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Fandom Red Vs Blu: The Very Retarded Battle. (TF2 Roleplay.)

The Soldier trampled a Scout in his efforts to reach the Sniper, his broad shoulders rattling with centuries of inbred pent up hate and blame. "You!" he barked, pointing a finger.
He shrugged. "It was in the mess hall like half an hour ago, but then it just stormed off and shoved a Demo to the floor. Even gave him a kick, too." Lee took a small bite out of the chocolate.
"Irrelevant!" he crows, smacking the chocolate out of Lee's hand. "You're being assigned to the search party to find them! The team is assembling in the freight bay! Rear in gear, maggot!
He sighed, picked the chocolate back up and stuffed it in his locker before heading to the freight bay with his SMG in hand. "Did he seriously head off on his own to go after that Medic?"
Sonja fished around in the backpack for her phone and then set the bag down. Needless to say, she was prepared to screw around for a very long time. A dozen or so people got on the train before it departed. Sonja ended up talking to an Engineer who seemed to bring up cats a lot after her phone died.
(AH SHOOT! I MISSED SO MUCH! I'm so sorry, but could anyone fill me in on the 4 pages worth of rp I have missed, all I know is that we might be going to Heatsink. Again, I am so sorry.)
(Okay, well, I'll try and get Bonk to Heatsink.) "Hey wait," Bonk said."where's Sonja?" Luckily, while most of the time he IS a complete idiot, he had found a way to plant tracers on most of the team, so he took out his Merc-pad and looked at her location in the world. "Hm, looks like she's heading to Heatsink, she may need help, time to put these super-boots to good use." And with that, Bonks slipped on his special boots and ran as fast as he could to Heatsink. (Which, admittedly, is really, really fast.) When he arrived at Heatsink, he hid behind a trash can near the train station. "Now, I wait."
The train finally, finally, reached Heatsink after a whopping nineteen hour trip, with twenty seven total stops for other mercenaries. The sun was rising over the sizzling desert landscape as the sleek automated locomotive switched tracks from the "skeleton rail" and descended downhill into a tunnel. Everything went dark as small tunnel lights were the only source of light down there. The train lacked interior lighting, you see.

With a sudden jolt the train began to slow with a screech, and light spilled into the carriages again as it exited the tunnel, grinding to an eventual halt inside Heatsink. The station was grey concrete and silver metal, no team colors to be seen. A bright "CEASE FIRE ZONE" sign protruded from the roof of the station.

Several hours into the future, Lee would be sent, sadly alone, to follow in the HazPyro's footsteps into the Heatsink wall tunnels.
"That was terrible." Sonja sighed to nobody in particular, hauling her bag onto her back and exiting the train with the grace of a half asleep duckling. And while she wasn't a duckling it was safe to say that she was half asleep. She sat down to wait for instructions from Miss Pau-Parkers.
Lee held his SMG tightly as he walked through the tunnels. With that Medic still on the loose, there's no telling whether or not he could've gotten to the HazPyro and killed him. That was something he didn't want to have on his conscience and he certainly didn't want to let it happen. At least he's got a better rifle holstered on his back now, though removing the scope on it sounded like a better option to him so he could be better prepared for mid-range combat.

That wasn't something to worry about now. The most important thing now was finding HazPyro and getting him back to base...and maybe kill Ramond if possible.
Old electrical covered bulbs, industrial grade but still dated and poorly installed, were the only light in the dusty tunnels. They started off nice and pristine with concrete floor and metal pillars and girders reinforcing everything... it very quickly degraded to just wooden beams and the occasional set of metal girders with a gate checkpoint and just dirt for a road. Some tunnels were collapsed, but fortunately there were maps periodically placed along the tunnels, though some of them were made of parchment instead of something sturdier and less prone to tearing when dusted off.

It took a long bloody time, but eventually Lee would come across the HazPyro standing ready, facing down a conspicuous concrete corridor with their flamethrower at the ready.
He grumbled in frustration. "You do fully realise coming down here ALONE is quite possibly one of the worst ideas ever, right? With that Medic somewhere out there, no less!"
Bonk stepped out from behind the trashcan he was hiding in for a couple hours when he saw Sonja. "There you are!" Bonk yelled at her as he tackled her. "Where did ya think you were going, doc?"
"Well, let's just say what I'm gonna do here is more important than O.W.N. Now, get off of me. You smell terrible and should probably consider deodorant." Sonja explained, keeping a steadily sarcastic tone in her voice.
[QUOTE="Furious Finch]A few analog signs made of metal and wood direct Sonja toward BLU base, leading through a cleared out truck yard.

In the truck yard, a BLU sentry gun (a level one to be exact) would be busy sweeping back and forth. It would slightly tilt its base, and then emit a beep roughly translating to disappointment, having seen absolutely nobody for about six hours.
[o.W.n. Influenced Mountain Lab]

(Pyrecter)Well it looks like they escaped thanks to you three incompetent soldiers!"Pyrecter shouted as he looked furious at the soldiers who let 3 traitors escape into the badlands"Because of you we lost 3 of our loose ends you know what I'm to tired for this I'll let Ethan decide what to do with you"As Pyrecter looks at the screen to see places where the o.W.n. Hasn't taken over yet"

Ethan North)Well you sure did piss off Pyrecter that's for sure you will be sent to the General for your incompetence"Ethan went back to Pyrecter to see their next objective as Anthony greets them after sending the soldier back to the Main base"

Anthony Christian)So Maggots where are we headed next!"Hmm... I don't know yet there seems to be land up Nor-"Don't finish that sentence yes there are still areas up there that hasn't been captured yet but how about the south?"Well theres only a few bases there is it worth the Man Power?"If we head south we can capture the last few bases so the resistance can't hide anymore"So it's agreed we head south"Fine but let's head to the closest one Heatsink"Fine get the truck ready were heading out in 2 hours"The 3 prepare to raid Heatsink with only a few soldiers but little do they know a skilled team is there right now"
"The Truck has been loaded with supplies and has a squad consisting of an oWn Medic, Heavy, 3 soldiers and the Sgt. And 2 Lieutenants"(Pyrecter)Ok the fuel tank is ful let's head out to Heatsink"They make their way towards Heatsink telling the soldier to scout ahead, the soldier reported back that the Traitor Scout and the Female Medic is in Heatsink"(Pyrecter)Well looks like we got a bonus ok Charge!"The squad exits the truck and heads toward Sonja and Bonk able to be heard"


"HA! Sonja, you haven't changed at all, but I think I'll be going with you, besides, there is bound to be both a Red and Blu side where we are headed, I can keep the Blus and their sentries busy while you sneak in, after all, I can tell a great joke how a medic lost his medical licence, or I could them how you lost yours." Bonk said as he walked with Sonja to Heatsink. "Wait, are those trucks I hear?"
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"Eh? I still have my medical- Oh s**t. We need to run." Sonja practically choked on 'Run', seeing various black uniformed mercs charging towards them. She fumbled in her boot for her Blutsauger and shot three mercs in the eyes, blinding them.

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