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Fantasy Clash of Kingdoms

Neva tried not to laugh as she saw him on the floor. She covered her mouth with her hand,knowing it wasn't polite to laugh at one of her potential brother-in-laws. She watched as Peter walked over and her soft giggles dissolved. "Are you injured Lord Bolton?" she asked, as she scanned his body looking for injury before looking up at him with wide curious eyes.
When bolton was upright Peter hit him on the back in a friendly way. Each of them was carrying wine in a water skin. Peter grabbed boltons and handed it to him. "This will help."
Landon looked back at Bolton. He was a bit worried for him. Many men in his land have had issues with their head after taking a blow to it. Hopefully, this would not happen to him. He seemed far too innocent, and timid. Landon turned his horse around to face them, as Peter took care of him.
Grasping the water skin, Bolton heard Neva ask if he was injured and he lightly laughed "I'll find out when I'm sober." He drained the water skin and thanked Peter for helping him up. Bolton then stumbled onto his horse and said slightly inebriated "I'm ready."
Ema looks at Kurt. "Not anymore. You are going to come, even if we have to hide it." A mischevious grin has spread across her face. "I can even get you a mask."

Erza smiles. "Thank you, ladies. I'll take this one as well, since I look so well in it." He says, flipping another coin the shopkeep's way.
Elise smiled at him happily. She began looking at the rest of his wares, which were equally beautiful or more. True artistry. She saw many belts ans necklaces she lusted greatly after.
Neva giggled and raised an eyebrow. "What are you boys drinking? It's still the morning," she teased them before climbing onto her horse gracefully.
Peter mounted his horse. "Only wine princess." Peter took his out of his bag and pointed it in her direction, "care for some?"

Elise chuckled lightly. "No. You musnt spend one more silver on me, i have money."
She raised an eyebrow and smirked, taking it from him and taking a drink before handing it back. "Hasn't anyone ever told you that hunting and wine are a bad combination?" she said, laughing as she dug her heels into her horses sides slowly and moved further into the forest.
Kurt smiled, "Thank you Ema, but you don't need to do all this for me you know." He said, looking into her eyes. He wasn't sure if she'd be able to pull it off. He heard her second comment, and saw her mischievous smile, and knew that she would. "A mask?" Kurt said, thinking, "Brilliant idea Ema." He said, grinning. "That old hag Kaleen will never see through our disguise." he said, laughing.
Landon made a noise, 'stk-stk', and the horse trotted forward as the dogs sniffed around. Landon hoped they would pick up a trail soon. He did not really enjoy waiting. Then one bark, a pause, two barks as more gained on the scent. Then all of the dogs took off in one direction after game. Landon's horse took off by itself following the dogs closely. Landon really wanted to have something to take back, but what it was going to be...? Something he did not know. The terrain began to change while going deeper into the forest. It became darker, and more wooded, There were fallen trees to go over. You could hear the crunching of sticks ahead. It was too big for the dogs, so it was at least a deer. The dogs soon began to catch up, and with the dogs, the horse as well. Soon Landon could make out the edge of animal moving fast away. Landon went to half draw with two other arrows in his draw hand ready to be notched and fired rapidly. As he got closer, the animal came into full view, a majestic elk. It ran through a small opening in the trees, and Landon drew to fire, but as he released the horse jumped over a branch. The arrow flew over the elk and thumped into a tree beyond it, causing it to turn tightly. By know Landon was in the open and the elk was just about to head back into the thick. Landon loosed another arrow which hit off target in the elk's rear hamstring, it only slowed a bit. Quickly another arrows was on its way. The second arrow though it missed its target still was a decent hit. The third rocketed just between two tries and the hit the back of the elk's neck. It tensed up for a few more steps then it stumbled to the ground dead. Landon took his bow in hand, and he swung himself off the still moving horse. He ran towards the felled game.
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Azura had watched Lord Erza's and Lady Elise's exchange until they walked away, and wondered if they knew that their emotions were written faintly on both their faces. Azura turned away, smiled to herself. Probably not, she laughed silently, knowing that that was something usually people n the outside noticed first. Although, I could just be imaging things, it has happened before. She pondered the question as she paced around the market, not really looking at any of the items on display. Remembering the mention of the masquerade, she realized that she had yet to find a mask and a dress for the occasion, so she began a search for a perfect outfit. She'd heard stories of a small store in a far corner of the city, which sold beautiful masks. Deciding only two guards would suffice and leaving the rest with Alana in the marketplace, she began the ride across the city.
//A large brown bear scented the blood, and turned it's large furry head towards the scent. It began lumbering through the trees, quickly and quietly. It hadn't eaten in several days, and practically anything would do, even a human. It's hunger had made it aggressive, and it wasn't going to spend any longer in hunger. It waited in the treeline, waiting for whatever killed the Elk to catch up with it. And when it did, the bear would kill it, and eat both it and the Elk.
Ema claps her hands, causing her horse to jerk up her head. "Trust me, Kurt. When I'm done with you, no one will be able to tell you from the most polished nobleman. Everyone will be wearing masks, and I think some of my father's old things will fit you." She strokes her horses nose. "Come on, lets do whatever you came for and see."
Elise shrugged. "Honestly you're much too kind my Lord. But i think we should leave the shop before i express intrest in a piece and you buy it."

Peter laughed and was about to respond when the dogs began barking and Landon ran off. Peter followed close behind, whooping when he saw the elk. (To encourage the dogs. I swear, people did that.) When the elk finaly came down peter dismounted and walked to it. "A very fine kill Landon."
//Kurt began tending to the horses, very reluctantly of course, but he did. "I trust you," he said, grinning. "If you believe you can do it, I trust that you can." he said, nodding. "Your father's old things? But wouldn't someone recognize those?" He asked, an eyebrow raised skeptically. And he also thought it'd be a bit weird to put on a dead man's clothes.
Neva rode close by, watching Landon as he stalked his prey. She loaded her crossbow quickly as Landon as the dogs began to bark loudly and he went to inspect his prey. She noticed movement out of the corner of her eye and scanned the darkness, ready to fire if she needed it. This part of the forest was known for more aggressive kinds of animal and she wouldn't be at all surprised if they happened across one. As the bear shifted in the darkness, her breath caught. "My lords," she gasped. "Stand very still," she advised as she poised her arrow ready to fire. Her aim was amazing, and she very rarely missed her mark but she didn't want to fire in case it aggravated the beast. Aiming for the heart, she released the arrow as the bear began to move forward towards Landon and Peter
Ema shakes her head, noticing his reluctance but deciding not to point it out. "My father never wore the same thing more than once. Besides, when he was your size, it was long ago."

Erza chuckles. "Whatever you like, Elise."
Noticing Landon start the hunt, Bolton signaled his horse to follow after him. He no longer held onto the reins. He instead clung to the horse's neck. The horse didn't need Bolton's input to know where to go. Once more the horse proved it's skill and came to a stop at the now dead elk.
//The bear felt the arrow penetrate it's chest, and roared in pain. The arrow had just missed the heart, hitting an artery instead. Blood sprayed out of the wound, as the bear charged out of the bushes, writhing in pain. It got up on it's hindlegs, roaring, attempting to scare the hunters away. The roar turned into a raspy whimper, as the bear wobbled, falling forward twisting to land on it's side. 
The bear was not dead. It wasn't close, though it was injured rather bad. It only wanted the hunter's to leave it alone. It'd pretend to be dead for now, until they went away. But if they came closer, it'd have to do something.
"Thank You" He called back loudly still running towards it with out looking away. One of the older dogs followed him towards the site of the prey. It was weird normally the dogs stopped barking after the kill. Landon pulled some rope from a satchel and began to tie up the elk's feet. He did not hear Neva's warning and continued working in excitement. He pulled his knife out, just about 10 inch blade to cut the rope off. As he pulled the blade out the bear roared. He heard the whizzing of an arrow and heard the arrow thump into it. He turned and saw it fell. Landon went closer to approach it. "Nice shot, Neva." He clapped slowly now around 15 steps away from it. One of his servants had gone to tie finish tying up the elk and put it on the spare horse they brought. "Practically saved my life."
Neva swore under her breath and tried to stop her horse from struggling. She soothed it, stroking it's mane and whispering to it softly. It took a few moments, but it recognised her voice after a short while and calmed. She looked back to the bear as it landed on it's side and she felt tears come to her eyes. A lump filled her throat and she looked at the forest around her, refusing to look at the bear. "Thank you," she said softly.
(Is it alright if I sign the bear up as a character? xD ) The bear quieted it's breathing as much as it could, lying there. It didn't care much about the elk anymore, it's instincts had taken over. Survival was a top priority.//

//Kurt nodded, "Alright then," he said smiling, "You know, you are absolutely brilliant," he said, looking at her. "I don't know anyone else who could've come up with an idea like this." he said, truthfully.

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