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Fandom Red Vs Blu: The Very Retarded Battle. (TF2 Roleplay.)

"Hmm, interesting, mayhaps I'll take a... closer look at you when we get wherever we happen to be going. And you, medic, what about you?" Ubel said.
One was restless. He desperately wanted to set something on fire, he paced round the room and spychecked everyone, because hey, you could never be too careful. He stood beside the ammo locker and started randomly firing his flamethrower. Blu base seemed pretty quiet right about now, One desperately wanted some action, but in the meantime, he roasted some marshmallows with his flamethrower and hurriedly stuffed them beneath his mask, making a little too much noise as he did.
Sonja flopped her face on the dashboard and grunted slightly in response. She was still asleep. Meanwhile, Charlotte had probably teleported into the back of the truck. "Well, the Medic is Sonja, she's totally boring. I'm Charlotte, and my hobbies include petting kitten guards, poking various citizens of Candyland to check if they have become infected with a bowler, his name is John and he's a total meanie, playing absolutely beautifully developed RPG video games, and breaking the fourth wall. Who are you, mister?" She smiled warmly.
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After being lost for weeks,Triggerhappy sees a car coming,it does not plan to let a another car by.so it reaveals it's rockets and fires at the road,destroying just about all of it."Hey car people!"The robot said in a little girls voice."you should stop before you crash!"
"Of all the things that could happen...The road gets blown up by a robot that sounds like my niece...when she was little."

Arc was, understandably, annoyed. His boss (and no it wasn't Redmond Mann. He was simply undercover, yet not a Spy. So far, nobody suspected a thing) decided that it was in their best interests to destroy O.W.N. with the help of those targeted by the terrorist organization.

Well, at least he had found what appeared to be one or two of the people O.W.N. wanted dead.

He got out of his car (which was on the left side of the road, going the opposite direction) and waved to the people on the other side.

"Hey, if you need a lift, I've got a car right here you can use."

The car in question was a van, which was a deep shade of green, and had all the fixings: leather seats, built-in armory, a soda mixer that can make almost any flavor imaginable, a mount for a dispenser (he didn't have one yet), and an electric stove. The thing also had the best bulletproofing, all-terrain wheels, and suspension that scientists without many limits in terms of financing could make.

Of course, none of this could be seen from the inside.
"OH CRAP!" Bonk screamed as he took evasive action. "Watch where you're shooting those things! Ya dumb piece of scrap!" After he stopped, he got out and kicked the machine, then found out what metal on flesh feels like. "Ow, lemme guess, you want on? Well go ahead, door's open." He said, walking back to the van, and said to the man on the other side of the road, "Don't worry, I'll just go over it!" Then, he said to the smartest people in the truck, "If you sciency-types have any idea of the odds of us getting over the destroyed road, don't tell me them. Never tell me the odds."

While the truck was flipping over and trying to stop and all, Ubel was surprisingly calm and said, "Charlotte, hmm? Well, like I said before, mein name ist Ubel. And also, I'd like to preform some tests on you when we get to our destination, maybe get rid of that pesky "conscience" once and for all! Though you may have to get out of your suit, brain matter and x-rays and pointy objects and flame-retardent suits like yours don't go to well together." After Bonk had come inside and said everything, he said "I wasn't going to tell you anyway, dummkopf! Und do you want to know why? Because I HAVE NO IDEA!" He said, feeling a large amount of deja-vu, like some other medic before him said it before.
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DarkLordFTW said:
"OH CRAP!" Bonk screamed as he took evasive action. "Watch where you're shooting those things! Ya dumb piece of scrap!" After he stopped, he got out and kicked the machine, then found out what metal on flesh feels like. "Ow, lemme guess, you want on? Well go ahead, door's open." He said, walking back to the van, and said to the man on the other side of the road, "Don't worry, I'll just go over it!" Then, he said to the smartest people in the truck, "If you sciency-types have any idea of the odds of us getting over the destroyed road, don't tell me them. Never tell me the odds."
While the truck was flipping over and trying to stop and all, Ubel was surprisingly calm and said, "Charlotte, hmm? Well, like I said before, mein name ist Ubel. And also, I'd like to preform some tests on you when we get to our destination, maybe get rid of that pesky "conscience" once and for all! Though you may have to get out of your suit, brain matter and x-rays and pointy objects and flame-retardent suits like yours don't go to well together." After Bonk had come inside and said everything, he said "I wasn't going to tell you anyway, dummkopf! Und do you want to know why? Because I HAVE NO IDEA!" He said, feeling a large amount of deja-vu, like some other medic before him said it before.
Accepting the offer,the robot jumps onto the roof of the o.w.n truck,and stuck its legs through the roof so it would not fall off."Sorry if I just stabbed one of you!"
Arc watched as this happened. "Hey...is that an O.W.N. vehicle your driving???" He asked. Of course, he knew it was, but he didn't need to tell them that.
Spencer did not like the robot intruding on his territory. He was a dispenser! You can't mess with dispensers! "Little baby killing machine, there is only enough room for one sentient animatron!"
"You made sure to take out the tracking device, right? Otherwise they'll be on our asses like Spies on oblivious Heavies. Before you ask why I said 'Our', it's because they won't hesitate to torture anyone they suspect might have even seen someone wanted by them."
ferociousfeind said:
Spencer did not like the robot intruding on his territory. He was a dispenser! You can't mess with dispensers! "Little baby killing machine, there is only enough room for one sentient animatron!"
It's guns point where the dispenser is"then I could remove the other one if there isn't!"It said as it thought about space cats.
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"Yeah, trust me, I definitely know about them! More than you know..." Bonk mumbled to himself. "Oi, Sonja and Char, plus Mr. And Mrs Rob-ickers! You ready for me to drive over this cliff?" Bonk said, itching to get going, he always wanted to go over ravine/hole in the road that probably will lead to a cave.
DarkLordFTW said:
"Yeah, trust me, I definitely know about them! More than you know..." Bonk mumbled to himself. "Oi, Sonja and Char, plus Mr. And Mrs Rob-ickers! You ready for me to drive over this cliff?" Bonk said, itching to get going, he always wanted to go over ravine/hole in the road that probably will lead to a cave.
"That sounds fun! Let's do it."Triggerhappy said while keeping its guns aimed at the dispenser.
Sonja was upside down with her legs hanging out of the window by this point. AND SHE WAS STILL SOUND ASLEEP. However, the dog slightly nudged her, and she woke with a jolt. "AH! THOSE ARE MY PICKL- wait. Well, okay. That was an interesting dream. Are we there yet? Also, why are we upside down? Oh, hey, a ravine. I totally dare you to drive over it. Maybe there are goat people and fish lesbians down there."

Charlotte, not actually noticing the truck flipping over and skidding around and such, just shook her head. "I like my cool suit. I look like a cool princess of cool rainbows, cool cupcakes, cool coolness and cool suits. So no. Also, my arm hurts." She said absent-mindedly, not noticing that her arm had been stabbed by Triggerhappy.
Dawn2Dusk said:
Sonja was upside down with her legs hanging out of the window by this point. AND SHE WAS STILL SOUND ASLEEP. However, the dog slightly nudged her, and she woke with a jolt. "AH! THOSE ARE MY PICKL- wait. Well, okay. That was an interesting dream. Are we there yet? Also, why are we upside down? Oh, hey, a ravine. I totally dare you to drive over it. Maybe there are goat people and fish lesbians down there."
Charlotte, not actually noticing the truck flipping over and skidding around and such, just shook her head. "I like my cool suit. I look like a cool princess of cool rainbows, cool cupcakes, cool coolness and cool suits. So no. Also, my arm hurts." She said absent-mindedly, not noticing that her arm had been stabbed by Triggerhappy.
"Wait what about princesses?i want to be one!It said as its legs moved excitedly,most likely doing more damage the the arm it stabbed but did not notice."And when I do become princess I will..KILL EVREYHITHING."It seed in a deep robotic voice,then it giggled afterwards.
Charlotte squealed. "A fellow princess lover! We should totally try to become real princesses together! I don't know about the killing everything part though... But hey! Live your life the way you want!" Charlotte giggled, clapping her hands together in glee.
Dawn2Dusk said:
Charlotte squealed. "A fellow princess lover! We should totally try to become real princesses together! I don't know about the killing everything part though... But hey! Live your life the way you want!" Charlotte giggled, clapping her hands together in glee.
"We should!but first we must gain power...by getting better Dresses,but instead of me getting a dress I could get a new body and a dress!"It said as its legs moved more since it was excited,messing the sorry arm up more.
"Ooh, ooh, that'd be great! We could build you a body that still functions as your current job, whatever it may be, and then get you a super duper pretty dress with sparkles and rainbows and ribbons, and I could get one too and then we'd be princesses together!" Charlotte almost shouted, too hyped up for her future princess-dom to notice that she could no longer move her arm, as it was slowly becoming mangled to shreds. Sonja rolled her eyes, grabbed her Hit & Run and yanked Charlotte's arm from Triggerhappy's blade-like leg and quickly healed it. Charlotte didn't even notice.
Triggerhappy seeing somthing in the way distance said:"Hey what is that over there?as it pointed a laser at the object?
Sonja shrugged. Charlotte, however, looked closely at it for some time. "It looks like a person..." She poked her head out of the window. "HELLO, UH, MISTER, MISS, MRS, OR OTHER UNDEFINED TITLE/GENDER, WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE FRIENDS?!"

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