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Fantasy Clash of Kingdoms

Azura blushes at the compliment from her sister. "Well, I suppose I could. Although I can't decide which instrument." She deciders to ask their guests. "Flute or harp? Those are my two favourites, and the ones I am better at."
"Play something on the harp." Alana requests. She then addresses the rest of the room, saying "She's very good with the harp, she's even tried teaching me!" She laughs lightly.
Elsie piped up, "oh, you must play harp. It is the most beautiful instrument for a yound lady." Elise gently sat down in a chair facing Azura.

Peter smiled encouragingly at Azura, he loved the harp. "Yes play the harp."
"Alright." Azura settles herself comfortably at the harp and plucks a few strings as a sort of warm up. She then begins to play something she'd been working on for quite some time, The Fountain.


Alana watched the speed and skill her sister displayed with something akin to envy. She had tried her hardest to learn, but when she found it to be difficult, quickly gave up. When the performance was over she clapped and said "That was beautiful, sister. And I don't think anyone noticed your mistakes."
The angelic sounds coming from the harp enveloped Bolton and gave him feelings of tranquility and bliss. He clapped for the Princess and jokingly said to Peter "It seems you have met your musical match." He couldn't compare the skill of Peter and Azura, but he assumed that their instrumental prowess was close to each others.
As peter watched her play she apeard to him looking more and more like an angel descended from heaven. Peter Peter was completely awestruck, he forgot to clap. "That was perfection in musical form. Angelic, inspirational, amazing. My mandolin was crude compared to that."

Elise clapped. "Truly beautiful your grace."
Azura smiled happily at Alana. "You think so? But obviously you noticed them." She laughs. "See? You aren't as bad as you think. Besides, I've been practicing much longer. Im sure you'll catch up to me soon. And I'll help you out." She turned to the others, eyes shining. Their compliments seemed over the top, but she was so happy that they liked her music. "Thank you so much."
"That was wonderful you two," He said to Azura and Peter, "but I have found myself tired from the long day". Bolton bowed to everyone in the room and continued "I will be retiring for the night and I hope to spend more quality time with everyone tomorrow." He began walking towards him room right after speaking his last line for the day.
Alana crossed her arms and huffed at Azura in irritation. She was impossible to anger, it seemed. Alana knew she was very much acting like the spoilt younger sister, but couldn't seem to stop herself. "If you'll excuse me, I'm feeling tired. I must get to bed." She stormed out on Bolton's heels, turning the other way to reach her own rooms.
Elise patted her lap. "Well its a pity Princess Ema missed that. Wonderful show you two, but i think me and my brother must be getting to bed."

"Yes, she's probobly right. Rest well princess." Elise curtsied and left to her room, but peter stayed a second, holding out his hand so that he may kiss her hand.
"I know you're a princess!" he said, his face getting even redder. "I didn't mean- You brought it up!" He said, bursting into laughter.
"But I didn't mean to!" She says, trying to stay serious, but failing. His laughter is contagious, and she dissolves into a fit of laughs.
Alana's outburst dampened Azura's mood significantly. Her smile faded as she watched her leave. Did I say something wrong? I just want to help her out, and make everyone happy... As the others retired for the night, she wished them a peaceful rest, and that she would be happy to see them in the morning. Azura gave Peter her hand and said, "I am also rather tired. I'll see you tomorrow though." She smiled at him.

(Sorry everyone, but I have to go to sleep now. It's starting to get really late or, depending on how you think about it, really early. But I'll be on tomorrow morning, and should hopefully have time throughout the day. Good night!)
Bolton saw Alana rush past him. 'She's probably heading to her room too' he thought as he reached his door.

In his room, Bolton opened the chest of clothes by his bed and searched for what he hid in one of his coats. He found it. The only item he truly treasured, his sword. The sword was the only gift from his father that made up for the lack of time spent together. His father could have gotten a cheap sword that could have broke from sparring, but instead he contacted the best blacksmith he could find and paid for the best short sword the blacksmith could make. 'I could never leave this piece of me behind' Bolton thought as he looked out his window with the sword laying in his hands.

After hiding his sword deeper into the chest, he got in the comfortable bed and fell straight to sleep.

(Night everyone, I'll be going to sleep now. See you tomorrow.)
Peter kissed her hand. "Of course." He bowed and followed after his sister. He desperately wanted to know how azura felt about him. He knocked on his sister's door, she let him in.

Elise was his sister, she knew exactly what was going on with him, and she didn't aprove.
"She is not the prize peter." She said disaprovingly.

"But she is a prize is she not?"

"Peter you. Came here to be king, not the king's brother."

"Perhaps your right. I must be king."

"We need to keep the throne in Inden control. Its the best thing for our family."

"Ema doesn't even want me though."

"She will, you just have to aply some of your charms. As for Azura, stay away from her. Try to not even talk to her."

"Yes, Elise." And with that, peter left her room and entered his, falling into his bed and sleep.

Elise undressed and went to bed also, but had a harder time. She found erza completely unreadable, and it bothered her.

(Goodnight, sorrt for the long conversation with myself.)
Ema holds her hand over her mouth as she laughs, trying her best to stop. "This is why it's hard. I say things like this in my mind, but I can't say them out loud."
(I have no idea how to jump back in xD So.... I'll just wait until ya'll are role playing and turn up)
"Well, as a servant I can't really say everything that comes to my mind either," he said, fondly remembering all of the wonderful insults he could've thrown at the royals. "But sometimes I just don't care," he said, referencing to the incident that happened just before. Yeah, Kareen will deffinately hear about that one. He thought to himself, inwardly groaning.

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