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DragonStorm said:
"Your the one that activated the gemstone right?"
"um..um yeah i guess so but...does that mean you follow me everywhere i go now"i get out my ritual book and look at it to see how to set it up.i take the demon gem and put it on the ground with all the other ingredients.i take some chalk and make a circle,put the items on the circle and put the gem in the middle."now all i have to do is enchant these words and he should be here.i look at az "you might want to stand back a little so the ritual does not kill you".
i look up and see the transparent dragon from earlier and prepare to shift.
I look prepared to run, "Hello." I say, my voice is rough, as if my vocal cords are out of place.
Once Felix leaves Ian makes a fire in it respeceted place He then gathers the last ingredient, using the knife and cutting his hand. Then he places it in its place, and stands in the middle. He mutters something in the language of gods and the items are destroyed. A great dragon made of fire then forms, barely fitting in the cave, and it some how flys into Ian. The flesh on Ian body is burned and he is on fire, barely containing the power within himself. After a few moments his body begins repairing its self.
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He pointed to his chest and in the center was the gemstone "She activate this, once someone activates it I become their familiar"
"I'm not in their, Only if I'm badly hurt or to near death will I go back into the gemstone and more that I dont want to explain"
i enchant the words of the demons while i stand in front of the circle after i enchant the words the circle glows red and all of a sudden i see the demon god."zagan please i need your help i need to find my family and i know you knew them please help me".i stand back some and look at him "rebecca its nice to see you again and thank you for getting us out of there...so you want to find your mother and father i can not tell you directly were they are but i can tell you you are on the right path and you are in the right dimension...i can also tell you that you need to go to the castle of demons they will be a big help"i look at zagan and smile."thank you zagan you were a big help"i hug him and smile."wait were's shax at didn't you say he was with you".i look around for him he was a demon i played with when i was younger and still lived in the demon dimension i look up and see him."shax its so good to see you again how's it been"i fly in the air and give him a hug."it's been good i quess exept for being in that gem for years that really hurt my wings"i chuckle at his response."how have you been rebecca"i look and smile at him then back at zagan"is it ok if me and shax go for a little"i ask."you guys go have fun i business to take care of"i take shax's hand and lead him to the cave were lan was doing his ritual."come on i want to show you some people i met that are helping me".
creepylover said:
i enchant the words of the demons while i stand in front of the circle after i enchant the words the circle glows red and all of a sudden i see the demon god."zagan please i need your help i need to find my family and i know you knew them please help me".i stand back some and look at him "rebecca its nice to see you again and thank you for getting us out of there...so you want to find your mother and father i can not tell you directly were they are but i can tell you you are on the right path and you are in the right dimension...i can also tell you that you need to go to the castle of demons they will be a big help"i look at zagan and smile."thank you zagan you were a big help"i hug him and smile."wait were's shax at didn't you say he was with you".i look around for him he was a demon i played with when i was younger and still lived in the demon dimension i look up and see him."shax its so good to see you again how's it been"i fly in the air and give him a hug."it's been good i quess exept for being in that gem for years that really hurt my wings"i chuckle at his response."how have you been rebecca"i look and smile at him then back at zagan"is it ok if me and shax go for a little"i ask."you guys go have fun i business to take care of"i take shax's hand and lead him to the cave were lan was doing his ritual."come on i want to show you some people i met that are helping me".
When Rebecca comes back Ian is sitting in the cave and his flesh is still on fire, however, the fire is not harming him. His eyes look as though they have within them. Ian's shadow appears as a great dragon, with flames coming out of it eyes. "I am so cold." Ian says to himself.
Wyatt said:
When Rebecca comes back Ian is sitting in the cave and his flesh is still on fire, however, the fire is not harming him. His eyes look as though they have within them. Ian's shadow appears as a great dragon, with flames coming out of it eyes. "I am so cold." Ian says to himself.
i see lan is on fire"IAN YOUR ON FIRE..WHY ARE ON FIRE WHAT DID THAT RITUAL DO TO YOU"i go up to him and look at him tears starting to come out of my eye's.
creepylover said:
i see lan is on fire"IAN YOUR ON FIRE..WHY ARE ON FIRE WHAT DID THAT RITUAL DO TO YOU"i go up to him and look at him tears starting to come out of my eye's.
The flames start to die down and Ian hugs Rebecca. "Don't, worry it worked." Ian tells her. "I am still getting use to this new power."
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Wyatt said:
The flames start to die down and Ian hugs Rebecca. "Don't, worry it worked." Ian tells her. "I still getting use to this new power."
i hug lan back and stopped crying."dont scare me like that i thought you were dying"once we parted from our hug i told him the good news i had."i got the demon god to tell me about a little about my parents he said we had to go to the castle of demons they will be able to help us further"i smile happily and turn around to see shax."oh sorry lan this is shax he's my childhood friend before i left the demon dimension but now he's a knight for zagan".
creepylover said:
i hug lan back and stopped crying."dont scare me like that i thought you were dying"once we parted from our hug i told him the good news i had."i got the demon god to tell me about a little about my parents he said we had to go to the castle of demons they will be able to help us further"i smile happily and turn around to see shax."oh sorry lan this is shax he's my childhood friend before i left the demon dimension but now he's a knight for zagan".
"Nice to meet you shax, we should find Felix and tell him the good news." Ian then leads them out of the cave and transforms into his dragon form.
Wyatt said:
"Nice to meet you shax, we should find Felix and tell him the good news." Ian then leads them out of the cave and transforms into his dragon form.
i follow out of the cave with shax"last time i seen him he was at the river with az so we should go to the river...i'll catch up in a second"i turn around and look at shax."so um i quess you will be going back with zagan now" "yes i will but i will be sure to visit you when you find your parents"."thank you shax i will miss you"i give him a hug and catch up with lan."SEE YOU SOON SHAX"i yell and fly to the river.

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