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Fantasy Clash of Kingdoms

Azura blushed. "Um, I'm not sure. Hunting isn't exactly one of my strong points." She looked down at her food and poked at it, embarrassed.
Elise was not surprised, none of the girls in the capitol were very sporty. Peter nodded "well it will have to be bow and stable then, i doubt there are any wild boars in the area. Hunting stag isnt my specialty though so it seems both I and Lord Bolten are to be undereducated."
Azura ate the rest of her food in silence, still embarrassed by her lack of knowledge. I must remember to find some books on the subject later. However, she kept giving Peter slightly confused and very sad glances whenever he wasn't looking. She still didn't understand his sudden coldness. Azura knew she would probably get caught, but she couldn't help it.
'Hunting as a past time gives Peter an advantage even while hunting stag.' he thought as he finished a healthy portion of food. Bolton then cringed when he thought 'I haven't rode a horse in years. I am at a disadvantage at both skills it seems.'
Elsie, sensing a dead end in the conversation spoke up. "Ive heard whispers." She said, taking a sip of water, "that Landon Hallows has arrived already. Idle chatter among maids or is it true?"
She turned to Elise when she asked about Landon Hallows. "I believe he is, although I haven't seen him in person. He arrived late last night, and is probably still asleep after his long journey."
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"Lets hope he can join in on the hunt." Bolton smiled abruptly switching from his thoughts to the outside world. 'I wonder where he may be right now' he thought as he returned to a drink from his cup.
"Tell me bolton, have you been to the Hallows?" Peter asked, genuinely curious. Peter had been, but not long enough to even explore a little. He hadn't seen Landon Hallows on his trip either.
"Unfortunately, I haven't. I've heard of the open prairies and stag, but not much else" Bolton answered with a tinge of curiosity of what else might be at Hallows.
"There isnt much forest on the hallows, so I doubt if they actually hunt deer there. And there isnt much game in the praries, not any that require a struggle. It seems the burden of catching anything on our hunt will be left to Lord Garth." Peter laughed.

(Im going to be y'all. Goodnight!)
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"I guess so." He chuckled light heartedly. "Has anyone heard of when the suitor of Garth will be arriving?" Bolton said aloud interested in hearing about the land of Garth.

(I guess we will regroup tomorrow. See you then)
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Neva was out riding, having decided to skip breakfast that morning. Her horse, was a dark brown with a long black mane and she'd been riding him for years. She'd worn long dark grey dress that complimented her eyes, and swayed in the breeze as she rode through the woods. She dearly loved to spend time outside, but she didn't get must time to do so.
Landon sighed receiving no response. His stomach rumbled, as he turned around. Hopefully, he could remember the way back to the room. He should have been paying more attention than what he did. Eventually he did make it back to his room, but in double the time it took to leave it. He opened the door, and grabbed a lantern to light up the dark rooms. He found the bed, and snuffed out the light. He collapsed onto the bed dreary from the travel. His stomach rumbled once more before Landon fell into dreams. When he awoke it seemed he was late. He quickly got ready for the day, making sure he fine for everything. Now would be when he would make his introduction. No doubt his parents would end up hearing of how this went within only days time. Landon walked out, and i=his servant met him at the door, and started leading him towards the dining hall. Landon stood outside of the doors for a short while to compose himself. Don't think about how hungry you are. Smile, Be Courteous, and Respectful. He repeated to himself. He nodded his head to signal he ready and the doors opened. Landon stepped through the doors, and looked around. He only moved his eyes, moving the head would be rude, and too obvious. Eventually his eyes settled on the people around the table. He waited for them to speak first.
Azura looked up when she heard the doors open. Who could possibly...Oh! She stood as the young man entered and curtsied gracefully to him. "Prince Landon Hallows, am I correct?" She had no idea what to expect of this latest suitor, having partaken in very little of the gossip that had filled the castle before the suitors arrived. Her first thought was, He is rather attractive, after studying him discreetly. Her second thought was, Ema should be here... They are here for her after all.

(Speaking of the suitor for Garth, I was thinking about asking Giraffesarebetter when she gets back if she'd like me to play him for now, just so we can have all four of them.)
(I honestly don't think you can play him 'for now' if you start playing him, then you have to keep playing him.)

Elise was quite shocked with his appearance, he was very handsome. Peter became nervous at the sight of him. They both stood up, but only Elsie payed other respects. She bowed and said "my lord." Quietly. She looked to azura to introduce the Indens.
Hearing the sound of double doors opening, Bolton glanced over to see who might be entering the room. 'He is dressed like a noble and he is young.' he thought while assuming it might be Lord Hallows. Princess Azura stands then curtsies toward the man. She greets him as Lord Hallows as Elsie then follows suit. Bolton stood up from his chair and said "It is a pleasure to finally meet you, Lord Hallows."
(Why dont we wait a little longer, the RP needs an update to get to the top of the list, but after today if no one else puts in a Charie for him, we will decide who can play him. Cool?)
Azura decides that it is her job to introduce the others to Lord Hallows. "My Lord, may I introduce Lady Elise Inden and Lord Peter Inden," she gestures towards the two, then towards Bolton, but her eyes linger for a moment longer on Peter. "And Lord Bolton Wers. It is wonderful to finally meet you. I hope you have been finding everything comfortable? There is still food here if you wish to eat."
Landon smiles, and each of them and bows his head, while doing a quarter bow at the waist. He took steps forward toward the table in order to be closer to those who he'd be spending the majority of his time with. He tries to remember the portraits and names he tried studying, but those paintings were so vague and now he knew for sure, inaccurate.

"Prince Landon Hallows, am I correct?" A young lady says to him. He turns his head towards her, and nods a yes. He knew it was one of the 3 sisters just not which one yet, so he choose to remain quiet until he knew the name. Thankfully, she introduced the others quickly. "Best greetings, Lady Elise Lord Peter, of Inden, as well as Lord Bolton."

"...It is wonderful to finally meet you. I hope you have been finding everything comfortable? There is still food here if you wish to eat." He gesture gracefully towards her. "Same to you princess.... Yes, the accommodations are luxurious thank you, and the food looks delightful, your family's hospitality is most generous." A servant pulled a seat out for him, and he stepped in front. He did not want to sit down and eat before they sat down and restarted eating themselves. The scent of the food wavered up to his nose, and his appetite reared up again. He hadn't been this hungry for a while.
Peter sat first and then Elise. Elise knew his type as soon as he began to speak. A certain amount of decorum was required when speaking the the rest of the court, of course. But an amount of emotion had to be put in as well. She thought that everything he was about to say he'd practiced. And that is the way her and Landon differed.

Peter, on the other hand was impressed. Landon made him nervous. Lord bolton's heart obviously wasnt in wooing Ema, so he wasnt a threat. But Landon seemed determined. "We were just speaking of a small hunting trip we've been planning. We were wondering if the Hallows had any use for hunting."
"I am glad to hear everything is to your liking." Azura replied as she sat again. "Pardon me, I nearly forgot to introduce myself. I am Princess Azura. My eldest sister Ema is the one you are here for undoubtably, but she is occupied today and may not make an appearance." Azura was impressed by his politeness, although she thought he was rather formal. "No need to be so formal. We are all friends here." She smiled kindly at Landon. "You may call me Azura."
Alana drifted into the dining room, eyes half closed. She was not a morning person. One of the servants pulled a chair out for her, filling her goblet with juice and her plate with potatoes, eggs and sausages. She started to pick at her food, not awake enough yet to make an effort to involve herself in the conversation.

(I'd been considering playing either the suitor from Garth or the lady from Wers.)
While Bolton sat down in his chair again, he thought about where Alana and Neva might be. He vaguely remembered overhearing that Ema was busy, but he heard nothing of the other two. Disappearing into thought was just another way to relax for him. The most relaxing thoughts were the ones that could be ruminated on for hours. He dropped back into reality when he saw Alana sit down at the table. "Did you have a nice dream?" Bolton smiled at the tired Alana.
Alana grunted an affirmative. She continued playing with her food a few minutes before looking up and seeing that there was someone new at the table. "Hello. We haven't been introduced. I am Princess Alana. Who might you be?"

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