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Fantasy ☯-⊕The Age of Kemonomimi⊕-☯

Zareh said:
Horatio looks at Inutsuki as she wolfs down the pickles to satisfy her hunger and cravings. He scans her to make sure that she is regulating her eating speed. He then takes out a sketchbook of his own and a pencil and starts drawing. He finished showing a picture of a fading transparent figure very similar to what Inutsuki saw.
"Ghost, an apparition of a dead person that is believed to appear or become manifest to the living, typically as a nebulous image" he explained in the same monotone voice.

Inutsuki nodded as she finished off the last of the pickles, 'that looks like what I saw...' she wrote, holding it up slowly and tilting her head curiously at the image before starting to draw herself, making a perfect replica with extreme detail of what she saw, holding it up to him and grinning smugly.

Horatio stared at her and the picture for a moment before looking at his picture for a few seconds. "Its probably you hallucinating then, probably from touching that book or from all the things that have been going on." He said calmly as he puts the sketchbook back into his satchel. "Either that or maybe you might be cursed to be followed by a ghost until the ends of the earth according to human superstition." He says in a emotionless voice while mentally grinning.

Yin is in the town, looking a good place to see since it's her work is over. She walking in the sweet and looking at couples. "Ah, Mate Day.....what a wonderful day to show everyone love of their beloved...." She start to get blushes. "Oh I wish I can have a mate...hehe..." She can't help but to giggle as she daydreaming.

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Zareh said:
Horatio stared at her and the picture for a moment before looking at his picture for a few seconds. "Its probably you hallucinating then, probably from touching that book or from all the things that have been going on." He said calmly as he puts the sketchbook back into his satchel. "Either that or maybe you might be cursed to be followed by a ghost until the ends of the earth according to human superstition." He says in a emotionless voice while mentally grinning.

Inutsuki nodded slowly whilst staring at him 'Wh-what!? I-I don't wanna be a ghost!~' she wrote before hugging him tightly, her tail wrapping around her stomach protectively again as her ears lowered to her head.

"It's alright, Ghosts aren't real anyways...you won'the become one.....it's only human superstition and imagination that cause them to believe in such a thing. Quite odd if I may add." he said as they slowly separate from the hug.

He looks around for any signs that might cause her to hallucinate but none found whatsoever.
"Speaking of which, you said you like trees correct? Is there one that you know and have attraction to it?" He said calmly while trying to change topic.

Zareh said:
"It's alright, Ghosts aren't real anyways...you won'the become one.....it's only human superstition and imagination that cause them to believe in such a thing. Quite odd if I may add." he said as they slowly separate from the hug.
He looks around for any signs that might cause her to hallucinate but none found whatsoever.
"Speaking of which, you said you like trees correct? Is there one that you know and have attraction to it?" He said calmly while trying to change topic.

Inutsuki quickly let go of him, blushing slightly 'right.' she wrote, awkwardly smiling afterwards 'there's this one... but-... it's in my special place.... it would be to dangerous to go...' she sighs before looking back up at him 'and no we can't go... even with you protecting me.' she wrote, puffing her cheeks out childishly .

Horatio looks at Inutsuki and immediately picks her up bridal style and starts to run very fast away from the town square down a random street. "I did this before when you were unconscious back at the palace. I escaped there while carrying you all the way." He said while carrying her and running in a random direction. "No stopping now, just point a direction and I'll move there" he said quickly as he kept running down the streets like a madman while catching the eyes of some.


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Zareh said:
Horatio looks at Inutsuki and immediately picks her up bridal style and starts to run very fast away from the town square down a random street. "I did this before when you were unconscious back at the palace. I escaped there while carrying you all the way." He said while carrying her and running in a random direction. "No stopping now, just point a direction and I'll move there" he said quickly as he kept running down the streets like a madman while catching the eyes of some.
Inutsuki looked startled briefly, still in shock she pointed in a direction completely away from the town and instead at what seemed to be a small forrest.

Horatio followed Inutsuki's as he ran and jumped over obstacles. He was moving quite fast as he ran up the valley stairs and saw the forest. They soon arrive and he gently puts down Inutsuki on the ground the transforms his left arm into a plasma launcher. He nods to Inutsuki which signaled 'Lead the way' to her as he followed behind her and scanning the forest for any signs of hostile enemies.


Zareh said:
Horatio followed Inutsuki's as he ran and jumped over obstacles. He was moving quite fast as he ran up the valley stairs and saw the forest. They soon arrive and he gently puts down Inutsuki on the ground the transforms his left arm into a plasma launcher. He nods to Inutsuki which signaled 'Lead the way' to her as he followed behind her and scanning the forest for any signs of hostile enemies.

Inutsuki began to walk through slowly, writing something as she went '...it's not that kinda' danger...' she held up, rolling her eyes as she appeared to be avoiding contact with the trees, roots and vines moving slowly in the background 'and put ya' damn weapon down... you'll scare them.' she held up sighing quietly, she was being extremely cautious.

After a while of walking they arrived at one, giant tree in the middle of a clearing, cherry blossoms completely covered the branches as they fell gently with the wind, beams of light hit inutsuki giving her an almost angelic appearance,
'wanna see something special bout' this tree?...' she wrote, tilting her head at him and smiling softly.

The Tree:



Horatio transformed his arm back into a regular arm as he followed Inutsuki through the forest. Despite Inutsuki saying there's no danger of THAT kind in the forest. He still kept his guard up and his weapons on auto standby as he continued. He watched the plants move back into the background while following all of Inutsuki's steps as they continued walking. When they came across the giant cherry blossom tree, he has never seen a tree of that kind to be very large. He thought it was beautiful and majestic especially Inutsuki which the light made her look like an angel. He looked around while wondering how all of this is possible in a place like this. He looks at her note and nods, he ponders about what this tree could do compared to all of the rest.

Zareh said:
Horatio transformed his arm back into a regular arm as he followed Inutsuki through the forest. Despite Inutsuki saying there's no danger of THAT kind in the forest. He still kept his guard up and his weapons on auto standby as he continued. He watched the plants move back into the background while following all of Inutsuki's steps as they continued walking. When they came across the giant cherry blossom tree, he has never seen a tree of that kind to be very large. He thought it was beautiful and majestic especially Inutsuki which the light made her look like an angel. He looked around while wondering how all of this is possible in a place like this. He looks at her note and nods, he ponders about what this tree could do compared to all of the rest.
Inutsuki nods cheerfully before going right up to the tree, leaning close to it before whispering something, wincing after from the pain but only briefly and giving Horatio a reassuring smile, a moment went by and suddenly the scenary changed to what appeared as night as the Leaves surrounded them, golden, glowing lights gently flew through the air, though they were just Fireflies they looked brilliant, suddenly a sound came from around them.

'This tree is special... because it can sing.'

She held the note up slowly as she listened to the tree's song 'not only that.... but depending on who speaks to it.. it'll sing a different song, legend says that it reflects a persons past... so... I guess this song fits me pretty well. I used to sneak away from the guards and come here... trying to remember something about my past... a lot of the lyrics I don't understand... simply because they share something that I've forgotten.' she held it up as she caught a firefly, immediately letting it go afterwards and smiling at Horatio.

((The Song)):


(Make sure to pay attention to the lyrics because it hints quite a bit!)

Seeing that no one was inside, or rather, there was someone inside but they just didn't want to open the damn door, he put the book down by the door before walking away. He heard singing and some loud cheering and clapping. Walking towards where the sounds were coming from, e came across a large crowd that was cheering and clapping for several people that he assumed were the singers. 'So they do that kind of thing even in this world...' He thought, using the term world as the world as it was now was alien to him. This circus was of no interest to him so he left to explore the city some more. Unfortunately, because of his mechanical parts, he caught the attention of several people in the crowd who were attentive enough to notice him walk pass them. He stuck out like a sore thumb with his inhuman traits, as well as the fact that he lacked any animal body parts like the Kemonomimi.



Meanwhile, Tabi had just left the medical bay, her wounds covered in bandages. They weren't any major or life-threatening injuries but since she had the wounds for a long period of time, left untreated until someone brought her to the medical bay, it ended up in her hallucinating from blood loss and dehydration, the dizziness forming false images. It was Mate Day, too. Not like she cares much about it since she preferred to take her time fishing during the holidays. She hoped to find the orange fish she had caught but lost recently. Of course, with the wounds she had, even fishing would be difficult. Letting out a resigned sigh, she walked down the streets. Making up pranks and jokes in her mind, she was completely distracted from the rest of the world.

Sitting awkwardly in a pile of yarn on the bench, Casper tried (and failed) to inconspicuously untangle himself and not look like an idiot trapped in his own yarn (which he very much did). After the hand tied to his horn started to tingle, he reluctantly resigned himself to seeking external help, but most others around him were too engrossed in their Mate Day festivities to notice. Thankfully, there was one young girl who seemed less preoccupied.

"Um, excuse me miss, do you have some scissors, by any chance?"

Mao smiled at Aine and nodded. "Yes, I'm Mao!" She said happily, glad that the monkey had remembered her name. "And you're Aine! We had dinner together once. How are you, is your mate day going well?"
[QUOTE="wizard nibblers]Sitting awkwardly in a pile of yarn on the bench, Casper tried (and failed) to inconspicuously untangle himself and not look like an idiot trapped in his own yarn (which he very much did). After the hand tied to his horn started to tingle, he reluctantly resigned himself to seeking external help, but most others around him were too engrossed in their Mate Day festivities to notice. Thankfully, there was one young girl who seemed less preoccupied.
"Um, excuse me miss, do you have some scissors, by any chance?"


Arona as she laid on the bed while being nuzzled by Fero she started laughing from how ticklish it is "Pffffftttt Fero! Stop that you'll! Hahahaha!" she tried to pull herself away from him and continues to laugh uncontrollably "I-I'm t-ticklish F-Fero" she struggled to say as she was still recovering from the nuzzling as she stood up she is reminded of something to ask. "Say Fero? Do you remember that day when I found you? I never got to ask this but...what exactly happened to you that day?" she asked with curiosity.

@The Mythic Dragon


Horatio stood there while listening to the Tree sing of Inutsuki's past and looking back at her as well. He thought the song was harmonious in nature and have beautiful lyrics as well but he pondered how this song that a simple tree sung could help Inutsuki in recovering her past? Everything seemed so cryptic and mysterious which bothered Horatio a bit due to it being extremely difficult to find answers. However he was fascinated by the scenery and the song itself felt mystical and magical in a way that he could not describe it. As the song ended, Horatio walked up close to the Cherry Blossom tree and gently placed his hand on it.
"Please decrypt memory banks of Endurance model 900" he said in a monotone voice. The tree did not sing or change scenery like Inutsuki's did. He stepped back a bit and repeats his command "Please decrypt memory banks of Endurance model 900, Subject: Horatio" the tree did not sing again nor did it change. He looks at the tree again and speaks one more time.

"Please...sing me something that could help me figure out who I am, anything at all..." he said in a calm and hopeful voice but the tree did not sing, it appears that it is denying Horatio's request for remembrance and a sign. But nothing....absolutely nothing....Horatio understood why it did not heed his request, he looks at his hand and clenches it. He turns his head and looks at Inutsuki silently sending a message of disappointment. "I guess this tree doesn't take requests of machines....or maybe I never had a past to begin with...." he said calmly as he returned to her side.

< @Zareh >

Fero watches her stand, his smile fading, eyes going sad, ears and tail sulking. "That night... do you remember the blacksmith I told you about? It was that same day that he had been killed. I came out of the forge with my sword, freshly made. He smiled at me, patted my head... told me I made him proud. And then... it happened."

"Some thugs burst in through the door, demanding money. But they... they see him holding my sword and rush him. He didn't even think about fighting back, he couldn't. They all stab him... they rip him apart...
" He looks down, tears falling from his eyes and pattering on the floor.

"And then they see me. I run for the sword, but they kick me... they grab me and tell me to show them where the money is. I... I didn't want to tell them but... they stabbed me. They stabbed me so I'd hurt... I was crying, the pain... my master was dead because of me."

"Finally I told them, and they thanked me by kicking me, beating me, stabbing me... I eventually wake up, bloody, tired... I picked up my sword and staggered out to the street. Some guards start yelling at me... and I run. I'm scared, confused... eventually I find myself alone in an alley, ready to die... and then you showed up... and I am so happy you did."
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Mao smiled back and nodded. "Yes, I understand. Being the star of a show must make your life very busy." She said, clapping quietly. "And your show was amazing again!"

Kayzo said:
Mao smiled back and nodded. "Yes, I understand. Being the star of a show must make your life very busy." She said, clapping quietly. "And your show was amazing again!"
Mao tilts her head and watches as Aine sits down. "Why is that? You sounded great tonight! And you have a really nice voice." She said, resting her fluffy tail on her lap. She was so happy and grateful that she was able to be what she thought to be friends with such a popular and amazing person. It made her feel special.


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