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Futuristic MIST (The Magical Institute of Science and Technology)

Six was on stage holding a muted conversation with one of the demonstrators. He nodded as he listened. He wasn't worried with daily maintenance and calibration, he did that kind of stuff anyway. Six was asking about the facilities, listing off the more elaborate tools equipment he would require for both the upkeep and customization of this MDT and for his private research. If anything this was an institution for discovery and invention, of course they had all the technology he could possibly desire. But right now, he wanted to test the waters, where his boundaries might lie. He was cautious. Indirectly asking questions so to get the answer he desired to not call too much attention to himself. He'd much rather be able to "move around" freely without unwarranted supervision.

He mildly regarded the greyhound walking around them in a casual, bored-seeming, manner. Six glanced over where'd he'd last seen Florence, idly wondering what she might be doing right now, if she had been called to get her MDT yet. Six politely exited the conversation at the first opportunity, another student coming over to ask eager questions. He approached the Director, extending a hand and a warm smile, "Nice to meet you, sir, I'm Cameron Sixcto." Six said introducing himself for the sake of introducing himself. It couldn't hurt and it only looked good, it was a courtesy and establishing a relationship might prove to be beneficial in the future. Six was counting down the minutes until he was called for testing. He wished to know his element badly, couldn't wait to get his hands on the MDT, to set off in the Academy and thoroughly explore the place. Truthfully, he didn't have a clue what element he'd get, and truthfully he'd be happy with any of them. Each was equally intriguing, air, fire, earth, water. He was glad to have something to keep his mind off the anticipation.

"Sir, if you don't mind, I'm curious, does the Academy have a flight and propulsion program?" It was something sitting in the back of his mind. He had a shelf there, in the back of his mind, where thoughts and ideas seemingly popped up until they could be expressed through deep thought, pen, or word of mouth. Flight was just another one of his many fascinations growing up. Seeing their light streak across the sky at night when he could no longer see the stars because of the light of the nearby city. It was hard to see the stars anymore. But he'd see them someday with his own eyes from space.
[QUOTE="strawberry jammm]Melba flipped a page, grumbling. This magazine was just as bad as the last one, if not worse. She flicked her eyes up to the... robocop from before.
"I'm sorry, what?" She looked at the extended hand as if it were somehow offending. Might as well. Melba took the robotic appendage gingerly, and shook it quickly before letting go. At least she had synthetic skin over her metallic parts; though in this weirdo's case, he probably didn't opt for it.

"My name is Melba. I do not believe we are friends as of yet, seeing that we are still acquaintances."

"That is fine, Melba." he said with a smile. "I see you have a crane arm on your head, are you a construction model?" he asked curiously, looking at the arm, and at her feet, where the hooks were.
Jason looked enviously between Florence and this 'Six'. Well, they were mooning over each other anyways, laughing and figuring out their similarities. Great. Go ahead without me- not like you care. He slunk away, with a heavy heart, having gained and lost a friend in a span of minutes. At least the Custom class MDT looked cool, he thought, trying to console himself as he headed towards the displays. Jason also knew that he'd need to recoup for his lost friend, because of both needing an ally for the intense competition and having someone to pass the hours with. For now, he just dug his hands in his pockets and sulkily walked around.
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Melba pursed her lips. "I'm not exactly a construction model. I wasn't modified to construct buildings, but to tear them down. Destroy them. I wasn't even supposed to be a cyborg in the first place." She flipped a page in her magazine, cringing at the unholy sight. Ugh, that was just way too much glitter amd rhinestones.
[QUOTE="strawberry jammm]Melba pursed her lips. "I'm not exactly a construction model. I wasn't modified to construct buildings, but to tear them down. Destroy them. I wasn't even supposed to be a cyborg in the first place." She flipped a page in her magazine, cringing at the unholy sight. Ugh, that was just way too much glitter amd rhinestones.

"Interesting.... I happen to find your use of your tools..... Appealing. And i am a law enforcement model..... due for an upgrade in a couple months." he said as he sat next to melba. "You are fascinating to look at, in a good way of course."
Okay. This was beginning to become slightly annoying. Melba glared at the woman in the picture wearing a dress made completely of faux fur. Maybe he was trying to be friendly or something, but his phrasing and speech style were coming off as more than a little creepy. "Thanks. I'm not a display you can just look at." Whatever. It's not like they would ever talk again after this demonstration; MIST was a rather large institute. She returned her attention to the magazine.
[QUOTE="strawberry jammm]Okay. This was beginning to become slightly annoying. Melba glared at the woman in the picture wearing a dress made completely of faux fur. Maybe he was trying to be friendly or something, but his phrasing and speech style were coming off as more than a little creepy. "Thanks. I'm not a display you can just look at." Whatever. It's not like they would ever talk again after this demonstration; MIST was a rather large institute. She returned her attention to the magazine.

"I know.... but..... i should not say anymore..... i might embarrass myself...." he said as he looked at melba's magazine. "Human fashion is ridiculous, i mean, why kill an animal for its fur?"
Cypher observed the two other cyborgs from his perch several feet behind them. The larger one appeared to have touched a nerve, the female trying to divert the topic in some way. It appears to be working. Cypher logged all this data as he watched them, his eye blinking through the hole in his paper bag.

Honestly, he was at least glad he could contend with the notion of the mechanics the female cyborg was sporting. The way they were rigged seemed absolutely abysmal in terms of actual construction use. But hitched correctly, with the proper hydraulics in place, he could see how the crane could be used in a more destructive manner.

He made sure to record such thoughts, still keeping an ear open for his name to be called.
It appeared that this cyborg wasn't that skilled at socializing. That was an understatement: Axel appeared "Cyborgs and humans are not that different. Some cyborgs who can afford nice clothes will dress like humans...." When would he leave her alone? She was trying to relax by reading her magazine until her name was called, but this dumb tin-can wouldn't stop bothering her. Mrghghh, Melba hoped that her name would be called soon. This conversation with Axel was getting more and more awkward and difficult to follow as it went on.
Axel then gets up and walked off, he roamed the auditorium until his name was called. He then grew rather bored, and then just sat down, scanning his peers.
Luna remained in her seat, awaiting for the call of her name. She hadn't much of a clue as to how long this time consuming process was going to take, but she was truly ready to get away from these staring eyes. Shuddering in her seat, she slowly wreapoed her arms around herself in a tight hug. Sighing, she's began to avert her gaze and scvan the stage repeatataively without any success. Obviously, nobody was on the stage and it seemed as though nobody knew what exactly was going on. Taking a moment to turn in her seat and look behind herself, she met the gaze of what seemed to be a once roaming boy that finally decided to sit down behind her. He seemed bored by the expression on his face, but Luna said nothing but stares at him.

@Steel Zinogre
[QUOTE="The Dark Princess]Luna remained in her seat, awaiting for the call of her name. She hadn't much of a clue as to how long this time consuming process was going to take, but she was truly ready to get away from these staring eyes. Shuddering in her seat, she slowly wreapoed her arms around herself in a tight hug. Sighing, she's began to avert her gaze and scvan the stage repeatataively without any success. Obviously, nobody was on the stage and it seemed as though nobody knew what exactly was going on. Taking a moment to turn in her seat and look behind herself, she met the gaze of what seemed to be a once roaming boy that finally decided to sit down behind her. He seemed bored by the expression on his face, but Luna said nothing but stares at him.
@Steel Zinogre

"hello..... I am Axel.... what's your name?" he had asked as he held out his robotic hand. "I am quite pleased to make your acquaintance." He said in a cheerful tone. @The Dark Princess
Alex took his seat again jumping up onto it and wondering about how he could make the custom mdt that he wanted to make. Alex whispered to himself not thinking " I really want to get an air mdt".
MIST Auditorium (Announcer)

(@Loke Fullbuster )

"First, Kaden Oberige, you have been choosen to use an earth elemental MDT, congratulations. Please proceed to the station at the back of the auditorium to receive your first standard class MDT."

(@Samus )

Next in line, Esdeath Deathbell. You have been chosen to use a water elemental MDT, congratulations. Please proceed to the station at the back of the auditorium to receive your first standard class MDT."

(@stonesaber4 )

"Jason 'Janus' Collins, you have been chosen to use a wind elemental MDT, congratulations. Please proceed to the station att the back of the auditorium to receive your first standard class MDT."

(@Endymion )

"Ace Follester, you have been chosen to use an earth type MDT, congratulations. Please proceed to the station at the back of the auditorium to receive your first standard class MDT."

(@The Dark Princess )

"Luna Annalise Morgan, you have been chosen to use an earth elemental MDT, congratulations. Please proceed to the station at the back of the auditorium to receive your first standard class MDT."

(@strawberry jammm )

"Peach Melba, you have been chosen to use a wind elemental MDT, congratulations. Please proceed to the station at the back of the auditorium to receive your first standard class MDT."

(@Metaphysics )

"Arvin Constellion Tomes... *clears throat, and reads sarcastically* You have been oh so chosen, because of your greatness, to harness the extrordinary power of the fire elemental MDT. Congratulations in the utmost. Please, do not feel like I am forcing you to do this, but go to the back of the auditorium to receive your very first MDT of your own."

(@Steel Zinogre )

"Axel Calibur, you have been chosen to use a fire elemental MDT, congratulations. Please proceed to the station at the back of the auditorium to receive your first standard class MDT."

(@MkZer0 )

"Isaac Mckee, you have been chosen to use a water elemental MDT, congratulations. Please proceed to the station at the back of the auditorium to receive your first standard class MDT."

(@GrieveWriter )

"Lastly, Sander Masterson, you have been chosen to use an earth elemental MDT, congratulations. Please proceed to the station at the back of the auditorium to receive your first standard class MDT."

(Holy crap that took ages to type up... good luck to you guys.)
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Luna blinked, fixating her gaze on the boy before slowly extending her own hand, grasping hold of it carefully just as she began to motion her arm up and down, shaking his hand. "I'm Luna. Nice to meet you." Upon hearing her name being announced, her gaze fixated towards the stage, watching as the announcer spoke her full name. Blowing her breath, she released her grip on Axel's hand, blinking her purple marbled irises while doing so."Looks like I have earth."
Gaxey smiled. She looked up at Amu. "I got wind!" She said excitedly. "That's what I was hoping for!" She smiled wider. "Amu, wanna go get our MDTs?" The announcement seemed to temporarily take away all of her shyness and replaced it with pure childish excitement.

"Fire huh? Sounds cool." She looked at Gaxey. "Yeah let's do this! As long as I get to push." She went behind the wheel chair. "Alright! Ready Set go!" Amu pushed the wheel chair fast to the back of the auditorium. Not to fast just fast enough for Gaxey to have fun and enjoy it.

Gaxey smiled as she raced by everyone. "Wow! I've never gone this fast before!" She said, laughing a little. "Where is the auditorium?" She giggled.
"It should be right here!" She stopped then went in. "Well here we are." She looked around then she saw the stations. "Oh look their over there." They went over to thier stations.

Gaxey grinned excitedly. "Quick! I need to get my MDT! I've never been this excited before!" She grinned and stared at the stations. She then blushed embarassl and looked down. "Sorry. I'm probably acting very childish."

"Haha no way! You should be excited! Come on we can get yours first." She got behind the wheel chair. "Ok let's see if we can be first in line!" She pushed fast through the people to the station so Gaxey could get her MDT. "Alright! And we are first in line!"
Gaxey grinned and giggled a little. She looked at the person giving out the MDTs. "Um, my name is Gaxey Moon...um, I have a wind type standard MDT...." She said shyly. She took the MDT that the person gave her and put it on her wrist as a bracelet. "Um...how do I use this?" She asked, looking at the MDT on her wrist.

(( So sorry for not replying! >.< I kinda got caught up and my notifications for this stopped again :/ @MagicPocket))

Florence listened attentively for her name, barely able to contain her excitement. She bounced on the balls of her feet, chewing her lip in anticipation. Briefly, she wondered how disappointed she'd be if she didn't get the element of her choice, but that fear was quickly quenched by the calling of her name. Time seemed to slow as the announcer read off her assigned MDT, only to speed up as soon as she heard the word 'fire.' Ignoring the chatter and stares of the other students, she jumped up and pumped a fist in the air. "Yes! Yes yes yes!" Grinning from ear to ear, almost like the Cheshire Cat, Florence whirled on her new friend, Six. Too exhilarated by her own success to be overly empathetic, she slapped him on the shoulder in camaraderie and said, "You got fire too, huh? I'm sorry it wasn't your first choice. But hey, I'm sure you'll learn to love it!" Still smiling, she inclined her head towards the rapidly growing line at the corner of the room. "Let's go get our MDTs. By the looks of it, we might be waiting until tomorrow's sunrise!" She laughed then, wild and free and truly happy for the first time in a long time. "Come on, Six! Come on, hurry!"
Ace stood up quietly shrugging in boredom. Earth seemed quite interesting too him, but he was glad he didn't get any liquid of some sort. He took his steps toward the back of the station to receive his first MDT.
Kaden headed to the station he was designated for. My First MDT. I'll master it in no time and be at the top of my class, then I'll be number one... not that i'm not already. After having grabbed his MDT, and placing it on his wrist, Kaden began walking out when he heard someone asking how to use it. Kaden turned around and headed toward the girl in the wheelchair. "If I may say, I despise you people, and you know what I mean... YOU people, thinking you honestly have the ability to wield such a weapon." he looked the wheelchair over and chuckled. "Good luck." he said smugly before walking off without waiting for an answer.


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