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Fantasy Clash of Kingdoms

"The very tip is suitable for hunting, but it is mostly for sport. Not say we waste it, however our southern fields produce enough he do not depend on it. As for me attending the trip, I can shoot well, but tracking, and stealth are not my strong suit."

Landon sat down at the table, tucking himself in. He grabbed an apple from the table onto his dish as well as some of the other fruits onto his plate. He took a bite, in his mouth watered. It was delicious. He loved the flavor. It was infinitely better than the salted meat and hard tack he had grown accustomed to while on the ship.

"It is nice to - unformally - meet you, Azura." He said only after he had finished chewing, swallowed, and put the apple down. Then turning to Princess Alana, the youngest if he remembered correctly, he said, "Good Morning, I am Prince Landon of Hallows."
Alana shook of the haze of sleep. "It is nice to meet you, Prince Landon." She had spent her entire life being told how she must behave around visiting nobles and to best represent her house. She wasn't going to forget her manners now, no matter how early it was or how restless her sleep her sleep had been. "When did you arrive?" 
(is anyone still here?) 
"I thought I heard something about a hunting trip?" Alana prompted after another few bites of scrambled eggs.
"It was late last night, most already succumbed to the comfort of sleep when I had arrived." He began eating once again in order to fulfill his appetite. Then again he could not eat too much if he were to of any use during a hunt. Especially, if he were to ride a horse during this trip.
Elise smiled. "Yes in fact the boys have been planning such a trip, but today is perfect since Princess Ema will be otherwise occupied today." She said, taking a sip if water.

Peter fiddled with his ham. He didnt know if he felt up to a hunting trip.
"Perhaps while the boys are out hunting, we ladies could go for a ride ourselves, around the city?" Alana suggested. "Roen is very beautiful in the spring." Alana finished eating and leaned back in her chair as much as the constricting corset allowed her.
Elise smiled widely. "That sounds perfect." Elise said, slightly bored. While out, she would try to sway the girls to her and her brothers cause. And her brother would try to get the boys to sway to thier cause. 'Today is perfect' she thought.
Alana smiled happily. She paused for a moment, unsure how to continue the conversation. She finally said, a bit awkwardly, "Peter, I believe you said you hunted?"
Peter was called up from his daze by Alana. "Yes, but we mostly hunt boar. This wil be quite different for me. I dont know how much you know about hunting your grace but there are two ways to conduct it. The first way is to find prey and run after it, hoping to tire it or to corner it. This is the way i am used to hunting. For deer though, you must stalk it, strike it with an arrow from afar. You kno-" peter lost his momentum due to a look from his sister. He was babbling again. He treid to think of a way to regain himself "Umm. You know i've been told bow and stable is much easier."
Azura allowed her mind to wander while still making sure to listen to the conversation enough so that if she were spoken to she wouldn't make a complete fool of herself. She thought that maybe she'd make up some excuse to avoid going for a ride with Elise and Alana and spend the day in the library. Although, she thought unhappily, as the eldest sister in attendance, I really should go. A small sigh escaped her when she realized she probably would not make it to the library that day.
"I haven't done much hunting myself. Father took us on his hunting trips when we were children, sometimes. But that stopped when we got older." Alana's smile shrank as she spoke. At the end of her speech she studied her hands. Alana had done her best to avoid thinking about her father in the months since he'd died. The thought of him now didn't make her feel quite so broken as it had when he had first passed. Rather than consoling her, it made her feel guilt; guilt that she had let his memory fade, and worry that by doing so she wasn't a good daughter.
Elise, sensing her pain, decided to do something quite inappropriate. She discontinued her unwavering smile, reached her hand across the table and put it on Alana's "we all miss him. He was a great man." She looked down. He was her uncle, she had felt the sadness too, but not as bad. "A kind man."
"Thank you, Elise." Alana said, wiping away the single tear she had let fall. She was no longer the princess, perfectly polite and well mannered, but a fourteen year old girl, who missed her father terribly.
Being reminded of their father brought all the pain of his death back, clear and vivid. The distraction of the last few days made the return worse than if it had been present the entire time. A suffocating feeling enveloped her, and she couldn't handle it, standing abruptly while still being lady-like. "I have something I have to attend to. I'll return shortly, it shouldn't take long." Tears welled up in her eyes and she turned away so no one would notice. She walked quickly out of the room, closing the door behind her. Once she was away from the others, she allowed silent tears to fall.
Peter tried holding back, he really did. He bit his lip before running out after her. He couldnt stand her to cry without at least trying to make her better. He opened the door to found her right outside of it. "Leave us please." He said to the gaurds who were also outside the door. They did. He pulled a handkerchief and wiped her tears with it. He knew he couldnt say anything that would do anything to ease her pain, so he said nothing. And instead held her hand.
She didn't even look up as someone came through the door. She heard Peter's voice dismiss the guards, the ones she had neither noticed or cared about seeing her cry. She glanced up at him tearfully, somewhat surprised by his change of attitude. But she couldn't stop the tears just yet, so she they flowed silently for several minutes, wiped up by Peter's handkerchief. Eventually they slowed and stopped and she stood still, staring at the floor, embarrassed. After composing herself and gathering her courage, "Why?" she managed to whisper, pulling her hand away. Immediately she missed the warmth, but held her ground.
Peter gave her a quizzical look. "Why what?" He asked kindly and quietly. He thought he probobly knew what she was asking about. He tried to tell himself that comforting her meant nothing.
She hesitated. "Why were you completly ignoring me earlier?" She gave him a sad, confused look before returning her eyes to the floor, studying each slight imperfection in the stone to avoid having to look at him. "And why the sudden change of heart?"
(sorry for disappearing, I am making brownies.)

Alana watched her sister leave the table, quickly followed by Lord Peter. She counted down from fifteen in her head, allowing herself those fifteen seconds of weakness. When she reached one, she took a shaky breath and in another second had regained her composure. She smiled weakly at Lady Elise, who still held her hand. Then she addressed the table, saying "If you'll excuse me, I have morning lessons to get to. Elise, shall we meet at the stables around midday to ride around the city?"
Peter sighed. "Last night was wonderful. I didn't mean to seem distant this morning, but i didn't want to make you think there was..." peter tried to find the right words, but he felt cruel. It wasnt in his nature. "I didn't want you to think that i had feelings for you." 
Elise nodded and returned her hand to her lap. She was cross with her brother, who should not have gone after her. But she couldn't do anything now. "Yes that sounds lovely your grace."
Alana stood and left the dining room, brushing past Azura and Peter in the hall. As she walked, she glanced back at them, concerned.
Azura felt her heart clench, and the tears threatened to return. She held them back this time, if he didn't care about her, she wouldn't let him know her feelings. The realization struck her, she did have feelings for him. Even though she said she wasn't interested in any of the suitors, she hadn't been able to keep it that way, and now she knew she'd pay the price. "Of course not," she replied, barely managing to keep her voice steady. "You are here for Ema after all." Alana passed them and Azura gave her a reassuring smile, desperately hoping she wouldn't come over. She didn't want anyone to know how she felt, and her sisters were the most likely to be able to tell.
Alana kept walking, her pace slow and dignified as befit a princess- even one forth in line for the throne- until she was well out of site. Then she started to run, through corridors and hallways and up a flight of stairs. When she reached her room she slammed the door shut and sank to the ground, back against the door, drawing her knees to her chest. She let out a small whimper, that turned into a sob. Now that she was behind closed doors, where no one could see her or judge her, she let herself cry.
Peter nodded once. "Okay? Shall we go back into the dinning hall now?" He held out his hand. He would be curious, but would not flirt with anyone but ema from now on.
Hunting was the new topic of the group. Bolton stared at the wine in his glass and began to daydream. The conversations around him gradually became silent. 'Silence' echoed in his head. His sight blurred and was replaced with a black picture. 'Nothingness' reverberated through his mind. Bolton had consciously disappeared from reality and appeared in a dream. On the outside, Bolton's face was frozen and his eyes appeared cold. (I made something to give Bolton an excuse while not interrupting the previous posts)
Azura nodded, face remaining impassive. She knew she'd have to work hard from now on to keep it that way. As a way to help her keep her emotions locked away, she imagined a chest to put them in, locking it with a key which she then stored safely away in the depths of her mind. It was a trick she'd learned as a child. Ignoring his hand, she turned back to the dining hall and reentered. "My apologies," she said to those that still remained at the table. "I had a rather pressing matter that had to be dealt with, but it is settled now." She noticed the lull in conversation, and looked curiously at everyone. Eyes landing on Bolton, she noticed his disappearance from reality. Gently, she waved a hand in front of his face, laughing slightly at his expression.

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