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Fandom Gravity falls. The new Mysteries

Chris was relaxing over at Scott's home, they had been friends for at least two or three days now and frankly Chris was just happy to have a single friend. He heard a small knock at the door and saw a few letters and some junk-mail being put into the mailbox from the window. The mailman left as Chris stood up and checked the mail for Scott, mostly just bills and junk-mail...and ANOTHER letter from the mystery shack asking for the people living in the house to go there. Chris rolled his eyes as he walked over to Scott and waved the flyer around,"You wanna go check out the mystery shack? Maybe if we go they'll leave us alone."

@Jinx (Just made some stuff up on the fly)
Stratos just turned and walked back towards her house and looked at the two girls "yeah, it'll actually be pretty weird seeing a grown man with two children." He said and walked away back towards the city with his red eyes gleaming brighter like he was blood thirsty but he was just very bored.
Jack sighs, walking up to his house. He unlocks the door, walking inside of the dark house. He flips a switch to turn on the lights and sits on his couch, staring at the wall near his fire place. It was on that wall that he kept shelves of wooden carvings, a hobby he had taken up two years ago. He usually carved strange things he saw in the woods. There were over one hundred wooden carvings already, but there was always room for some more. He'd have to get a bit more wood though.
Carter was doing the thing he does best: [strk]becoming mentally unstable[/strk] cooking up nasty schemes to get that book!

"How about I follow them to their home and steal it when they are asleep?"

What if they're using the book as a pillow?

"Damnit, you're right. But any other ideas?"

I'm your alter ego, we share the same conscience.

"Stalker it is then!"

Carter stopped pacing, and left the area. He just barely managed to find them before they got too far away from town, and followed far behind...
Anais shivered. She shook her head which knocked the ribbon that has hilding her hair up out. Her hair fell and it hit to her waist. "I'll tie it up later..."
Carter stopped, dead silent. He lost his footing for a second, and stepped on a twig.


[curse not to be repeated under any circumstances ever]
Carter could do nothing except hope he wasn't spotted.

(rolling a d20 difficulty 12 for hiding from you... 4)

Carter tried to take a quiet step back aaand there's a lot of twigs in the forest, aren't there?


[more non-repeatable curses]
Anais started talking twords him. "Just what do you think your doing?" She said in such a way that it sounded like a hiss.
Stratos walked back into the deep part of the town looking for someone his age that's atleast a girl since he feels a bit awkward hanging out with people 280 years younger than him
Jack sighs, sitting outside his house with a wooden log. He looks around to make sure no one else was around and shifts to his shadow form, using his claws to slowly carve a wooden replica of the Fight Fighters machine.
"Well well, we meet again. At the risk of sounding cliche, I was expecting you in a way. Now, where's Michi? Tell me and nobody get's hurt." Carter began drawing his scythe, it was supposed to be aesthetic, but little bits of plastic engraved into flesh could do damage in their own little way.
"Why would I give her location away? Also, I'm a cat spirit so that doesn't scare me..ive got claws.." Anais said crossing her arms.
Stratos just sighed failing his search and went back to the girls and saw Anais and that other boy almost about to brawl, he walked Infront of Anais and looked at the boy like he was ready to rip his head off "try something, and I'll end you." He said as his eyes started glowing red and his hair turned white and grew extremely long. His voice got deeper and more fear inducing "the afterlife will be pleased to have you."
"Now now, no need to end people now, that wouldn't be very interesting wouldn't it? I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but I've got other plans." Carter sheathed his scythe and sprinted away, just like that.
Jack sighs, looking around him. It was rather boring, just having a house in the woods by himself, and he was really lonely. He never really talked to people much, mostly because he was afraid they may find out what he was and run away or try to hunt him. As risky as it was, he wouldn't mind a visitor every once in a while.
Anais watched him go with frustration in her eyes. She moved some of her hair behind her ear and sighed. "I should have just attacked him.." she whispered.
Stratos looked back at her with a serious look and he just walked closer to the boy "no...." Stratos said as he just started thinking of all the bad and angry thoughts of all the people he loved dying, he then exploded into rage. Stratos got onto all fours and his eyes started glowing extremely red with blue slits, he grew fur and paws with claws the size of a pipe, blue fire balls swirled around his body, his fangs turned into blue fire and he grew 12 more tails swirling in perfect sync. Stratos grew to a 12 foot 10 inched monster fox ready to kill, he growled and black smoke came out his mouth, when he breathed through his nose fire would come out and send of a radiating heat. Stratos fur was black like the darkest place on earth, his eyes looks like they came straight off a demon, his voice was as if the devil spoke but 30 times worse "do you want do die here...?"
"I have already sold my soul to the devil of this world." Carter said (just ignore the part where I run away, this is getting more interesting, and, I can introduce another character I'm going to spend the next 5 minutes looking for a picture for! P.S. he's the devil of this world)
Anais balled her fists. She jumped onto Carter. She started throwing punches. "Just leave Michi alone! Why do you want them anyway?!" She shouted.
NekoNekoNyan said:
Anais balled her fists. She jumped onto Carter. She started throwing punches. "Just leave Michi alone! Why do you want them anyway?!" She shouted.
"Get off of me! I need to find the other book to find out who the author is!" Carter was knocked to the ground, and tried to deflect punches, failing miserably, but his mask saved him from anything more than the heat of battle. "Why do you want the book!?"
"I don't want them..I don't want Michi to get hurt," Anais said as she slowed her punches. "She was so kind to me..she didn't run like the others did. Its the least I can do.." She said as she stopped punching all together. She lowered her gaze.

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