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Futuristic MIST (The Magical Institute of Science and Technology)

Sixcto scoffed a laugh, "I'll take all rewards in the form of a cash prize, please." Then he smiled, joking now, "Guess know you know there's occupational hazards to being my friend." They walked over to the stations and after his name was referenced on a paper-thin tablet, he was once again declared a fire-user and was given a metal bracelet with the fire insignia. He placed it around his wrist. There was a pleasant weight to it. He picked up a manual, quickly skimming through the pages. He wanted to know all about it as soon as possible.

"NEI," Six murmured, remembering what the director had said not too long ago. "Best get it over with. What do you think?" They began to walk over there. "We are totally gonna go test these out afterwards," They passed by a kid wobbling out of the NEI station. "That is, if we don't vomit all over ourselves first."

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Florence gave him a nudge in the ribs and laughed. "Occupational hazard? Challenge accepted!" As they approached the NEI installation quadrant of the vast hall, she couldn't help but notice the number of people who looked vaguely green, nauseous and a whole new level of elated. It was strange combination. She quirked an eyebrow, lips pressed together in an amused smile. "They look like they're happy to be stumbling around like headless chickens. Those NEIs must be--" She broke off as she passed a girl with a mini whirlwind rippling over her head, looking for all the world like it was all part of the natural process. "Okay," she declared, falling behind Six and pushing him forward. "I want to do that. I don't care if I end up looking like a drunken Grinch afterwards. Come on!"

Biting her lip in nervousness, she stepped into the little tent that had been pitched up and seated herself in a chair with straps. If she didn't know any better, she would've said it was used for torture. Freaky. Friendly and smiling, the nurses reassured her that everything would be okay and then plunged a needle into the crook of her arm. The last thing she did was give a half-dazed smile to Six.

Florence woke up feeling for all the world like she'd been ploughed by a lawnmower. Faces swam and voices muttered in the distance. "You're okay!" "... Just a little bit of a bad reaction..." "... Good now.... Free to go..." Blinking, she stumbled out of the room, barely able to keep upright. Struggling to stay conscious, she made her way to a dark corner and plopped down.

UnwantedTruth said:
Gaxey nodded. "Everything's hurting except my legs. But that's how it usually is." She chuckled a little. "And my hair is soaked in my own sweat. Does it look alright to you?" She asked, running her hand through her hair.
"it looks alright. I think my hair is the same though haha! I wonder when we are getting our dorms?"
Gaxey nodded. "Same. And I wonder who our roommates will be..." Gaxey pondered. She then looked at her lap again. "I hope my roommate's nice to me...will we even have roommates?" She asked.

Gaxey grinned. "That would be pretty awesome! But those chances are pretty slim. Think of all the people who go to this school. Think of how many combinations there are that have one of us in it. A lot. There's only one combination that has us living together." Gaxey frowned, realizing the odds. She itched the back of her head. "But I hope we do!"
Six followed her to the implant station. She took a seat and the nurses began the process. He grimaced at the restraints, unsure if he could allow himself to be confined as such. He didn't get much of a chance, he saw her give him a reassuring smile before they clanged the helmet over her head, he felt a strong hand on his shoulder that began to guide him to an open chair. The grip was so strong he wasn't surprised when he turned and found that it's owner was a man, a male nurse, equally as attractive as his female coworkers. Just his luck he'd get the dude.

A trickle of panic ran through his body as the cuffs clamped over his wrists. There wasn't much to help it, this was the only way he'd get to use the MDT.

The helmet was strapped onto his head and he watched as the needle pricked into his arm, such archaic means of application since it's invention hundreds of years ago. But not important, Six reminded himself.

His world began to spin slightly and his fingers numbed. He heard the familiar sound of a drill. Six floated in and out of blackness the sounds and sensations, the dull aching pain bringing back flashes of repressed memories. He urged himself to be aware, he couldn't stand being here, he needed fresh air. Lights swirled back into his vision as he was slowly pulled back into reality. "Yah, you're okay to go now." The cuffs released and there were red imprints in Six's wrists. He began to make a face, not remembering them being so tight before the procedure. "You were wiggling too much, sorry man. Now up and at 'em."

Six rubbed his wrists. He felt extremely lightheaded, gulping down air he pushed out of his seat. He stood there trying to regain his balance as he threatened to topple over. "Just...gotta...walk it off," he murmured to himself putting one foot in front of the other. The pain wasn't the worst he'd felt but certainly was the most irritating, he mostly felt uneasy.

He managed to find Florence, he bumped his shoulder into the window-paned wall and slid down besides her, wincing slightly as he came to a thud on the metal tile floor. "Woah, bad trip." He said jokingly with little expression on his face.
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Florence spared Six a groggy grin before rubbing her bleary eyes with still trembling hands. "So those men strapped you down and had their way with you, huh?" she said jokingly, smirking at the obvious sexual reference. "How much did you pay them?" She croaked a hoarse laugh at her own inappropriate humour and dropped her head in her hands. "I feel like someone unscrewed my head, whacked it around a bit, and then screwed it back on all wrong."

The young woman groaned, falling sideways until her head rested on Six's shoulder. "Don't mind me," she muttered, sulking. "I'm just your regular dying Grinch. I don't think any of my hangovers have ever been this bad. Makes me want to get wasted all over again... Don't look so surprised; I wasn't an angel. Despite the looks." She huffed out a chuckle and wrung her hands together. "Nurses said I had some bad reaction to the procedure. All I feel like doing is passing out. How'd yours go?"

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MIST Campus (Announcer)

"Alright ladies, it's time to begin classes! I regret to inform you that even though we are a caster school, you still have to learn core subjects. After those are finished, we give extended periods to work on your MDT's." The person behind the announcers voice laughed slightly, knowing that there would be lots of groans and moans and no one would want to go to class, however there are extreme punishments for skipping classes and it is definitely not an option. "Now, I know none of you want to go, but here's some motivation for you so that you can feel like you want to work on academics as well!" The sound of paper being turned is heard over the announcement, and he recites "Students who keep lower then a C average will have there MDT provoked until their grades are brought up... further more, skipping class will result in a detention, then a suspension, and then banishment from the school. Study hard kids! Your schedule should have been given to you earlier. I look forward to seeing you in class!" The mic turns off, leaving silence.

@Loke Fullbuster @Samus @stonesaber4 @Endymion @The Dark Princess @strawberry jammm @Metaphysics @Steel Zinogre

@MkZer0 @GrieveWriter
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Esdeath heard the man announce about classes. "Well knowledge is strength." She said walking out of the courtyard.
Poking at his MDT while hearing the announce " I'm going for top spot...even if that means i have to take everyone else out of the game" Smirks a bit then laughing before taking a bite of an apple
After having the NEI installed, Cypher spent the majority of his time pulling small cylinders of earth out of every patch of land he could find and subtley switching them around. What good was an ability without dexterity, and like any muscle, you must flex in order improve dexterity.

While also spying on the other wielders after the operation, he continued doing this until classes were announced. He paused at the mention of classes, then pulled out the list of rooms before scanning it from within the bag on his head.

Once that was done, he hummed to himself passively before tossing two small cylinders of earth into the air where they levitated as he pulled the scalpel spear from his back. He levitated the two to both ends of the pole section of the spear, then they quickly wrapped around them.

With that done, he replaced the scalpel spear on his back and began his peculiar, disjointed crouch walk towards his assigned class for the inevitable first day planning period of time.
Luna simply blew her breath, running her fingers along the edge of her head. While shifting her purpled gaze to stare at the others in the room, she finally decided to stand up from her own settled arrange!sent, and head off to her first period class. English.

With a small nod of approval, she made her way through the auditorium doors, and turned left down the hall to exit the building, simply following in the same way she originally arrived from the school courtyard. Being the easiest way for her to find the schools main building of which where classes were held.

Mumbling to herself, she shook her head, while loosing hersekf to senseless thought processing and contemplarions. In doing so, she parted her lips, allowing er steady breathing to emulate from her body with volume.
When Alex heard the announcement that you would be having your regular core classes along with special MDT courses he was happy because almost every core class he lost always got A's. With that he decided he had better head off to his fist core class that just happened to be english.

He hopped out of his chair and proceeded out the door then out the building to head to the main building for his first class at his new school.

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