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Fantasy Clash of Kingdoms

"Really?" He asked sarcastically, already knowing that he didn't really hide how he felt much. "But you aren't." He said, curiously. "You aren't like the others here, all annoying and stuck up. Considering that you just helped me clean up the kitchen, you certainly aren't as "Lady-like"" he said, smirking.
Landon hopped off of his horse. His legs were a bit wobbly from the hours of , but he soon regained his balance as he walked around for a little bit. He still questioned why they didn't sail all the way into the city. With out a doubt it would have been faster than the dreary trail ride. He liked horse riding, but he lived for the racing, not those long treks. At least, on a ship he wouldn't have had to focus on making sure we were going the right way all of the time. He could have gotten some reading in. Either way, it had already happened, and he could do nothing about it. Some of the king's men took the horses away and to the stables. Normally, Landon would have done that himself, but it was the Capital, and he couldn't refuse. He was quickly introduced to his suite where he would be staying for the while he was there, which he barely looked around in right now. He quickly rinsed off the dirt from the travel, and changed into his court attire. He was hungry, but informed the rest of the Lords, and Ladies had already finished eating. The kitchen might have something available in order to hold him over for a while He called servant and requested for him to be taken there. At first the young man was confused as to why a noble would want to go to the worker's kitchen, let alone a man. Landon reassured him that it was in fact his intention to go to the kitchen, and that he would not get in trouble for leading Landon to such a 'low place'. Landon of course had not been officially introduced to everyone there yet. Of course there are rumors of what every one looks like and such, but just rumors. He had to diligent in not to getting anything on his clothing. Now was not the time for that, especially right before possibly the most important first impression he could make. He walked through the extensive stretch of tunnels until they veered off into a lower subset, where the doors changed into plain wood. Polished and still nice looking, but nothing compared to the grand marble doors of the rest of the castle. The servant lowed to halt in front of a door, and bowed. Landon simply shook his head, "No need for that in private, take this, and thank you." He handed the servant a small sum to make up for the trouble of doing something he did not really have to do. Normally, Landon's personal servant would have helped, but he was learning the castle himself right now. Landon took a breath, regaining a regal air around him, and knocked on the door in a solid triplet.
(Giraffesarebetter is gone for camp, but she didnt offer an excuse for her character to be gone she also didnt put ema in bed, so none of us can continue.)
Kurt sighed, and yawned, his laughter finally ending. "My apologies princess, but I believe it is the servants curfew hour. I shall speak with you tommorow?" He asked, a grin on his face, before leaving the kitchens, and heading back into the Dining Hall. He continued walking, heading into the hallways, navigating the many twists and turns of the castle. He arrived in the Servant's room, before he snuck inside, and lie down on his cot, attempting to fall asleep. He thought of her a bit, remembering what she had said, about how she was trapped having to marry one of the suitors, and felt some strange sadness he couldn't understand, before he fell asleep.//Ema fell asleep in the kitchens so that we all can continue the RP xD
(Time skip to sunrise.) 
Elise woke with the birds the next day. She put on a bright red and orange dress herself, as she was not travelling with a handmaiden. She struggled to pin her hair just right, like her maid did, but struggled. She, in the end, gave up and let her hair fall and her shoulders. Her curly black locks fell nearly to her elbows. She left her room and searched the halls for a servant. She asked where breakfast would be served. After she learned she went to wake her brother up.

"Wake up Peter, you must accompany me to breakfast."

Peter woke up to Elise pulling the curtians away. He got up slowly, and put on his clothes even slower. When he finaly was ready he walked with her into the halway.

"Remember Peter, who you are here to woo." She nagged.

"Have you let your hair down?!" He asked surprised. She huffed at him in response.
As the sun shone through his bedroom window and illuminated the room, Bolton quickly opened his eyes. He then sat up in his bed and stretched his stiff arms. After changing into some new clothes, he laid back onto his bed and stared up at the ceiling. 'I wonder what we will be doing today.' he thought while letting his vision go out of focus. Bolton quickly moved onto a more important conundrum 'When and where should I meet everyone. He went through his memories trying to find an answer or at least a hint to the dilemma, but found nothing. 'Do people eat at this time of day?' he wondered. 'I'll just head to the dinning room and wait for someone to ask why I am there.' he decided while walking out his door.

Bolton ate his meals in the middle and end of the day. His father thought the best time for learning was the morning, so he moved the times his son ate to later in the day to get rid of the interruption.
Azure awoke when her maids pulled back the curtain surrounding her bed. "Princess, you must attend breakfast this morning and inform the others that Princess Ema will be otherwise occupied all day." Azura sighed. She had been planning to lock herself away in the library for the majority of the day. But remembering yesterday, got up anyway. There was someone she wanted to see. Her maids helped her wash, then put on a pale blue gown, and then the fussed over her messy hair as they did nearly every day. Today however, she didn't complain. She wanted to be presentable. Her hair still ended up in loose waves, but much neater than they usually were. She headed to the dining hall, wondering if anyone ales was awake yet.
Elise and Peter entered the dinning room together. Elise thought it was strange that breakfast was held in the dinning hall but she paid no mind to it. When they entered and she saw Lord Bolton she might have blushed a bit,but only becuase of the way her hair was. She felt almost naked with it down.

"Lord bolton." She curtsied. Peter pulled a chair for her and she sat.

"Good morning Lord bolton." Peter said, sitting down.
While deciding where to seat at the table, Peter and Elise greeted Bolton and sat at the table. 'A correct choice' he thought smiling. He then quickly composed himself and repeated "Good morning" to them both. He then chose the closest seat, which was across from Peter and sat thinking what food would be served.
Azura entered the dining hall to find that Peter, Elise and the suitor from Wers whom she hadn't yet been introduced to had already arrived. None of her sister were there. Ema was of busy of course, but Alana and Neva weren't, at least that Azura was aware of. She smiled as she entered the hall, since she was so far the only one of the sisters in attendance. "Good morning," she greeted as she approached. and curtsied to everyone.
Peter stood as she walked in, but did not greet her. He wondered if it was possible that she might be mkre beautiful then she was last night.

Elise smiled at azura. "Good morning your grace." Elise gave peter a look that reminded him of thier talk, and he looked down at his lap,
A lady greeted everyone at the table while Bolton was in mid-thought. He first couldn't quite remember who she was, but then it clicked. 'She was the one playing the harp last evening. I think I heard someone call her Azura.' he thought looking at her face. Bolton lowered his head a little and said "Good morning, Princess Azura."
"Good morning Lady Elise," Azura replied happily. But her smile faded as she received no reply from Peter. What happened? She sat down next to Elise and forced a smile back onto her face. "Good morning," she replied to the suitor. "I am rather surprised that you know my name, but I'm afraid I don't know yours. I apologize for not introducing myself sooner."
"It is fine.I just remember someone saying the name and I guessed" he truthfully replied while considering what might have happened with Peter and Azura. "You may call me Bolton if you want." he smiled as he continued. 'They seemed to have got along well. Maybe it was too well.' he thought as his smile disappeared.
Elise smiled back and forth at them. "When will we have the pleasure of your eldest sister's company your grace?" Elise was a little worried about her hair but it seemed to her no one noticed, which was good.
She smiled at him in return. "It's an honour to meet you, Bolton." She had assumed he was very shy and reserved at first, but now decided that he was nice when he warms up to people. She noticed his smile disappear, and began wondering what he might be thinking about. At Elise's question, Azura remembered why she had been told to attend. "Ema is otherwise occupied today. I don't know if she'll appear at all today. Although," she brightened. "I thought that maybe we could go for that hunting trip you spoke of yesterday."

(I'm sorry, Giraffesarebetter. Please don't be mad O.o )
Kurt sat, leaning on the wall, waiting for orders to bring food. He was completely ignoring the conversations the royals were having, he didn't want to cause another incident. He was curious though, as to where Ema was. She hadn't come down yet.
Elise noticed the man in the corner. It was the trouble maker that should have been fired. But she smiled, ignoring him. "Oh peter, there you go." She said to him, then she looked at the others. "It was his idea, you know."

"Oh that sounds wonderful!" He said, faking excitement. Peter didn't like postponing the courting he should be doing. He wanted this ordeal to be over with as soon as possible. Thats when he realized something. If he did marry Ema, Azura would always be there, hanging around. She was Ema's sister after all. He would be forever haunted by her face,
"Was it?" Azura gave Peter a hesitant smile, testing the boundaries of this new situation. "Well, it is a good idea. Since Ema will not be around to work on courting, we might as well find something to spend the day doing." Just then the servants began bringing out the food. There was nearly everything you could imagine, hopefully the guests would find something they liked, she thought.
Kurt brought some of the food as well, a whole tray full of nothing but scrambled eggs. He placed it down on the table, along with the rest of the food. He said nothing, as he preformed his task, before heading back to the wall, and continued thinking about stuff. When will I ever be able to escape this place? He thought to himself, looking around at the stone walls of the dining hall.
Bolton didn't expect to go hunting so soon. 'I haven't used a bow in so long.' he thought glancing at Peter. 'I would be better off hunting with a sword...' he thought as a joke. "Ah.. I look forward to it" he said trying to mask his feelings about using a bow.
Peter silently took a slice of ham, and Elise took a little bit of fruit. She ate very gracefully, and very silently.

"Now the only question is if we should go at force hunting or bow and stable hunting. Princess, what game do you have in most abundance here?" Peter asked politly.
Bolton began eating the food in front of him to build up his energy for the hunt. 'I don't think the servant's mind has changed since yesterday, so I will try to finish off what I can and leave it at that.' he thought taking a sip from his glass.

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