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Futuristic MIST (The Magical Institute of Science and Technology)

Gaxey's eyes widened. She was getting more frightened. She looked at her lap. "I'm sorry, I really am sorry." She said quietly to the guy. She began to wheel her way to the girl who stood up for her. "Hey, thanks. For standing up for me."

@animegirl20 @PixelScoreMC
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Luna sat up, noticing everyone had disappeared from the auditorium. Rolling her irises, she stood up, dusting off her uniformed clothing. She hadn't the slightest idea of where she should be headed to as of yet, having been ignoring the instructors last few words. Eventually, she exited the auditorium, heading into the direction of which she saw a select few go. Stretching her arms skyward, she began observing the different sets of MDTs made available to the students. Growing in curiosity, she found herself overexamen the dog like form of the MDTs.
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Kris jolted awake, noting that most of the people had left their seats and either milled around the stage or some tables in the back of the hall. He sat up in his seat, stretching and yawning as he gradually warmed up and got some of his systems working again. Once everything was working at acceptable levels, Kris stood up and walked slowly back to the tables where people seemed to be getting food. There was what looked to be a young girl in a wheelchair grade towards another girl, which Kris decided didn't really warrant much else in the way of investigation in the face of food and an opportunity to slip out for a smoke. He grabbed a bag of some sort of seaweed chips and a bottle of water and made his way towards the door. He passed by the person in the wheelchair on his way, muttering "excuse me" as he stepped around them to get out of the door.

As he stepped outside, he saw people streaming towards some sort of stage that looked like it had a dog on it. "Hm. Wonder what's goin' on over that way?" Kris muttered, reaching in to his pocket with one hand and retrieving his pack of cigarettes. He pulled one out and popped it into his mouth, exchanging the pack with his lighter and returning the hand to his mouth to light the cigarette. Once he was sure it was lit, Kris slipped the lighter back into his pocket and casually walked towards the growing crowd, making sure he stayed on the outer edges of it to avoid burning anyone unintentionally.
Six regarded the girl with raised eyebrows marking intrigue. A smile of amusement grew on his lips as he glanced down at the bag. "You're not too far off the mark. Thank god I'm not a vegetarian, I'd go crazy if I had to eat this shit all the time. If I weren't so damn hungry, I'm sure this thing would've found its way back to yours in the trash can." He emptied the rest of the bag in his mouth and winced comically and chased it down with the cup of tea which actually did have a pleasant flavor. "And if you did, know what it tasted like I mean, I'm sure that's one story I just couldn't live without hearing." He tossed the remains into a rubbish container which automatically seemed to recycle it. Turning back to the girl Six took a moment to take her in. She was definitely cute, with short strawberry blonde hair and a oddly purple eye color. He held out his hand. "Cameron Sicxto, but call me what you like." He added with a wink.
Florence laughed at his blatant disregard for her Freudian slip. "Actually," she confessed, laughing at the memory. "It happened years ago. I'd gotten into a major argument with my sister. She'd accidentally killed my turtle, so in retaliation I swallowed her fish whole. And I'm pretty sure the damn thing pooped in my mouth as revenge." She winced, as if she could still taste the scales and paused, looking severely embarrassed. "On second thought, maybe that's not a story you wanted to know. In my defence though, I was thirteen! There's a reason people say it's unlucky." Jeez, what am I saying? Flushing with rosy colour, she brought her palm to her forehead with a loud whack. "I'm not leaving a very good first impression, am I?" She smiled, and took his hand. "Nice to meet you, Six. I'm Florence. Florence Lore." She gave him an amused look and winked back playfully. With his flame red hair and friendly personality, she couldn't deny that he was a pleasure to hang around. A pleasure on the eyes too.

Gaxey smiled a little. "Ok. But you'd have to go a little slow, ok? I can't go very fast in this..." She said, gesturing to her wheelchair. "And I don't know my way around yet, so I might get us lost."

Esdeath left her seat, grabbed a snack, and silently watched the other students, watching for weaknesses. She saw a girl in a wheelchair bump into a boy and he grew furious quickly. "Easily angered." She muttered to herself. "Weakness. Wheelchair, weakness, but don't underestimate." She kept stating things to herself and then she walked towards the demonstration area. "Let's get this show on the road." She looked at the girl with blue hair. "Seems familiar, quite nice, sticks up for others. Could use against her, but don't mistake kindness for weakness, Esdeath." Esdeath said to herself again.
Luna boredly watched as the others immediately ran into upfront confrontations. Obviously, some of these people had attitudes worse than her own, which she found to be an obstacle she were to face later in life. Giggling in pleasure, she then averted her attention back to the dog formed MDT, tilting her head in a clockwise manner to create a better view for herself.
Hey Amen? Yes retarded voice in my head? I think you should apolagize to that girl in the wheel chair. I disagree. but I agree! Therefore you must go apolagize to her. You- Enough from you, go apolagize. But- Do I look like I give two damns? Go do it already.

Amen sighs, walking over to where the wheel chair girl was, his eye twitching but a smile on his face. "I-I-I A-a-" Get to the point already. "I'm sorry... f- for earlier...." There! Are you bloody satisfied now? I just yelled at her and now I'm apolagizing... I'm so doomed for the rest of the year... So you think being some big smart ass is gonna' get you attention? . . . That's what I thought.

The stage was just shy of his shoulder, he rested his elbow on its surface, listening with a half smile. When she finished the story he promptly burst into laughter. Once he composed himself he told her, "That is genuinely one of the greatest things I've ever heard." Noticing her complexion turning a sweet pink Six went onto say. "Don't be so hard on yourself, that was an extreme feat of sushi consumption. I once ate a fish eyeball on a dare. It was squishy, I wouldn't recommend it, but surprisingly not terrible, and definitely not the weirdest thing I've put in my mouth." It was funny watching her scramble. He couldn't help but feel a bit flustered when she winked back. Six's gaze turned back to the stage, to the metal greyhound.
Florence cracked a smile at Six's own confession and had a mini-epiphany. "You know what? I think there's a lesson to be learnt here," she mused, stroking her chin as though she had a beard. "Stay away from all things fishy." Laughing at her own crappy humour, she turned her purple gaze back to the stage. Most people seemed to be paying attention to the metal dog, but she flicked her attention between them all. Despite looking like simple, normal things, she knew they were everything but safe. It brought a smile to her lips. "I can't wait to find out what my MDT will be," she murmured casually. "I'm hoping for fire. To begin with anyway." She grinned. "How about you?"
Six tipped his head to the side at her question. He hadn't quite thought about it, though he knew he should have. He procured a question, "To begin with? Like it changes?" He allowed time for it to be answered. "As for myself. I'm your typical fiery red-head." Six ruffled a hand through his short cropped hair, nearly dark enough to be maroon. "Earth would be pretty cool, but if the universe has it's way with me like it usually screws me over, I'm positive it'll be fire." It'd be the most accurate. "Truthfully, I couldn't give much less of a care. I can't wait to get my hands on the schools technology resources-" Six hesitated, realizing that probably sounded incredibly dull.
James Kyoshiro sat in the deans office, fidgeting nervously. Normally he wouldn't show such nervous tendencies openly, but he was told that it'd be better to show his emotions when entering this school, so it seemed like the thing to do. Two elite guards stood at either side of the young, feminine boy. He had odd gloves on his hands, a prototype he was working on. He wore a black suit, without a jacket, just a vest. His red tie would contrast from the black of his suit. When the dean walked up to him with a beaming smile, James stood up and returned the smile and shook his head. He was debriefed on his special classes, and the special lengths taken for his well being. He was a military asset, and his life wasn't his. He was given a schedule, he scanned it happily. He might enjoy this school.
Florence shrugged her shoulders at his question. It had always seemed obvious to her, but she'd never given much thought as to why. She hesitated for a few beats to ponder. "I'm not sure, but they can't stick us with the same MDT's throughout the years, right? It would be like a tenth grader walking around with a fifth grade textbook," she explained logically, hoping she was right - if only for the chance to experiment with the countless things MIST had to offer. "Plus, it'd be pretty sad if a place as awesome as this didn't let us explore and indulge ourselves a little." She laughed then and poked him in the chest playfully. "Oi! Don't go around bashing fire now or I might have to pick some fights with you. Rawr." She leaned back and beamed at him. "Yeah, the technology department is pretty kickass. I know some basics, but my computing skills are pretty miserable. You should teach me in your spare time." Florence felt happy at having made a friend, hoping trouble wouldn't follow her around like it usually did.
"Ah." Six said, originally misunderstanding. "You meant those wristbands and the other tech. Though you were talking about the elements. Nobody's ever gotten two elements have they?"

Changing the subject he chuckled and bumped her hip with his own. "I think I'll throw my fire where I damn well please," he laughed jokingly. Florence seemed unassuming, but he should know from experience not to judge so quickly. He shrugged opening the invitation to see the cute girl around sometime, "Yah, sure I can show you some stuff." His smile stretched wider. "Maybe we should see if you can take me on in a sparring match sometime."
David was excited about all demonstrations and had to hold himself back from running to the next room once the Director was done with his agonizing speech. He was hving a blast with all the different things to see, and then he saw the blue haired girl from before. He decided this was a good a time as any to introduce himself. He walked up to her and said "Hi, my name is David. It's nice to meet you"


The sounds of students chattering among each other echoed eerily into Avelia's eardrums, rattling the inside of her brain. The white haired woman weaved around the new students, her light pink gaze kept straight forward and away from the others. Her pale complexion was still, emotionless even. And though it didn't seem like it on the outside, her mind was like a machine that didn't know how to stop when it started. Thousands and thousands of thoughts were being created in that brain of hers. It was almost unbearable.

With a gentle exhale through her nose, Avelia escaped out of the auditorium, hidden in the sea of faces around her. Anxiety crept into her heart, making it beat a million miles an hour. Now in the hallway, she snagged a water bottle from off the table, and began making her way back out. There was so many people. So many different faces. It caused her eyes to throb from the amount of focus she was using.

Reentering the auditorium, she took note that most of the students had left. The huge room was slightly quieter. Her muscle released in relaxation immediately. Sitting down into one of the uncomfortable auditorium seats, she pulled out a book from behind the jacket of her uniform. It read on the title:​

"Advanced Earth Sciences"

... In huge bold printed letters. Avelia flipped through the pages rapidly, her eyes scanning over each word in quick consumption. Her mind ate hungrily away at the new information. In minutes, she had read more than 52 pages. A few students passed by her, speaking loudly and destroying her concentration. Letting out a sigh, the woman leaned back into her chair and stared at the tall ceiling in deep thought. The book closed by itself in her lap, slamming shut.

Florence pondered Six's question curiously. In all her years, she'd never heard about anyone using multiple elements. She didn't think something as rare and exceptional as that would've been kept a well-guarded secret, but then again, she'd barely dipped her toe into the world of MIST yet. What did she know? Truthfully, she said, "I have no freaking idea. Having two elements or more might be a bit overkill, but I wouldn't object." She winked.

As his next words came tumbling out, a mischievous smile crept onto her face accompanied by an excited glint in her eyes. "I'll take you on anytime," she challenged, punching him in the shoulder a little harder than necessary. "Just remember, for every loss of yours, you owe me a soda." She laughed then, at the absurdity of it all. Gazing up at Six, she couldn't deny that she enjoyed their easy banter and blossoming friendship. What remained to be seen was whether it would withstand the drama and life of MIST. She knew from personal experience not to get too attached, yet here she was... A soft sigh escaped her lips. She simply couldn't help herself. "So," she began, curiosity getting the better of her. "If we're going to spar, I want to know what you are. Human? Or cyborg?"

It was an innocent question, but she felt many around her tense at the mention of 'cyborg.' Florence never understood the irrational fear. Sure, some cyborgs were terrifying, but some humans were equally frightening. Even at MIST, the prejudice didn't relent. It wasn't fair.
Gaxey looked up at Amu. "Um...I've never been pushed before. But I guess we can try it." She said with a smile. When Amin walked over, Gaxey flinched. Her eyes widened and she looked down at her lap. She thought he was going to hurt her or something. When he apologized, she looked up a little, kind of in aw. "Um...it's...um...ok..." She said, very confused. She started fiddling with her thumbs, nervously.

@animegirl20 @PixelScoreMC
Melba flipped the page of her magazine, wrinkling her nose at the atrocities she found. Seriously, there was a line when it came to acceptable and eye-watering, and the majority of this shitty magazine murdered her eyes. Not to mention the noisy students that rattled her auditory implants. She yawned as the silly Director continued with his exceedingly tedious speech. Hmmm, at least MDTs sounded interesting. It didn't really matter to her what type she got, as long as she received one.

Her heels clacked on the ground, making harsh metallic sounds as she walked towards the snack area, still flipping through her magazine. Melba quickly finished, and tossed the magazine in the garbage where it belonged. Snack time. Ugh, were those seaweed chips? She scanned the snack table for anything else, smiling when she found a bag of dried fruit chips. Better, much better. Spotting a bottle of water, Melba added it to her small menu, along with a few more bags of chips. She headed toward the stage, munching on her snacks, and waited for the presentation to begin.
Luna, having nothing to do or anything of which interested her any longer, decided to return to the auditorium. It wasn't like she had anywhere she needed to be, plus the fact she already knew what she wanted and why. Well, maybe not exactly why, but she knew. Rolling her irises at her own thoughts, she picked a small package of cookies just before walking through the entrance doors. She had forgotten all about her little incident from earlier, and decided shed simply sit in the back this time.

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