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Fantasy Clash of Kingdoms

"It's fine." he said with a calm tone. "Look at all the people here. They are all potential friends." Bolton smiled at Alana.
Kurt noticed Ema watching him again, and continued standing there, pretending not to notice. Out of all the royals, he liked her best, as she never really asked for much, and wasn't an annoying pain in the arse like the rest of them. Althought he was a little curious as to why she'd always just watch him from afar like she does. Maybe she knew about the things he'd stolen? Or maybe she was just trying to intimidate him or some weird princess crap like that. He never understood royals much, with all their wierd customs, and the way they were with other people.
Elise nodds "i think we'll know when the other sutors show up." Elise took a sip of wine. "But enough of that nonsense tell me of your self my lord." Elise prompted.  
Peter blushed. He remembered. "Oh yes. Thats right." He couldn't help it, he started to laugh at himself, "well if your majesty would not like me to play i shant." He said, still chuckling at himself.
"I'll be your friend." Alana offers, with a small smile. She took note of the other conversations going on around her when she heard talk of music. "Oh, you must play something for us, Lord Peter!" She encouraged.
"I'd like you to play," Azura murmured quietly, so only those closest to them could hear. She blushed after realizing what she said, but quickly composed herself. It wouldn't do to embarrass herself in front of everyone.
"Well if your majesty would not like me to play I shant" Kurt wondered to himself why he hadn't beaten one of these royals over the head with a chair yet. He sighed, looking down at the ground, thinking of his small and hard bed in the cramped Servant's Room, and how much he'd like to sleep on it right now. He'd actually stolen a pillow from one of the princess's room while cleaning it a week or so back, and still no one has seemed to notice. He hoped they never did, as the pillow was tons more comfortable than the ones Servants were given.
" Thanks, Alana." he smiled while restraining himself from hugging her.

Bolton overheard something about Peter playing music so he turned to face him to see if he would.
Peter turned to Ema. "Well? Shall i play for the hungry mob or should i deprive them it's all up to you princess." He said, laughing lightly.
Elise chuckled at her brother and Alana. "My my peter it seems as though you have several devotees." Elise couldnt wait for them to hear him play, he was actually very good.
"I think... I think" She takes another drink of her wine. "My sisters wish to hear you. Play for them. Now, if you'll excuse me." Ema stands, pushing back her chair in a rather unlady-like fashion. Quickly, she leaves the room, walking past Kurt, going into the kitchens.


Erza looks after Ema, slightly concerned, but doesn't follow her, knowing she doesn't want some lord doting on her right now. "Yes. You do, Peter."
Alana's follows her sister's retreat into kitchens, before turning back to the table and saying in a lightly shaky voice, "If everyone is finished eating, shall we retire to the music room?"
Kurt's eyebrow twitched, as he heard the latest of Peter's incoherent blubbering. He wondered why Peter insisted upon speaking like such an imbecile, but came up with nothing. He looked to the empty chair nearest to him, and started at it for a good thirty seconds, seriously questioning weather or not death would be worth beating Peter with a chair. He looked away, seeing Ema get up, and head into the kitchens. And she is probably drunk. He thought to himself, inwardly sighing.
Bolton watched as Ema left the dinning room. He then saw Alana get up and tell everyone if their done eating to retire to the music room. 'I didn't even touch my food or drink' he thought disgusted that it could go to waste. "Hey." he said trying to get the attention of Kurt. "You can have this food and drink if you want. I just don't want it to go to waste." Bolton said trying to be polite.
Peter was worried about Ema, but he had a guess what was wrong with her. Elise did the same thing several times after Salis and Hamish died. He got up and took Azura's hand. "To the music room I suppose." He said awkwardly.
Azura eyed her sisters exit with slight annoyance. She masked the feeling and kept her true thoughts hidden. Either she's drunk from all that wine, or she's just being a brat. Jeolousy, by the sounds of things. Maybe I should speak to her later, and reassure her that I have no interest in marrying any of her suitors. "Yes, I'll lead the way." She was surprised when Peter took her hand, but didn't pull away.
Kurt looked over, hearing Bolton's question. For a second, he almost said yes, but then he thought about it, and the famous temper of his stepped in, "Gee, how nice are you?" He asked sarcastically, "Giving poor hedge-born peasants like me the scraps off your table! What do you think I am, a dog?!" He asked, quite pissed off. "Keep your scraps." He muttered, turning and leaving, heading off to the Music Room to do whatever the hell they told him to there.
Elise looked down at her lap. She was thinking the same thing as peter, but he wouldn't dare say it. She got up and waited for Erza to offer his arm. When the servant responded the way he did she was taken aback. If her were in thier household, he would get 20 lashes.
Alana started to follow Azura out of the room, then turned back when she heard the conflict between Lord Bolton and the servant. She interceded with a cool, "He was being kind. You should not speak that way to a lord. What is your name?"
Ema breathes for a moment just inside the kitchens. She hears Bolton's question, and Kurt's reaction. "Man up, Em." She whispers, and re enters the dining room. "You there, McBriar. Could you help me, please. In the kitchen." The words come out stunted and awkward, but she doesn't notice.


Erza stands. "To the music room, My Lady?" He asks, holding out his hand to Elise and studiously ignoring the man servant.
"This is untouched food. If you want it. Take it" Bolton walked away saying all he wanted to. 
He looked to Alana and said calmly "It's fine. He can say whatever he wishes to me."
Kurt rolls his eyes at Alana's comments, saying nothing. "You don't even know my name, and I've worked here my whole life." He mutters, before raising a skeptical eyebrow at Ema's request, and follows her into the kitchen, "Do you need something?" He asks, still annoyed.
Azura decided to take charge and hopefully ease some of the tension that now filled the room. "Come everyone. It's this way. I'm sure you will all love our music room, the variety and quality of the instruments is exquisite." She continued to talk as she led their guests out of the room, hoping to distract them from the rather unpleasant situation.
Elise took Erza's arm and walked with azura to the music room. "What a hectic day." She said sounding completely wore out.

Peter noticed Azura taking charge. He tried to deny it, but he really did like her.
Alana followed Azura with a frown on her face. She did try to know the staff by name, but they had such a large number of employees it wasn't always possible. He should not act like that, or speak that way to his better. His behavior reflected badly on the Inden household, and didn't he know that? she though, then said aloud to no one in particular. "I will have to tell Kareen about this."

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