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Fantasy Clash of Kingdoms

Alana hiccuped. Her face was streaked with tears, her nose running and she probably looked a mess. She wiped at her face roughly with her sleeve. She hadn't fallen apart like this since she first heard about her father's death. She tried to think back to when her mother died, to see if she had felt like this then. Her mother had died half her lifetime ago. She supposed she must have felt much the same. 
(ladypilot I have a few questions for you about the kingdom of karth rp, I posted them in that rp's ooc)
Landon kept his head lowered. He felt it was not his place to speak on the matters. He had only met the King once when he was child. The memory was faded, but it was still a happy one. Other than the greeting of his family when he was around seven, he had only heard the stories of the man. Mostly, they were good stories of his determination with kindness. Still, with all of these he did not feel like he knew enough to comfort. He would not be able to empathize with them honestly. And fake empathy would be insulting to the ladies. This is not to say, Landon did not feel sorry for their loss, but only that he did not think he could be of any use. Landon hadn't even known them for a full day.
Peter lowered his hand and clenched his jaw. He walked in and sat back down where he had been, and resumed poking his ham.

Elise looked down at her lap. How very aqward. "Lord hallows. Tell us about yourself."
Alana really did have lessons to get to. She stood and walked over to the basin to scrub the drying tear tracks off her face. A look in the mirror showed that her eyes were still red and puffy. There was no helping that. She took a deep, steadying breath and went into the nearest sitting room to see her history tutor waiting for her. "I was thinking we could go over the People's Revolt today, your highness." (afk)
"I am the heir, and prince, of Hallows. As I'm sure many of you have heard, 'nihil ante familiam' - nothing before family. I learned the original trades of my family from a young age: planting, selecting seeds, brewing, grinding, all the things many people do not know of or take for granted. When they thought I had grasped where we came from, I then began training as a noble, prince, and knight. That was around the age 14, and I began more in depth studies of mathematics, philosophy, rhetoric, economics, and politics. Along with that I had combat training in multiple styles. I learned how to ride properly of course, as well as archery." That was an easy question to answer. It was asked to him many times before. He seldom told people of his personality in those questions even if it could be interpreted in such a way. That was just another thing he learned, avoiding questions properly and tastefully, when and how.
Elise was shocked. 'I did not ask for your life story.' She said to herself. "Now Lord Landon. How are we to ever be friends if you tell us something like that. What i meant was, what do you like doing. For instance: do you enjoy the arts?"
"I crafted my own Rebec, and taught myself how to play it when I was 16. If that constitutes art in your eyes." He did not really understand why they couldn't be friends only because he said something of himself. He just passes it off as one of the things you will never know.
Alana was bored to tears by her history lesson. She hoped that she would only have a year more of lessons, like her sisters. Her tutor, a stern older woman in a corset tight enough her breasts popped out the top, said "Shall we move on to penmanship, your highness?" She always phrased it as a question, and always gave due deference, but Alana knew she had no choice in the matter. While she was the princess, she was not the one in charge in this situation. 
(I just added a picture of Alana to my character form.)
Elise smiled at him. "Well. How lovely. My own brother plays the mandolin himself. I love string instruments. Her grace Azura," Elise motioned to the girl, "plays the harp. And seems to be quite the composer. The both are nothing less than luminaries."
Azura smiles happily at the compliment. "Thank you, Elise. You're brother plays beautifully as well." She pauses for a moment. "Would you like to hear us play, Lord Hallows? Since you missed last nights performance, we could play again. If you'd like to, of course."
"Your penmanship is still sloppy. You are royalty. You need to be able to write clearly and concisely. Copy the phrase again on a new sheet of paper. Write slowly." Alana rolled her eyes at her tutors words and started to write again. "Couldn't I just get someone else to write for me? That's what father did, what Ema does now." Her tutor just gave her a disapproving look, one that was more than familiar to her, and said nothing. Alana took a fresh sheet of paper and started to write. 
(I think we should end breakfast soon, we've been having breakfast all day.)
Bolton gazed at the surrealistic environment that he was now a part of. He began roaming the strange forest without hesitation as if he had been there for years. Following a path only seen by his intuition, Bolton found himself overlooking a roman coliseum. Surprised by the amazing view, he blinked and the dream world was changed into the real one by the time his eyes were open. Bolton felt a wetness under his eyes. Confused by the tears, he quickly wiped them away and finished his wine in one swallow. "I am sorry for this informal way to excuse myself, but I seem to be not feeling well." Bolton said as he quickly stood and left for his room.

Bolton was mortified from what happened to him. He wanted to be alone while he calmed his mind and body from the incident. 'Why?' repeated in his thoughts without answer while he stared at the ceiling in disbelief.

( The symbolism isn't that good, but I thought this would be an interesting way to end breakfast for Bolton the dreamer)
"I would be honored if played for me, but perhaps later. This meal was grown lengthy, and I fear of becoming gluttonous. Tonight, however, I would most enjoy it." He finished his food as Lord Bolton was speaking. It was not his place to dismiss him, so Landon remained silent.
Peter laughed at Landon politely "oh no Lord Hallows, that will have to wait. There will not be time for it. We will be out hunting till dawn."

Elise nodded at bolton as he left. "True enough. I belive we should retire to someplace else." She said, laying her fork down beside her plate.
"Ahh well then Lord Peter, it is a good thing that I have rested myself." He was surprised. He definitely never had hunted like this before. It will surely be a unique experience. "I agree, Lady Elise. I will have to leave in order to prepare for this hunt. I will be of no use in this bright assortment of clothes." Landon stood up, finished with his meal, and took on last sip of water to finish off his glass.
Alana's lessons finally over, she returned to her bedroom to change into something more comfortable for the ride through the city. She donned a pair of loose men's riding breeches, a thick cotton shirt and worn leather jerkin.
"Should we go prepare for our ride ?" Azura asked Elise. "And if we do, someone should go find Alana so she know's we are leaving soon. She's most likely finished her lessons by now, they rarely take long."
It was almost noon, Alana noted. I'll go wait for everyone in the stables. Before she went down stairs she braided her hair and curled it up on the back of her head, pinning it in place. She pulled on a pair of boots, then left her room and made her way through the halls and into the courtyard.
Elise stood. "Yes. Where shall we meet?"

Peter stood up as well, and adressed landon. "I will meet you at the stables then? I will also have a servant fetch bolton." Peter pointed to two servants and told them what to do. One, however, mentioned that Garth instructed them to not be bothered today. "Ah. Well then it will be just the three of us. If you would excuse us your grace." Peter took off to his room where he put of clothes more suited to hunting
Alana crossed the courtyard to the stables, shaking her head at the many offers of assistance. She got about halfway down before she reached Dancer's stall. She seemed pleased to see her, shaking her head and stamping her foot. Alana stroked her nose with one hand in greeting. She walked around Dancer, keeping one hand on her side, to where her tack was hung. She took a brush from where it hung and started to run it methodically over Dancer's flank.
"I believe the stables would be the best place, whomever gets there first can instruct the stablehands to prepare the horses. I'll see if I can find Alana after I change into more suitable riding gear. She shouldn't be too hard to find. We'll see you at the stables shortly." Azura stood, curtsied to Landon and Elise, and exited the room.
Alana brushed and saddled Dancer with swift, practiced motions. She led Dancer out into the courtyard after instructing the stablehands to saddle her sister's horse and a horse for the Lady Elise.
Elise went to her room and dressed herself in proper riding atire. Not trousers, but a riding dress. She rushed down to the stables and a grey horse awaited her. She mounted him and rode tk thr courtyard. The horse was very calm and very cooperative. "It is a wonderful day is it not yoyr grace?"

Peter went to his room and put on an outfit fit for hunting, as he'd expected to set a hunting trip up. He went to the armory and collected 3 crossbows and a weath of bolts. He instructed a servant to ready the dogs and the horses, as well as to fetch Landon and Bolton. He waited in the stable for them
"It is beautiful, isn't it. I hope you find your horse to be satisfactory. I chose him myself. He's the most mild mannered gelding in the stable." Alana said to Elise, mounting up herself.
Azura quickly changed into riding gear, she preferred boy's clothes over riding dresses so she'd had a servant find some for her. After inquiring as to where Alana was, she learned from one of the maids that she had already made her way down to the stables. After reaching the stables she found Alana and Elise already mounted. Her stallion, Zephyr, was already saddled and waiting for her. She stroked his soft, bay coat before mounting.

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