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Futuristic MIST (The Magical Institute of Science and Technology)

Gaxey smiled at Amu. "Yeah, that one was cool..." She said as she looked down at her lap. ""But I'm a little interested in the standard and second class MDTs." She said this quietly.

Six laughed lightly and pulled out the inner pockets of his slacks, "Do these pockets looked like they're lined with gold to you?" He shrugged and with a suggestive smile he said, "Then again, I bet you're worth the price."

When she told him about her passion with chemistry, Six couldn't help but feel excited. But before he got the opportunity to answer the demonstrations finally began. He wiggled his eyebrows at her as if to say, 'This should be interesting'. Science was so closely related technology and innovation here, to what exactly he wanted to achieve most, to his aspirations. Throughout watching the talented students and demonstrators perform, Six couldn't help but think he had a very powerful ally with Florence if anything. He stole a glance at her. The atmosphere at the elemental academies was one of intense competition, he couldnt yet imagine the benefits of having a friend in this environments. He thought about this while a separate portion of his brain reveled in the extravagance of the MDTs demonstration. Each piqued his interest for so many different reasons. But he didn't let himself be distracted by the displays, Six spent an equal amount of time critiquing and criticizing the forms that moved about the stage. Where the display failed, what could be improved. Couldn't there be a way to combine two or three class types? A four by four inch square of translucent-like glass projected from the face of his watch, which was simply a small ordinary looking square set into a band of paper thin metal enclosing his wrist, an inch or so above the face. He made notes on the dim glass with the tip of his finger. The language of symbols and glyphs was unusual to any that were spoken on earth. As an inventor, his ideas were his bread and butter, one of the most important jobs he had was keeping those safe.

The demonstration ended. He spoke without turning, "The pursuit and engagement of technology, that's my passion." He gave Florence a quick smile before he agilely jumped onto the stage so he may speak with the presenters.

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"And now" the director said with gusto, "a special demonstration from one of your future peers" He clapped his hand and waited for what he hoped would be a good show. He himself was kept unaware from what would be shown now, this his first test for this new "special student"

James was escorted onto stage with four guards surrounding him and a small disk in his hand. He looked to the students in the seats and smiled warmly. "My name is James Kyoshiro" he said, speaking with a soft, melodic voice to match his feminine face and frame. "I am both a student and a researcher. I've made many MDT prototypes in the last few years and I'm here to show the prototype of one of my more revolutionary ones." He motioned for the soldiers to move back, and they responded in kind. They knew what he was going to show. It was dangerous, and not yet completed, they did not want to be in its way.

He tossed the disk into the air and spoke again, but this time with a commanding undertone. "Gospel prototype J-253: Engage" The vocal recognition activated automatically and the disk glowed brightly, forming and solidifying in humanoid form. No face was on it, but it shaped similarly to a slim exo-suit. "This, is called Gospel" he said calmly "an emergency defensive unit that will hopefully be attached to medics and soldiers on the battlefield. It protects the wearer or user, and bombards enemies with high speed long range attacks. It has flight, multi-ranged attacks, barriers and even an AI in case the wearer or user is knocked out, dead or simply unable to use it." Gospel's energy went into flux as it produced plasma wings with a wingspan of about 18 feet. "the disk is light so it isn't a problem when you need to be silent and mobile." Gospel slowly faded and the disk floated back to his hand and he bowed. He was unsure how his demonstration would be seen by the audience, but he really wanted to help more than he wanted to be recognized.
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Esdeath stood at the custom class MDT when she saw a boy walk over. He said something about making a custom MDT. Esdeath turned towards him. "I don't think you have the patience to make and maintain a custom MDT." She said seriously.
He glances at Esdeath, scoffing. "Only the strong survive, and that's exactly what I plan to be. I have the patience to make and maintain one. If I didn't, I'd make myself the patience to be able too." He now entirely looks her straight in the eyes, saying "You came here to become stronger didn't you? I know it's what I've wanted for a long time... too long." Amen turns back to the custom MDT demonstrator, breaking down the greyhound piece by piece in his mind.
"How do you expect to have the patience one someone in a wheelchair bumped into your leg and instantly got mad?" Esdeath said again. "I am just saying you should probably stick with something else. Know your limits." She looked back at the custom MDT.
"I got instantly mad for a reason.... I broke my foot earlier this month and she probably just crushed it again." He sighs, then saying "and plus... I only get hot tempered with people whenever I do get angry. I have almost unlimited patience around machines."
MIST, in the auditorium.

Director Mubarak, AKA: Director

"Thank you James... as he was saying, he has invented some brand new technology that could help us in further tournaments against the other caster academies." He walks up, taking the disk from James, then handing it to the guards who place it in a blast proof container, requiring four guards to carry it out. "Hopefully, the fully stable version should be available very soon! We predict about two years." He taps his cane against the ground, then shouting "To those of you who aren't paying attention, we are now going to start deciding peoples MDT element!" He clears his throat, then announcing "Once you hear your name on the loud speaker, you may go to the appropriate station to pick up your MDT."

@Steel Zinogre @Devouring @kira blackthorn @Loke Fullbuster @The Dark Princess @stonesaber4 @Metaphysics

@James Kyoshiro
Amen holds his hand out, when the professor makes the announcement and quickly shakes her hand, then bustling with excitement. "Yes! Yes! Yes! I wonder what element I'll be... It's gotta be something cool." He was practically bouncing up and down, but then takes three deep breaths, composing himself. "Wait for the announcement, then be all happy."
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"Interesting," Cypher said in response to the conversation the short tempered boy and girl were having. For some time he'd been crouched down not too far away, simply listening to them rabble. His eye blinked through his paper bag as he looked from them to a data pad in his hand. They were going on about the boy's apparent problem with patience.

Cypher crept away in his hunched position once the MDT determination was announced.

After covertly returning the book to the girl from earlier, Cypher had spent a good bit of time simply sneaking around and eavesdropping on as many conversations as he could, memorizing as many characteristics as possible. All information was useful at some point or another.

He moved a bit to get a better look at the speaker, then crouched down once more to wait for his full name to be called.
Hearing this annoucement., Luna stumbled to quickly settle back into her seat before she was noticed. She hadn't the need to attract any other sort of attention to herself, regarding the fact they were soon to be called out. Once reaching her previous seat, she sat down, brushing her hands against her bottom to lay her skirt down just before she made contact with the seat, then placing her clasped hands in her lap carefully, before crossing her ankles together, paying full attention.
Esdeath heard the announcement. She had to admit, she was somewhat excited, but not as much as the boy whose hand she just shook. He eventually calmed down. "It should match our personalities..." She said.

(By the way I am not tagged in the announcement thing)
Axel listened for his name and grew nervous. "What shall i choose..... why should i choose it?" he said to himself as he walked onto the stage, and Accidentally bumping into Esdeath. "I am terribly sorry.... please forgive me for my carelessness." he said in a sincere tone.

Some guy bumped into Esdeath. "Watch where you are going. If you are this clumsy in a battle you are going to get yourself killed." She gave him a serious glare, and then she turned away.
"Killed? Taken offline would be more like it." he said as he looked at esdeath, and studied her appearance. "How did you come to have all these parts?" he asked her. @Samus
"What do you mean by parts?" Esdeath asked him as he studied her appearance. As he looked over her she kind of wanted to slap him because she felt offended, but she knew that would be stupid.
"I mean... some of the parts used for construction machines...." Axel said as he looked over himself. "I am a law enforcement model, are you built for construction?" he asked curiously. @Samus
"I am not built for anything, I am a human." Esdeath said in an annoyed tone. She tapped her foot impatiently.
Axel smacked the side of his head, and saw that she was telling the truth. "I am sorry...... i will be going now." he said as he turned and walked off the stage. @Samus
Esdeath watched him walk away. "Strange." She said to herself. She shrugged it off and listened for her name to be called.
Kris shrugged, making his slow way back to the seats and sitting down. He'd managed to catch the tail end of a cyborg all but flat out accusing a girl of being some sort of construction-focused variant despite very clearly being made of flesh and bone. "That headpiece must not have too much in the way of sight-bits. Poor bastard's got more metal on him than I'd think most places'd put on a damn car." Kris thought idly, reaching into his pocket and removing the bottle of water he'd put there before. "Did he say he was a cop? The hell's a cop doing here? I thought this was a school. Hope he ain't lookin' for unregistered parts or somethin'." While it seemed to Kris that most other people were chatting and otherwise getting pumped for the upcoming... thing that determined what your MDT controlled, he was more focused on trying to stay as relaxed as possible. He saw a younger-looking girl a few seats ahead of him sit with rapt attention on the stage, and laughed quietly. "Ay, you up there! Starin' at the stage! You keep staring up there like that, the stage'll catch fire before we can get these MDTs." He called out, leaning back more heavily in his seat and crossing his arms over his chest.
Melba smiled to herself as she watched the demonstrations. The custom MDT was really quite intriguing, but she'd never want one. It seemed like waaaaaay too much work to maintain it. Or, at least not one that was a dog. The clothing MDT that the second presenter displayed seemed pretty neat. All those MDTs seemed pretty amazing. Her personal favorite had to be the Gospel. Efficient and light. Fabulous.

She let out a quiet grumble. When would they hurry up and call her name? She flipped her platinum blonde over her shoulder, ruffling her crane slightly, and pulled out another fashion magazine from her bag. Hopefully, this magazine would stave off her boredom, as well as actually having DECENT content. Melba's eyes flickered away from her magazine for a second, as a cyborg that practically dripped with metal walked by. Robocop? They could probably see him a mile away with his flashy metal.
Axel then noticed Melba. He waved to her and walked to her. "Hello friend.... I am Axel Calibur, Pleased to make your acquaintance." He said as he held out his organic hand for a handshake. @strawberry jammm
Melba flipped a page, grumbling. This magazine was just as bad as the last one, if not worse. She flicked her eyes up to the... robocop from before.

"I'm sorry, what?" She looked at the extended hand as if it were somehow offending. Might as well. Melba took the robotic appendage gingerly, and shook it quickly before letting go. At least she had synthetic skin over her metallic parts; though in this weirdo's case, he probably didn't opt for it.

"My name is Melba. I do not believe we are friends as of yet, seeing that we are still acquaintances."
Luna sat patiently waiting for the names to be called. Once this little assembly thing was over, she was sure to go venturing off to the cafeteria to get some real food rather than munching and nibbling on such small excuses for snacks. She shook her head, averting her gaze around the room, watching as people continued to conversate within the premises, as if they all already knew one another.

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