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Fantasy Clash of Kingdoms

Ema smiles. "I only ask that you keep these things. I have no need for them, and we have so much. You must keep them." Her voice is genuine, as she really wants him to keep them. They wont do anything but sit in boxes if he doesnt.
Elise sighed. "Ive always liked we winter. Its my favorite season. If my mother let me travel to anywhere other than Roen, I would love to vist Garth."
"Would you like to come back with me when I leave here?" Erza risks asksing the question, hoping she won't take it offensively or as a insinuation. "I would love to show it to you."
Elise thought about it. It would be a good move. She would go with him anyway if they were marrried, and she didn't think her mother would have a problem with her going to the place where the man she wanted Elise to marry lives. "That would be extremly kind of you Lord Erza."
Kurt nodded, but paused, before saying anything, reconsidering. "Actually, I can't. It is already hard to hide things in the Servant's rooms, we have no personal things of our own, it isn't allowed. There's no way I could hide any of this from Karleen's watchful eye. I'm sorry," he said sympathetically. "Maybe we could come back here later and retrieve them before the ball?" He offered.
"We'll keep them in my chambers. My sisters don't like people coming in here." She turns back to the wardrobe, digging out a nice but plain pair of breeches. "At least take these."

Erza smiles. "I will not be leaving until after the royal wedding."
Kurt smiles, appreciating her kindness, but shakes his head. "I can't. Kayleen would be on me if she saw those. She can be particularly vicious with that whip of hers," he said, shuttering at the memory. "But alright, as long as no one goes in your chambers, we'll be fine," he said, nodding. "I have to go now," he said, a slightly sad look on his face, "Kayleen has more jobs for me. I'll see you later?" He asked her.
"If there is a wedding at all." Elise said, laughing quietly. Elise tried to figure out which one would marry her in her head. As she was thinking she looked out onto the lake, noticing a small flock of white ducks.
Ema nods. "Give me the doublet, I will put it away. I will excuse you from your duties tomorrow. Meet me in my chambers at midday, I willbe alone then."
(I'm going to sleep now. If you didn't see my edited post[page 50], Bolton passed out. If someone one could drag him into his room and throw him onto his bed, it would be greatly appreciated.)
"If it is fine with you I agree. We have a deer, elk, and a bear. It seems we were very successful. I just want to make sure the little cub is fine." He now held a larger piece in his hand holding it to the cub. The piece was longer so it had distance away from his hand so that it did not bite him.
Peter began walking back to the horses. Bolton had passed out. Whether it was from the wine, the tree, or the blood, he didnt know. Peter sighed and heaved him onto his horse sideways and on his belly. Peter mounted his horse. "Shall we go then?"

"Well, its normal for her to find arranged marriages... unsavory. I did too." Elise wished she could speak to her so she could tell her how it isnt that bad. In fact, Elise grew to love her late husband, lord salis.
Kurt nodded, handing her the doublet and the mask. "Thank you again Ema. I shall meet you tomorrow at midday. See you then," he said smiling, before turning and walking out, heading to his next job.//

//The bear cub walked forward, eating some more of the meat right out of Landon's hands. The bear was ok with Landon, he hadn't shot his mother. Peter had. AND PETER SHALL PAY WITH BLOOD.
Ema smiles after him and closes the trunk and wardrobe before leaving the room. She goes quickly to her own chambers, and sticks the breeches, doublet and mask underneath a pile of her undergarments at the bottom of her wardrobe.

Erza nods. "I find arranged marriages horrid. I feel a person should at least havethe right to marry whom the truly love. My mother says that thinking this way will never get mea wife." The lord chuckles at this, and begins to move the horses slowly toward the castle, as it was getting a bit late.
(I think that since it's a bear, and a young one at that, you're starting to get a bit too unrealistic. More than likely it already would have been frightened and ran away. Some semblance of accuracy would be nice.)
Elise decided to say something bold. "I wouldn't be so sure about that my Lord." She blushed and looked at him with a mischievous look. Saying that probably wasnt 'proper' but it was begging to be said.
Erza chuckles. "Well the woman better hurry up, I am getting old!" He makes a joke, not wanting to reply to that seriously. He would very much like to make Lady Elise his wife, but thought it toosoon. Perhaps he would say something at the ball.
(Oh yeah. Sorry, I had forgotten I was RPing as a small bear. xD )

//The bear cub proceeded to turn and run away once it had finished the meat, running off towards the bushes it came from.//

//Kurt's next job was helping the butcher take care of the animals brought in by the hunters. Kurt was alright with blood, so this job didn't bother him particularly much. He headed down the stairs, as the Butcher's was on the bottom floor, near the kitchens. He headed inside, "I'm here," he said, informing the Butcher of his arrival. The Butcher look up, gave a dismissive grunt, before going back to sharpening his knives.
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Elise laughed, a real laugh, at him. Her implication likely went right above his head. "No, you arn't old. For a woman my age to be unmarried however... lets just say im getting old."
Landon helped servants put the large bear, onto a horse, and then climbed back onto his own. He began the trot back to the castle with Bolton, and Neva.
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[QUOTE="Mack Daddy]Landon helped the large bear, onto a horse, and then climbed back onto his own. He began the trot back to the castle with Bolton, and Neva.

(Are you implying a bear is riding a horse? :o )
When they reached the castle and the page lugged the animals on a cart to somewhere deep in the castle. Peter led the horse back to the stable. "I think I'll adjourn to my room for a time."

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