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Fandom Gravity falls. The new Mysteries

Stratos just grabbed her hand softly and sighed "how could I not know I've been alive for 300 hundred years, and plus I'm a fox demon species so, your not the only one" he said with a whisper "But...first we should get out...before they come" he said as he pointed at a few hooded men "the government."
Jack frowns, kicking the Ghost Maze machine, which had just taken three of his quarters and still wasn't working. "Stupid machine." He mumbles, accidentally shifting to his shadow form for a moment before quickly switching back. "Calm down Jack, it's just a game." He says to himself, turning away from the machine and heading towards the Arcade's entrance, hoping no one had noticed his little slip up.
Anais practically screamed. "Let's go..No one else can know about me..but let's see if my good luck will work," she said as she snapped her fingers. "Though, it doesn't always work.."
Stratos scratched the back of his neck with a small goofy grin "it's a long story hehe." He said as he walked past the government and smelt a small change in the air for a split second like the room was swallowed in darkness, he then saw a boy rushing in a walk towards the exit like him and the others, was this just a quinsidence or something else? "Hm?"
Jack looks behind himself nervously, noticing some strange men wearing hoods. He had no idea who they were, but judging by their appearance they were probably not people he wanted to be around. He was almost at the door, which meant that soon enough he wouldn't have to worry about the mysterious men. He tried to keep himself calm so that he didn't slip up and shift to his shadow form again.
Stratos put on his gas mask that Made him look like the 'bad guy' but he wasn't, he started panicking as the government officers started pointing them out, he then bursted out the arcade and felt himself changing, his tail unwrapped around his waist and 8 more tails shot out body swirling quickly with white tips and a small flame swirled around his body. His teeth were getting even sharper and his nails turned into deep black claws, he growled and dashed into the forest leaving a scent behind which smelled a lot like roses and he looked much like a blur.
Anais wanted to run. These people were the reason she had to leave France. She walked out normally before breaking into a full out run. Once she was out of sight she shifted to her true form and ran into the forest. She slowed her pace and collapsed.
Jack takes one look at Stratos and shifts to his shadow form. He quickly exits the arcade and sprints to the forest. He had no idea what was going on, but he wasn't going to wait around to find out. He stops near a tree, going into the tree's shadow and waiting silently.
Anais breathed deeply. "The milk..made it hard to run.." she said between breaths. "Wonder..where..everyone..else is."
(Enter Carter, the mentally destabilizing reaper-kid!)

"Now... It has to be now."


"No! I can't wait any longer. I've been looking for these books for so long, I can't just ignore this obvious chance!" He was losing time as those idiot government officials scattered the potential wielder. He couldn't stand it any longer, he HAD to have the other book (This unnamed character has book #2, little did he know, there were 4 other books he hadn't thought of previously).

More and more of the potential wielders left the arcade, and he could only hope that the last one left was the wielder. He walked through the crowd of government officials and into the Arcade. Hopefully the person didn't mind a kid dressed as a reaper. He could not take it off. He didn't know why, but he just couldn't. He searched fruitlessly for a moment, and then finally spotted them, the last person in the arcade(Michi), "Hey." He managed to say.
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Michi turned around and looked at him "Hi....." She said with caution "um...."

ferociousfeind said:
(Enter Carter, the mentally destabilizing reaper-kid!)
"Now... It has to be now."


"No! I can't wait any longer. I've been looking for these books for so long, I can't just ignore this obvious chance!" He was losing time as those idiot government officials scattered the potential wielder. He couldn't stand it any longer, he HAD to have the other book (This unnamed character has book #2, little did he know, there were 4 other books he hadn't thought of previously).

More and more of the potential wielders left the arcade, and he could only hope that the last one left was the wielder. He walked through the crowd of government officials and into the Arcade. Hopefully the person didn't mind a kid dressed as a reaper. He could not take it off. He didn't know why, but he just couldn't. He searched fruitlessly for a moment, and then finally spotted them, the last person in the arcade(Michi), "Hey." He managed to say.
Anais got up slowly. She began backtracking remembering Michi. Her walk became a run again. She was there in a matter of 5 minutes. Anais saw Michi talking with someone she didnt know. She walked in and sat down beside Michi, her golden eyes narrowed.
"I am looking for the book. Do you have it? I would like to borrow it." Carter said decisively, like he had been practicing for several days. (Edit: Ninja'ed)

Another person walks in (Anais), and sits next to the first person (Michi), "Do you have the book?" Carter's eyes behind the mask visibly narrowed as well, his voice filled with frustration
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Anais hissed as if to say 'back off'. Her ears went flat. She could sense something was off but waited to see what Michi would do before attacking him.
Leviticus was sitting criss cross, taking deep breaths. He was practicing controlling his wolf side. He was getting better, but there were times where he went ballistic. In the middle of his deep breathing, a strong and pungent scent of roses invaded his nostrils. He decided to follow the scent out of curiosity @ayumukatsuchia
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ferociousfeind said:
"I am looking for the book. Do you have it? I would like to borrow it." Carter said decisively, like he had been practicing for several days. (Edit: Ninja'ed)
Another person walks in (Anais), and sits next to the first person (Michi), "Do you have the book?" Carter's eyes behind the mask visibly narrowed as well, his voice filled with frustration
Michi looked confused "What book?" She asked "Plus I dont even know you...." She said
"My apologies, My name is Carter, and I am looking for a book, probably useless, for my collection. I have been fascinated with the goings on in this town, and have begun studying it, when I found this." Carter said, and brought out a dusty, oversized book with the number 2 on top of a six-fingered hand. There were several pieces of paper sticking out with small notes jotted onto them, like "Interesting, have to see for myself!" and "Possibly more dangerous than previously thought"
ferociousfeind said:
"My apologies, My name is Carter, and I am looking for a book, probably useless, for my collection. I have been fascinated with the goings on in this town, and have begun studying it, when I found this." Carter said, and brought out a dusty, oversized book with the number 2 on top of a six-fingered hand. There were several pieces of paper sticking out with small notes jotted onto them, like "Interesting, have to see for myself!" and "Possibly more dangerous than previously thought"
Michi just looks at it "I am sorry... But I am keeping mine..." She said as she looks him dead in the eye. "There are too many things that interest me.... At least I know someone will believe me..." She said
She has the book!

"Quiet now, I need to concentrate,"

Noticing the stance change, Carter took a step back, and took a defensive stance, stowing away his book, "Well then, I also share the pleasure i being believed, but I will be needing that book."
Anais wanted to change into her human form to tell Michi to run but refrained. This was going to mainly be Michi's fight..she'd join if she had to.

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