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Fantasy Clash of Kingdoms

The forest was now directly in front of the suitors. Bolton had his horse come to a stop as he let Peter and Landon go into the thicket first. 'A line might be a better way to travel in this forest' he thought as he looked at the sky covered by the canopy of trees.
Alana turned her head slightly to watch Lady Elise. "Lady Elise, tell us. What do you like to do for fun?" Alana asked, guiding Dancer around a few fallen rocks.
"But we will cover less ground that way, Lord Bolton. If we want to find something worthy to kill we must spread out at least a bit." Yes, they had dogs too look for things, but if they went multiple ways people had to follow each of them or else lose some of the highly trained dogs. His family's dogs were very special to them. Man's best tool while hunting would be a better nick name for them.
Ema finds herself in front of her father's study. No one had entered since his death. Bracing herself, she pushes open the door.

Aside from the thin layer of dust caused by months of neglect, it appears as though Robert had just left the room. There were still papers scattered around on the desk, and the pillows on the window seat were still disturbed from when she last sat there. Ema runs her hands over the spines of books on the shelf, like she did when she was a small child. The room brings tears to her eyes, but she does not let them fall.

In all honesty, she needed a friend, but she had none to go to.
giraffesarebetter updated Clash of Kingdoms with a new update entry:

Keep it at the top

Read the rest of this update entry...
(Sorry guys, i missed an alert and you know what happened from there.) Elsie had now gotten her horse to move foreward along the princesses. She thought about the question Alana had posed. "Well i dont have any hobbies other than studying. But i do adore my studies. Kingdom intrigue is my favorite. "

Peter encouraged the dogs to go off and the almost imediatly found a scent, which was incredibly odd on the edge on the forest.
"That may not be necessary boys." He said smiling, kicking his horse into running. He followed the quick dogs, pulling his crossbow from his back.
((It's fine.)) "No hobbies at all?" Alana asked. "What's that like? I know I have more than half a dozen!" Alana laughed. She was the kind of erson who picked up a new hobby every day, then dropped it the next. She couldn't imagine not having a million different interests all occupying her time.
Azura laughed alongside her sister. "You should see Alana. She goes through hobbies like no one I've ever seen. Sometimes there's a new one every day. It must be crazy, I don't know how she does it." She smiled at her sister, the nice weather improving her mood and making her quite a bit more cheerful than normal. Besides, it was nice to spend time with people once in awhile.
Elise laughed. "Really and what is yoyr latest hobby?" Elise actually liled devoting her time to studying. She enjoued learning. Her appetite for knowledge was voracious.
"Why, it's gardening! I have a small corner of the garden sectioned off for my own personal use." Alana said, eyes lighting up. She loved to talk about her latest passion. "I'm growing roses, chrysanthemums, lavender, jasmin and strawberries."
Landon took off after a dog. His horse practically riding for him as he quickly nochted an arrow in anticipation of what was to come. It seemed early to pick something up especially during the day so close to the edge. At least that is how it was at the Hallows. Here he was not sure of anything.
"How lovely! And what if your past hobbies?" Elise said, faking approval. In her house, playing outside was not allowed. God forbid she got dirt on her hands.

After a bit of running peter saw something- a flash of white tail. He pointed as it ran off. "There!"
"I've played the harp and the harpsichord. I've tried my hand at painting and tapestry making. For a while I loved needlepoint, but that ended up a disaster. I pricked my hands more times than the fabric!" Alana was always the first to laugh at her mistakes. She did so now. "We're reaching the market place."
Elise laughed at Alana's story. As the market place aproached elise noticed it was extremely bright and vibrant. The poor didn't look so unhappy, as they usually looked. It was loud too, with people shouting about prices and children laughing. But over all things she noticed, she noticed people staring.
Two of their escort moved forward to clear the way. People obeyed, albeit a bit hesitantly. Alana was used to the stares of the common folk, she always got them whenever she ventured outside the palace walls. "Shall we dismount and look around?" Alana asked, slowing to a near stop.
Elise nodded and dismounted her horse with no trouble. She walked over to alana. "I see many beautiful things, but i brought no money." Elise was looking at a particularly pretty stall. A woman had many colorful tapestries and blankets displayed. There was also a vendor selling the brightest tomtoes and apples Elise had ever seen.
"Don't worry about that. The guards have coin, they'll ay for whatever you wish to buy." Alana said. She went over to an old woman selling pastries. She started looking over the goods.
Elise pointed out the blankets to Alana. "Those are handsome are they not?" Elise walked over to the stall and felt one. It wasnt too colorfull. It was made of all sorts of strings and twine, likely whatever the old woman could find to make it. It also had little wooden, purple beads sown into it. "This is fine work." Elise said to the woman. It was odd. She'd never talked to a peasant.
Alana nodded absently. She purchased a danish, and started munching on ti as she drifted over to examine the blankets. I wonder how these are made. She thought. "Thank you, my lady." The woman manning the stall was saying to Elise. "That is high praise from a woman such as yourself. Please take it as a gift."
Elise smiled gently at the woman. "Oh I could not." Elise got from the guard 5 silver coins. More than the woman made in a year, most likely. "But I am willing to make a trade." Elise took the blanket and put the coins in the womans hand, knowing she would not take them if she did not insist.
Azura dismounted her horse and watched the busy marketplace for a moment. Everyone hurried about their business, buying food or clothing that they needed. It must be nice, to always be busy. Sometimes Azura longed for a life in which she had to work, castle life grew boring sometimes. But the castle was comfortable, and Azura knew that she wouldn't ever really leave. Sh aimlessly wandered the market, examining wares at many different stalls. Azura paused in front of a small jeweller stall. A gold locket with blue and green gems on it had fought her eye. She reached out to examine it, checking to see if t was genuine. Their father had taught her how to tell, telling her stories of royals who purchased fake jewellery for large sums of money. She smiled to herself, it was real, or just a really good fake, which she doubted. After thinking it over for some minutes, and after a little prodding from the stall owner, she purchased it and walked back over to the others, wondering how they were doing.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8bfeab8552_MedievalLocket.jpg.6319fff6dbce12fb0b31b50223ff6e90.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="24847" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8bfeab8552_MedievalLocket.jpg.6319fff6dbce12fb0b31b50223ff6e90.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
(I changed the picture of Azura. I found one that I thought fit better.)



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Maybe I should take up weaving. Alana thought. That's a proper lady's hobby, a much better fit than gardening. As she finished her pastry, a splash of color caught her eye. She followed it too it's source a vendor selling brightly dyed fabrics. "Come look over here." 
(I like the new picture a lot.)

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