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Fantasy Clash of Kingdoms

"Shall we get going, Azura?" Alana asked when her sister joined them. She hadn't found time to go riding for days, not since before the delegations from the other isles started to arrive, and she was itching to get out of the palace, if only for a brief, slow ride through the city and perhaps along the coast.
"Yes, it will be nice to get out of the palace for awhile." She hoped that a ride would help her forget about that mornings rather unpleasant... event. Or at least allow her some time to think about it. Besides, she hadn't spent much time with her sisters recently, and was glad to be able to spend time with Alana and Lady Elise. She stroked her horse's mane as she asked, "Lady Elise, are you ready?"
"Yes. Where shall we go first?" Elise said, stroking the horse's main. In truth, elise wasnt very good at riding. She wasnt good at most sports in fact. She was gratefull they were only going sightseeing
"Through the day market perhaps? Then the docks?" Alana suggested, signalling for the gates to be opened. She kicked her horse into motion.
Elise shrugged. "Sounds lovely to me." She tried kicking her horse foreward but he would not move. She kicked it again, not harder. "Hm. He doesnt seem to want to move." She sai, laughing.
Sitting on the side of his bed, Bolton laid his face in his hands. A knock at the door startled him to his feet. After composing himself, he walked over to the door and opened it. A servant anxiously stood in the doorway. The servant informed Bolton that Lord Peter was awaiting his arrival in the stables. Bolton answered the servant "I will head there after dressing in more appropriate clothing." Switching into relaxed black attire seemed to be the best choice given the mostly bright clothing that had been brought. Leaving his room to meet the suitors in the stables, Bolton kept his mind blank. He arrived at the stables and greeted Lord Peter with "I am sorry for my leaving at breakfast. I hope that the hunt will be an enjoyable one."
Alana chuckled. "Just give him a good kick, maybe tug on the reigns a bit?" She suggested, trying her very best not dissolve into a fit of giggles. The gates were being opened, and a few of the palace guard were mounting their own horses to escort them through the city.
"Sounds like a good idea. On occasion there are nice things for sale in the market." Azura followed her sister's lead, moving towards the gate, but stopped when Elise seemed to be having some troubles with her horse. "Sometimes I think some of the horses are too mild-mannered," she laughed.
Elise gave him another, harder kick and he lurchdd foreward. She sighed and tried to keep back childish giggles, but failed. "Indeed your grace. Perhaps a bit."

Peter was perparing a young horse. He was the most fit there. "It perfectly fine. Pick a horse Bolton, that one over there looks fine." Peter gestured to another bay horse. He passed a crossbow to Bolton and a quiver of bolts. "I hope you know how to use one properly." Peter teased, 
(I will be AFK for a bit.)
Alana kicked her horse forward again, following one of the guardsmen through the gate, onto the rode into the city. She moved slowly knowing that Azura and Elise were not the equestrian she had come to be. It seemed as the Elise was more used to carriages and liters than horseback. She wanted to kick her horse into a gallop and race the half a mile into the city proper, but restrained herself. 
(I have to go. I'm babysitting tonight, don't expect me to be back online until tomorrow.)
Landon exited the dining room, and maneuvered through the hallways back up to his rooms. He started undressing even before he door shut behind him. He would put on his work clothes, of a much more dark and earthy tone. He looked through his trunks. Clothes, food, designs, books, his rebec, and there. Some of his weapons. He pulled out his composite cross bow with a 140 pound full draw strength. He had a quiver with arrows in there, but those he were shooting were normally held in hand for very quick and accurate shots using normally 3/4th draws. He quickly turned around almost bumping into the servant behind him. "My apologies, there. I was just headed to the stables." The servant lead him there, and Landon began preparing his Destier for riding. It was fully black with small hints of brown in the body. He had raised with the help of some of the renowned equestrian experts of The Hallows. He saddled it carefully, and bridled it. He adjusted the stirrups, and rein to his liking. "Lord Peter, I am ready."
Bolton laughed as he took the crossbow and quiver. He walked over to the horse Peter suggested and gauged its reaction to a stranger. The horse didn't shy away from Bolton's touch. Turning his attention from the horse to the crossbow, he studied its mechanics. He had used a crossbow before, but it was years ago. Seeing that Lord Landon was ready, Bolton quickly attached a saddle that had been hanging on the wall to the seemingly impassive horse. Grasping the reigns and stirrups that once hung by the saddle, he cautiously configured them to the horse. Finished with the preparations, Bolton jumped onto the horse and made sure the equipment was sturdy.
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Peter laughed at bolton. "You dont have you ride it like that, you know." Peter pointed to a rack ful of saddles and horse blankets. As for Landon, he already had a bow. A servant aproached. "Ive been told you are to go on a hunting trip m'Lord. You must go alone. My name's john, im a page. Im supposed to go with you." John held a huge bundle. It most likely contained blankets and dried meat. "All right then john. Come along. Ready Wers?" Peter said, leading his horse out of the stable. Soon an exasperated youth showed up with the irish wolfhounds that would be accompanying them
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"What exactly is it that we are hunting for?" Landon asked as he trotted out of the stable comfortably. He loved his horse's gait. Perfectly balanced and even, steady and quick. Not much could shake him. Landon patted his neck, and looked back at the two other lords.
"Deer. Hence the wolfhounds." Peter said, trotting up to Landon. "You know, if this is to be any fun, you must loosen up. We are not the ladies. There no need to act so formal with us." Peter said. He was really starting to dislike his cold disposition.
"I'm as ready as I can be" Bolton laughed as he eased his horse into a canter. When he reached the others he gently pulled back on the reins and the horse slowed to their pace.
Landon simply shrugged a reply, and trotted off a bit. "Ah yes the great fun that is the slaughter of animals, I must've forgotten." He said under his breath. He thought the dogs were unfair, there was no real sport in it if you did not do it yourself. Much like other things in life, love, marriage, farming. Landon did not trust either of these men much. They could easily gossip, or spread rumors. HE almost questioned why he should go out into the woods with his two rival suitors armed in weapons. No one would know what would happen to him. Landon worried for himself. He would not take a man's life like that. It would be in joust, or duel, or more easily full battle.
Peter glared at Landon. 'It would be fun if you let it.' He thought. Peter looked back at the guy holding the dogs back. "You may let them go, they wont run yet. " the guy did, and the dogs cirvled around the horses. Peter pointed to a wooded area tk the left, away from the city. "Thats where we will hunt." And with that, peter gave the horse a kick and was off galloping in that direction
Landon turned his steed and took off after Peter towards the wooded area. Since Landon had never been hunting like this or here he had to be in a following state which he did not much like, but realized he had not much of a choice in the matter. One dog stayed near the horse as it rode, not close enough to be trampled, but close enough to be noticed. I guess you are helping is today.
After Landon and Peter passed Bolton, he brought the horse to a gallop and followed behind the two towards the forest. Looking up at the blue sky, he smiled and took a deep breath. 'The sky, whether blue and orange or black and white, is always amazing to my eyes' he thought still smiling.
Peter did not talk to them while he was riding. In fact, he had had a whole conversation planned. It would have convinced Bolton to talk about his feelings for Alana, knowing Alana was a little more than interested in Bolton. But Landon had put him in a fowl mood, and all he wanted to do now was to fall a stag. They soon reached the edge of the forest, it was quite dense.
Alana dropped back when she noticed that Elise was still struggling with her horse. "Are you alright?" She asks. (The site is finally back up! I've been checking every hour on the hour, all day.)
She decided to ride near Elise since it seemed as though she might need help with her horse. Although Azura had to admit, she wasn't exactly the best at riding, she much preferred other pastimes and hobbies. She wasn't horrible at it though, she'd be able to deal with a small problem if one arose. Alana had much more practice, she thought, she'd probably be the best one to help Elise. When Alana came back to check on Elise, Azura moved behind the two of them so Alana could make sure Elise was managing alright.
Kurt sat around, in the Servant's quarters, doing absolutely nothing at all. He never did work in the stables, and didn't plan on starting now. Although he'd never admit it to anyone, he was terribly afraid of horses. He had decided that Ema was off doing princess things, and attempted to think no more of the subject. But what if she's avoiding me? Maybe she wants to save her reputation? Surely someone of royalty couldn't be seen with a servant! He sighed to himself, before continuing to sweep.
Ema walks through the castle, boredly exploring the halls she's known since infancy. She'd seen the others leave on horses, though in different directions, and was left with nothing to do, now that her private lessons had been ended earlier than she had planned for.

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