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Fantasy ☯-⊕The Age of Kemonomimi⊕-☯

< @Kayzo >

Fero smiles lightly, moving over to sit next to Arona, petting her head as she slept. He smiles as he looks at her, sleeping so semi-peacefully. Snoring or not... she was cute. He was content to sit for an hour, next to his love.
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Zareh said:
Horatio looked at the place, he scanned the area and realized how filthy it really is....he wondered...how can a person live in a place like this? He wondered as he analyzed the area with his vision.

*On Horatio's HUD*









He grabs Inutsuki's hand as they leave the alleyway "This place is completely filthy, it's not suitable for you to be here let alone to raise an infant. The reason why it smells like fish is because this is the place where most food rot creating toxic smells that can kill a person's smell and appetite. It's also bad because there is a chance you might catch Influenza." he said as they walked back on the street. About a few minutes later, they come across a large towering building which shows a sign saying "Lucy's Rooms for Rent!". Horatio and Inutsuki enter the building and is greeted by a young lady in a green dress behind the counter. "Happy Mate Day, Welcome to Rachel's Rooms for Rent....I am the land lord; Rachel, how may I help you?" she said with a warm smile. Horatio walked up to the counter to greet the lady "Greetings, I would to rent a room here please." he said "Of course, the room will cost you 35 coins per night or 85 coins per month including hot water and breakfast." she said while peeking behind Horatio and taking a look at Inutsuki with a smile. "I see...are you two a lovely couple that need a room to make love?" she said with a flustered smile. Horatio stepped back a bit from the counter in shock before moving forward. "No Ma'am, not a...couple...I just would like to rent the room for the month." he said while taking the sack of coins and jewels from his satchel, he takes out what appears to be a 2 karat Diamond and places it on the counter. "I believe this would cover the room's rent for an entire year?" he said calmly. The Lady wide eyes at the diamond as she carefully picks it up to examine it and stares blankly at Horatio before replying. "Yes, this will do....please follow me.." she said with a smile as she puts the diamond into a container behind the counter and leads Horatio and Inutsuki down the hallway to a room that says "Room 18" in metal on a wooden door. "This will be your new room" she said as she unlocks the door with a key and opens it to reveal a large room with a bed on the far right upper corner, a table with 2 chairs along with a counter on the far right lower side and on the left side is a door that leads to the bathroom. "Alright...here is the key...one for you and one for you!" she said a bit cheerful while handing Horatio and Inutsuki the keys to the room. "Have fun you two~ and please don't make too much sound when your having "fun"...it can disturb the others here!" she said as she went down the hallway.

Horatio entered the room and placed the items on the counter and sits down on the chair quietly beginning his software scan
"I'll be right back, don't go anywhere. I'm just going to do a software scan on my systems. While I do that, please get yourself aquinted with the room...It's a much more appropriate place for a soon to be mother." he said as he sets the timer to 10 minutes and begins to shut down, the light from his eyes dim until they suddenly gone dark, leaving him motionless and stiff. A robotic monotone sound comes from within him saying "INTERNAL SCAN COMMENCING"

@The Mythic Dragon @Kayzo @JessBeth

Iutsuki was slightly startled as she was pulled away but followed him, not that she had a choice, anyway. as they went into the hotel for most of the time she was blushing especially at the woman's statements.

Inutsuki nodded to him as he powered down, still completely red as she began looking around the room, poking random objects, catching some as they fell over and frantically putting them back in their appropriate places, opening drawers and looking around with a childish curiosity, at one point going into the bathroom and staring in wonderment at the bathtub turning the tap on and watching the water for a moment before her tail accidentally touched it and she jumped back, doing what you could almost call a hiss before turning it off and rushing back to Horatio hiding behind his motionless body and glaring at the bathroom, growling slightly and looking rather ridiculous.

It had been only a few minuets but she was already bored and started mucking around near Horatio, eventually ending up curled up on his feet like a cat, despite them being hard and cold she liked them, in a weird sense they were almost comforting, her tail wrapped around her stomach and ears low to her head as she was doing what could be interpreted as a purr as she lazily closed her eyes and yawned, not really tired but annoyed by the baby's constant moving.

"Oh boy, look at the time....I have to go and do the show, Mao....um see ya later!!" Aine smiles at her as she run back to the circus.

Than the show is about to start as the speaker said, "Ladies and Gentlman the show is about to start!!!"


@The Mythic Dragon
< @Zareh >

Fero, surprised at how fast that hour had went, ruffles Aronas head, gently poking her nose. "Arona, love... time to get up. The show is starting." He says with a smile, working on waking her up gently.
Mao let out a little sigh. From the sound of it, Arona and Fero would be going into the circus, and since Mao just went there was really no point in seeing it again. Guess I'm alone again. She thought sadly, leaning back on the bench.
Blackrose7 said:
“I know, Leon.” said Mary, since she already knew about Grey Hound being a hero thief, but Leon doesn't know that.
Leon then said to ignore it, and Mary just smiled at him, because they need to do her dating schedule right now.

“Alright Leon, and I already knew that you were going to pay for everything, since you did said it before.” said Mary.

Leon started to say that flower after she had putted the roses in his hair, and then, he ended up saying something that she wasn't expecting to heard.

‘He called me cute...that is the first time that somebody said that to me, since it's always someone saying that I look beautiful. Leon...thank you.’ thought Mary.

“Thank you, Leon.” said Mary cheerfully. “Now lets go have some fun, and we aren't going to rush on this date to begin with, Leon.“

She walked towards the cafe with Leon, since she loves him.

‘I love you so much, Leon, but sadly, today might have to end this friendship, since we might have to take it to the next level.’ thought Mary, since Leon secretly has always been her mate, because they know about each other very well.

When they approached the cafe, Leon looked around him to see couples everywhere all heading to the same place. He had heard rumours about this cafe during his patrols, apparently it has the best honey and almond cake around. Leon shook his wings slightly at the excitement of it all before regaining his composure, turning to Mary, he said "We're nearly there. I'll probably try get us the best seat in the cafe, mrs undercover royal deserves that much at least" he chuckled slightly when eventually they got to the cafe.

Upon entering, Leon and Mary were greeted by one of the many members of staff. The woman was a flamingo kemonomimi. Smiling, Leon looked at her and said, "Could we have the best seats you've got? Please" The woman looked at Leon before shifting her gaze to Mary and then back to Leon before saying, "Of course, right this way~" With that she led them into a rather luxurious corner that had a rose on the middle of the table in an oval vase. Luxurious for a cafe that is. Leon smiled at Mary as near instantaneously tgey were greeted by another member of staff that took their orders and the left, coming back with two of those pies that Mary wanted them to try.
Arona felt being rubbed gently as she wakes up "YAWWWNNNNN....mmm....is it time yet?" she looks at the crowd and the people cheering. She immediately gets up and smiles with passion as the show starts! "Wooooooooo Yeeeeeeaaaaahhhhh!!!! The show is starting!" she said as she grabbed Fero's arm and pulled him closer. "I wonder what will happen in this show!" she said in an exciting manner.

@The Mythic Dragon @Kayzo


The scans took about 10 minutes but no signs of anomalies, glitches, errors excluding the memory failure and decrypted memory banks or anything out of the ordinary. His scan shows everything is completely normal but he did not understand something....if a machine cannot feel emotions then what are these feelings...Horatio still believes that it is a defection of his and it's probably why his creator or owner dumped him in the first place.

*On Horatio's HUD*








Horatio "wakes up" as his eyes begin to fill with cyan light again....he takes a look around until he notices that Inutsuki is near his feet and completely wrapped around them like a Cat. He pokes her from above and waves his hand in front of her. "Hello Inutsuki, what exactly are you doing?" he asked calmly and curiously.


Zareh said:
Arona felt being rubbed gently as she wakes up "YAWWWNNNNN....mmm....is it time yet?" she looks at the crowd and the people cheering. She immediately gets up and smiles with passion as the show starts! "Wooooooooo Yeeeeeeaaaaahhhhh!!!! The show is starting!" she said as she grabbed Fero's arm and pulled him closer. "I wonder what will happen in this show!" she said in an exciting manner.
@The Mythic Dragon @Kayzo


The scans took about 10 minutes but no signs of anomalies, glitches, errors excluding the memory failure and decrypted memory banks or anything out of the ordinary. His scan shows everything is completely normal but he did not understand something....if a machine cannot feel emotions then what are these feelings...Horatio still believes that it is a defection of his and it's probably why his creator or owner dumped him in the first place.

*On Horatio's HUD*








Horatio "wakes up" as his eyes begin to fill with cyan light again....he takes a look around until he notices that Inutsuki is near his feet and completely wrapped around them like a Cat. He pokes her from above and waves his hand in front of her. "Hello Inutsuki, what exactly are you doing?" he asked calmly and curiously.


Inutsuki suddenly jumps up as he pokes her, startled and rushing behind the bed on all fours, peeking over it and holding the notebook up shyly 'N-Nothing! just, err... I was sleeping on your feet ok.' she wrote quite blankly.

Larentia Shikari

Larentia thought for a few seconds, wondering whether she really should tell Dolerus her name, but finally came the conclusion why not?

"My name is Larentia Shikari, wonderful to make your acquaintance." Larentia spoke in a much more formal tone, her smile now a more serious expression, as she placed one foot behind her, a hand to her stomach and bowed.

She stayed like that for a couple more seconds, then looked back up and smiled again, though with much more sincerity now.

"And if you must know, I am going to The Spirit Tree to pay my respect. It is quite important to me, and I would appreciate it if you would let me go. If..you want though, you could even come along? It'd be nice to have some company, and of course you could make sure for yourself that I am up to no trouble."

Larentia's whole persona seemed to change from the sarcastic, childish one of before, to a much more adult, kind even, one.

She stood there with a smile on her face, and her staff in hand, awaiting Dolerus' response.

Horatio stood up from his chair and went over to the counter to grab a piece of cheese, he walked over to the bed and sat down while offering the cheese to Inutsuki "How are you feeling? Is the baby doing alright? Any weird things going on?" he said while patting on the side of the bed as a signal to sit down next to him. He thought about what questions to ask her as he takes out a leaf that he grabbed from the Cherry Blossom tree earlier. "I actually want to ask a few questions if you don't mind...." he said in a calm tone.

The show of the circus is about to start and Aine slowly take a deep breath as she waiting for her act. The showing about Aine and her brothers and sisters is looking for someone to love. This show is for all the singles who are looking for a mate. The start a song and Aine is a main singer.


Aine is wearing a white dress like costume and her brothers and sisters are also wearing white costume. As Aine start off singing, she start walking on the tightrope and doing some dancing. While her brothers and sisters is doing the Flying trapeze, making it look cool tricks like twirling around and look like a flying monkeys.

Then someone throw a fire hoop in the air and Aine jump up and go through the fire hoop and she land it on the tightrope and make it jump up again on two more fire hoops. Once she make a big jump and grab the rope that have hanging on the celling tent, Aine make a final act, "Somebody to...Love!!" She make a big fire heart shape, let go the rope and make a beautiful falling. Then her brothers catch her, along with her sisters and they all fall and landed on the net that look like a big white, fluffy clouds and Aine and her sibling bows to everyone.

The audiences went wild as the shout, screams and applause for the great performance.

@The Mythic Dragon
Zareh said:
Horatio stood up from his chair and went over to the counter to grab a piece of cheese, he walked over to the bed and sat down while offering the cheese to Inutsuki "How are you feeling? Is the baby doing alright? Any weird things going on?" he said while patting on the side of the bed as a signal to sit down next to him. He thought about what questions to ask her as he takes out a leaf that he grabbed from the Cherry Blossom tree earlier. "I actually want to ask a few questions if you don't mind...." he said in a calm tone.
Inutsuki nodded, scoffing down the cheese as she sat on the bed, a look of simple bliss on her face as she turned to him blankly, smiling awkwardly 'Umm... me? dunno how I'm feeling but the thing inside me won't stop moving around so I can't get comfy unless I go into really weird positions that make them happy. hence he whole 'feet' thing from just then... weird things.. not really. I mean... I feel really fat but that's besides the point.' she held up laughing before nodding at his next statement 'go ahead!' she said cheerfully, finishing the cheese and licking her lips happily.

"I see...well it's actually weight gain from pregnancy when you have a child, it's common so do not worry about it...." he said calmly as he placed the cherry blossom petal into her hand. He takes his sketchbook from his satchel along with his pencil and begins to draw on his lap of the lady who claims to be Inutsuki's mother. As he begins to draw, his hand moves at a high speed as more lines begin to fill and figure. His drawing finally becomes clear as he moves his hand away to show Inutsuki the drawing. It is a drawing of a fox lady wearing a dark hood, this drawing is actually from a memory when Horatio encountered her mother. He hands her the drawing so that she can get a full glimpse of it. "Do you remember anything about this lady in the drawing? or at least have any feelings about her?" he asked with a bit of hope in his voice.

Zareh said:
"I see...well it's actually weight gain from pregnancy when you have a child, it's common so do not worry about it...." he said calmly as he placed the cherry blossom petal into her hand. He takes his sketchbook from his satchel along with his pencil and begins to draw on his lap of the lady who claims to be Inutsuki's mother. As he begins to draw, his hand moves at a high speed as more lines begin to fill and figure. His drawing finally becomes clear as he moves his hand away to show Inutsuki the drawing. It is a drawing of a fox lady wearing a dark hood, this drawing is actually from a memory when Horatio encountered her mother. He hands her the drawing so that she can get a full glimpse of it. "Do you remember anything about this lady in the drawing? or at least have any feelings about her?" he asked with a bit of hope in his voice.
Inutsuki nods, sighing and poking her stomach once, sticking her tongue out at it childishly before grabbing the notebook and staring down at the page, blinking a couple of times and squinting once before looking around it curiously, going as far as sniffing it causing he tail to wag before grabbing her own notebook and writing a moderately shocking message 'what? there's nothing here... it's a blank page.' she held up blankly, tilting her head side-ways slightly.

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Horatio look at the picture and back to Inutsuki, he takes the drawing while scanning it with disbelief. "No...this can't be possible, don't you see the lady in the picture with white hair and fox ears in a dark cloak?" he asked her as he flips to a new page on the sketchbook but this time, he draws a picture of Inutsuki riding a horse while wearing a top hat. He flips to the next page and draws Fero carry a giant piece of cake, on the next page, he draws Arona wolfing down spaghetti while sitting on a tree. He finally reaches the last page and draws the lady again but this time, he draws her in a gown while standing in front of a meadow. Horatio lets out some steam literally as the steam air rises and evaporates, he hands Inutsuki the sketchbook again. "Alright, take a look at these drawings and once you are done with that...take a look on the final page." he said calmly with a bit of annoyance in his voice. How could a picture of the lady be invisible to her? What exactly is going on? Horatio ponders and if this technique doesn't work, he will have to try something different.

Zareh said:
Horatio look at the picture and back to Inutsuki, he takes the drawing while scanning it with disbelief. "No...this can't be possible, don't you see the lady in the picture with white hair and fox ears in a dark cloak?" he asked her as he flips to a new page on the sketchbook but this time, he draws a picture of Inutsuki riding a horse while wearing a top hat. He flips to the next page and draws Fero carry a giant piece of cake, on the next page, he draws Arona wolfing down spaghetti while sitting on a tree. He finally reaches the last page and draws the lady again but this time, he draws her in a gown while standing in front of a meadow. Horatio lets out some steam literally as the steam air rises and evaporates, he hands Inutsuki the sketchbook again. "Alright, take a look at these drawings and once you are done with that...take a look on the final page." he said calmly with a bit of annoyance in his voice. How could a picture of the lady be invisible to her? What exactly is going on? Horatio ponders and if this technique doesn't work, he will have to try something different.

Inutsuki nods, slightly startled at his reaction and taking the page, raising an eyebrow at herself on a horse with a top-hat and laughing at the other two before finally going to the last page and staring it blankly, quickly grabbing her own and writing in it
'The picture it... there's a meadow... and a gown... but the person is all blurred out. I can't see anyone.' she wrote, holding it up and wondering why Horatio was acting so oddly.

The woman watched from the window, opening it silently and steeping down in front of the two, Inutsuki shivering once from the sudden breeze and becoming distracted by the window that had seemingly opened by itself, continuously poking it and staring with sparkling eyes like it was magical, causing the woman to laugh a bit before turning to Horatio, a serious expression on her face, her Japanese-style clothing looking elegant and rather out of place in the rentable room.

"Listen. I don't know what your trying to do but stop... she-... she doesn't need me to 'appear'... ok? can't you see you freaking her out? shoving random drawings in her face? how do you think that makes her feel?..." she asks viciously before sighing, her tail swaying gracefully behind her "whatever questions you have just ask me. I'll answer." she eventually said in almost a growl.

Horatio looked at the lady standing before her, he lowers his head and puts his hands on his lap. "Inutsuki, excuse me...I need to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back." he slowly stands up and walks to the bathroom while secretly signaling to the lady to follow him too. He enters the bathroom and closes the door, he leans against the wall in a respectiful manner and lowers his head staring at the floor filled with a bit of guilt. "I'm terribly sorry...I didn't mean to scare your daughter like that, I only wanted to help but I wasn't sure how to." he said in a genuine apologetic tone. "I wanted to find a way if I could reunite you with your daughter...so I decided that perhaps if I tried to jog her memory, I thought it would work..." he explained. "The mind has a many cognitive ways of approaching a certain situation...that includes memory" he said as he looked up to her "But...It doesn't make sense about what she is able to do...it defies all manner of logic and scientific explanation...but I am not one to question it since this is a different world from the one I think I know about." Horatio said.

"Listen, I know I only know your daughter for about 2 days but a lot has happened which caused me to think differently...she can't remember a single thing and she always tell me how she is always scared of hurting someone with this power, how she has no one to be with and how she wishes she could be strong....she wishes to know who she is and wants to find a place to belong...I can relate.....when the guards chased her down...I went to free her and I did...she's no longer hunted and I am now her guardian." he said softly in a calm voice.

"She can't remember who she is and feels like a stranger to the world....I can't remember a single thing about who I was either....I can't remember who I was or who created me or where I belong or anything at all....I keep thinking and pondering but I just have no clue....It hurts sometimes when you can't remember the people that loved you....or maybe no one loved me in the beginning and just tossed me on the side walk.....I even wonder sometimes if these emotions I have are just another defection of my program....I don't understand..." he says calmly as his voice begins to break a bit.

"I don't know how it's like to be invisible to the person that you love....you can't do anything to help...being helpless and for so long, I don't know how that feels but it must feel more than awful to see someone you care about being tortured and not able to do anything about it...."
he says as his voice breaks a bit in a calm sad tone.

Horatio begins to slide down to floor burden with pain of feelings
"I can relate to her...that's why I want to protect her....I know how it feels....it hurts....I just...I just don't show it because I don't want to remind her of the pain of what it means to be alone in this world...without anyone to go to....and I...I-I...." he puts his hands on his face as sounds of creaking come from him.

"I want to e-end h-her pain...t-to end your p-pain....to bring a f-family together for her....I-I'm d-doing m-my *bzzzt* b-best for h-her....s-she doesn't deserve TO *bzzzt* feel this pain...S-SHE deserves better....I-I p-probably d-did something *bzzzt* horrible in my p-past *bzzzt* life to deserve such an awful fate...*bzzzt* " he said as glitches and creaking is heard in his voice to emulate the sound of crying.

"If I can't remember my past, the least I-I can *bzzzt* do for her is t-to give back...what she was robbed of...." he said in a genuine kind and sorrow voice. "L-Love..." he said softly as the creaking got a bit louder.

"I-I have no eyes....and I must cry..." he said in a sorrow voice. "I-It doesn't *bzzzt* matter anyways what I f-feel...it's probably a defection in m-my program that I need to fix..."

Zareh said:
Horatio looked at the lady standing before her, he lowers his head and puts his hands on his lap. "Inutsuki, excuse me...I need to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back." he slowly stands up and walks to the bathroom while secretly signaling to the lady to follow him too. He enters the bathroom and closes the door, he leans against the wall in a respectiful manner and lowers his head staring at the floor filled with a bit of guilt. "I'm terribly sorry...I didn't mean to scare your daughter like that, I only wanted to help but I wasn't sure how to." he said in a genuine apologetic tone. "I wanted to find a way if I could reunite you with your daughter...so I decided that perhaps if I tried to jog her memory, I thought it would work..." he explained. "The mind has a many cognitive ways of approaching a certain situation...that includes memory" he said as he looked up to her "But...It doesn't make sense about what she is able to do...it defies all manner of logic and scientific explanation...but I am not one to question it since this is a different world from the one I think I know about." Horatio said.
"Listen, I know I only know your daughter for about 2 days but a lot has happened which caused me to think differently...she can't remember a single thing and she always tell me how she is always scared of hurting someone with this power, how she has no one to be with and how she wishes she could be strong....she wishes to know who she is and wants to find a place to belong...I can relate.....when the guards chased her down...I went to free her and I did...she's no longer hunted and I am now her guardian." he said softly in a calm voice.

"She can't remember who she is and feels like a stranger to the world....I can't remember a single thing about who I was either....I can't remember who I was or who created me or where I belong or anything at all....I keep thinking and pondering but I just have no clue....It hurts sometimes when you can't remember the people that loved you....or maybe no one loved me in the beginning and just tossed me on the side walk.....I even wonder sometimes if these emotions I have are just another defection of my program....I don't understand..." he says calmly as his voice begins to break a bit.

"I don't know how it's like to be invisible to the person that you love....you can't do anything to help...being helpless and for so long, I don't know how that feels but it must feel more than awful to see someone you care about being tortured and not able to do anything about it...."
he says as his voice breaks a bit in a calm sad tone.

Horatio begins to slide down to floor burden with pain of feelings
"I can relate to her...that's why I want to protect her....I know how it feels....it hurts....I just...I just don't show it because I don't want to remind her of the pain of what it means to be alone in this world...without anyone to go to....and I...I-I...." he puts his hands on his face as sounds of creaking come from him.

"I want to e-end h-her pain...t-to end your p-pain....to bring a f-family together for her....I-I'm d-doing m-my *bzzzt* b-best for h-her....s-she doesn't deserve TO *bzzzt* feel this pain...S-SHE deserves better....I-I p-probably d-did something *bzzzt* horrible in my p-past *bzzzt* life to deserve such an awful fate...*bzzzt* " he said as glitches and creaking is heard in his voice to emulate the sound of crying.

"If I can't remember my past, the least I-I can *bzzzt* do for her is t-to give back...what she was robbed of...." he said in a genuine kind and sorrow voice. "L-Love..." he said softly as the creaking got a bit louder.

"I-I have no eyes....and I must cry..." he said in a sorrow voice. "I-It doesn't *bzzzt* matter anyways what I f-feel...it's probably a defection in m-my program that I need to fix..."


The Woman didn't dare interrupt him, no emotion showed on her face as she waited for him to finish, slowly she went up to him squatting down and holding onto his shoulder, forcing him to raise his head, a closed-eyed smirk on her face "That girl... Inutsuki... she. where she is right now... it makes her happy. she doesn't 'need' to feel the pain that she's forgotten... you know.. in this crazy world no matter what happens there's always a sacrifice... no matter if it's for the good or bad it'll always happen. and-... the hard reality is?.. Inutsuki is that sacrifice..." she woman sighs, sitting down next to him.

Slowly she reaches out with her hand and small image appears above it "I'm sure by now your familiar with Aura's... correct? mine allows me to show images, Illusions to people... but-... there's something I think you need to see." her voice was so calm in the chaos.. almost soothing.

A slightly blurry image appeared on top of her palm, it showed a small, white haired baby, happily smiling up at who-evers eyes were looking down at her "That's Inutsuki... just a few days old... back then? she didn't have to worry about anything... babies are like that.. did I know she would have to suffer like this?... no... and you know what I think everyday because of it? that this is all my fault. that I should have never brought her into this cruel, un-forgiving world that we live in... but all it takes is for me to glance at her, to see her trying her hardest, smiling through living abandoned and alone in alleyways.. starving, and yet? she smiles at the simplest things, gives money and food to those who needs it and shares joy with anyone who will spare the time... and I want to slap myself for ever thinking that way... if she... someone, destined to be sacrificed the the happiness of others can stay optimistic through these times? why can't I?" her voice was quivering slightly.

"Yes... I would like to hug her, I would love more than anything to tell her that everything will be alright... to make her remember the days we spent together..." the image changed to Inutsuki playing in a cherry-blossum tree with her mum "But. every-day she gets to forget what happened... and the only fate I can think that is crueler than what she has right now? Is being forced to remember those days of pain and struggle..." she now had tears during down her face.

"There's-.. a lot. you don't know about Inutsuki... Horatio... that child that you see so innocent... isn't the real her. Inutsuki-... the real her? Is locked up inside. because she was to dangerous... because she enjoyed the power she had, she abused it... she was driven mad. and her body couldn't take the struggle, the pain.... so It protected itself the only way it knew how. to create a fake, a barrier... The Inutsuki you've come to know? Isn't Inutsuki at all..." The Womans words now seemed to hurt "The girl out there... is just an Illusion..." she trailed off.

"Created... By me."

The words seemed to Echo around them, "I see her smile and every moment, I want to believe... that the person I see is Inutsuki... that girl... I want her to be real... but that's the old Inutsuki... do you know why she forgets? why she acts like a kid? because that was created when she was 9. the same time I disappeared and she forgot." the woman slowly stood up, stumbling a bit.

"Horatio... can I ask you to do something for me? one day... free Inutsuki... The real one. but when you do... can you promise me that you'll love her? regardless of what she's like.... what she'll do... promise me... that you won't abandon her." and with that the woman left "I'm sorry... I'll answer your questions another day... this was-... harder... than I expected." and she once again disappeared.

Inutsuki poked her head into the bathroom smiling at Horatio innocently 'What's up? you talking to yourself again?...' she held up... it was hard to believe... what you saw in front of you.... that innocent girl... was just an Illusion.

Horatio could not believe what he has just heard....everything he knew about Inutsuki became nothing more than a stream of illusions....the person he vowed to protect...is nothing more than an Illusion...a fake...something that doesn't exist..."The girl out there... is just an Illusion...created...by me." those words echoed through his mind like a broken tape recorder. He didn't know what to expect...he didn't know what to believe anymore....is he fake too...perhaps all of these emotions are just as fake as the Illusion which is Inutsuki? His circuits begins to heat and his mind begins to ponder painfully at the thought of knowing someone you know...is nothing more than an illusion. He looked at his hand....and clenched it hard "I promise..." he said softly and solemnly.

He slowly turns his head to Inutsuki who entered the bathroom, he looks at her note....
"Real or fake...It doesn't matter...I promised to protect her and I will..." he thought to himself as he waved his hand in front of Inutsuki. "Don't worry about it, I just needed to check my battle systems and alert software so that I would be prepared for anything." he lied calmly and very convincing since his face is always set in stone. Horatio steps outside of the bathroom and approaches the counter, he immediately takes out a small purple sack with a cat symbol sow onto it and hands it to Inutsuki, placing it into her hands. "This little sack contains 30 coins, should be enough to last you...you can use this money to buy anything you want. You might need it someday, who knows?" he said calmly as he approaches the counter top and places more items from his satchel. A loaf of bread, some apples and oranges, a loaf of ham, 2 jars of pickles, a wheel of Swiss cheese, some black herbal tea bags and a potato. It's surprising how all of those items could fit inside a satchel but Horatio managed to do it.

"Are you still having cravings? I got a lot of stuff while you were doing your own little shopping spree.." he said while trying to forget about what the lady said but it seemed useless but looking at Inutsuki made him mentally smile. As he prepared black tea with the complementary tea cups and tea pot and placed it on the table. "Have some tea, it will make you feel better." he said calmly.

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Zareh said:
Horatio could not believe what he has just heard....everything he knew about Inutsuki became nothing more than a stream of illusions....the person he vowed to protect...is nothing more than an Illusion...a fake...something that doesn't exist..."The girl out there... is just an Illusion...created...by me." those words echoed through his mind like a broken tape recorder. He didn't know what to expect...he didn't know what to believe anymore....is he fake too...perhaps all of these emotions are just as fake as the Illusion which is Inutsuki? His circuits begins to heat and his mind begins to ponder painfully at the thought of knowing someone you know...is nothing more than an illusion. He looked at his hand....and clenched it hard "I promise..." he said softly and solemnly.
He slowly turns his head to Inutsuki who entered the bathroom, he looks at his note....
"Real or fake...It doesn't matter...I promised to protect her and I will..." he thought to himself as he waved his hand in front of Inutsuki. "Don't worry about it, I just needed to check my battle systems and alert software so that I would be prepared for anything." he lied calmly and very convincing since his face is always set in stone. Horatio steps outside of the bathroom and approaches the counter, he immediately takes out a small purple sack with a cat symbol sow onto it and hands it to Inutsuki, placing it into her hands. "This little sack contains 30 coins, should be enough to last you...you can use this money to buy anything you want. You might need it someday, who knows?" he said calmly as he approaches the counter top and places more items from his satchel. A loaf of bread, some apples and oranges, a loaf of ham, 2 jars of pickles, a wheel of Swiss cheese, some black herbal tea bags and a potato. It's surprising how all of those items could fit inside a satchel but Horatio managed to do it.

"Are you still having cravings? I got a lot of stuff while you were doing your own little shopping spree.." he said while trying to forget about what the lady said but it seemed useless but looking at Inutsuki made him mentally smile. As he prepared black tea with the complementary tea cups and tea pot and placed it on the table. "Have some tea, it will make you feel better." he said calmly.


Inutsuki nodded slowly, confused and smiling awkwardly as she followed him back out, her face beginning to show worry as he kept giving her items, she got up and gently, almost hesitantly put a hand on his arms slowly giving him a concerned smile 'I'm fine. but you-.... seem.. off... whats up?...' she wrote, adding a small smily face at the end before flopping down on the bed and rolling around a bit, acting similar to Arona in a way 'I hope I remember this tomorrow.... this forgetting thing is gonna become a pain now that I have friends...' she wrote, smirking cheerfully at him.

'And thanks for the tea. but-... I'm good.' she laughed.... this moment... after what just happened to anyone who knew the truth... would seem so painful... and somewhere in Inutsuki... the thing that she hadn't told her friends.... ever since she met them? it hurt.

Horatio looked at Inutsuki while mentally smiling but at the same time, he felt depressed over the fact that it's all just an illusion but he still vowed to protect her. "Don't worry about me, I'm alright." he said calmly as he took put a book which labeled as "Kemonomimi Kitchen 101" he red the book while taking a sip of tea, pouring the liquid into his energy hole. However he is only trying to hide the pain which he had experienced.

Zareh said:
Horatio looked at Inutsuki while mentally smiling but at the same time, he felt depressed over the fact that it's all just an illusion but he still vowed to protect her. "Don't worry about me, I'm alright." he said calmly as he took put a book which labeled as "Kemonomimi Kitchen 101" he red the book while taking a sip of tea, pouring the liquid into his energy hole. However he is only trying to hide the pain which he had experienced.
Inutsuki nodded before asking quite out of the blue 'Hey, Horatio... what do babies eat?' innocently, holding the note book up and poking her stomach now, in the clothing she was wearing her stomach obviously had a bump but that could easily be interpreted for fat, the baby kicked her finger and she jumped backwards, hissing at her stomach as her tail stiffened 'Why you little... your not getting away with that!~' she wrote for no real reason apart from trying to cheer Horatio up, she lifted up her shirt and poked it again, somewhere in her mind apparently thought this was a punishment.

As they approached to the cafe, she saw couples entering the cafe, since mostly everybody love to eat their almond and honey cake.

Mary then looked at Leon, since she can tell that he was excited about this.

‘He is so cute when he is excited like that.’ thought Mary.

Leon said that he was going to get the best seats in the cafe, even though she didn't really care where she sit at, since she gets to be with Leon anyway.

“Alright then.” said Mary, who was chuckling on the inside, since this was still very sweet of him to do.

As they entered the cafe, they were were greeted a female flamingo kemonomimi.

As Leon told the lady that they wanted to get the best seats her, the flamingo lady looked at her before looking back at Leon.

She said of course, and led them to the luxurious corner.

The other staff members then greeted them, took their order, and then brought the apple pie that they asked for to their table.

Mary ate the apple pie like a lady, and she loved how sweet it was.

“So good.” said Mary, as she ate the rest of the apple pie by herself.

"Yes, sir. I do know the way." Aren jumped back to attention, standing straight up. "If you would follow me..." He led them out the door, and onto the streets of the kingdom.

Half an hour later, Aren finally spotted the second-in-command Casper, talking to a street vendor. "Excuse me! Casper, sir, somebody wants to talk with you." He stepped aside to show Caius was behind him.

@wizard nibblers Sorry to interrupt your interaction.

@Unlucky @Pretzel Heart

Alexander watched as Rune pointed up ahead signaling they were almost there. It appeared to be a bunch of ruined buildings except these buildings weren't the old architectural designs. These ones were from human civilization himself. All the usual signs and advertisements were everywhere although a bit ruined at this point. The entire area seemed pretty up-to-date on technology, or at least what Alexander could make out of the rubble did. He didn't recall any wars that happened recently and certainly none that went to such a drastic measure that cities were nearly leveled. Not only that but with this being relatively close to the Kemonomimi Kingdom it wasn't clear to him how they managed to stay so backwards. His eyes wondered around as he tried to pick up anything revealing about their location but nothing appeared.

After a few minutes they stopped walking through all of the destruction to a spot that looked just like the rest of the city. Alexander listened as Rune explained the man he wanted to talk to should be inside. A moment later and Alexander understood. It's that the entrance was disguised to look like everything else. Whatever was to be found in there they obviously did not want others to see. Rune covered his face with his hand suddenly, which was a bit odd but Alexander didn't question it. They stood there and he could tell Rune was pondering on something but it wasn't quite clear what. Seemingly out of no where another Kemonomimi appeared. He spoke with obvious excitement over seeing Alexander and he knew Rune's name.

"Is this the man?" Alexander spoke quietly while still looking at the newcomer.


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