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Futuristic MIST (The Magical Institute of Science and Technology)

Gaxey shrugged. "Wanna look around the school? Find our way around?" She smiled and placed a hand on her own bracelet. "Maybe find someone who can tell us how to use these things."
MIST, in the auditorium.

Director Mubarak, AKA: Director

The director sighs, and decides he's teased the students enough. He walks up to the podium, announcing on the microphone. "Students of MIST, As a special treat for this being our 100 year anniversary, we will let you proceed to have your NEI installed... Right now." Doors in the wall open in the auditorium, steam flowing out of them. Sounds of electronic drills and high grinding sounds, shrieks of pain are heard within them. "For you normal humans out there... let's just say this will hurt like a bitch. For you cyborgs out there, it'll be a walk in the park." He laughs, and walks away from the stand.

MIST, in the auditorium.

Amenophis Mubarak, AKA: Amen

Amen laughs, and listens to the directors speech. Once he finished, he smirked. "Hurt like a bitch eh? I'll take it if it means I get to finally use this..." He studies his MDT, feeling it's smooth surface rest on his skin. I better get it over with... With that, Amen walked off to one of the open doors, going through and revealing two very sexy nurses holding what looked like a bicycle helmet and the other holding a strange drill like object. "We're gonna have to put you to sleep for a bit to do the procedure... that okay darlin?" Without giving him time to respond, they strap him to a chair with very intense hand cuffs, made with 2 inch thick steel, and put the helmet on him. Suddenly, he feels a sharp pain on the upper right part of his head, and everything fades.


"Alright dear... time to wake up, the NEI is in now." The nurses give a grin, and Amen holds his head from the intense head ache he was feeling. However, now wasn't the time to wallow in pain. He walks down the hallway, then finding a door that led outside. Once out, it revealed a beautifully managed court yard, with streams running everywhere and flowers growing. "Now's the time to test if it works..." He extends his hand out, and closes his eyes. Remember what the manual said... you have to give specific word orders to start a spell process, then control the spell with your willpower... He Takes a deep breath, and screams in his head Engage code 2B5! The water doesn't appear to move, however he moves his hand up, causing the water to levitate out a chunk of the steam. Oh this is so cool...
Luna's gaze instantly hit that of the stage just as the director spoke. "Pain?" She mumbled these words from between her lips, tilting her head in a confused manner. She was familiar with the term, but wasn't quite sure what was to take place.

Sighing, she entered that of the opened doors hidden in the wall, settling herself on the table of one of thew stations. Shining her legs in a childish manner, she tapped her fingers against the seats edge, awaiting the approach of a nurse or whatever. ( xD )

As one of the nurses approached her, she eyed Luna, gritting her teeth as she did so. Luna found his to be entertaining, and slowly lifted her legs to rest on the table. Slowly but surely, she laid on her back, waiting to get it all over with.

Eventually, the nurse took hold of a needle, inserting it into Luna's forearm on her left arm. Seconds later, Luna saw nothing but darkness, a flash of light and the sound of a drill being the last thing she could remember, as well as the poking of a cold, solid metallic object poking at the top of her head.

Seemingly hours later, Luna's eyelids flutter open to reveal her darkened irises, scanning the whitened ceiling just as he began to sit up. Immediately, her gaze turned o focus on the MDT settled to wrap around on her wrist. She hadn't much knowledge of what had just took place, but suddenly she could feel the power she had surging through her veins.

She hadn't the time to test her ideals, but decided to go ahead and exit this...operation room, and began to venture back into the auditorium.
Esdeath walked up to to get her NEI installed. They told her it would hurt, but she didn't care. If it was something for her to be stronger than she will gladly accept it. After the procedure finished, her head ached, but she refused to show signs of pain. She wanted to test her MDT out so she went to the courtyard she remembered seeing on the way in. She saw the Amen there, but he was practicing too, so she left him alone. She began saying the codes in her head and moved her arms, watching the water dance in front of her.
Axel then goes in for the procedure, and had his NEI installed. once he woke up, he wished that his outer armor was upgraded to look less bulky. He went to test out his NEI, and saw fire dancing on his hands.
Alex's head whips up at the directors words. He was wondering how long the procedure for his NEI would take, he was hoping it wouldn't be long because he really wanted to try out his air new air MDT. As he walked into a room and sat in the chair he wondered what the director said after the part about getting his NEI today because he was to happy that he stopped listening. As the nurse injected him with some unknown liquid he suddenly blurted out "is this going to hurt."

The nurse whispered in his ear "it's going to hurt a whole lot." That was the last thing he heard before he went under. When Alex woke up he had a major headache and felt like he was going to puke. When he stood up he could tell something was different he could feel the power from his MDT. After that realization Alex suddenly tasted bile and hurried over to the sink in the room where he unceremoniously puked out what little he ate.
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"Oh okay... I guess I'll see you around." He said. "Actually... I have to get mine to." He said hopping behind Ace and cutting the person behind him. Kaden hid his MDT So that Ace would think he needed to get one.

Running around lost through out the school grounds" Crap crap crap....I'M GOING TO BE LATE" having over slept Isaac rushed around looking for where he needs to be.And after an hour he finds a large group of people getting there MDT's "AH THERE IT IS" rushing over panting in line" phew.....i made it"
Melba's head shot up as she heard her name called out. Air? Not too shabby. She stood in line for what seemed like ages, and finally received her new MDT. "Cool." She slipped it onto her wrist, where it hung sadly. Oh yeah, you needed a NEI to utilize the MDT, didn't you? Her unspoken question was answered when the announcement flickered on, announcing the NEI installation.

I'm glad I'm a cyborg. That's a plus, at least. Sighing, she stepped into one of the rooms, where two nurses waited for her. One nurse raised an eyebrow. "A cyborg? Well, that makes less work for us." She sat down, waiting for the procedure to proceed. The installation happened without a large fuss, and she left with a yawn. Magnifique. It was time to test this baby out.

She wandered through the halls, exiting into a well-lit courtyard decorated with flowers and a stream. A tad cheery and bright for her, but she appreciated the calming nature. There was also some dude with a water MDT practicing here as well. Hopefully, he wouldn't mind her intrusion. If he did mind, then he would have to deal with it. She certainly wasn't about to find another area. That was too much work. Concentrating, Melba sat on a rock and held her right hand palm-up. Activate code 01100001 01101001 01110010. Nothing happened to the space in front of her, but she could feel the air. With a quick wave of her hand, the air above her hand began spinning, shaping itself into a small tornado. Nice.
Getting his MDT handed to him he jumped for joy" WOOHO i got my MDT now i just need my NEI installed " Looking and seeing that some people are still in a little pain after getting there NEI done. Walking into the room and sitting in the chair getting put to sleep feeling the slight pain in his body waking up after a few moment the nurse said to him " Ah great you didn't die on us...we we're just about to dispose of your body" slightly dizzy he walks out the room" Ugh my head i hope i never have to go through that again" looking at everyone testing out there new abilities.
Florence ran ahead. Six misinterpreted how many people actually were in the auditorium, within seconds the crowd seemingly swarmed and gobbled her up. He tried to follow after where he'd last seen her disappear. Six frowned. Maybe she went to get her MDT. He didn't really blame her, he was practically a stranger, they talked for a few minutes, she had no obligations to him.

Six was still standing in place when he was shoved from behind by a group of people trying to get through, "Move already!" An older boy yelled loudly. "Com'mon, hurry the fuck up, I wanna get that bracelet thing!"

Six whirled and shoved the guy back having no hesitation and no patience for a dick like the one in front of him. "Look asshole, we're all trying to get through. Now back the hell off."

The boy was blonde, with a crooked nose, about as tall as Six and just as muscular. He looked down at himself as if Six's hands where covered in dirt and touching him had spoiled his clothing. He looked back up and took a step closer to him. "You wanna try that again? This time with an apology, for the insult and for getting in my way."

Sixcto clenched his fist. "I don't have time for this." He said, thinking about meeting up with Florence. Though this guy was pulling quite a bit of attention to them. He wouldn't be surprised if his new friend found him that way.

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Gaxey frowned as she heard the announcement. "It will...hurt?" She mumbled frowning. She sighed and wheeled her way to the room and sat in her wheelchair next to the NEI chair. One of the nurses helped her into the NEI chair and strapped the helmet on her and strapped in her arms. They didn't seem to bother with the legs. And then, pain. A black void of pain. Gaxey would've screamed, but she had lost all control over her body. She wasn't even aware she had a body. She woke up gasping, her pink hair drenched in her own sweat. Her brain ached. He muscles hurt. "Ow..." She said. The nurses helped her back into her wheelchair. She started to wheel away, but then bumped into someone.

(This post isn't directed to anyone specific, but anyone who doesn't have anyone to interact with.)
Florence stumbled through the crowd blindly, not wanting to get her MDT alone without Six. It was stupid; she barely knew him, but somehow, it seemed better than wondering in this vast hall alone. As the seconds trickled into minutes, she wandered around, fighting against the current of people. A commotion to her right caught her attention. Without thinking, she gravitated towards it, as eager as the next person to see what the big fuss was. Pushing and ducking under limbs, Florence emerged at the front of the small circle that had formed around a pair of young men. Fists clenched and colourful words flying, it was obvious that they were at odds. Probably over something stupid. However, the thought evaporated as she caught sight of flaming red hair. "Six!" she called out without thinking, stepping out of the crowd to stand by his side. "What's going on?" The other blond gazed down at her menacingly, cracking his knuckles as if to threaten her.

"Get out of my way, you runts," he growled, stepping forward threateningly. "Before consequences get severe." Florence stood her ground, tiny and small against his massive frame. Fiercely, she said, "You really want to start a fight? Right here in the auditorium? In front of the headmaster? Your tiny, mouse-shit of a brain thinks it's a good idea? Go ahead. I'll be glad to see you expelled before you even touch an MDT." She glared, knowing the logic of her words, hoping he wasn't stupid enough to really resort to violence.

Six was ready to fight, this guy was seriously getting on his nerves. He heard Florence's voice but he couldn't get tear his eyes away from the blonde, the looked about as wound up as he was, like he could throw a punch at any second. But she was right, he couldn't get expelled, and he couldn't tarnish his record, especially so soon, and especially right in front of the headmaster. Six was here on a scholarship, he'd have to keep his nose clean if he wanted to stay. The blonde seemed to realize this as well and began to back off.

"Shut up!" The boy snapped after Florence had finished speaking. "Nobody asked you." It took all of his will power not to leap forward and get his hands dirty. However, As much as the blonde seemed to hate Sixcto, the logic of Florence's words was unarguable. Another boy put a hand on the blonde's shoulder, the boy shrugged it off. "Don't think this is over." He growled. "I don't like you ketchup-head, you'll find out what it means to be on my bad-side."

Six sneered, "I look forward to the day." The blonde, and what Six could only assume to be his friends, slunk away, making a path for themselves in the pack of bodies that had come to crowd around. "What're you all looking at? What is this, the zoo?" Six said at the crowd. "Move it along." There was a shuffle as it dispersed.

Still grimacing he turned back to face Florence and ruffled a hand through his hair. "Ketchup-head? Seriously? What kind of bullshit insult is that?" He sighed, "Thanks for helping me keep my head. I probably wouldn't have minded teaching him patience the old fashion way."


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As Alex walked out of the room still quite nauseous from the operation, he accidentally walked into a girl in a wheel chair and feel backwards onto his butt. As he was starting to get back up he suddenly got dizzy and had to sit back down again. Alex then look up at the girl smiled and laughed at his situation " I'm sorry. I didn't see you I was pretty nauseous after the operation because of my child like body. I better attempt to get up again so I can get out of your way." When he finally got up off the floor he sighed, "Sorry again for bumping into you like that I wasn't looking where I was going. I'm Alex by the way and I see that we have the same type of MDT."
Florence turned to Six with relieved sigh. It wasn't until she stood right beside him that she realised how tall he really was. She had to tilt her head back to look at him. Gazing up at her friend, she said, "You're welcome, pomegranate brain." A light laugh escaped her lips and she continued down the lane, following in the footsteps of that blond bully. "You know, I think I'm going to have to assign myself as your caretaker. Not even an hour in and you're already getting into trouble! There should be an award for that."

She stuck her hand out at the MDT station, receiving a standard bracelet. Despite the simplicity of it, she couldn't help feel... empowered. She turned to Six, wondering what he'd gotten.

(( Sorry for the bad post :/ My brain's a bit dead at the moment >.< ))

Gaxey gasped as the boy fell to the ground. "I'm so sorry! This was my fault! I am sorry!" She said. She lifted him off the ground and helped him onto his feet. "It's not your fault. I'm still in shock over the whole NEI thing." This was true. She was actually still sweating. She looked at his MDT and then at hers. "Um, Yeah. Pretty cool, huh? So, do you know how to use it yet?" She asked, playing with the MDT on her wrist.

"Do I know how to use it?" Alex repeated to himself. "Of course I don't alls it looks like to me is a shiny bracelet." he said with a goofy grin on his face because this was the first time he got to talk to someone his own age today.
Gaxey giggled. "Same here. So far, it's just a fashion statement!" She held up her arm with the MDT on it outstretched in front of her. "It's, like, totally fabulous!" She said with an over exaggerated, stereotypical popular girl voice hike flicking her wrist. She then blushed and looked at her lap, embarrassed. "Sorry, that was improper." She said
She went to go do the test after it was over she got up feeling a little weird she stumbled a little then looked around. "Oh man I wonder where Gaxey went." She looked around and saw her talking to someone. "Hey Gaxey!" She walked over to her."

Gaxey looked behind her and saw Amu. "Hey!" She said as she wheeled around to see and smile at her friend. "How did your NEI instillation thing go? Still in a shock?" She asked as she wheeled over to her friend.

Gaxey nodded. "Everything's hurting except my legs. But that's how it usually is." She chuckled a little. "And my hair is soaked in my own sweat. Does it look alright to you?" She asked, running her hand through her hair.

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