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Fantasy Clash of Kingdoms

"You can't be over 20." Erza says, dismounting as they reach the castle. He hands Aer's reins to a servant, then helps Elise off her horse before handing off those reins as well.
Elise smilled and got off her horse. She looked at the ground, still smiling. "Thats very sweet of you to say but i am twenty years and seven more." She blushed. Her age was the reason she came. She was getting old fast.
Elise looked up at him, smiling. As they walked up to the castle gates she, very sneaky-like grabbed his hand to hold. A bold move to show him that his bold move was accepted and welcome.
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Landon got the stables after exiting the forest. He unsaddled his horse and cleaned it. He made sure it was fed, and watered, and comfortable. Bolton was carried to his room and onto the bed. Landon took the bear, and elk inside to be cleaned and such. He would like the horns of the elk to have as a keep sake. The deer was Peter's to do what he wished.
Peter left his deer to the page, letting the cooks do what they wished with it. He went into that castle and into his room. He changed into the proper court clothes he had been wearing before. 
Peter heard a knock on the door. It was a servant with a letter. The letter was from his steward. There was an urgent issue in Inden, something about a peasant revolt. Peter had to think about it. He almost had to leave but if he did he would be practically forfeiting Ema's hand. He decided Inden was more important. He had to go. He would inform the rest of them at dinner.
Elise nodded and the entered the castle and began making all sorts of turns to the dinning room. "Could you do me a favor?" She asked quietly "could you call me Elise?"
After finding the small store which she'd heard about, Azura spent ages looking at every kind of mask they had. There were more in the one little shop than she'd ever believed possible, and she couldn't decide on any. Eventually, she decided that it was time to leave, so she took her two favourites, she could decide later. The ride back to the castle was relaxing, they took their time enjoying the fresh air and beautiful, clear sky. Arriving at the castle, she found that the hunting party along with Lord Erza and Lady Elise had already arrived, since their horses were back in the stable. She entered the castle, taking the long way back to her room to avoid any encounters. She didn't want anyone to see her masks until the ball, and she'd decided it was safer to carry them up herself. Happy to be back, she went to sit on her window seat and read until she deemed it necessary to go down for dinner.
Alana looked up to find that both the lady Elise and her sister Azura had wondered off. "Where have they gone?" Alana asked of one of the guards. She soon learned that Elise and Lord Erza Garth had gone off together, and that Azura was looking at masks in a shop on the other side of the marketplace. She went to look for her sister.
Elise stopped. "What shall we do? It doesnt apear as though dinner is ready yet, or a servant would have aproached us. What shall we do till then?"
((Okay so I'm going to do a time skip to the next moning.))

Ema lays in bed, staring blankly at the wall. She should get up, but was far too involved in her thoughts for that. She couldn't stop thinking about her father's - now Kurt's - clothing hidden away underneath her undergarments. Why she couldn't was currently escaping her mind. It's not like anyone will find them... Also on her mind was the news of Lord Peter's departure to Inden. She was glad for it; one less suitor to choose from. But surely he would want to stay? Ema supposes she should be glad for the fact that he does not as well, for if he does not marry her, her sister is open to him and they can be happy. She wonders if they know how obvious their feelings are, even to one who has spent so little time around the two of them.

Erza had risen before the sun, so that he could get his work done sooner rather than later. He had quite enjoyed his time with La- Elise the daybefore, and looked foreward greatly to dancing the night away with her at the ball tonight.
Kurt woke up next morning in the Servant's Rooms, and pulled himself out of bed. He pulled on his normal servant's attire, before heading over to the makeshift tables in the corner, and eating the average servant's breakfast, a bowl of oats. Kurt reminded himself again of the noble's "Generosity", as oats were practically every meal, except dinner, which had some cheese on the side. Once had finished, he got up, with the many other servants, and began preforming their duties. But then Kurt realized Ema had excused him from his duties today, so he returned to his cot, where he lie, staring up at the cieling.
Elise woke up, took a deep breath, and jumped out if bed. She was feeling great, even if peter had to leave. Lord Erza was so perfect yesterday. And yet.. she felt extremely alone without her brother. Nevertheless she got up and changed into a rather plain-looking dress and yet again failed to do her hair properly. Before she went down to breakfast she noticed the blanket, brooch, silk and mask she'd gotten the day before lay on her table. She decided she didn't have enough time to have a servant make a dress so she looked through hers. She found a perfect dress for the ball and arranged all of her matching jewelry down around it. She then happily walked down to breakfast.
Landon had climbed into bed late that night after the hunting trip. He slept well, happy he had been successful at least to some extent. The next morning he woke up before sun rise, and exited the castle to the open grounds. His personal servant was much more of a brother to him. They grew up together, because he was orphaned. They had practically the same education. Their personalities were a tad different. Still Landon liked him. He was an especially good sparring partner. Landon liked to practice while the moon was still partially up. There were a few squires, soldiers, and knights all practicing as well. The clanking could be heard for quite a while, as Landon traded blows, and counters with his partner.
(Bolton is still sleeping/passed out. He will naturally wake up around the time the masquerade starts. It's fine if you want to wake him up before then)

Bolton's Dream:

Bolton phased through the buildings as he kept his eyes on the coliseum. He did not notice the unrealistic properties of the world, because he was blinded by the towering structure before him. All of the scenery faded away as he walked undisturbed through the normally solid objects. Everything but the coliseum had disappeared. Bolton kept his stride and advanced toward the only thing he could see.
Azura awoke the next morning to the bright rays of sun light glaring through her window. Rested and refreshed she was not, far from it in fact. She had stayed up until it was nearly dawn, mind overwhelmed. The news of Peter's departure was shocking, to say the least. Although it did mean he wouldn't marry Ema, but she didn't know if he would return at all. That, along with the excitement of the masquerade, had kept her up for many hours. She went about her morning routine methodically, without thinking about anything she was doing. Without maids to help her, she doubtless would have failed miserably. But eventually she was presentable, although still exhausted.
Landon eventually finished the sparring, and had his servant return the swords to their proper place. Landon ran around the grounds a bit. He did not leave the castle, for fear of being needed quickly. He cooled down, and went through the halls quickly. He did not really want too many people to see him sweaty and shirtless like this. It just was not proper. He personally did not care. Would he be offended for being fit? Still, being more discreet is what his family would want. He continued on and finally turned into his hallway. He breathed a sigh of relief as he walked to his door.
Neva was wandering around the castle, wearing a plain green dress and her hair in two simple braids. She was walking towards the library, a room she was fond of when she bumped into a man. He was tall, or at least taller than her, with a charming smile and broad shoulders. As she fell to the floor, he reached down to catch her. His arms wrapped around her waist and she let out a gasp. "I'm so sorry my lady," he said in a deep voice. "Are you alright?" Neva nodded, but didn't say anything for perhaps the first time in her life. He released her quickly and she straightened up, looking down at her shoes. "Do you have a name?" he asked with a teasing smile and Neva looked up and raised her eyebrow, gaining her confidence back. "Neva. Neva Cateline, the second Princess of Inden," she said smirking as his own smile faded.

"My apologies Princess, I did not realise."

"It's quite alright. But I am at a loss for your name...." she trailed off.

"I am Jebidiah, princess. Of the house of Garth."

"Welcome to Inden, Lord Garth," she said, curtsying politely.
Alana woke early that morning. She stretched, yawning widely, before throwing the blankets off of her and swinging her legs over the side of the bed. She was standing, striding across the room in a moment, to throw open the curtains, letting the morning sunlight into the room. Her maid came into the room, carrying a large bucket of water. A few other maids followed her, each with their own burden. Her maid greeted her cheerfully and started to heat the water for Alana's bath.
Landon stripped and bathed to clean up from the morning session. He dried off after cleaning and dressed himself in his court out fit of white with gold trim. He had heard of a masquerade ball tonight. He had sent a servant to pick up a mask with specific qualities.

It had to cover part of face, nose, and be black and gold. He thought the servant had chosen wisely. Landon would have to reward him later. Landon kept it in his room so that no one would know whose mask was whose. At least that is how he had done these dances before, perhaps they were different here. It would be odd, but plausible. Still he continued to trust what he thought would be correct. He walked down to the dining hall for breakfast and took his place at the table. He lightly sipped on water waiting for others whom might show up.

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