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Fantasy Clash of Kingdoms

((Gotta go... night guys! If you want just have my character follow yours.... feel free to use her to interact with or whatever....))
Peter was shocked that neva brought down a bear. "I think neva has one the contest of who shot down the biggest animal." He said, looking over at her. He noticed the bear was still moving. He loaded another bolt and got close. He aimed for the bear's head and released.
Bolton watched, still holding onto the horse, as Neva shot an arrow at a bear. The bear fell on its side after a solid hit to the chest. "Amazing shot." he smiled while still observing the bear. The bear was alive, but Peter shot at the animal's head before Bolton could say anything.
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Elise walked away from the store and noticed a guard was holding on to both of thier horses for them. She looked down the street and noticed the princesses had gone. "Shall we go somewhere else lord Erza?'
Ema blushes. "You deserve a night of dancing as well as I." She says humbly. "This is nothing special. Now come, I want to see if my father's clothes will suit you." The princess resists the urge to grab his hand and pull himthroughthe castle. Instead, she leadshim to her father's quarters. 
Erza nods. "Would you like tokeep shopping?"
Elsie mounted her horse. "Not really. Do you?" She honestly wanted to go out riding somewhere secluded. She felt she was really starting to make progress
"That sounds lovely." She said, kicking her horse. He, yet again, did not move. Elise laughed nervously. She kicked a little harder. He still didn't move.
"I couldn't agree more," he said, smiling softly, walking along side her to her father's quarters. "If his clothes fit me, that'd be wonderful," Kurt said hopefully. //

//The bear made a strange noise, the crossbow bolt had speared right through the bear's skull, killing it. (I didn't want to Gmod the bear) The bear stopped moving entirely, as it was dead. It's blood spilled in a large pool around it, soaking the dirt. A high pitched noise was heard from the bushes. It sounded like a small creature in distress. A small nuzzle poked out of the bush, followed by the body of a bear cub. It saw the dead body of the other bear, it's mother. The cub made the noise again, approaching it's dead mother. It nudged her snout with it's own, and looked up, seeing Peter with the crossbow. Realization dawned in it's eyes, and it made an entirely unthreatening growling noise.
(Dude why am i getting feels about a fake bear cub. Someoneneeds to take that back to the castle so i can love it xD )

Ema opens her father's wardrobe and reaches into the back. She pulls outa black doublet with silver edging. (I would post a pic but my tablet isnt letting me /)_x ) "Here." She turns around and covers her eyes, giving him privacy.

Erza chuckles. Leaning over, he grabs her horse's reins and makes a clicking noise, causi g the horse to begin walking with his own.
"Oh." Peter said, realizing the situation. Peter eyed the cub with uncertainty. He wasnt threatened by it was but didn't know what he should do. Should he leave it there? Take it? But take it where? If he left it it might starve, but if it didnt it would grow up to be a bear, as violent as the rest. 
Elise fake-gasps. "My lord! Youre a magician!" She laughs. She wouldnt pick this horse again if she were to go on another ride
Landon went over to the elk he had and cut off the tail. He skinned some of the hair and such from it. He cut it up a a little bit. He took a slice in his hand and tossed it out between himself and the bear cub. Hopefully, it'll take it. This is by far the worst part about hunting. He skinned some more meat in order to be prepared in case it wanted more, which was the point after all. He

squatted down to see how it would respond.
Peter back away, behind Landon. "What are you doing?" Peter wondered if Landon decided that he was going to take the bear to the castle.
Erza laughs as well, steering the horses toward the lake. A few guards start to follow them, but he waves them off. "No more than you, my Lady."
"I plan on feeding this cub. We just killed its mother for god's sake. If it will let me, then I will take it back to the castle. I'd love to have it with me." He grabbed a bowl and filled it with water. It was normally used for the horses but it would work in this case.
Bolton watched the scene develop, but only did just that. He watched as the bear cub growled weakly at peter and he watched as Landon cared for the cub. Bolton wondered what might be wrong with him for not doing anything, but that too his an empty task. He let the thought slip by and before he could speak to the others, Bolton passed out.

(Bolton was going to take care of the cub, but Landon beat him to it so I just made Bolton a light weight/made the wine have a high proof.
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The bear cub continued growling at Peter, but it noticed Landon throw the meat on the ground. The bear cub forgot it's anger temporarily, and ran forward, beginning to eat the meat. It was starving, as it's now dead mother hadn't been able to catch anything in days. One could clearly see it was starving, as the bear was skinny and malnourished to the point where it's ribs could clearly be seen, it was little more than skin and bones, much like it's mother.//

//Kurt nodded, taking off his servant's clothes and pulling on the doublet. "It's alright now, I have it on," he assures her. When she opens her eyes, he asks her jokingly, "Do I look like the most polished nobleman?" A mischevious grin on his face.
Elise blushed. Being alone was a bit scandalous, but she was willing to risk it. When they had reached the lake she said "its beautiful here."

Peter became extremly defensive. "I didnt know she had a cub."
Ema opens her eyes and turns around, doing a double take when she sees him. "You look wonderful. It fits you perfectly." He looks better than her father ever did in the doublet. She bites her lip, taking him in. 
Erza nods. "Indeed. It rivals even the cold beauty of my homeland." And the marvelous beauty beside me, he thinks.
Landon then cut a slightly smaller piece to conserve the meat and tossed again half the distance to the cub. "None of knew, and we had to in order to protect ourselves. Nonetheless, we should still care for it."
Peter nodds. "Maybe we should discontinue our hunt and go strait back to the castle then?"

Elise looked over at Erza, "ive never been to Garth. What's it like?"
"Why thank you Ema," he said, mock bowing, a grin on his face. His face was a bit red though, because this was an entirely new experience to him. "And may I saw you look quite wonderful aswell." Also too far, he thought to himself.//

//The bear finished the first piece of meat, and walked forward to the second piece, and began eating it as well. (I don't like Peter. D:)
Ema blushes deeply. "Thank you, sir. Oh! I nearly forgot." The princess turns to a trunk at the foot of the bed, kneeling and opening it. She produces a box and hands it to Kurt. Inside was a black mask that would cover his eyebroes, cheekbones, and the bridge of his nose. The mask was black and had silver all the way around the edge, as well as what appears to be the branches of a leafless silver tree on the left side. (Google "male masquerade masks" and its the fourth result)

Erza grins. "It is beautiful. A permanant winer wonderland. There is always snow on the ground, and there are never any leafless trees."
"No problem," Kurt replied, smiling. He watches her, curiously, noticing the box. He opens it, seeing the mask. He takes in it's details for a moment, "Ema, this is amazing," he said, looking up at her. "Best part is, it hides practically my entire face." He said, grinning. He tried it on, tieing it in the back, "Does it look convincing?" He asked.

(Well, now I dislike Peter even more. xD )

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