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Fantasy Clash of Kingdoms

Ema giggles, covering her mouth ith her hand. "I suppose it's good we are very nearly alone, as there seems to be a lot of impropriety going on here."


Erza chuckles. "I spend quite some time in the markets on Garth, I find them quite interesting. You never know what you might find."
"That is very true, i just found a beautiful blanket made by that woman over there," Elise pointed to the stall with the weavings. She had a guard bring her the blanket. Any other lady would think it was ugly, but its flaws only drew Elise in more. Also, it was scratcy. "What do you think?" She asked, holding it up for him to examine.
Erza examines the blanket; to be honest, he found it quite ugly and uncomfortable. "It's lovely, Lady Inden. Wonderful quality." The lie slips easily off his tongue, and his face does not betray him in the slightest.
"Yes, clearly. Your horrendous impropriety would clearly ruin your reputation as the eldest daughter of the king," he continued, laughing. "But it is good no one else is here. Aren't you supposed to be talking to the suitors and not me anyways?" He asked, raising an eyebrow skeptically,
Elise looked at him and laughed. "No, it isnt wonderful quality. That's the reason its so beautiful." Elise examined the blanket, "it tell a story. A story of poverty. See how she didnt have enough of one color to do the whole thing? The paint in the beads was made from berry skins likely. The beauty of it comes from the imperfections. See?"
(I know Elise is trying to be good and all, but she sounds like an absolute terrible person. So snobby. "It tells a story. A story of poverty." "The b eauty of it comes from the imperfections." THE PERSON WHO MADE IT IS STANDING RIGHT THERE. YOU JUST CALLED THEM POOR AND BAD AT MAKING BLANKETS. xD )
Ema's eyes become a bit cloudy at the mention of her suitors. "None of the suitors have caught my eye." She murmurs, looking at the floor. "I would much rather spend my time with the servant boy who I've known my whole life."
SirDerpingtonIV said:
(I know Elise is trying to be good and all, but she sounds like an absolute terrible person. So snobby. "It tells a story. A story of poverty." "The b eauty of it comes from the imperfections." THE PERSON WHO MADE IT IS STANDING RIGHT THERE. YOU JUST CALLED THEM POOR AND BAD AT MAKING BLANKETS. xD )
(( one, the person is far away, second, i NEVER said she wasnt snobby. Elise is very very snobby. She has never known anything other than that xD ))
Elise laughed softly and passed the blanket back to the guard and began walking down the road, leaving the princess to marvel at the jewlry. "Sorry, i must sound so... pampered."

Elise switched the conversation to him and Ema, "were you advising the Princess Ema? Was there a crisis this morning?"
"It's alright," he said, attempting to comfort her, "the suitors suck anyways," he said, jokingly, attempting to cheer her up. He hears her second comment, and goes silent, a light fluttering feeling growing inside him. "Thanks," he finally said, "And I'd rather spend my time with the princess I've come to know."
Ema blushes, but says nothing, not knowing how to respond to that. She looks down at her hands, which were now intertwined, a nervous habit of hers.

Erza shakes his head. "Something had arisen, yes. But it is nothing you need to worry about, my dear." The endearment slips out of his mouth by accident, but it is too late now. Let her interpret it as she wishes, he thinks.
'Dear' Elise thought happily. She wondered if she'd succeeded in what she came there to do. She would, of course, need HIM to mention a union, but he didnt seem a coward. "Tell me Erza," she hoped he wouldnt mind being called by his first name too much. "Who do you think will marry the future queen?"
Kurt suddenly reaches out, grabbing her hands in his. He smiles softly. Wait, what the hell did I just do? He asks himself, mentally facepalming. Too soon, and a tad too far Kurt, he thought to himself. (Endearment is a fancy word. :o )

Isabella awoke in the maids quarters, and immediately panicked when she did not see the others preparing themselves for the day. She had slept in again. "Oh..oh ,no, no, no ,no, no..." She practically flung herself out of bed, tugged her hair out of the messy braid she had slept in, brushed it, applied rouge, and dressed herself. It had been a wise decision to bathe the night before. I do hope Princess Ema will forgive me. She rushes herself out into the hall, pale eyes slightly frantic. If Isabella lost her job at the palace, her father would lose his life. She had been paying for his medicine with this job, and without the medicine, he would surely die. What was worse was that he didn't seem to be showing a single sign of recovery. If she lost the job, she'd lose her father. Her only friend. She just couldn't lose him. She couldn't.

Isabella knocked at Princess Ema's door, awaiting the girl with the platinum blonde hair to answer it. But she never came. " Princess Ema?" Isabella asked, a Spanish accent entwined in her gentle voice. It seemed almost like the sound of a bell. Gladly, Isabella would have sung to her heart's content, but of course she was forbidden by the head maid. Not a nice woman, and Isabella could tell you, first hand. She softly pushed open the door, and scanned the room, daring to step one black boot inside. "Your grace?" Isabella bit her lip, beginning to feel a knot in her stomach or pure nervousness.

Isabella began to tell herself comforting things, which made her calm down a bit, even if the nervous flush of pink was ripe in her cheeks. She's probably busy again, you know her, of course she's not staying inside all day, she's royalty. At this, she relaxed, and slowly closed the door to the Princess's bedroom.

(Is it? xD words like that are part of my daily vocabulary)

Impossibly, Ema's blush deepens. She doesn't want to, and it shows, but she pulls her hands away. "Do you need any help, sir?" Her voice is soft, and she looks him in the eyes, hoping that it is obvious she did not want to pull away.

Erza looks at her thoughtfully. "That is a tough question. I believe your brother has a fair chance, as he is versed in running a kingdom. However, so is Landon. But I believe Lord Bolton's humble background may appeal to the princess. It really is a tough thing to say."
(Not that I don't love this roleplay.... but does anyone object to me making another character so I'm not stuck until one comes online?)
Vaila said:
(Not that I don't love this roleplay.... but does anyone object to me making another character so I'm not stuck until one comes online?)
that's fine, you can make up to three, so. make two more if you want xD
Elise thought about it. Bolton was distracted with a diffrent princess. Landon was much to cold and formal. Peter was... well she honestly didnt know how he stood in her mind. "Hm. And what about Ema? Who do you think she favors?"
Erza smiles. "She did not say anything, but she was very distracted all morning. I believe she may have one in mind. She also wishes to hold a masquerade ball."

@Vaila no, we don't.

As usual, Isabella carried out the day's work. She referred to a long list of chores, and finished them rather flawlessly. All but feeding the guard dogs. They frightened her terribly, which was rather odd considering Isabella loves almost every creature she meets. They were big, scary looking things with razor sharp teeth. They were almost bigger than her, which wasn't very big, but for a dog it was rather shocking. She had simply thrown the food over the fence, and ran off, her heart in her throat the whole while.

"A masquerade! How fun." Elise mused. She wondered what she should wear. "I could have a dress made of the fabric i found.."

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