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Fantasy ☯-⊕The Age of Kemonomimi⊕-☯

Aren looked at the prince in surprise. "Um... actually, there really was a robot fight." He could tell from the prince's face that he didn't believe what he said, nor know what robots were.

He refrained from sighing out of respect. "Not to insult you, sir, but robots do exist. They were... um... created thousands of years ago, by the humans." He folded his hands in front of him. "Apparently, two of them have survived, and took to a battle in the kingdom yesterday." His pulse elevated, nervous that he said the wrong thing,

(@Pretzel Heart I do have a file. I'll post it in the character sign-up tomorrow. My picture lacks the horns, thus why he hides his horns.)
Caius Amadeo Fauna

Oh, perfect. Now he's spouting this nonsense, too.

"It's not that I have anything against human culture, they made some decent clothing, after all, if they ever existed and are not just some conspiracy made up by the Guild. But it's hard to believe that something survived from human times and is now running about destroying palaces. And how our Guards let it happen. For example, where were you during all this time?"

It wasn't exactly fair of the prince to be picking on a random Guardian he had never even seen before. He had no way of knowing that Aren didn't even specialize in such matters, and was actually but a mere low-ranked healer. Not that he would care, regardless. His foul mood from the days preceding was returning full-force.

"Speaking of which, where are those fools who are supposed to be running this place? First in Command Ciel and Second in Command Casper? I'm sure they would have something to say about all this."


@wizard nibblers @Unlucky (if you're still even in this RP) better run because I'm coming for you at some point maybe

Royal Fauna Palace
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Kayzo said:
"Have you ever talked to them before, told them that you want to make your own choice? You're the star of the show, you're what makes it go on. You should be able to make your own decisions!" Mao said in a frustrated and passionate tone. All she wanted was for people to be happy, and if Aine wasn't happy not being able to choose her own mate, she wouldn't rest until she could.
"Really? That's interesting." Mao said, her ears perked up. "Who even is your best friend? It seems like I would like her." Yawning quietly, she leaned back into the bench, not taking her gaze off of the monkey girl in front of her.
"I'm interested!" Mao said, her tail sliding off her lap and behind her back. "Of course if you dont want to tell it, then you don't have to." She added, smiling back at the Aine.
“Well, alright then! There’s a little cafe right over there that doesn’t look too busy,” he gestured to a little shop on the corner covered in well-pruned vines and flowers that extended from the walls to the fenced-in seating area. “That way, we can sit outside and I can still sort of do my job, haha!”


@Pretzel Heart ud know if u checked fb ( i even sent u cute erenmarco art)
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Larentia Shikari

A familiar voice rang through Larentia's ears,

"S-stop right there!" The voice called out. She felt a grin crawl across her face that she simply couldn't hide, as the bee girl landed right in front of her, quite roughly in fact, and held up her lance.

"And just where are YOU off to, hmm!?"

"Well hey there Doll-face! How's it goin' there?" She bit her lip a little, trying to hold back a giggle as she slipped her hand behind her back and pulled the staff from it's strap, placing one end against the ground and leaning against it, "Lookin' a little bit flustered there. Rough day? Or are you just happy to see me?"

She couldn't hold her giggle this time and looked away so as not to embarrass the Dolerus too much.



The creature had been stalking it's latest prey for hours now, watching and waiting as the prey walked further and further into it's den. 'It' had encountered these creatures a few times before, but rarely were they found here. Things that could use bright lights and communicated with strange sounds.

'It' followed it's prey into, what the Kemonomimi would call a 'human settlement', but kept it's distance knowing the danger it's prey posed. The prey walked through one of the door ways and started up the stairs, to which 'It' soon followed.

The prey walked into one of the rooms and started inspecting some of the items strewn about the place. It turned to the doorway, only just now aware of the faint clicking echoing throughout the settlement, and went to investigate. They were dull creatures, always coming to 'It' in the end.

Finally the prey walked up the final set of stairs and into a room that had half of it's wall shredded, and in it's place lay a rather sizeable hole.

Before the prey had a chance to properly look around it's surrounding's, 'It' leapt out of it's dwelling in one of the walls, or as most would call it a 'closet'. The prey brought up it's hands to try and defend itself from the creature attacking it, but quickly discovered it was too late. The light faded from it's eyes as two large blade like limbs pierced through each side of it's abdomen, and a set of teeth clawed and ripped at it's neck.

'It' would eat well tonight.

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Arona and Fero arrived at the Tent where the circus as they looked around, Arona thought how it was bigger on the inside and looked around for someone to talk to. "Hello? Is anyone here? We would like to know if there will be a show around here?" she shouted quite obnoxiously and in a hyperactive voice. She grabbed Fero and walked around, she saw some Kemonomimi talking and decides to approach them. "Hello there! I was wondering when the next show will be?" she asked with a huge smile on her face.

@Kayzo @The Mythic Dragon @JessBeth

Meanwhile somewhere else....

Horatio felt a glimmer of hope when he heard Inutsuki's words which gave him more perserverance in living....in finding the truth. He sat down next to Inutsuki and starts to slowly rub his hand across her back comforting her to take a rest. He looks up to see the beautiful sky which gave him some peace in his mind. He lies down next to Inutsuki as he stares up to the cloudy beautiful sky.

"We will find our memories someday....I hope..."
he said in a calm and hopeful voice as he admires the sky.

Mao looked up at the two kemonomimi's that just approached her and Aine, and recognized them from the previous day. "Hello again, Arona was it?" She said, trying to recall her name. It was either that or Inutsuki, so she had a 50/50 chance. "Ask Aine here about times, she's the star!" (Short post, extremely tired.)

(Actually jokes on you @Zareh as it was I who was waiting on you!"
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Kayzo said:
"I'm interested!" Mao said, her tail sliding off her lap and behind her back. "Of course if you dont want to tell it, then you don't have to." She added, smiling back at the Aine.
"Oh I'll tell you a story......but first lets buy a snack, cause I'm hungry......." Aine smiles as she spotted someone selling banana splits. Then she spotted two kemonomimi's that Mao talked.




@Pretzel Heart ud know if u checked fb ( i even sent u cute erenmarco art)
"You sure are serious about you're job.....I like that...." She smiles as she take a seat outside. "Oh, by the way, My name Yin Shui...." She picked up the menu.

@wizard nibblers
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Zareh said:
Arona and Fero arrived at the Tent where the circus as they looked around, Arona thought how it was bigger on the inside and looked around for someone to talk to. "Hello? Is anyone here? We would like to know if there will be a show around here?" she shouted quite obnoxiously and in a hyperactive voice. She grabbed Fero and walked around, she saw some Kemonomimi talking and decides to approach them. "Hello there! I was wondering when the next show will be?" she asked with a huge smile on her face.
@Kayzo @The Mythic Dragon @JessBeth

Meanwhile somewhere else....

Horatio felt a glimmer of hope when he heard Inutsuki's words which gave him more perserverance in living....in finding the truth. He sat down next to Inutsuki and starts to slowly rub his hand across her back comforting her to take a rest. He looks up to see the beautiful sky which gave him some peace in his mind. He lies down next to Inutsuki as he stares up to the cloudy beautiful sky.

"We will find our memories someday....I hope..."
he said in a calm and hopeful voice as he admires the sky.

Inutsuki moves around a bit in her sleep, the notebook flipping through pages as the wind gently blew, finally landing on a page that had the words 'Hora-Chan' and a picture of a cute style Horatio on it, Inutsuki was mounting the same word in her sleep as she suddenly began to hug him on the ground, her body pushed up against him as the baby kicked, making her blush at the movement of the child.

Horatio looked at the book with the picture of him on it. He stared at it for a while, analyzing the shortening of his word and the little styled picture of him. As Inutsuki hugged him, he did not struggle but instead he gently ruffled her hair. He felt at peace with the atmosphere and with someone he could be with. He wondered why she would draw a picture of him inside a book, the more strange thing is that the term "Chan" is a Japanese diminutive suffix used for lovers, close friends, any youthful woman, or between friends. So how could she possibly know such dialect? He simply leaves the fact for now in order to embrace the beauty of the forest.

Horatio thought that nothing could possibly ruin this moment...


EI had worked her people hard and now they enjoyed their labor, the lights had been made and the water wheel constructed, it was a break neck pace she knew but she had helped them crafting some supplies with her energy to matter converter to make things to complex or things that had already been made. Now the village had its aperies and its lights it was most likely now the most advanced place in the world if everywhere else was so backwards. She had showed them basic chemistry, and simple medicine how to properly cure sickness without a crutch. Still she had more to do and she had come to realize that she might not always be here, yes she had intended to remain here and teach these children but her encounter with the snake man she had felt she might one day leave so they would need some other way to learn.

This day was some kind of ritual day to find a mate and as EI had no desire to mate, and she lacked the ability and anatomy to do so, she had a more productive way to spend the day. She had gone and gathered heavy rocks and converted them to energy then used that energy to make books. She had made them on every subject filling up one of the rooms in the home she was staying in, all of them contained the forgotten knowledge of humans, and would allow these children to skip the destructive phase humanity had gone though they could if they discarded their silly superstitions achieve far greater things they were apt pupils after all. Outside the music from the simple instruments of the people played and she could smell food being cooked, but she had work to do she would stay here and make her books she had no reason to join the children, she was to teach them not to join them.
Zareh said:
Horatio looked at the book with the picture of him on it. He stared at it for a while, analyzing the shortening of his word and the little styled picture of him. As Inutsuki hugged him, he did not struggle but instead he gently ruffled her hair. He felt at peace with the atmosphere and with someone he could be with. He wondered why she would draw a picture of him inside a book, the more strange thing is that the term "Chan" is a Japanese diminutive suffix used for lovers, close friends, any youthful woman, or between friends. So how could she possibly know such dialect? He simply leaves the fact for now in order to embrace the beauty of the forest.

Horatio thought that nothing could possibly ruin this moment...


Inutsuki remained asleep, Slowly a figure, cloaked in a deadly black coloured hood, their facial features and most of their body concealed from anyones eyes "Why hello there... It seems you've made good friends with Inutsuki... unusual." she spoke in a superior tone, though the smirk was not visible it was evident in the tone of her voice as she gracefully strode towards the pair, Inutsuki's sleep seeming to become slightly restless causing the woman to slow to and eventual stop "... you do know what her power is... correct? and yet you still dare stay with a person who must simply speak to kill-... no... your not killable... because you are not alive... correct? I she change my wording then, 'Destroy' you." she said smugly.

As soon as Horatio heard the voice of the woman speaking, he got up quickly and transformed his left arm into a plasma arm cannon and pointed it at her as he charged it up for stand by combat. He stepped closer while also maintaining a distance between her and him as he scanned the mysterious figure in the shadows.

*On Horatio HUD*











He carefully looked at her before responding "Identify yourself.." he said in a calm and intimidating voice. "I am perfectly aware of what she is capable of, I vowed to be her guardian and I am to protect her from any and all harm." he said while carefully locking on to her heat signature and preparing to fire on stand by "That includes you..." his arm cannon begins whirling with the sounds of plasma pumping force.

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“Protecting the kingdom is serious business! I’ve always wanted this job, and I plan to live up to the Guardian name!” he said proudly, grinning. “Well, the best that I can, that is.” Picking up the menu, he realized how hungry he actually was and resisted the urge to snack on the flowers. "I'm Casper, nice to meet you! By the way, what job did you have today, anyway?"

"Wow~" She said it as she read the menu."Well, I send out free roses to those who have mates. Its is Mate Day." Yin look at the menu, "I'll have everything on the menu!" Yin said it.

@wizard nibblers
Blackrose7 said:
"Because he doesn't want an audience, and it's pretty understandable, since some people don't like to have an audience." said Mary.
She heard Leon saying that she get to pick where she gets to go on this date, and Mary started to be excited about this, since she has the perfect dating schedule in her bag.

Mary took the dating schedule out, since it has everything that she wanted to do today.

"Ok. Our first stop is going to the cafe, since I want to eat some delicious apple pie, then we go to the circus, since I heard that the monkey girl does amazing tricks there, and then after the circus, we go to the spiritual tree, so we can talk to that lonely bunny girl for a bit, and last but not least, we go to beach town." said Mary.

'You are so sweet, Leon.' thought Mary, since she always liked how kind he was to her, because he always treated her like a normal person.

She then noticed a pig girl, who was giving away free roses to anyone, who have a mate, so she decided to get some roses for both of them, since she wanted to putted a pink and a red rose in both of their hair.

"There, now we can go." said Mary cheerfully.

'Making the date more romantic is working.' thought Mary, since she was extremely happy on the inside.

@LeSoraAmari @JessBeth
Listening to the girls words, Leon sighed and a let out a slight chuckle. "But still, you've probably only met him once. He might not be what he makes himself out to be." Upon saying that he let out another sigh and said, "Ignore, I'm just being paranoid." And then sent a warm smile her way. After that, he watched as Mary took something out of her pocket and began to say what was on it. A schedule for the day? Leon looked at her with a smile ever present. It seemed that she really wanted today to go well, and Leon resolved into doing his best go ensure she has the best day of her life today. No interruptions, no drama, and most of all, no interruptions. "Well, let's get a move on then. And don't think about paying for anything, everything will be paid by me today." With a smile, he was about to head towards the cafe when suddenly Mary put a flower in his hair. Leon stood there and let out a smile, he didn't exactly want a flower in his hair, but he'd keep it in their to make the princess happy. He looked at the girl, who now also had a flower in her hair. Smiling, he began to speak. "That flower..u-uh" he paused as he scratched his head before continuing "You look really cute" He sighed as he thought 'out of all the things I could have said, I chose the word cute..' and his inner self facepalmed but even so Leon kept smiling. Looking at her once more, he said "Well then... Let's get moving. I'm not going hone until everything on your list is completed so it's best to get moving. We don't need to rush though." With that, He started to walk towards the cafe.
Zareh said:
As soon as Horatio heard the voice of the woman speaking, he got up quickly and transformed his left arm into a plasma arm cannon and pointed it at her as he charged it up for stand by combat. He stepped closer while also maintaining a distance between her and him as he scanned the mysterious figure in the shadows.

*On Horatio HUD*











He carefully looked at her before responding "Identify yourself.." he said in a calm and intimidating voice. "I am perfectly aware of what she is capable of, I vowed to be her guardian and I am to protect her from any and all harm." he said while carefully locking on to her heat signature and preparing to fire on stand by "That includes you..." his arm cannon begins whirling with the sounds of plasma pumping force.


The woman nods, moving swiftly before seeming to disappear, a moment later re-appearing behind him and seemed to be stroking Inutsuki's hair softly, letting the pure white strands fall through her fingers before looking back up at him, raising her head as to reveal her crimson red eyes, similar to those of Inutsuki.

Once again she moved and appeared in front of him "Just... an old.. 'friend'.. of hers... I'm not with the guards nor am I here to harm a single hair on her pretty little head. that includes you, 'Metal-man'. after all... why would I hurt my daughter?..." she asks, slowly but surely removed the hood from her head, revealing her pale complexion and... pure white hair, also removing a Kitsune mask from her face which allowed her full face to be seen... and the smirk that came with it.

((Her Appearance.)):


Horatio looked at the woman as she moves swiftly while locking onto her heat signature with his arm cannon as she quickly moved at speeds beyond visible sight. As he heard her say those words, he quickly backed up while still aiming his plasma arm cannon straight at her. He stared at her while analyzing her response, debating if what she said is true or false. He needed more answers in order to temporary conclude the situation. "I am no expert when it comes to organic parenting but if your her mother then you must be a really cruel parent to let her daughter suffer immeasurable pain while being locked up in confinement and solitude." he said in a calm and a bit agitated voice. He raises his plasma arm cannon and aims at her head as a target for attack. "Besides....how do I know you aren't lying to me, for all I know...you could be one of those people who only want to use her Aura to achieve your own selfish goals." he said in a calculative monotone voice.

"Besides...I'm not just some "Metal man".....I have a name, it's Horatio and I doubt you can even grasp the concept of what I am capable of."
he said in a calm voice.

Zareh said:
Horatio looked at the woman as she moves swiftly while locking onto her heat signature with his arm cannon as she quickly moved at speeds beyond visible sight. As he heard her say those words, he quickly backed up while still aiming his plasma arm cannon straight at her. He stared at her while analyzing her response, debating if what she said is true or false. He needed more answers in order to temporary conclude the situation. "I am no expert when it comes to organic parenting but if your her mother then you must be a really cruel parent to let her daughter suffer immeasurable pain while being locked up in confinement and solitude." he said in a calm and a bit agitated voice. He raises his plasma arm cannon and aims at her head as a target for attack. "Besides....how do I know you aren't lying to me, for all I know...you could be one of those people who only want to use her Aura to achieve your own selfish goals." he said in a calculative monotone voice.

"Besides...I'm not just some "Metal man".....I have a name, it's Horatio and I doubt you can even grasp the concept of what I am capable of."
he said in a calm voice.


The woman just continued to smirk "Listen... 'Kid'... whether you choose to believe me or not the facts stand, I am the kids mother." the smirk faded "and as for those matters... you'll see when she wakes up." the woman sighed, leaning back with one hand on her hips and stretching "I can't believe my little girls gonna be a mum..." she said softly as she this time walked over to Inutsuki in Horatio's sight, gently placing a hand on the girls stomach before getting back up "Listen to me. you better take damn good care of her or your in for it... hear me?" she says in a sassy way, back to smirking "Oh, and a tip for you-" she noticed the notebook and laughed " 'Hora-chan' when that kid comes out of her? run like hell and don't look back. also~... seriously. like, your the one who's gonna have to think of how to not let her scream... you think her words have power? then you gotta see what that's capable of." she said smugly before seeing Inutsuki slowly sit up at Horatio's voice.

Inutsuki rubbed her eyes adorably, blinking a couple of times before looking straight through her 'mum' and straight at Horatio like she wasn't even there
'Hora-chan... what's up? why so.. noisy...' held up, yawning and stretching, still half asleep as the woman simply smirked at Horatio before waving a hand in front of Inutsuki, then going onto yelling and getting zero-reaction.

"You think... this is easy for me? I've been watching her for 7 years. and I haven't even been able to hug her, my own daughter... you wanna know, why? because, when she was a little girl... she yelled at me to Disappear. the guards were after us for months... and when they finally caught up? she tried to protect me... and let me tell you, never.. not once have I held it against her.. I mean, she can't even remember it now so it causes her no pain but-... to her? I don't... nor have I ever, existed." the woman words were cold and harsh as she went back into the shadows... disappearing.

Inutsuki looked at Horatio with curiosity
'what's up?' she wrote blankly, laughing weakly.

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As Horatio heard the lady speak, he respectfully transformed his plasma arm cannon back into a regular arm and listened to what she said. "I promise I will take care of her, I fought for her freedom and I vow to continue doing so...by protecting her from all harm...I promise you this...." he said in a calm and caring tone. He looked at the lady wave her hand and yelled at him and Inutsuki, he turned his head towards Inutsuki and was shocked by the fact that Inutsuki did not hear anything at all nor did she see anything. When he listened to her explanation, he couldn't help but feel sorrow and a bit of guilt for doubting her. As she begins to disappears into the shadows, he quickly raises his hands "Wait! Don't go!" he said but was already too late....she had disappeared.....Horatio cannot imagine how much pain it must be to watch someone that you love, be tortured and can't do anything about it. He clenched his right hand by his side as he looked out into the distance while mentally frowning at the scene.

"I do not know if you can hear me but.....I-I'm terribly s-sorry....do not fret....your daughter is safe with me...." he said solemnly and softly without Inutsuki hearing him speak as he turns his whole body towards her and walks up to Inutsuki and offers her a hand to stand up. "The sky I suppose" he said calmly while pointing upwards. "Let's go home...it's getting pretty late" he said while looking at the late afternoon sun. Horatio gently grabs her hand and leads her out of the forest "You must still have cravings I guess, when we get home...you can satisfy those cravings." he said "Which reminds me...where do you live?" he asked in a concerning voice.

"Why I'm I having all of these feelings?.....is there a defection in my program?....I need to analyze my software and hardware status once I get back...." he thought to himself.

Aren gulped. "Uh... sir, Hidden had us stand down until we could stop them." He fidgeted nervously. "I promise it's true, sir. I'm not a kemonomimi to lie. If I could take you back there, you would believe it. Explosions and metal men are real, no matter how weird I'm making them sound."

He heard the basilisk prince ask about the first in command guards. "I might not have been much help, but may I escort you to Second-in-Command Casper? I have seen him on the streets on my way back from the outside. He could back up my story."

@Pretzel Heart

(I'm going to pretend he was here for that event.)
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