turned to walk away, but not yet disappearing.

Horatio listens carefully as he jots down the information given to him by the lady. A lot of pressure, grief and anxiety overwhelmed him as the news keep getting worse and more worse. After writing down the information that he has been given, he sits down and grieves a bit over the news before asking one more question. "One more question....if she ever breaks out...is there anyway to stop her?" He asked as Horatio closes the book.

Zareh said:
Horatio listens carefully as he jots down the information given to him by the lady. A lot of pressure, grief and anxiety overwhelmed him as the news keep getting worse and more worse. After writing down the information that he has been given, he sits down and grieves a bit over the news before asking one more question. "One more question....if she ever breaks out...is there anyway to stop her?" He asked as Horatio closes the book.

The Lady smirks "Of course." she says before walking once again into the shadows, looking rather smug and leaving the answer shrouded in mystery.

Horatio felt a bit annoyed and confused as she left with that smug on her face. He stood up and decided to head back inside and his smell sensors are greeted with the delightful aroma of Arona's Beef Stew. "Hey Horatio! Welcome back! I'm almost done with the beef stew. Can you be a dearie and set the dinner table please?" She said sweetly as she continued to stir the beef stew while humming a tune.

Horatio grabbed some spoons and bowls and set them on the table. He sees Inutsuki still enjoying herself. The pain was unbearable, he did not know what to do...everything felt like a lie to him. He goes back to kitchen to see Arona wrapping up her cooking. "Can you please bring this pot to the living room please?" Horatio nodded and takes the stew to the living room and sets it down on the table, he pours the stew into the bowls and is greeted by Arona who sits next to Inutsuki as she begins to eat "Thank you for the food!" She begins to wolfing down the stew until she burns her tongue comedically which causes her to constantly whimper in pain as she laughs a bit. Horatio simply stays silent and observant of Inutsuki.

Zareh said:
Horatio felt a bit annoyed and confused as she left with that smug on her face. He stood up and decided to head back inside and his smell sensors are greeted with the delightful aroma of Arona's Beef Stew. "Hey Horatio! Welcome back! I'm almost done with the beef stew. Can you be a dearie and set the dinner table please?" She said sweetly as she continued to stir the beef stew while humming a tune.
Horatio grabbed some spoons and bowls and set them on the table. He sees Inutsuki still enjoying herself. The pain was unbearable, he did not know what to do...everything felt like a lie to him. He goes back to kitchen to see Arona wrapping up her cooking. "Can you please bring this pot to the living room please?" Horatio nodded and takes the stew to the living room and sets it down on the table, he pours the stew into the bowls and is greeted by Arona who sits next to Inutsuki as she begins to eat "Thank you for the food!" She begins to wolfing down the stew until she burns her tongue comedically which causes her to constantly whimper in pain as she laughs a bit. Horatio simply stays silent and observant of Inutsuki.


Inutsuki had given up on catching the bug and was sitting at the table, excited for food, she ate it quickly and un-like Arona had the sense to blow on it enough for it to cool, she giggled at her friend as she burned herself
'it taste like beef.' she wrote, 'tastes good.' the messages were short because she was writing between mouthfuls.

TheHappyPikachu said:
Inutsuki had given up on catching the bug and was sitting at the table, excited for food, she ate it quickly and un-like Arona had the sense to blow on it enough for it to cool, she giggled at her friend as she burned herself 'it taste like beef.' she wrote, 'tastes good.' the messages were short because she was writing between mouthfuls.

Horatio tasted a bit of the stew by inserting the spoon into his energy hole located on his mouth. He finished the stew but still felt a bit unsatisfied due to his question not answered. He thought rationally about what to do. "Thank you for the meal" he said calmly as he looked to Arona. She smiles back to him and Inutsuki while burping very loudly as usual, she takes the dishes to the kitchen and comes back to see Inutsuki and Horatio "You should probably head home, it's getting late. Don't worry about the dishes, I'll clean up everything for you." she said to Inutsuki. Horatio stood up and gently takes her hand. "Alright then, take care Arona" he said as he left out the door.

Arona looked at Horatio confused
"Wait...you're going with Inutsuki?" she asked. "Yes, I'm suppose to stay with her at all times." he said calmly. "Alright then...I'll see you two tomorrow..." she said with a mischievous grin as if she was hinting some very inappropriate. "You know...it is night time for Mate day...I expect to hear a lot of love sounds coming from the houses." she said while giggling a bit.

Horatio shrugged at her comment and leaves with Inutsuki as they exit out the front door
"Ahhh...those two must be lovebirds" Arona said to herself . As they arrive back to the lodging, Rachel was not in sight, the counter appears to be empty. They walk down the hallway back to room 18, he opens the door and enters the room with Inutsuki. "You should get some rest, if you need me...I'll be doing a hadrware examination." he said. Horatio took a wrench from his satchel and starts working on his right arm, he takes it off entirely and places it on the table, he continues working on himself while taking parts of himself off and placing them on the counter.

Zareh said:
Horatio tasted a bit of the stew by inserting the spoon into his energy hole located on his mouth. He finished the stew but still felt a bit unsatisfied due to his question not answered. He thought rationally about what to do. "Thank you for the meal" he said calmly as he looked to Arona. She smiles back to him and Inutsuki while burping very loudly as usual, she takes the dishes to the kitchen and comes back to see Inutsuki and Horatio "You should probably head home, it's getting late. Don't worry about the dishes, I'll clean up everything for you." she said to Inutsuki. Horatio stood up and gently takes her hand. "Alright then, take care Arona" he said as he left out the door.
Arona looked at Horatio confused
"Wait...you're going with Inutsuki?" she asked. "Yes, I'm suppose to stay with her at all times." he said calmly. "Alright then...I'll see you two tomorrow..." she said with a mischievous grin as if she was hinting some very inappropriate. "You know...it is night time for Mate day...I expect to hear a lot of love sounds coming from the houses." she said while giggling a bit.

Horatio shrugged at her comment and leaves with Inutsuki as they exit out the front door
"Ahhh...those two must be lovebirds" Arona said to herself . As they arrive back to the lodging, Rachel was not in sight, the counter appears to be empty. They walk down the hallway back to room 18, he opens the door and enters the room with Inutsuki. "You should get some rest, if you need me...I'll be doing a hadrware examination." he said. Horatio took a wrench from his satchel and starts working on his right arm, he takes it off entirely and places it on the table, he continues working on himself while taking parts of himself off and placing them on the counter.

Inutsuki blushed a deep red as she left with Horatio 'that doesn't even work... does it? I mean! he doesn't have one of those.... does he even need one?... WAIT! WHAT THE HELL AM I THINKING!?!?' she thought, making frantic hand-movements.

Caius Amadeo Fauna

Caius smiled thinly as he listened to everyone's opinions on his demands. Not that he would pay any of them much heed. He would have to pay special attention to the lady, however. Upsetting such a one would certainly be ungentlemanly, and thus unfitting of such as he. Casper's reaction, on the other hand, did give him a strange sense of amusement. There was just something...well...satisfying about having someone groveling before you, their very future in your hands.

"Very well, Ciel. We shall speak nothing more about it till we get back and see my brother."

Still, with the very loud and firm presence of the prince and two guards, it was unlikely that anyone in the cafe hadn't overheard what he had just said, and, inevitably, the rumors would be swarming among the lower classes within the hour. If such rumors weren't rampant already.

"As for you," Caius turned his flashing eyes onto Casper, though he was careful not to enact his Aura as he was in the habit of sometimes accidentally doing while enflamed, "luckily, my brother tends to be more lenient that I on these matters. And as for your little friend here," Caius nodded in Yin's direction, "if it will calm her down," he then turned to fully address her, "you may come along to the palace if you'd like. Maybe go look at the garden or something."

He wasn't entirely sure how to treat the girl since he felt guilty for having caused her such sorrow, but he also found himself insulted by her words.

"And know this! It is no mere guard that stands before you, but rather I, the magnificent Prince Caius Amadeo Fauna, next in line to inherit the throne." He could hold back form this flamboyant display. The peasants should know better than to mistake someone as fine as he as a 'friend' of any guards, let alone one of them.

"Now let us try and return to the palace." He motioned for Aren or Ciel to lead back the way.

@Lotusy , @wizard nibblers , @Unlucky , @JessBeth


((Sorry for the wait))

Yin looked at Caius as she listen of what he going to say to Casper. She see that he not going to fired him but to talk about it later. Yin sign of relief as she look at Casper, "Thank goodness....." But then Caius talk to her and asked her to come along to the place. "Huh? T-T-To the palace? I-I-Its is ok for me to come and go in the palace....Mr. Guardian?" she asked. But then she in the more shocked that when Caius is not the Guardian but he is Prince Caius Amadeo Fauna. "A p-p-prince?!" She gasped. "Oh dear....I didn't know....."

@wizard nibblers



@Pretzel Heart


Aine is jumping on roof to roof of the building. Since the circus is closed, that means she is free to go night strolling in the city, but instant of walking...she go jumping in a acrobatic styles. "This is fun!!" She laugh and smiles as she see the sigh of the light of the city, while holding on the building with her tail and hand.

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Horatio looks at Inutsuki with a confused look, he continues as he detaches his leg and foot and places it on the table. "Is something wrong Inutsuki? You've been flustered ever since we came back and...you've been kind of staring at my pelvis area for a while." He said in a concerned and curious tone.

Zareh said:
Horatio looks at Inutsuki with a confused look, he continues as he detaches his leg and foot and places it on the table. "Is something wrong Inutsuki? You've been flustered ever since we came back and...you've been kind of staring at my pelvis area for a while." He said in a concerned and curious tone.
Inutsuki blushed an even deeper red 'N-NO REASON!!!!' she wrote frantically, biting her lip and looking away shyly.

Horatio looks at Inutsuki with a bit of suspicion as he continued to repair and examine himself more carefully. "Why don't you take a shower? It might help you relax since you seemed really flustered. Once you are done with your shower, it will help you sleep much better." he said calmly as he begins to re-attaching his leg back to his body to conclude the hardware examination. Suddenly Horatio remembers something that the lady told him "you see, the 'memories' if that's what she wants to call them won't 'stick' with her... hence the amnesia" the thought of her losing everything in a single night bothered him very much. "In a few moments...she'll forget all of this....like a timer being reset over and over again..." he thought to himself. As he continued to repair himself, he finishes putting himself back together. Moving his arms and legs to make sure that they are completely functional and properly robust.

Horatio began to ponder...there was no way for Inutsuki to remember the people that she met...and if he was to stay around her, she would simply forgot about him hence causing her to be frighten by such a mysterious and metallic being. Inutsuki's suffering will not end....and when it won't end...her suffering will soon spread to others around her if she was to "awaken"...he couldn't let that happen. Horatio thought of a logical and rational idea, he checks his system to make sure he has enough energy to perform the task that he must do.

*Horatio's HUD*




He takes a further look at his systems and prepares for the worst.


It is almost time to end the suffering....once and for all.... Horatio look at Inutsuki and mentally frowns...it is the most logical solution yet...something didn't feel right inside of him.

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