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Fantasy ☯-⊕The Age of Kemonomimi⊕-☯

Arona sits down next to Fero and hugs him while comforting him with a relieved smile on her face "I'm really glad that I found you then, who knows what would have happened if I didn't get there in time..." she said in a soft voice and then starts ruffling him on the head with a smile. "We should really get out of here....this place is starting to give me the gloomies" she said in a childish tone as she jumps from the bed and grabs Fero's hand as she rushes out the door. "I remember that there is a circus in town! We should really go there and have some fun!" she said as Arona skipped out the door.

@The Mythic Dragon
< @Zareh >

Fero looks at Arona, tears still in his eyes, but suddenly finds himself pulled out the door. He takes the time to lock it before following, a smile slowly creeping up on his face. Arona's demeanor was contagious... at least for him it was. "Yeah... let's go to the circus." He tells her, ready to have some fun after all the emotion that had happened today so far.
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Kayzo said:
Mao tilts her head and watches as Aine sits down. "Why is that? You sounded great tonight! And you have a really nice voice." She said, resting her fluffy tail on her lap. She was so happy and grateful that she was able to be what she thought to be friends with such a popular and amazing person. It made her feel special.
"Well, from the ground we couldn't tell you were struggling." Mao said, smiling slightly. She noticed Aines small sigh and her smile faded. "Are you ok?" She asked, her tail swaying on her lap.
"Not really....I guess I'm.....sad and jealous....." Aine eyes grow sad as she look at the cute couple.

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"Is it because you don't have a mate?" Mao asked, frowning slightly. It's good to see that I'm not the only one. "Because I don't either... "
",,,,yea....." Aine look down. When she hear that Mao here also don't have a mate,too. "You? Really? I thought you have one since you're pretty cute and all....."

Mao blushed slightly and shook her head. "Thank you, but no I'm not that cute." She said softly and looked down. "I'm surprised you don't have a mate, since you're such a big deal."
Aine giggle as she said, "I may be star of show.....but getting a mate....." Aine eyes grow sadder again. " I can't choose a mate......"

"Maybe I can help!" Mao said happily, gently placing her hand on Aine's leg. "I'll find you the perfect mate!"

Rumdarjun Feynhardt

Rune had been so distracted with his own thoughts and growing so used to his companion's silence that he was surprised when he heard the delicious musicality of the robotic voice once again. He had almost forgotten what it sounded like, that it was indeed real and alive.

"How far is this place you speak of?"

By this time they had gone quite a ways, from the perpendicular, well-organized streets of the city closest to the Fauna Palace, growing increasingly winding and haphazard as they twisted through the slums where the Feynhardt's house lay. Now they were walking through what was more or less desert, broken only by the few vague shacks of eclectics or people who made their living off of helping Guild Members off on their quests. The Forbidden Ruins were now in full view, towering and dark, shimmering starkly against the rest of the world that shined as if just for the purpose of Mate Day.

Pointing towards the tattered buildings, Rune replied, "Not very far at all."

The home of the Sapient Brotherhood was not difficult to get to...as long as you knew the way. The Ruins held so much mystery for the average kemonomimi that most kept away just from fear of the place. Of course, the Guild was by far and large the biggest exception, but even amidst their members were stratifications of bravery, and not every Guilder was willing to make the long trek into the unknown.

As the ram and robot made their way through the Ruins' entrance, the evidence of the human's lost influence became increasingly clear. The barely legible signs of the apparently once-great city hung at awkward angles like broken limbs. Electricity lines coiled like useless snakes around buildings peppered with holes and mauled by the claws of time. The sense of desolation was almost oppressive, but for someone like Rune who enjoyed the solitude of not being swarmed by so many kemonomimi...so many who operated on those high and cluttered and confusing emotional levels that he could never understand...the comfort in the dark coolness was something he craved even when not embraced by it.

Without a guide, the Sapient Brotherhood's headquarters was just another stop in the maze-like city. One had to pick their way carefully through fallen buildings and blocks of concrete and stone to make the perfect path towards the lair. And even the entrance looked rather ordinary, but once someone entered...

"The Guild may be where most kemonomimi gather to explore human culture, but the people who meet here, in the heart of what once belonged to humanity, we are the true elite who aspire to learn from human kind. The expert I was telling you about should be inside."

At this Rune felt the urge to smile, so he quickly put his hand up in front of his face as he was accustomed to whenever he couldn't control himself. Just so no one would be bothered by the grotesque expression. He was so excited though that he could feel his little heart working overtime and his naturally paper-white skin was exceptionally flushed. Focus...Focus...

Normally Rune would just use his Aura to bypass the Brotherhood's entryway altogether, but with Alexander with him...well, he actually wasn't sure how they should enter. Inside was vast stone architecture that would be more than able to support Alexander's height, apparently a lost relic of human times that, due to its sub-terra and stone-based nature, had somehow survived the ravages of time. The entrance, on the other hand, was used to much less
bulky occupants. Rune had been so preoccupied that he hadn't considered this.

Just as he was mulling over what to do, wondering if it would be safe, or if in his enchanted state, he was even
capable, of leaving Alexander to go find Zen and bring him outside, the figure he had been hoping to see appeared before them.


-Outside Sapient Brotherhood-

And yes I tried to set it up so that we can meet outside > :)
"No! No! Mao, that not what I mean...." Aine stand up. 'What I mean is...I can't get a mate....because....my parents choose it for me...."

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“Oh, thank you!” he replied, shaking the pins-and needles feeling out of his hand. “A shame about this though, the whole thing came unraveled.” He gathered up the yarn, stuffing it back in his bag. Perhaps it could be salvaged, but at the very least, he didn’t want to litter. “So, what brings you to town today?”

She giggle as she watch him untangle and gather all of it and but it in his bag. Yin smiles. "I'm new around the city.....I was looking for a job....I found one but it only last for Mate Day....so right now I'm finish and I'm looking for a good food for dinner....."

@wizard nibblers
Caius Amadeo Fauna

Two days since Malin's birthday fiasco. Two days without having given his little brother his gift. If this kept on any longer, Caius was just going to end up keeping it for himself. No use in letting hard-earned money go to waste. Well...hard-earned if you counted the amount of effort the prince put into each of his public appearances. And that's what the Fauna Royalty was getting paid for, right? Hidden had most of the "ruling" part of the job handled, after all.

Even though it was Mate Day, a day that Caius usually enjoyed, the events of the past few days had already put him into an incredibly foul mood. It had taken the majority of his servants to escort him frothing from the throne room the day before, so infuriated he was by its disarray. The fact that such a ridiculous explanation had been offered, too, was more than he could bear.

A robot fight? What in Gaia is a robot? Who ever came up with such a ridiculous idea! Servants will believe anything!

So in the end he never got a satisfactory reply about the explosion. But after a nice bath and the comfort of his luxurious night clothes, he was finally ready to settle into bed.

And finally he was able to sleep in. And then it was Mate Day.

Caius took even more time than usual to get ready, being in no great rush. After all, he was perfectly content to spend the day gazing at his own glorious reflection, for there could be no better alternative for someone as beautiful as he. Of course, it was entertaining to go into town once in a while to try and woo some elegant lady or lad. It was just hard to find one of good enough stock, not to mention the fact that the townspeople usually got riled up in the presence of such refined Royalty.

While he was deciding whether or not to go into town, he suddenly remembered the destruction of the day before. Decidedly, he made his way to where the Guardians kept themselves when they lodged at the palace. He was going to get one of them to tell him a non-nonsensical answer as to what in Gaia happened to the priceless throne room, and if he felt like it, maybe get one to accompany him through town.

Dealing with the Guards is almost worst than dealing with the townspeople. He thought a bit disheartenly. They were a pretty uptight bunch, usually, which Caius did admire. He could admire anyone with a reasonable and staunch moral code. It was just that they also tended to be a bit rough around the edges, and couldn't always understand the finer details of royal needs.

Still, as he approached he saw a strange-looking young man outside the building, casting about him as though trying to find someone.

How strange...he doesn't really look like a kemonomimi. A birth defect?

"You there!" Caius called, "I have some questions that need answering."

@Lotusy ... thought I'd help an accidentally-abandoned brother out, tho for the life of me can't find anything on your character

Royal Fauna Palace

Mao frowned. "They are choosing for you? That seems unfair!" She protested, looking up at her friend. Why do they have to choose for her. What if it's someone she doesn't like?

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“You could join the Guardians! We’re always looking for more people to defend the city! Well, maybe not today, things have been so slow, and, it was unprofessional of me to be crocheting on the job and all...” He shuffled his feet.

“But, uh, if you’re looking for food, most of the restaurants are clustered in that direction of the town!” He pointed to his left. “I don’t know how many of them will be open for business since it’s such a busy day though.”

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(@Pretzel Heart Sorry about that, it's because I accidentally deleted my character sheet while on mobile.)

"Uh... Yessir!"

Aren jumped to attention, bringing his hand to his head in a salute. He took a good look at the looked at the young man walking towards him. Whoa... it's Prince Caius! He checked himself over. I better look in tip-top shape. He discreetly smoothed out his coat, brushing off some dust as he moved his hand.

"What do you need to know, sir?"
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Kayzo said:
Mao frowned. "They are choosing for you? That seems unfair!" She protested, looking up at her friend. Why do they have to choose for her. What if it's someone she doesn't like?
Aine look at her. "I know it unfair.....they wanted to have strong family....great talents for our circus for generations........ "



"Oh will you please join me for dinner? I don't wanna eat alone, so if you don't mind? Please?" Yin give him a big eyes and a smiles as she beg him.

@wizard nibblers
"Any children of yours will be strong! Besides, don't you have brothers and sisters that could do that?" Mao asked, genuinely frustrated that Aine couldn't choose who she loved. Anyone should be able to choose who they loved.

“Well, I mean I shouldn’t, since I’m supposed to be on the job and all, but my exact orders were to keep an eye on the city, which I suppose I can do from a restaurant, so I’m technically not breaking rank, sure! Did you have something in mind?”

Kayzo said:
"Any children of yours will be strong! Besides, don't you have brothers and sisters that could do that?" Mao asked, genuinely frustrated that Aine couldn't choose who she loved. Anyone should be able to choose who they loved.


"Yay!!" She jump up happy as she looked at him." Anything! I can eat anything!"

@wizard nibblers
Caius Amadeo Fauna

As soon as the Guard turned to see Caius, the Prince noted him trying to straighten himself out.

Good, at least he's someone who cares about his appearance.

"It's about what happened in the palace yesterday. My sister and I were out in the countryside when we heard an explosion in this area, and when I returned the entire throne room was in complete disarray. The servants made up some ridiculous story about a 'robot' fight, but I thought that a member of the Guards might have better input."

After all, they are getting paid to stay here and protect this place, aren't they?

He had never needed to dismiss anyone of service before, but perhaps it was time to start.

@Lotusy ((Oh you don't have a copy on your comp? A pict would at least be nice))

Royal Fauna Palace
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"Have you ever talked to them before, told them that you want to make your own choice? You're the star of the show, you're what makes it go on. You should be able to make your own decisions!" Mao said in a frustrated and passionate tone. All she wanted was for people to be happy, and if Aine wasn't happy not being able to choose her own mate, she wouldn't rest until she could.

Zareh said:
Arona as she laid on the bed while being nuzzled by Fero she started laughing from how ticklish it is "Pffffftttt Fero! Stop that you'll! Hahahaha!" she tried to pull herself away from him and continues to laugh uncontrollably "I-I'm t-ticklish F-Fero" she struggled to say as she was still recovering from the nuzzling as she stood up she is reminded of something to ask. "Say Fero? Do you remember that day when I found you? I never got to ask this but...what exactly happened to you that day?" she asked with curiosity.
@The Mythic Dragon


Horatio stood there while listening to the Tree sing of Inutsuki's past and looking back at her as well. He thought the song was harmonious in nature and have beautiful lyrics as well but he pondered how this song that a simple tree sung could help Inutsuki in recovering her past? Everything seemed so cryptic and mysterious which bothered Horatio a bit due to it being extremely difficult to find answers. However he was fascinated by the scenery and the song itself felt mystical and magical in a way that he could not describe it. As the song ended, Horatio walked up close to the Cherry Blossom tree and gently placed his hand on it.
"Please decrypt memory banks of Endurance model 900" he said in a monotone voice. The tree did not sing or change scenery like Inutsuki's did. He stepped back a bit and repeats his command "Please decrypt memory banks of Endurance model 900, Subject: Horatio" the tree did not sing again nor did it change. He looks at the tree again and speaks one more time.

"Please...sing me something that could help me figure out who I am, anything at all..." he said in a calm and hopeful voice but the tree did not sing, it appears that it is denying Horatio's request for remembrance and a sign. But nothing....absolutely nothing....Horatio understood why it did not heed his request, he looks at his hand and clenches it. He turns his head and looks at Inutsuki silently sending a message of disappointment. "I guess this tree doesn't take requests of machines....or maybe I never had a past to begin with...." he said calmly as he returned to her side.


Inutsuki placed a hand gently on him 'you had a past... don't worry.' she wrote, holding it up before walking to the tree and placing a hand on it, nodding before turning back to him 'everything will be alright... the tree... it's 'picky'... and sometimes it won't tell people anything...' she wrote, she then put her hand back on the tree and muttered a few words, it started off slow at first

"Short steps, deep breath

Everything is alright

Chin up, I can't

Step into the spotlight

She said, "I'm sad,"

Somehow without any words

I just stood there

Searching for an answer

When this world is no more

The moon is all we'll see

I'll ask you to fly away with me

Until the stars all fall down

They empty from the sky

But I don't mind

If you're with me, then everything's alright

Why do my words

Always lose their meaning?

What I feel, what I say

There's such a rift between them

He said, "I can't

Really seem to read you."

I just stood there

Never know what I should do

When this world is no more

The moon is all we'll see

I'll ask you to fly away with me

Until the stars all fall down

They empty from the sky

But I don't mind

If you're with me, then everything's alright

If you're with me, then everything's alright"

Her breaths were short and it was obvious that it hurt... but... under the tree as she touched it, it seemed the pain was decreased significantly, her eyes glowed white slightly like last time she sung, a green light coming from the ground around her, as she finished she dropped to the ground, panting as she stood up
'See?... j-just... don't give up... K?... I'll always be here... to help you, I'm sure. one day... we'll get our memories back... but for now? the most important thing is to not... loose hope...' she held up the quickly scribbled note before collapsing, fast asleep, her face flushed pink.

((Song, Note: this is what Inutsuki's voice sounds like as well)):




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