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Fantasy ☯-⊕The Age of Kemonomimi⊕-☯

Mate day. Out of all the days he had to fall ill on this day. Hidden personally had no one special in mind to confess is love to, he found it dangerous due to all the women out there that were hungery for power and gold. But he did like to walking about the city and congratulate the new couples. As he was wallowing in a bit of self pity, his door opened and a medic walked in. "How are you feeling? ...Your highness." The mouse squeaked in at the last second a bit embarrassed by the way her ears fell back upon her skull. Must of been her first day and she had gotten the luck of the draw. "No better then before-" he was interrupted by a fierce coughing fit. "Sir! Please..." She ran over and made him lay back down. The medic pulled a pouch out of her satchel and grabbed a clean cup from his bedside. Pouring a glass of water, she took a few leaves from the pouch and put them in the cool liquids. Putting the pouch away, she then wrapped her hands around the cup and slowly heated it with her aura. Once the tea had been made, the mouse held the cup in front of his mouth. Leaning forward, Hidden took a sip, the warm liquid soothing his raw throat.

Once the cup had been drained, she propped him up with another pillow then turned to leave before the king asked "May I ask your name?" The medic paused then squeaked "M-my name? Kira..." "Thank you, Kira." She then scurried out of the room.
“I know, Leon.” said Mary, since she already knew about Grey Hound being a hero thief, but Leon doesn't know that.

Leon then said to ignore it, and Mary just smiled at him, because they need to do her dating schedule right now.

“Alright Leon, and I already knew that you were going to pay for everything, since you did said it before.” said Mary.

Leon started to say that flower after she had putted the roses in his hair, and then, he ended up saying something that she wasn't expecting to heard.

‘He called me cute...that is the first time that somebody said that to me, since it's always someone saying that I look beautiful. Leon...thank you.’ thought Mary.

“Thank you, Leon.” said Mary cheerfully. “Now lets go have some fun, and we aren't going to rush on this date to begin with, Leon.“

She walked towards the cafe with Leon, since she loves him.

‘I love you so much, Leon, but sadly, today might have to end this friendship, since we might have to take it to the next level.’ thought Mary, since Leon secretly has always been her mate, because they know about each other very well.

Zareh said:
As Horatio heard the lady speak, he respectfully transformed his plasma arm cannon back into a regular arm and listened to what she said. "I promise I will take care of her, I fought for her freedom and I vow to continue doing so...by protecting her from all harm...I promise you this...." he said in a calm and caring tone. He looked at the lady wave her hand and yelled at him and Inutsuki, he turned his head towards Inutsuki and was shocked by the fact that Inutsuki did not hear anything at all nor did she see anything. When he listened to her explanation, he couldn't help but feel sorrow and a bit of guilt for doubting her. As she begins to disappears into the shadows, he quickly raises his hands "Wait! Don't go!" he said but was already too late....she had disappeared.....Horatio cannot imagine how much pain it must be to watch someone that you love, be tortured and can't do anything about it. He clenched his right hand by his side as he looked out into the distance while mentally frowning at the scene.
"I do not know if you can hear me but.....I-I'm terribly s-sorry....do not fret....your daughter is safe with me...." he said solemnly and softly without Inutsuki hearing him speak as he turns his whole body towards her and walks up to Inutsuki and offers her a hand to stand up. "The sky I suppose" he said calmly while pointing upwards. "Let's go home...it's getting pretty late" he said while looking at the late afternoon sun. Horatio gently grabs her hand and leads her out of the forest "You must still have cravings I guess, when we get home...you can satisfy those cravings." he said "Which reminds me...where do you live?" he asked in a concerning voice.

"Why I'm I having all of these feelings?.....is there a defection in my program?....I need to analyze my software and hardware status once I get back...." he thought to himself.

Inutsuki stared at him blankly before nodding, taking the hand, as they left the forest she smiled cheerfully before nodding, when he asked where she lived she gulped before backing away slowly 'That...' she wrote, holding it up 'I-In the castle... in a-... broom cupboard.. I mean! there's a bed and a small window and a mirror! and, err, BROOMS!?' she wrote frantically before flopping down pathetically again.

The woman nodded from he shadows at Horatio's comment, watching, like aways from a distance "You better... for all of our safety."

Inutsuki suddenly perks up, trying to change the topic 'Hey... that reminds me. just where did Arona and Fero get too? we haven't seen them all day... it's so... 'quiet' without them around...' she held up slowly, still blushing furiously from the earlier message.

Ciel was walking pacing around the castle not only did he have to deal with these "robots", but somehow a fight between two of them already broke out and the guardians ended up being able to do nothing about. "It's bad enough that I had to babysit one of them, but now those monsters are destroying our city too!" He angrily mumbled to himself while thinking about these recent events. Then, out of the corner of his eye, he saw prince Caius talking to one of the guardians he seemed quite angry, undoubtedly he was talking about the incident deciding not to let his fellow guardian face the prince's wrath on his own Ciel approached them, and gave a bow to the prince "Is something the matter Prince Caius?" He said respectfully.

@Pretzel Heart


Horatio looked at her and wondered too, it has been a while....and he hasn't seen her this morning so what could have happened?

"I am not too sure myself but if it's one thing, I just hope that they are safe." he said calmly as they walked out of the forest together and back to the Kingdom of Fauna.

< @Kayzo >

Fero's arm snakes around to hold Arona close to him as he smiles at the two in front of them. "I apologize for not sharing my name yesterday... I was in a hurry. My name is Fero, Nice to meet you."
Mao shot them both a smile. Aww, they must be together for mate day. How cute! "It's nice to meet you Fero." She said, standing up, feeling strange being the only one sitting down. "My name is Mao of the Guardians of Aura!"

@The Mythic Dragon

(Short post. Working on a project that has me very stressed out, but I'm almost done.)
Arona looked at her with curiosity "Oh you're one of the guardians? That's really really cool! Do you do like super flying awesome action stuff?!" she said with shining eyes as she scanned and circled around Mao. She then stops to look at the Monkey Lady "Who are you?" she asks with curiosity in her eyes as well. As she looks behind the girl and pokes her tail.

@The Mythic Dragon


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"Yeah, actually. Being a guardian allowe us to fly around and use energy blast! It's very fun, and a shame you can't try it." Mao said, teasing her a little. Obviously they couldn't do anything like that, well at least not Mao. And in the blink of an eye Arona changed her attention from Mao to Aine. She didn't bother to answer, wanting Aibe to introduce herself.

@The Mythic Dragon
"Hello, my names is Aine Golden. I'm am the star of the circus called "The Golden Acrobatics" Aine make a backflip twice and then bow to Arona and Fero.


@The Mythic Dragon
Arona was amazed by Aine's performance, she giggles and claps her hands in sight of her little performance. "Bravo! Bravo Magnifique!" she said in a excited and childish tone. "You're the star of the show? Oh my gaia! That is sooooooo cool!" Arona begins circling around Aine in a hyperactive way. "How did you do that? Did you train or something? I mean like that's amazing! Because I've never ever seen someone jump like THAT before!" she said with excitement before stopping and returning to Fero's side with a smile. "Which reminds me...is there still a show going on? We came to see you perform actually!" she asked adorably.

@The Mythic Dragon @Kayzo


As Horatio and Inutsuki walked back to the kingdom slowly, he thought about Inutsuki's Mother and her words...."Listen to me. you better take damn good care of her or your in for it... hear me?" those words echoed in his mind, he has now a stronger reason to fight for the protection of Inutsuki but he worries and doubts himself that he won't be able to do it. As he walks with Inutsuki, he turns his head and looks around....no sign of that lady anywhere....and what she said also didn't make sense "When she was a little girl... she yelled at me to Disappear" it defied all logic and science. How could such a simple word could make a person disappear from the fabric of reality? He pondered but still did not come up with a solid conclusion, he needed answers but despite the questions...the fact still remains that he now knows about her past....should he tell her, would it work if she yelled "Appear" would that make her mother come back and Inutsuki would finally have her happy ending?...Seemed too simple and too good to be true.

Horatio felt a twinge of envy go through him as he continued walking, Inutsuki still had her mother who cares about her but....he...he had no one....everyone he knew or probably knew....is dead. As they reached the kingdom streets, Horatio noticed that most of the couples are getting tired and are relaxing.
"Alright Inutsuki, show me the way to your home." he said in a calm voice.

Aine smiles as Arona like her little performance. "Thanks!" Then Arona asking question while she circling around her. "It was practice of doing backflip and its take years of training to be a pros. And the next show will be another hours...' Aine check the time.

@The Mythic Dragon


Caius Amadeo Fauna

Caius had to suck back his breath lest his tongue start flailing about in his anger. This couldn't be some sort of twisted kingdom-wide prank, could it? No, no. Who would dare try and pick a fight with the second most powerful kemonomimi in all the land? At least that's what Caius satisfied himself with calling himself. Hidden had to be number one to do all the boring stuff, after all. So maybe it was true, and there were ancient relics running amuck. In that case---

"He's on the streets!? What in Gaia's name is he doing trolloping about when there's a veritable outbreak on the loose! Obviously these cretins got in once, so wouldn't it make sense to heighten, not lower security? Honestly!"

In his tirade against the illogicity of all this, his snake-like tongue had, indeed, begun to make its presence known. Which only made Caius even more flustered.

"I demand that we see Casper immediately!

Just as he, arms crossed and body fully erect in his strongest, most confident, and proudest posture, a second voice came from behind them.

"Oh thank Gaia! Ciel, is it true that these 'robot' things are running about recking our
priceless palaces? The three of us are going to find Casper --- he is still Second in Command, right? --- and we're going to see my brother about this. Heightened security is needed! Plans need to be made! These cretins must be regulated!"

He was on a tirade again, but secretly he found himself looking forward for a chance to go into town. After all, being responsible was Hidden's job. But in this he could kill two birds with one stone: Find someone to pay for all the damages, and perhaps find himself a pretty kemonomimi for Mate Day. Not a bad setup indeed.

@Lotusy , @wizard nibblers , @Unlucky

Royal Fauna Palace

Aren flinched a bit at Caius's words. Ok, flinched a lot. Actually, he jumped back, scared. The scream behind his lips would have been rivaled by only the shrillest of bird kemonomimi. Caius's intense stare, the tongue, it all unnerved him. He felt a wave of relief as Ciel came to his rescue. Oh deer god, thank you Ciel. You don't know it, but I might have been made into a pair of venison chops given a few more minutes.

He slunk back behind Ciel, but kept lookout around the two men, staring down anyone who came close.
"Unfortunately, your majesty, the rumors would prove to be true; there was a single robot who was invited into the castle by the king. They ended up discussing something, though I do not know what, you will have to ask the king if you wish to know more about the meeting. On top of that I can't help but feel partially to blame as the king ordered me to keep an eye on our guest, and it is possible that he was one of the robots that were involved in the fight." Ciel knew that these robots were a potential danger, yet they still ended up causing damage to the castle, and under his watch none the less. He couldn't help but feel like he had failed in his duties as the commander of the guardians.

"Regardless, we would be happy to accompany you to find my second." Ciel turned his face towards Aren and gave him an apologetic look for dragging him along, but he knew that when the prince got this way there was little point in arguing with him. At least, the prince did seek to increase security which was a notion that Ciel wholeheartedly agreed with after seeing the threat that these machines presented.

@Pretzel Heart

Caius Amadeo Fauna

Hidden invited a robot? Here?

Caius supposed that he had been so wrapped up in his own dealings that he had missed the encounter completely. Unless his brother had decided just not to tell him. But Mary had made no mentioned of it, either. What was Hidden up to?

Well, there would be plenty of time for that later.

"Very well then, seeing as I'm already so perfectly dressed--- I mean, seeing as we're all gathered here, we may as well go find Casper and report back to my brother. This one here," Caius made a passive hand-gesture in Aren's general direction, "said he had an idea where he may be. So, lead us onwards, then."

The mere remembrance of his own perfect frame and the prospect of finding a somewhat equitable partner for Mate Day had calmed Caius down considerably. Besides, it wouldn't do to be all puffed-out tongue flailing in front of the commoners. Caius made a point to straighten himself out before waiting for the Guard to lead them.

@Lotusy , @wizard nibblers , @Unlucky

Royal Fauna Palace

Zenario Zeid

"An adventure it is then!" Zenario gathered his belongings in a satchel. After having already lifted her, he decided to back off of Megumi a bit. You know, to maintain the illusion of a chase. So instead of holding her hand, he simply opened the door for her. Sure that Megumi still needed to get her own equipment, he told her, "I'll wait for you outside," he said before gently taking to the air and leaving the building.

Waiting for him at the exit was Rune and...A ROBOT?!

Zenario's eyes widened as he looked from Rune to the metal man and then back to Rune. "My goodness!" was all he could manage to gasp at first as his mouth fell agape. "B-b-brother Rune, excuse me...excuse my...my goodness!" Zenario shared the ram's excitement, so much so that his wings began to flutter intensely. "G-greetings to you both," he landed to the ground and gave the two a low bow as he tried to regain his composure. If Rune was a woman right now Zenario would be making out with him. Best unintentional mate day gift ever.

@Kayzo @Pretzel Heart @MrLlama @active brotherhood bros

Doll Agia

"Me?! Happy to see you?! Puh-lease! HAHAHA...ha..." Doll's exxarggerated artificial laughter was her only defenae in the face of her nerves. Still, the light shade of pink forming in her cheeks spoke of her true feelings. There she goes with those stupid nicknames again. In Doll's opinion, this one was better than "Little B" but still somewhat demeaning for a Guardian who's supposed to strike fear in the hearts of those that would break the law. "B-besides how could I be happy to see someone I don't even know, huh?! Just who are you anyway!? And what are you up to, huh?!" This was her way of saying, "Hi, how are you, what's your name?"

Darkness surrounded him, as did countless large structures that towered up into the abyss of night, or at least they did once, perhaps. Some still managed it but many more where broken and shattered, their legacy strewn about amongst their foundations. It made moving around a chore, heavy debris kept blocking his path at every step. "Sometimes" he though to himself, "going it alone doesn't quite work" but he shrugged off the thought, this is the way he preferred it. He had been due back in the city. But he had been keenly aware as to what day it was. It was something he avoided. All those people, getting on with their lives, being happy. It wasn't his bag. No, he felt this was where he was needed. Amongst the hellish remains of a forgotten civilisation. Trying to find bits and bobs so that some smart ass back at the guild could paint a better picture. He didn't care for all that though, he just wanted to be doing something.

He made his way through the forgotten and broken streets. Stopping every now and then to check for things of interest and to listen to the empty sounds that also surrounded him. Just in case he wasn't truly alone. He didn't want to stumble across a nest of red swarmers. To that extent he had merely been skating the fringes of the ruins. He was certainly brave but by no means stupid. Even the guardians rarely ventured all that far in unless they had enough members willing to through their lives away.

He continued through the dark streets, his torch held high, illuminating his surroundings just enough to see what he was looking for. There! He found it. A building with an accessible door way. He had found it a few months back but had already accumulated enough good junk that it would have been an unesecary risk. He had marked it a certain way and had been following the scent, his scent. He approached slowly and carefully, keeping his ears keenly pricked for any sounds and his eyes wide open for any movement. Arriving at the door he turned around to make sure nothing was behind him and then slowly decended down a small set of steps. He turned back and swapped the torch into his left hand before reaching for the door nob with his right. His gloved hand made contact and he turned the door nob. It was locked. "Goddamn" he muttered. " gotta do this the loud way". He stepped back and brought up his right booted leg and kicked at the door sharply. For a moment it looked like a failed attempt but then the door wobbled slightly and then fell towards him. He just about caught it with his right shoulder and then, struggling not to drop his torch at the same time manuvered himself so that the door ended up propped against the wall all the while grunting and cursing as quietly as he could.

Composing himself, Dex entered the door way swapping his torch back into his dominant right hand the flames illuminating dirty walls and cracked floor. He had no idea what he would find or even what he was looking for. But that was always part of the fun...
Megumi let out a happy sigh and nodded. "Ok, I'll get my gear and meat you outside." She said, following him outside. Since she nearly ran towards her room, she managed to miss the robot in the room. Besides, even if she did see it, it wouldn't matter to her. All that mattered right now was spending time with her "mate." Throwing her adventure pack over her shoulder, and strapped her trusty sword to her waist. She never left home without it. When she was all ready, Megumi pranced outside of her room, searching for Zenario.


(Once again, authors block and stressful project are making refrain from making my best post. I promise I'll get better tomorrow.)
Zareh said:
Arona was amazed by Aine's performance, she giggles and claps her hands in sight of her little performance. "Bravo! Bravo Magnifique!" she said in a excited and childish tone. "You're the star of the show? Oh my gaia! That is sooooooo cool!" Arona begins circling around Aine in a hyperactive way. "How did you do that? Did you train or something? I mean like that's amazing! Because I've never ever seen someone jump like THAT before!" she said with excitement before stopping and returning to Fero's side with a smile. "Which reminds me...is there still a show going on? We came to see you perform actually!" she asked adorably.
@The Mythic Dragon @Kayzo


As Horatio and Inutsuki walked back to the kingdom slowly, he thought about Inutsuki's Mother and her words...."Listen to me. you better take damn good care of her or your in for it... hear me?" those words echoed in his mind, he has now a stronger reason to fight for the protection of Inutsuki but he worries and doubts himself that he won't be able to do it. As he walks with Inutsuki, he turns his head and looks around....no sign of that lady anywhere....and what she said also didn't make sense "When she was a little girl... she yelled at me to Disappear" it defied all logic and science. How could such a simple word could make a person disappear from the fabric of reality? He pondered but still did not come up with a solid conclusion, he needed answers but despite the questions...the fact still remains that he now knows about her past....should he tell her, would it work if she yelled "Appear" would that make her mother come back and Inutsuki would finally have her happy ending?...Seemed too simple and too good to be true.

Horatio felt a twinge of envy go through him as he continued walking, Inutsuki still had her mother who cares about her but....he...he had no one....everyone he knew or probably knew....is dead. As they reached the kingdom streets, Horatio noticed that most of the couples are getting tired and are relaxing.
"Alright Inutsuki, show me the way to your home." he said in a calm voice.


Inutsuki was staring at Horatio, he was quiet... too quiet. when he suddenly started talking she almost fell backwards from shock 'well... I mean-... I still don't have work today so I can't go there... we're only allowed in the palace on working days so... Over there looks nice!' she wrote, holding it up and rushing off to an alleyway suddenly, she looked proud as she scanned the scenery, nodding to herself 'yep! this looks nice.' she held up to him.

There was a few boxes, some rubbish but it was fairly dry and shielded from the wind on most angles. Inutsuki smiled
'I guess... here is good? you can call this my home. it's one of the better ones that's for sure... normally they all smell like fish for some reason?..' she wrote, holding it up and laughing a bit before looking up at the sky and suddenly going onto her knees in what seemed like a praying position, muttering something under her breath about Gaia before standing back up.

'Sorry bout' that... I do it everyday few days about this time... I guess I changed it a little today though.. normally I ask to remember things the next day but today I just asked that my child would be safe... after all, those guards are dead set on getting them. wether or not the King punishes them... they're like a whole other organisation entirely. they want me-... never mind' she wrote, her hand shaking slightly as she held it up.

“Wow you must have a big appetite.” He took another glance at the menu. The place wasn't expensive, but ordering everything wasn't going to be cheap. “And a lot of money, apparently. What do your parents do?” While she spoke, he settled on the garden salad.

"Um....I don't wanna talk about them......." Yin look away as she didn't say it as the waiters came and take their orders. Yin asked to give her everything on the menu as she she look at him with such cute big eyes.

@wizard nibblers
He laughed nervously. “Wow, you must think the Guardians get paid a lot huh... Well, uh, I suppose I could?” he replied, too polite to refuse, and not wanting to give the impression that the Guardians did a poor job at paying their members. She might not have a good family, and perhaps she hadn’t had a proper meal in a while. It was going to a good and just cause, giving back to society! Yes, that was it, and it’s not like he was spending much lately anyway, is he thought to himself.

"Oh, don't you worried, I can pay half......" Yin didn't want to let him pay all of it since she orders it a lot. "You know....I wanna to thank to you, Gruardians, that help someone in troubles.....like few days ago, I was in big trouble and then one of Guardian rescue me......" She give him a sweet smiles as she saw the food is here. "Oh, the food is ready!!" Yin say that as she look at the towel napkin. "Oh here, let me do this...." She get up and put a towel napkin on his neck, nice and neat.

@wizard nibblers
Horatio looked at the place, he scanned the area and realized how filthy it really is....he wondered...how can a person live in a place like this? He wondered as he analyzed the area with his vision.

*On Horatio's HUD*









He grabs Inutsuki's hand as they leave the alleyway "This place is completely filthy, it's not suitable for you to be here let alone to raise an infant. The reason why it smells like fish is because this is the place where most food rot creating toxic smells that can kill a person's smell and appetite. It's also bad because there is a chance you might catch Influenza." he said as they walked back on the street. About a few minutes later, they come across a large towering building which shows a sign saying "Lucy's Rooms for Rent!". Horatio and Inutsuki enter the building and is greeted by a young lady in a green dress behind the counter. "Happy Mate Day, Welcome to Rachel's Rooms for Rent....I am the land lord; Rachel, how may I help you?" she said with a warm smile. Horatio walked up to the counter to greet the lady "Greetings, I would to rent a room here please." he said "Of course, the room will cost you 35 coins per night or 85 coins per month including hot water and breakfast." she said while peeking behind Horatio and taking a look at Inutsuki with a smile. "I see...are you two a lovely couple that need a room to make love?" she said with a flustered smile. Horatio stepped back a bit from the counter in shock before moving forward. "No Ma'am, not a...couple...I just would like to rent the room for the month." he said while taking the sack of coins and jewels from his satchel, he takes out what appears to be a 2 karat Diamond and places it on the counter. "I believe this would cover the room's rent for an entire year?" he said calmly. The Lady wide eyes at the diamond as she carefully picks it up to examine it and stares blankly at Horatio before replying. "Yes, this will do....please follow me.." she said with a smile as she puts the diamond into a container behind the counter and leads Horatio and Inutsuki down the hallway to a room that says "Room 18" in metal on a wooden door. "This will be your new room" she said as she unlocks the door with a key and opens it to reveal a large room with a bed on the far right upper corner, a table with 2 chairs along with a counter on the far right lower side and on the left side is a door that leads to the bathroom. "Alright...here is the key...one for you and one for you!" she said a bit cheerful while handing Horatio and Inutsuki the keys to the room. "Have fun you two~ and please don't make too much sound when your having "fun"...it can disturb the others here!" she said as she went down the hallway.

Horatio entered the room and placed the items on the counter and sits down on the chair quietly beginning his software scan
"I'll be right back, don't go anywhere. I'm just going to do a software scan on my systems. While I do that, please get yourself aquinted with the room...It's a much more appropriate place for a soon to be mother." he said as he sets the timer to 10 minutes and begins to shut down, the light from his eyes dim until they suddenly gone dark, leaving him motionless and stiff. A robotic monotone sound comes from within him saying "INTERNAL SCAN COMMENCING"

@The Mythic Dragon @Kayzo @JessBeth
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