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Fantasy Clash of Kingdoms

Alana walks to the dining hall and takes her seat near the end of the table. She'd normally sit at the head beside her sister, but today she let her sister's suitors sit closer to her. She seemed to be among the first to arrive for dinner.
Elise laughed. "Lady Elise Katrina Inden. We met some years ago very briefly. Perhaps while I am here we can get to know one another better."

Peter, realizing they were sitting down, pulled out a chair at the head of the table for Ema. "Your grace?"
"Oh, thank you." She says softly, sitting down gracefully.


Lord Garth walks into the dining room, having been summoned by the servants that supper was about to start. He sits across from Alana. "Hello, Princess."
Peter sat next to Ema. "Im sorry princess, but i dont know if i can let it go." He laughed, talking tk her only.
Azura smiled happily at her. She liked her already, and they'd barely met. She seemed the type of person to act as a sort of... replacement sister for Azura. They could be like the close friends that she sometimes read about in her stories who were practically sisters even thought they weren't related by blood. "May I call you Elise?"
Elise smiled widely. "Of course you may!" Elise held out her arm. "I was about to go in the garden but it looks like they have adjourned for dinner. Would you accompany me?"

Peter laughed, "your writing! I must know. Your majesty, Its killing me."
"Is Roen really that different from Garth?" Alana asks, tilting her and leaning forward to listen. "I am afraid I've only ever been in Roen and to Inden itself; although that was when I was very small."
Ema shakes her head. "I apologize. my Lord, but my musings are not public."


Erza grins. "So different. Imagine your coldest winter, and Garth is that temperature in the summer. And evergreen trees chase the sky all around the island, covered in snow. There has never been a day that there hasn't been snow on the ground in Garth, you know." His entusiasm when speaking of his home is reminiscent of a boy half his age, his eyes alight with joy.
Azura took Elise's arm gingerly. Hmm, this is new. ...And kind of nice. "I would be honoured," she said formally, but added a grin so elise would know that her stiff formality was a joke. Azura was surprisingly comfortable around her. But as they walked towards the dining hall, a small pit of dread grew in her stomach. There would be so many people there, and the pressure set on the princesses... I'm glad I'm not the oldest.
Bolton found that it was almost time for dinner by looking at sun's location, but didn't want to bring it up. As he followed the princess he looked around at the extravagant furniture and well maintained structure of the castle. The dinning room was set in exquisite silver. Balton saw princess Alana sitting at the end of the table and Peter pulling out a chair for Princess Ema. 'Where should I sit?' he thought while looking at the table. Bolton then sat in a seat in-between the princesses Ema and Alana. He began analyzing the expensive items in the room to distract himself from his choice in seating.
"Really? It hardly ever snows here, even in the winter." Alana said eagerly. She turned her head when Bolton sat down next to her. "Hello, Lord Bolton." She said almost shyly. Alana was never shy.
Elise and Azura entered, hopefully turning into the center of aattention. Elise curtsied as she enterd and opted to sit on the other side of garth, leaving Azura to sit between herself and peter.

Peter leaned in towards Ema, "then i will wait." He said happily. When his sister and the princess walked in he stood up and pulled out a chair for his sister, which she sat down in. Then he pulled a chair for Azura.
Ema turns her attention to Bolton as the servants bring the food in. "So, Bolton. Tell me about yourself. What do you like?"

The servants place bowls and platters before them, filled with food. Mashed potatoes, a whole turkey, gravy, peas, and green beans are all set down. Each person recieves a plate filled with a bit of each and a goblet each of red wine and water.


"You should come and visit Garth if you ever get the chance, Princess."
"I hope to see each of the islands, one day." Alana says brightly. She takes a sip of water, then reaches for her fork. "And how are you finding the city, Lady Elise?"
Elise was disappointed that she didn't turn heads, but smiled at alana all the same. "It hasnt changed a bit. I love roen, i hope it never changes."
Bolton smiled "Hello, Princess Alana." He noticed that she was wearing new clothing. He commented "Your dress looks nice, but the one you were just wearing looked fine too."

Princess Ema asked him a question while the servants were placing bowls and platters on the table. "I like many things. I like mathematics, science, and literature, but these were things I was taught. I really enjoy adventure and exploration. My father hired a teacher just so I could learn swordplay and survival techniques. This was not what he planned for me, but something I asked for..."
Alana looks down at her hands when she thanks Bolton for his compliment. Then she turns back to Elise and says "That's good to hear. I've always loved the city, myself."
Ema's eyes brighten excitedly. She leans closer toward him. "Can I tell you a secret?" She doesn't bother waiting for an answer, as he seems the trustworthy type."I've always wanted to learn how to use a sword."


Ezra eats his food, listening to the conversation around him.
Elise nodded at alana, smiling. Elise brightened up at bolton's answer. "Good for you bolton, we need more dreamers." She said to him kindly. She wasnt just saying it either, she thought people now a days were always too somber. She turned back to Alana, "have you ever been to Inden alana?"
"Thank you," Azura smiled graciously at the young man who pulled out a chair for her. What a gentleman. And, she examined him openly, not minding if anyone noticed, definitely one of the suitors, she concluded. She was very glad to be siting next to Elise, and she tried not to make her relief obvious. But social situations, especially ones with strangers, and especially ones that were key to their kingdom's future, made her anxious. Few people noticed, and few cared. She wasn't the eldest anyway, so she wasn't anywhere near as important.
Alana nodded at her sister when she sat down. "A few times, when I was a little girl. Not recently, though." Alana ate a few more bites of mashed potatoes, before setting her fork back down on her plate. She turned to Bolton and said softly, "I've always wanted to travel outside Gaen."
Elise turned to garth. "Lord Erza, you havent said much. Pray tell, what could you be thinking about?" Elise wished he showed more interest in her but she didn't know him that well so she wasn't sure how to get his interest. He obviously was not interested in her dress.
"Swords are dangerous." he said vacantly. He smiled a little and said "But they don't have to be." "If you want to learn I can teach you the basics. I have never taught anyone though.. so I don't know if you will get anything out of it"

"Thank you." he said towards Elise. He then continued with "You must be Elise, If I am correct"

"I have hardly traveled since I started studying." He said truthfully to Alana. "I hardly know what is outside my home." He laughed trying to stay away from somber moods.

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