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"Um, did you just say dimension of demon's? Will they try to, you know, kill us?"
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FeIix said:
"Um, did you just say dimension of demon's? Will they try to, you know, kill us?"
i look at felix "well not all of them but as long as you stay by my side and dont wonder off they shouldn't try to kill you because im a demon after all" i then keep walking and try to find the opening for the dimension.
(I'm just going to try and jump in correct me if I miss anything :) )

Lorelei liked sitting in the music room when it was empty. No one to bother her and the silence was conforming, but the biggest reason was she could proactive her vocals with no one around. She had a sheet music in from of her as she began to hum, her fingers grazing the keys on the piano in front of her. Right now one of her favorite songs to practice was swan lake redone by the agonist. She could hit high notes easily and her fingers danced along the keys with ease as she lost herself in her favorite hobby.
creepylover said:
i look at felix "well not all of them but as long as you stay by my side and dont wonder off they shouldn't try to kill you because im a demon after all" i then keep walking and try to find the opening for the dimension.
"Oh I know where the door is for this dimension, however, it can only be opened by something as small as a snake. The door was made by the gods to keep as many demons out as they could." Ian then leads the group to a door inside of a cave.
"I can do that." I shift into a miniature me not even a foot tall.
Wyatt said:
"Oh I know where the door is for this dimension, however, it can only be opened by something as small as a snake. The door was made by the gods to keep as many demons out as they could." Ian then leads the group to a door inside of a cave.
FeIix said:
"I can do that." I shift into a miniature me not even a foot tall.
i see the door to the demon dimension"can you get in there and open the door"?
creepylover said:
i see the door to the demon dimension"can you get in there and open the door"?
FeIix said:
"As long as size is the only thing matters yes."
Ian picks Felix up and puts him near the opening. "If I remember correctly there will be a lever somewhere inside and it will open the wall."
I hop in, pull the lever, shift into a fly, fly out, and shift back into a regular sized human.
FeIix said:
I hop in, pull the lever, shift into a fly, fly out, and shift back into a regular sized human.
the door opened to the demon dimension."thanks felix"i start to walk in and it immediately turned dark but i could see everything in there."its just like when i left..come on we have to find the cave" i turn to look at them but they couldn't see"oh sorry here let me just" i cast a spell so the could see in there.
creepylover said:
the door opened to the demon dimension."thanks felix"i start to walk in and it immediately turned dark but i could see everything in there."its just like when i left..come on we have to find the cave" i turn to look at them but they couldn't see"oh sorry here let me just" i cast a spell so the could see in there.
Ian follows Rebecca into the dimension, "lead the way."
Wyatt said:
Ian follows Rebecca into the dimension, "lead the way."
we walk for a little then i see a cave in the distance."hey i think i see the cave there"i could see that there was a little coming out of it."all we have to do is go in there and search for the gem then we have to do a ritual of the demon god...i remember him he was always so nice to me".
It has been years since he was trapped in the Gemstone, for years nothing exciting happened. The gemstone was laying on the ground, somewhere. The Gemstone also had some kind of arua even humans could see.



(Also this is towards anyone)
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creepylover said:
we walk for a little then i see a cave in the distance."hey i think i see the cave there"i could see that there was a little coming out of it."all we have to do is go in there and search for the gem then we have to do a ritual of the demon god...i remember him he was always so nice to me".
"Sorry Rebecca but I should probably sit that part out, while normal demons won't attack me the demon god will, because he will know who and what I am. Even if we don't summon him, if I am with you during the ritual it will not succeed." Ian then sits down before the cave.
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Wyatt said:
"Sorry Rebecca but I should probably sit that part out, while normal demons won't attack me the demon god will, because he will know who and what I am. Even if we don't summon him, if I am with you during the ritual it will not succeed." Ian then sits down before the cave.
FeIix said:
I look at Ian, "Should i as well?"
"ok well you guys stay here and please dont get hurt"i turn and walk in the cave."ok well the gem should be here"i look up for the map."there it is the demon gem"i grab the gem and get out of there."guys i got the gem".
creepylover said:
"ok well you guys stay here and please dont get hurt"i turn and walk in the cave."ok well the gem should be here"i look up for the map."there it is the demon gem"i grab the gem and get out of there."guys i got the gem".
"What do we need to do next?" Ian looked at the strange gem, it felt evil to him.
Wyatt said:
"What do we need to do next?" Ian looked at the strange gem, it felt evil to him.
"well now we need to make a ritual out of this...were going to need these"i show them a picture of the ritual circle."we need demon bird feather,water,and demon light.that shouldn't be too hard to get"i look up at a tree and see a nest with demon birds so i fly up and take a feather."there thats one down theres a river over there and i got a empty bottle so i should be able to gather the water and i have demon light so we should be ready after i get the water"i look at them then hurry and get the water.
creepylover said:
"well now we need to make a ritual out of this...were going to need these"i show them a picture of the ritual circle."we need demon bird feather,water,and demon light.that shouldn't be too hard to get"i look up at a tree and see a nest with demon birds so i fly up and take a feather."there thats one down theres a river over there and i got a empty bottle so i should be able to gather the water and i have demon light so we should be ready after i get the water"i look at them then hurry and get the water.
Ian gets the bucket of water for Rebecca and heads down to the river gets water. The heads back and hands Rebecca the bucket of water. "There you go, that part of the quest is complete." Then Ian steps back and passes out.
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"Why exactly did he pass out?"
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FeIix said:
"Why exactly did he pass out?"
In his dream his father appears to him. "Ian, it is time you completed your training. You will need it more then ever." Then Ian spoke back to him questioning him. "What are you talking about, why did you knock me out? For the first time Ian sees his father in person, he mighty dragon form with its shining golden scales. "Son you have only stretched the surface of your dragon abilities, you must concern the dragon force and reach your true potential. There will be greater threats then you realize, a great war is between gods, demons, dragons any thing you name can is getting ready to break out. Rebecca's parents know how to stop it and much more." Ian's dream then begins to fade and he wakes up with Felix standing above him. "Guys this adventure is more important then we thought."
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