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Futuristic MIST (The Magical Institute of Science and Technology)

Six nodded at the agreement, "Deal, but a lose will not come so easily, know that."

He glanced around quickly when she said that word. The air seemed to chill with the sudden reaction of their peers. "No," he told her, unperturbed by the new harsh gazes, simply not guilty of them. "I'm not a cyborg." He'd always been fascinated with them. But he had...gotten into trouble from being in association in the past.

"Do you know any of them?" Six asked, his gray eyes scanning the crowd of students. Then asked, "Are you a returning student?" realizing he wasn't sure if she was or not, she seemed pretty knowledgable. Florence looked to be about his age. He knew it probably wasn't typical to start off so late, beginning MIST as a senior. At least he was here, it just meant he'd have to make this year worth the while.
Despite herself, Florence felt relief wash over her at Six's confession, closely followed by bitter disappointment. She scolded herself internally. She'd chosen to accept cyborgs as part of her life long ago; feeling relieved at meeting non-cyborgs wasn't supposed to be happening. Not anymore. With a wry smile, she said, "No, I don't know any of them. Not anymore." A guarded look flashed across her face as she relived those terrible weeks in her mind, where she'd made the biggest mistake of her life. Purple eyes darkened in a torrent of churning emotions. Fortunately, his next question snapped her back to attention. Shaking off the shadows of her past as best she could, Florence smiled. "Nope, I'm a fresher, just like you. Starting my junior year." At his surprised expression, she added, "You just don't have the air of some of the seniors I've seen around here. Correct me if I'm wrong." Despite being highly perceptive, Florence tended to keep her cunning under wraps. Somehow, she wanted to impress Six. "What year are you going into? We might share some classes together."
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"Senior," Six replied raising an eyebrow but looking up at the individuals waiting to perform in the demonstration. He wondered idly when they'd start, it'd had been quite a few minutes, but somehow he wasn't worried. Six like talking to this girl, it felt...refreshing. "The people seem friendly enough here," he said with a shrug trying to imagine how he seemed different from his peers. "I'm quite awful with writing, I wouldn't be surprised at all if they put me in remedials. No doubt since this is my first year the first semester will probably be catch up classes." Six wasn't sure how he felt about that, most of his peers would be returning students, ambitious and ruthless with their life planned ahead of them. He didn't let that get him down, even though he might be shitty at English he was no slouch with sciences and of course technology. It had taken most if his will power to not have disassembled his holowatch and reassemble it again. He'd actually designed and built the thing himself, waiting for his brother while he underwent operation. Some of his best work had been developed while he was in states of nervousness or stress.

"So what's your focus?" Six asked. "School interests I mean, why are you here? I mean other than learning." He gathered a deep breath and let it go after a terrible time of making her understand the question.
Kris puffed at his cigarette, his focus drifting from the stage to the various other people standing around. An overwhelming majority of them were human without any obvious augmentation at all, which disappointed but not surprised him. He didn't really expect to see more than maybe a handful of other cyborgs at the school, but he still thought that he'd see more than he had already. It wasn't like he was going to withdraw from the school and move back home just because he didn't see anybody that had any work done on them, in any case. Kris sighed and took the cigarette from his mouth, glancing to each side to find something else worth doing until the show started. He failed to see anything more interesting than standing in place and being ignored by people who thought they were better than he was simply because they still had their original parts, so he returned the cigarette to his mouth and puffed away at it. Somewhere further in the crowd he caught a snippet of someone talking about cyborgs but wrote it off as being unrelated to his presence at the back of the crowd.

Before Kris could zone out too much, he heard a distinctively metallic scraping sound and turned his head. "Finally, someone else who isn't... I dunno, squishy." Kris mused, taking the final few puffs on his cigarette before taking it out of his mouth and crushing it with his hand. He saw what seemed to be another cyborg with a crane attached to her head walking towards the stage. Rather than stay standing at the outside edge of the crowd by himself, Kris set off after her. Once he ended up close enough to her that he could reasonably speak without having to raise his voice or talk around other people, he stopped. "Uh, hey. I'm Kris. Kinda couldn't help but notice you walkin' up. Mind if I stand here with ya?" Kris said quietly, putting his hands into his pockets with the water bottle and bag of seaweed chips.
Florence listened attentively as Six spoke, nodding every now and again in understanding. Though what he said appeared trivial, she knew that knowledge was power. Not necessarily in an evil I'm-going-to-destory-you kind of way, but people seemed to appreciate when she remembered the small details. "Your English seems pretty good to me," she said truthfully, shrugging her shoulders gently. "But if you ever need help, I'd be glad to. For a fee, of course. I think a hundred dollars or so an hour sounds pretty reasonable, don't you? After all, you'd be getting an amazing teacher like me. And my equally amazing company to boot." She laughed lightly, and turned her attention back to the stage.

"Why I'm here? Partly to escape, but mostly so I can get up to some amazing chemistry. It's the closest thing to magic I've ever seen." Her eyes lit up at the topic; her hands came up to gesture excitedly in the air. "It's been my passion since I first found out about it. It can save lives, but can also be so destructive. I think that's pretty damn amazing. Imagine combining chemistry with the technology this place has to offer! The results could change our lives forever!" She blushed abruptly and looked away. "Sorry, you probably didn't need to hear all of that." She smiled embarrassingly, "So what's your passion?"
"Mind if I stand here with ya?"

Melba turned at the other cyborg's question. He was outfitted with a metallic helmet, and also appeared to reek of smoke. Ew. Though since he was a cyborg, his lungs were probably enhanced enough that he wouldn't get lung cancer. Gross. She remembered seeing pictures of tumors when she accidently bought a medical magazine instead of a fashion magazine. Damn those shitty shop owners, rearranging the shelves.

"You can stand wherever you want. I do not mind." Or care, really. She added silently in her head. "Oh yes, my name. My name is Melba." She popped a chip into her mouth. Dried fruits, yay. When could she eat actual food?

@Uncle ShortyB
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Axel looked around as students flocked to one another, he felt a hint of loneliness, but knew he would befriend at least someone. "Man...... no one has noticed me yet.... tough crowd." he said as he gets up from the chair, his shining, grey armor brightly shining in the spotlight. "Maybe i should get aquainted with the others then." he said to himself.
Arvin lazily dozed off in his seat. He was quite bored with what was happening and so he fell asleep. He was having a not having a nice dream. He dreamed that himself and everyone around him were mere figments of imagination brought to life by words and sentences. He jolted awake, signifying the end of a horrible nightmare and sighed. "This. Is. Boring." He muttered.
Axel saw Arvin and walked up to him. "Hello friend, I am Axel Caliber, and I would like to make your acquaintance." he said cheerfully as he held out his cybernetic hand to Arvin for a handshake. "What is your name?" he asked, wanting to get to know him. @Metaphysics
Luna allowed her gaze to travel across the premises of the auditorium while she carefully nibbled on her bag of snacks. She hadn't much of a need for paying attention, until her marbled blue irises came across an armored, brightly shining figure of which seemed to be gazing upon the crowd just as she was. She didn't show much interest, but did watch him as he ventured over and began to conversate with another male. Both being strangers to her knowledge.
"First of all..." He said as he held up one finger. "Do not refer to me as friend. We have no such relation." He added before raising another finger. "Second of all, did you properly sanitize your hand? I think now so I shan't be shaking it." He said before raising a third finger. "Lastly why would I want to make your acquaintance?"
Metaphysics said:
"First of all..." He said as he held up one finger. "Do not refer to me as friend. We have no such relation." He added before raising another finger. "Second of all, did you properly sanitize your hand? I think now so I shan't be shaking it." He said before raising a third finger. "Lastly why would I want to make your acquaintance?"
Axel just stared at Arvin in pure stupification. "Because, you are not the only person here, I sanitize every hour, and I was being friendly, which is why I referred to you as a friend. Why are you so hostile towards me anyway?" Axel asked, seemingly irritated and appauled by such rudeness. "You maybe a human, but you are no better than our peers, and no better than I am. So watch that tongue before you lose it permanently." he warned Arvin, Indicating hostility and a bit of seriousness in his tone. (Here is the edited version)
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Esdeath made sure she spent enough time at each stand. She asked several questions on how it increased a users skill. She looked around and saw some of the other students get acquainted. She wondered if she should make any... acquaintances. "It could help me in the long run. But then again they could be a nuisance."
David was flushed, he actually hadn't expected her to respond. He also hadn't planned on saying anything more than one sentence. Well time to just go with whatever sounds natural he thought. "So, do you like some of the displays so far?" he was having trouble not letting himself ramble some sort of apology for getting in her way.

After what seemed like an eternity spent dwelling on a single thought, Avelia finally snapped out of the daze she was in. It was like a curse really. Being too intelligent had certain disadvantages. With a deep and seemingly stressed sigh, the white haired woman raised herself from the uncomfortable auditorium seat. She held the large book in her pale hand. Beginning to make her way out of the auditorium, she stepped into the area with the displays. Voices and randomized words from different conversations wandered through her ears as she passed by students talking with each other. She showed no interest, however, in the displays. But a single book she spotted a person wielding underneath their arm. She stopped in her tracks for a moment, admiring the book's cover. Avelia watched with a longing look as the person disappeared into the crowd, and out of view.

She blinked with an emotionless expression on her face. Swiveling around, the white haired woman's vision became blinded as a man barreled straight into her. The book in Avelia's hand slid across the floor. Slamming her head against the floor, a shock of pain pulsed through her small frame. The man who had run into her seemed to be one of the instructors. His glasses were a bit crooked and his expression was frazzled. He tried to say something, but shook his head and instead jolted away down the hall. Avelia picked herself up from off the ground, ignoring the throbbing pain. The book she once had was gone somewhere. The students passing by must have kicked it away. The emotionless expression was still plastered all over her face. Beginning to pad back down the hallway, she ignored the stares people shot her.

After a few seconds, boredom crept into her heart.
Cypher stepped away from the most recent teacher he had flagged down for his most recent bout of interrogation. The conversation went well, though the paper bag on his head seemed to raise caution in them as well. Inconsequential, at this point his mannerisms would be open for ignorance. He began walking with a hunched back, his Scalpel staff sheathed on his back for safety concerns.

Cypher was about to go hunting for a new source of information when one literally slid across the floor and bumped into his shoe. Cypher tilted his paper bag covered head at the sight of a book that had randomly come from nowhere. He crouched down, picked the book up, then rose. He stood at full height for once, eye staring through the hole in his paper bag in search of the book's owner. He saw a white haired girl pick herself up off the floor. He suspected that she would at the very least, be a potential acquaintance of the book's owner.

She padded down the hallway, and Cypher shrugged before following. As he walked after the suspected book-owner, he opened the aforementioned book and read while following her.
MIST The Auditorium

The demonstrators

(An announcement on the loudspeaker goes off, saying that the demonstrators are about to start. They start talking after about 5 minutes, in seperate parts of the auditorium.)

Greyhound MDT:

"This right here, is my baby Jager." He grins, and his greyhound MDT starts giving a low mechanical groan, then pawing at the ground leaving large scratch marks. "He ain't like the rest out there... he's a special dog." He bends down, grabbing a sheet of metal about 6 inches thick. "Alright boy, attack!" The dog makes a low robotic rumble, then going into a pounce stance. Slightly after, a slice through the air leaves a vacuum, causing the air to haze where it struck. The attack was so fast, it wasn't able to be seen by the human eye until his claw stopped moving, and caused a gush of wind to lash the nearby area. The remains was a plate cut clean in half, any part that wasn't directly cut by the claw but came in contact melts, and drips to the floor.

"This my friends... is just the tip of the ice berg when it comes to Custom Class MDT's! This one I designed myself, with lots of time, sweet, blood and tears." He pulls out a list, reading out it's different specifications. "This baby is a fire and wind type MDT, in what I like to call, improved wind elemental type." He chuckles slightly, but then explains. "However... for all you hot shots out there who want to make a custom MDT, it takes a lot of work. Daily calibration, daily checkups, and constantly including new features." He points at a bulls-eye painted on the wall across the auditorium, about 100 feet away. "Shoot boy." The mechanized greyhound makes a low robotic rumbling noise again, before the entire air in front of him becomes entirely hazey. The target however, is instantly obliterated, destroying the target and a bit of the wall behind it. "That has been our demonstration with Jager. If you have any questions, visit me afterwards." The greyhound transforms into what looks like a small humanoid robot, about half the size of an average human, and they both bow to the observers, thanking them for watching.

Professors MDT:
"Alright all you chimps out in the crowd... I'm about to show you a REAL MDT!" He twists his wrist once rapidly, causing the fabric stitches on his coat to glow a light green. "I have what is called a class two MDT... basically, any clothing or accessories turned into MDT's. A huge advantage with this is having extra body armor... Show em' what she's got pal." An armored guard who looked like the hulk but without the green, walks up holding a Gatling gun, with barrels about 2 inches thick and 10 barrels all around. "Come on and hit me with your best shot." The guard warms up the Gatling gun, and then right after starts firing rounds into the directors chest. the .75 cal rounds reflected off him like a childs toy, and he then starts dodging each bullet, leaving what appeared to be a previous version of himself which is then ripped in half by the gigantic bullets, revealing a blurry mist of him which then faded.

The Gatling gun then starts bending, the iron being ripped apart and then reformed time and time again until a cube of metal laid on the ground. The professor then does a hand gesture, like "Get up!" The cube starts to glow, and form into a medieval suit of armor, then bowing to the crowd surrounding them. The professor does the same, because he doesn't want to appear rude, or be outclassed by a set of armor.
"Thank you! This has been our demonstration of a MDT second class, if you have further questions visit me afterwards."

Standard class MDT:
"Alright punks... This is gonna be your one way ticket to learning as much as you can about your standard class MDT's before you receive yours... so listen up." He wears extremely skinny jeans, that fit on him just barely, and look like he was born in them. "My name don't-give-two-shits! It don't give two damns what my name is to you." He stomps his foot, stone pillars rising for his feet to fall on as he walks around the crowd through the air above them. "I'm about to show you some kickassery of the MIST academy. Prepare yourselves." He starts shooting condensed fire, melting through various metal plates preset around a course. He then jumps off his pillars, using air to parkour around the course and to shoot down tiny cans with precise accuracy. He then makes water, and starts surfing self created waves with a board made of water. Lastly, he uses earth to create several homes and dig trenches, then using it to shape the landscape into a tactical advantage.

"There is one really damn cool thing about these... you can combine them to make kick ass combos." He summons fire and water, creating a giant cloud of steam. Afterwards, he mixes air with water, creating a highly pressurized water cannon and blasting easily through the pillars of rock he created earlier. Then he summons lightning, making it strike the left over water from earlier, causing it to fry any living thing in contact with that water. Lastly, he makes magma rise from the ground, flooding over towards the course and covering everything, then solidifying into a strange rock. "This has been your kick ass performance on standard class MDT's, if you have any questions let me afterwards." He bows, addressing the observers watching his MDT tricks.

Second Class MDT:
"Hello... Welcome to my demonstration..." She spoke quietly, but then pulled out her sniper rifle. "I'm a trained combat professional here at MIST... and have dedicated my life to serving in the annual MDT combat events..." She throws a penny up in the air, right on top of someone's head, and shoots it, nailing it dead center and not hurting the person the coin landed on. "The rounds in the gun can vary on the ammunition you design for it... so it's efficiency is up to you." She does the bolt action on her sniper rifle, the color of the rifle then changing to a light red. "For example.. here's an efficient way to use it." a volley of Frisbee are shot overhead, and she holds her trigger. The gun fires automatic rounds of bird shot, the ammunition being fire. This burns the Frisbee, causing them to lose their momentum and fall to the ground. "Oh.. yeah... my name is Takea by the way... Here is some other cool stuff you're able to do..." She does the bolt action on her rifle again, causing it to turn an ice blue now. She holds the trigger, making a solid beam of blue shoot out, freezing anything it comes into contact with.

"class two MDT's have infinite possibilities... but they require a sufficient amount of calibration and dedication to be useful..." She leans the rifle upon her shoulder. "If you have any questions... ask me after I'm done talking..." She bows, then continuing to answer questions about the MDT's.

@Steel Zinogre @Devouring @kira blackthorn @Loke Fullbuster @The Dark Princess @stonesaber4
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Avelia stepped back into the snack area once again, snagging up a lingering back of chips. She stopped in her place and gripped the plastic bag with two hands. With an emotionless expression, she ripped open the bag with a swift pop sound. The smell of salted vinegar chips wafted into her nose. The white haired woman whipped around when she heard the MDT's begin in the auditorium. Slowly, she began to make her way back. Avelia watched with curiosity as each person representing the MDT's composed their tricks. There was only one, however, that caught her attention. It seemed to be the Second Class MDT. A woman was representing it, a rifle leaned against her shoulder.

After she was done performing her tricks, the woman began speaking to a few other students about the MDT's. Avelia's expression soon became emotionless once more. She found a spot in the auditorium to sit. Sitting down, she found herself staring blankly at her lap, as if the lost book were to reappear.
Axel watched the demonstrations with awe, never seeing such tech before, but of course, he immediately loves the class two MDT's. "What amazing tech..... maybe if i can upgrade myself without using an MDT." he muttered, wanting to ditch the grey armor and go for something more sleek and shiny.
Chapter 12 was actually chuck full of personal bias, it sort of ruined a good section of the book for him. The rest was just fine, so he would have to give credit where credit was due. He'd admit that he may have read a tad bit too long, but he had still kept tabs on the book's owner. He'd shadowed her around the various presentations and performances, one eye darting between the book and her form.

After finishing chapter 13, he figured enough was enough. He was all for a good read now and then but he refused to be obnoxious. So when he spotted that she had paused, sitting down staring at her lap, he took it. Closing the book, he approached from the side and conspicuously slid the book onto her lap as he passed by.

"This, is yours." He stated before continuing to the next presentation. Ya did good Cypher, ya did good. Now to study the bracelet, its full properties must be understood.
Luna sat in absolute awe while watching the demonstrations for both the GreyHound MDT and the Standard MDT. Running her thinned, small fingers through her purpled strands of an excuse for hair, she stood up, preparing herself to approach the instructors. At that time, she had released her attention from the squabbling males, and one of with acted like he was better than everyone. Not that Luna cared too much to acknowledge his existence, but she noted them both for future references.
MIST, in the auditorium.

Amenophis Mubarak, AKA: Amen (pronounced A-min)

After apologizing to the girl in the wheel chair, he went and observed the Custom class MDT. He watched in awe, as the plate seemed to rip itself apart. "I'll make a super cool custom MDT.... Something Unique...." He registers all the possibilities of MDT's that don't fall into the main three categories, then smirking to himself. "However... a standard class MDT looks like it'll be pretty cool to start with... when I get it I'll be up all night figuring it out." He smiles to himself, taking mental notes on the different things that he could do. Wait... maybe, I can combine a third class and a custom class? something unique... He kept thinking to himself, definitely engaged with the MDT's.

@James Kyoshiro

"Interesting..." Arvin wondered loudly as he watched the demonstration. When he heard about the custom class he smiled. "I wonder if there's a golden cane MDT. That sounds like something suited for me." He said before leaning back into his seat and proceeding to pretend to doze off once more.

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