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Fantasy Clash of Kingdoms

Elise gave a nod to the old woman and handed the blanket to the guard. Elise would be taking the blanket home. She followed Alana to the fabrics. They were of much high quality, but Elise felt they lacked character. Till she saw a bright, yellow green. She touched it and laughed. "This is a bit loud."
(Thank you :) )

Following the other two, Azura chose to watch the other people in the market, rather than eye fabrics. She didn't dislike fabric and clothing, she just wasn't in the mood for it at that moment. Besides, the people were surprisingly interesting. She spotted and old man, hunched over, at one of the meat vendors. A young woman with raven black hair stopped to pick up some fruits. But she turned back when Elise commented on one of the fabrics. Azura blinked at the brightness, she wasn't ready for it. She giggled, "Just a little bit."
"It is a bit." Alana grinned. She touched a pale pink fabric, then held it up to her cheek. "I could have a dress made out of this. What do you think? Is it my color?" Alana asked Elise. Then she turned to Azura. "And you, sissy?"
Elise smiled. "I think it suits you." Elise was telling the truth, it looked good with her skin tone. Elise picked up a fabric that was a sort of orange crimson with dark pink floral print. "Does this suit me?" She asked, laughing as she wraped it around her head like a cloak.
Azura laughed, and jokingly stuck out her tongue in a distinctly unladylike way at being called 'sissy'. "Of course," Azura replied smoothly, fighting to keep her expression serious. "I'm sure it would look lovely." When she looked a little more, she realized that she wasn't entirely joking either. If any of them could pull off that particular colour combination, it was Alana. Although Azura still didn't paricularily like the colour.
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"You look radiant in that, Elise." Alana deadpanned. She turned to Azura, noticing the locket around her neck. "That's new." She commented to her. "Where did you get it?"
(sorry about the late response)

Bolton almost responded to Landon, but was cut off by Peter announcing that the topic no longer mattered. As Peter followed after the dogs, Bolton had his horse gallop after them almost immediately. Grasping at the crossbow with his right hand, he held both reins with his left and kept himself steady. 'This horse seems experienced in this kind of riding' Bolton thought as it dodged and jumped through the forest. When Peter relayed to the other suitors that he saw the prey, Bolton rushed to load his crossbow.
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"Just over there?" Azura replied, gesturing across the market and looking over at the stall at which she'd spotted the locket. The owner spotted her and she waved at him. He was a kind old man, they'd had a brief conversation when she purchased the locket. "What do you think?"
Elise decided she really did like the fabric she had been teasing with, and bought it. When she pointed out the little jewelry stall Elise started walking that way. "Its quite pretty, let us see what else fine wares he holds."
"It's lovely." Alana commented. She'd never been one for jewlery, but thought that maybe now would be a good time to start wearing it. She followed Elise over and started to look at different necklaces.
Azura followed them over. The shopkeeper seemed to be ecstatic at the presence of royalty at his stall, he maintained a cheerful commentary the whole time, explaining several of the different pieces. Azura looked over everything again, and almost bought something just because the old man was so nice. But nothing really caught her eye. " It is very pretty," Azura commented on the piece Elise picked up. The design wasn't too extravagant, but the simplicity made it even more beautiful.
Ema resumes her wandering, finding herself near the Servant's Quarters, in the room where the dogs where kept. One of the older hounds was left behind; a female named Bess. Ema kneels by the aging dog and pets her lovingly, a serene look on her face. Soon, she sits on the dirty floor cross-legged, not caring if the position was ladylike or if her dress got dirty.


Lord Garth sits in his office, having missed the departure of the hunting trip. Well enough; he hadn't really wanted to join a bunch of children on a hunt anyway. He is, however, missing the company of Lady Elise. She was quite beautiful, and intelligent and interesting. When he came here, he was only expecting to help Princess Ema with running the kingdom, as per her father's request, until she chose a suitor. Then that would be his job, and he would leave back to the comfortable cold of the North. Instead, he may have found love.
giraffesarebetter updated Clash of Kingdoms with a new update entry:

Updating to stay on top

Have the most american picture in existance:
Read the rest of this update entry...
Neva rode nearby on her horse slowly, jumping down almost silently as she spotted the hunting party. She held on to the reins and watched as the men stalked their prey. Her hair was windswept and her dress was likely six inches deep in mud but she didn't care. She loved to ride and spend time outdoors, and it was likely reflected on the grin that was spread across her face.

(Sorry I didn't see the alerts!))
Kurt finished sweeping the Servant's Rooms, and remembered the next task Karleen had assigned him. Feeding the dogs. He headed over to the room where the dogs were kept, and headed inside. He immediately turned to the left, not seeing Ema, and opened a door. He closed it behind him, heading into the room where the dog supplies were kept. He set the small sack of meat on the floor, and grabbed several bowls off the shelves. He headed back to the door, opening it, and heading into the room. He set the bowls on the floor, and looked up, noticing Ema, "Oh, hello," Kurt said awkwardly, and a slight bit surprised to see her here.

(BRB, have to babysit for an hour or two. D:)
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"Oh, um. Hello." Ema's first instinct was to stand up, brush the dirt off her dress, and adjust her skirts. Instead, she just looks up, a blush forming on her face. She bites her lip and continues petting Bess, glad for some company. "Everyone is gone."
Elise put the brooch down. If she bought something else now she might seem a mad woman. It was quite a handsome brooch.... and she would be supporting the commoners. So she bought the brooch. The man thanked her and Elise responded with, "I'm happy to spread my wealth around."
Erza finishes up his work for the day. Having nothing to do, he decides to ride into town and meet the ladies. He saddles his horse, a gorgeous roan gelding. "Let's go, Aer." He says, kicking the horse to a trot and heading into the city. He rides for a while until he finds Lady Elise and the youngest Princesses. "Greetings, Ladies." Erza says, dismounting Aer and bowing to each of them in turn.

Elise turns her head to the person who just rode up and she brightens up imediatly. "My lord! What a lovely surprise!" She meant it. She forgot to curtsie, but figured it was too late and that he wouldnt mind.
Kurt heads back into the supply room, grabbing the sack of meats he had left there, before heading back, and putting some of the meat into each bowl. "Yeah, the suitors went hunting, and the princesses headed out riding." Kurt said, glancing over at her. "It's not lady like for the eldest princess to sit on the dirty floor with the hunting dogs," Kurt comments sarcastically, a grin on his face.
Erza smiles. "That is a lovely brooch, m'lady." He says, gesturing to the piece of jewelry.


Ema smiles slightly. "It isn't proper for a servant to address a princess such as that." She teases. Ema stands now, brushing dirt and hair off the back of her dress, since Bess wanders lazily over to a bowl and begins eating.
"Oh this? Im afraid ive been indulging myself a little too much." Elise laughed. "Its just that I've never been to a market. Ive never been able to see my products in such a way."
Kurt rolls his eyes, chuckling, "And it's also not proper for a princess to even have a conversation with a servant," he retorted, teasingly. The remaining dogs walked over, and began eating from the bowls. He had brought a little too much meat, as he forgot the other dogs were out hunting. He'd just have to take this bag back to the kitchens.

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